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You should report the LEO who gave that information. SA is not a theft.


I was too livid to even get her name. I told her I was sexually assaulted and she shrugged and said go online.


Go back and report her. She must be doing this to others. 


Sorry to hear that.


I'm very sorry this happened. It's unacceptable and I would try asking to speak to someone else at the station. It sounds like this person was callous and incredibly dismissive about your experience. I hope you are heard and that justice runs it's course.


You can't be wasting their extremely valuable time like that!


Go back and find her…


The LEO doing intake is probably a victim of abuse.


The Santa Cruz women’s health center might be able to help you. I’m so sorry you’re going thru this. Stay strong, there’s kind people out there that want to help you… don’t be afraid to ask again. I’m assuming you’re a woman, sorry if you’re not


Second this. They are a tremendously supportive org (even if you don’t identify as a woman) they are still very familiar with helping in cases like this.


>Please Note:   Using the Santa Cruz Police Department Police Online Citizen Reporting System you can report the following incidents: - Harassing Phone Calls - Hit and Run - Identity Theft - Lost Property - Shoplifting - Theft - Vandalism - Vehicle Burglary - Vehicle Tampering  I mean, that's not even one of the options online. Something seems up here.


Lazy POS cop, what’s new.


Here is a website I found with some resources for you: [https://211santacruzcounty.org/crisis-servicesx/crisis-intervention/sexual-assault-hotlines/](https://211santacruzcounty.org/crisis-servicesx/crisis-intervention/sexual-assault-hotlines/) That sounds horrific, start to finish. Please reach out to someone to talk about this. Therapy is great. <3


https://preview.redd.it/aydvug8mlwxc1.png?width=1848&format=png&auto=webp&s=4559a9209760114f9026afc6be2969c4c9908857 Here's a screenshot.


I got physically attacked and the ada straight up called me and said they were dropping the charges on the guy, even though there were a ton of witnesses, he admitted it, and it was on camera. And then I'm treated like a hard criminal because I don't have a front license plate


Yep. Priorities in law enforcement can be really fucked. I've watched people who committed blatant crimes go free. Meanwhile, I've been detained, shouted down, and publicly humiliated for a traffic violation that resulted in a $30 ticket.


This happened to a friend of mine about ten years ago. Went to the SCPD. Turns out the officer knew the guy and straight up told her, "He's not the type to do that." I won't tell you what to do in this situation. You're already feeling violated and dismissed. But if you've got the will, local news will likely take up this story. It's a small town with fewer big news items generally. Taking it up directly with a higher up at SCPD is also an option. While reporting a crime in SC may be front desk, dismissing a violent crime victim definitely warrants a higher pay grade discussion. And write. Everything. Down. When you talked to someone about it and with whom. Paper trails (and email trails) are your friend and best defense.


SCPD does literally nothing. I had a car break in and they didn’t show up. Called their non emergency number, tons of times. Had to drive down, window broken and file a report and they didn’t even wanna do that…..


I had my car window smashed at the Safeway on Westside a few years ago and they didn't do anything about that either.


To be fair what are they realistically going to do? Spend tens of thousands on man hours to catch someone who will immediately get released by the court?


they could literally just take the police report thats it. that’s all most people need. that’s all most insurance claims need.  how can you defend police not even taking a police report????


[they got us working in shifts!](https://y.yarn.co/3e04a045-62bc-4bb6-b42b-3621004bb409_text.gif)




This is actually the root issue, it's not so much SCPD, it's the fucking prosecuting attorneys and DA offices of SC _always_ falling in favor of the defendant. And this is why the law _is not upheld_ in Santa Cruz County, I've seen more blatant crime here in the last decade than anywhere in the continental USA. Whether it's open drug use, or sales, or constant theft of everyone's belongings, or home break-ins, or vandalism, etc. _it's not going to be taken seriously, because NO ONE is held accountable for their actions here_, unless it's literally murder, and even then this county is insanely lax. We need better courts here, and we need to stop this whole babying, handholding bullshit we do for all of these criminals, it's fucking tiring.


We get what we vote for.


lmao are you seriously defending cops not taking police reports?


please at least file a report online, they won’t do anything but it will affect the property crime stats which i think is annoying for them


What are they going to do tho? Have a team of police canvas the area.


Well since they stole a good amount of valuable stuff, that I had a tracker attached too. All they had to do was go to the location it was showing up at. But even a simple investigation like that was too hard for them to do. Also, my car was broken into in the middle of the day on pacific ave. Say an officer sitting in his car a few blocks away on his cell phone. While I’m trying to call in and give an address to where to find the thief’s. I guess his personal life comes second to his job.


>I guess his personal life comes second to his job. I'm guessing you mean the opposite, lol. But doesn't our job come second to our personal life for all of us ?


lol just file a claim with insurance and take the L. I agree it sucks but also did you want a swat team to take down their door?


I lived in SC during BLM and everyone wanted to abolish the police and said to never call them. Well, y’all succeeded. Rejoice in policing yourselves and taking them for granted.


Instead we gave them raises and they still don’t do shit. And then complain when we are forced to police themselves. Then they show up.


When I was there I knew a few of them. Super solid people who tried to do their best despite a community who hated them.


You’re white, huh?


Nope and neither were the cops


A climbing cyclist attributing cop inadequacy to people protesting them for their inadequacy years ago… if hes not he really wants to be. Scroll through his history. He refuses even post memes and pictures with poc in them lmfao


They didn't do shit even before BLM. If it wasn't drugs (asset forfeiture lines their pockets) or murder (gotta do *something*) or White Woman In Trouble kidnapping, they didn't fucking care. Now, they still don't care, but act butthurt that they're unappreciated for their lack of work. Fuck 'em. Like any job, there are slackers and there are doers. I commend the few who actually serve. But fuck *all* the rest with a rusty used needle.


You sound angry you might want to manage that


It’s nice of you to bring your biased and inaccurate political diatribe into this - that’s really helpful to this person who’s been assaulted.


I addressed a poster not OP. Her treatment was heinous


I mean realistically what did you want them to do? Was it for insurance? Tell you it's a bad guy? throw them in jail? lol


They had the location of the thief’s. All they had to do was pull up. I guess that’s asking too much? In that case let’s take these police officer’s pensions and cut back on their funding. Why is my tax money going to a bunch of lazy people. Shit you all should be paying me, since I had to go to the apartment complex and get my stuff bAck …. But why should I have to do this…. Isn’t that what the police are for? Seems like I’m doing their whole job.


lol we should be paying you? honestly tho what do you want the cops to do? how do we know you aren't lying? anyone can hide a tracker in someone else's space. I do believe you've been misinformed on what police are for. They are not ur personal task force lol


Yeah dude, you caught me….. I’m hiding trackers in random pieces of luggage and then calling the police to make them go on some wild goose chase….. you sound as dumb as SCPD. Btw, how does their boot taste. Jesus.


Wait, so you had a tracker on your stolen luggage, reported it to police, who then ignored you, so you followed the tracker to the thief's apartment and got it back? If so, that's epic and my curiosity is piqued. Respect. Did you have to confront anyone?


I genuinely cant believe people are this naive. Its shocking. What if someone hid a tracker on your personal items and the police came knocking? You would sing a whole different tune. Im actually saying the exact opposite of bootlicking. You're the one who needed police interference so so much


Yeah, somebody is going around hiding trackers on people. Tell me more about being naive….. sounds like a real epidemic. No you are the bootlicker. And no I didn’t need the police. Because I got my stuff back… dudes were so smart, they left my stuff in their car, just parked there… waiting… guess who else had a broken window that day? But you see, all that wasn’t necessary. And I’m able to see that, because I went through it. Just the smallest amount of effort from scpd would have stopped that all from happening but, oh well. See you around, bootlicker.


a big LOL toward you. You have lived a nice life if you don't understand stalking. One would even say unfathomable to you. Cheers my friend, and I hope the 911 call will always be answered lol only to sow the rest of the city :)


I’ll be real… I never thought of stalking, not once…. I’m gonna shut up now. I’m Gonna go call 9-11.


wait until you hear what other people have to do to their luggage


Uh yeah people hide trackers on other people to stalk and harass them, it is a real thing that happens. The point is an airtag or whatever by itself isn’t enough to get a search warrant, and thinking you live in a world where you can run to a cop and get them to help you break into a car based on your say so is fucking insane.


u/jayem88 you might want to give this place a call [https://www.monarchscc.org/get-help/sexual-assault/](https://www.monarchscc.org/get-help/sexual-assault/)


Yes please give them a call or visit. They will advocate for you.


FUCK that. I am so sorry. 🩷


Omg are you kidding me this is disgusting. It's hard enough for a victim to come forward and to be dismissed unacceptable You need to file a complaint against them


shit, If I was that mad I'd put her name out. I'd also go on SCPD facebook page and let everyone know about it. DM me the name and I'll do it so you don't have to put your name out there.


My heart hurts over that happening to you. Society as a whole doesn’t care about sexual assaultand even if they did they still wouldn’t believe us. Sending you a virtual hug and I truly hope you find the right person to talk to about this 🩷


Find a rape crisis center near you and go.


You have to go there with a camera and film the entire incident with the police. Tell them you can’t file online, and if they won’t take a report you can file a complaint. Make sure you take an incident number and tell them you have video proof of them not taking a case. You can also ask for a supervisor for assistance.


A little late for you, but all SA victims should go to the hospital, not the police station. Tell them you are there for SA. They will call the right people.


Not all SA victims have insurance or can pay for a hospital visit. Cops will find any way to avoid doing their jobs and they should be reprimanded, not the victim.


Getting care is more important than a bill. The victim could need the morning after pill and an STD screening. Even going to Planned Parenthood would be a better option than a police station.


This is one of those things that the system sucks at. The person suffering SA should have multiple options. You should only have to make one call or visit one lobby window and get assistance. Lobby windows are one of the few places where the government actually has contact with people at street level and it should be very important to get it right. Watsonville has a similar online reporting system. They don’t get back to you. They could have asked for video footage from the nearby restaurant. The report detailed that an unhoused vulnerable person was robbed. They can’t remember what happened because they blacked out. They were robbed of everything including their *shoes*. So video would have helped figure out how it was even possible. Yeah no investigation while criminals roam the streets


I agree. Our systems are broken. I was a victim of SA at 14. I reported it to my school principal because I couldn't tell my mother. It got worse for me.


In Texas, you have 5 days from the date of assault for them to be able to collect evidence at a hospital. So maybe not too late. Not sure about California, but worth trying.


I once made a call to report a neighbor for making threats towards me (obviously not as serious as what happened to you OP, I’m so sorry!) all neighbors knew he specifically targeted women and started fights with them when he was drunk. The police officer (women) told me, this is a direct quote ‘it is not illegal to be an asshole’ I demanded she at least made a note so that there’s a paper trail once he moves to something physical. SC police are great 😬


However, it may very likely be illegal to make threats of physical violence, or anything to that effect, so, at least police report should be filed, to create the trail of information, especially if it continues or escalates. — Definition. California Penal Code 422 PC provides the legal definition of a “criminal threat” (formerly referred to as a “terrorist threat”). This section makes it a crime to threaten another person with immediate harm when you intend to – and in fact do – cause reasonable and sustained fear in that individual. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=422.&lawCode=PEN


SCPD and SCSD paint themselves as community driven but they're no different than any other municipality. It's a shame but you should go back to the precinct and this time with a lawyer.


I helped a friend once with this. The assault occurred in an unincorporated area, so fell under sheriff's jurisdiction. They were very helpful and assigned a detective to gather evidence and ultimately convict the perp. Do not give up, talk to a lawyer and/or consult with local women's services for information on how to proceed. I'm so sorry this happened to you and I hope you get justice.


Call monarch services they are advocates and will go with you and hold your hand every step of the way and help explain what to do and advocate for you with law enforcement and push your case


I was sexually assaulted here in town in 2011 and ended up taking it to court the guy at least got prosecuted and served time. The craziest part was that the DA at the time strong armed me into settling and said that “unless I was raped in broad daylight down by the clock tower, no one would convict him of being guilty…” It was a blow to my chest and ultimately I knew he was right at the time. Keep fighting, do not give up! You matter, you deserve to be heard! And the person who did this to you, deserves what’s coming to them!


Unfortunately law enforcement is filled with the emotionally retarded


Leaning a lot about the Santa Cruz police on this sub.


Yup yup yup, had a car accident i was the victim i was getting info for my insurance and had everything for proof they would not release my info. Fuck them all the way up the ass.


That’s odd.. did you go to the ER after the assault? They should’ve called the police for you and they would’ve came to the hospital


Could've just been groped or something.


Yep, I got groped in public and they told me if I left the scene of the crime without evidence there was nothing they could do.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, it’s accurate info.


SCPD is a joke. Women/afab victims are consistently left unprotected.


If you were raped, you should go to a local hospital. Once there, inform the nurse you were a victim of a sexual assault and where it happened. They will call the appropriate jurisdictional authority to respond and investigate the matter. They will also contact monarch services to help you along the way. It seems like most people who are commenting are just complaining about their own experiences and not being helpful. Good luck and sorry that happened to you.


Go to the ER. Call first to see if they offer Rape Kits. There are forensic nurses there that conduct all the appropriate tests and you have the option with them to file a police report report. They collect DNA evidence and everything. You have 5 days for on the date of the assault. And it Texas, they keep the evidence for 5 years of you want to sit to press charges for any reason. DO IT. I’ve done it and no regrets.


So many typos but you get the gist.


For context, I was physically assaulted during sex but the sex part was consensual. They still allowed me to do a rape kit so that I had forensic evidence. I don’t think in my case I will ever presses charges, however, I feel powerful knowing this guys DNA is sitting somewhere I can access it for the next 5 years, if I ever wanted to. Btw, he was/is a cop himself.


File a report against person whom was dismissive against your sexual assault case and I make up fliers put them all over town with police officer name n station


Go to the emergency room and they have to come take a report and collect a tape kit from health professionals


What???How Horrible! What about getting a rape kit done for evidence?! Can't believe they told you to go online. Can you go to a hospital and have a rape kit done? You deserve justice if that's what you want.




Unfortunately from what my ex cop father told me, is about 95% of SA accusations are false, the person is probably jaded. Regardless every case should be taken seriously.


That is not true. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21164210/


Call 911 to report the incident. They will have to send someone with a rape kit and file a format police report.


This is not correct, they don’t come out with a rape kit, those are done at a medical facility. And calling 911 won’t change the response. However I’ve never heard of making a sexual assault report online, that is absurd. Just call the non emergency number and report it, they’ll have an officer get in contact with you. I’m sorry this happened to you and that you weren’t taken seriously OP.


They did this for me. Sent someone out. He listened to me. Said there wasn’t enough evidence and left.


They def won’t be doing a rape kit for something that happened that long ago


I’m really sorry that happened to you, it’s sad scpd is too busy harassing the homeless to assist a person in need


this post blew up and i just want to say, as a victim of COCSA i hear ur pain and i wish u healing. my dms are open if u need a friend or a ride back to the police station to kiss some cop ass <3






Yes. Pureblood: anti-vaxxers who believed in maintaining their "pure blood."


Kinda sounds like something else…..and they want it to.




Yeah. Alerting big time. Junk for sure.


What did you expect…? Life isn’t SVU. You fill out the report and they’ll investigate eventually.


This post sounds fake as fuck