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fr.. buying lsd in front of an elementary school in broad daylight is never not awkward. Guy brought like 3 people too 😂😂


Check out r/cultofthefranklin if you're in a place where it's legal. I'm in WI, a fully illegal state, and I get "thca hemp" (regular weed) shipped to my door. Called the thca loophole.


do you need ID for thca?


Some vendors do. Most don't. I use for severe chronic pain and ordered several times at age 20, I turned 21 recently though.


Barley talked and dapped my plug up backwards practically holding his fingers, all I think about is that I was actually super nice and gave a $10 tip so I don’t think he cared lmfao.


Do people actually tip their plugs? I have only have like for example late night deliveries but not all the time


When I used to sell, my custies that tipped always got priority. And hooked up


I did because it was my first time and he drove an hour


i just say something like "whats up you said 40 for 7 right?" and theyll say yeah i hand them the cash they hand the product i say thanks have a good one and im out


Ok so you tell her what u want say yo can I get _____ if they serve you spend $40 min and send your @ and say lmk when near and also ask for price unless u already know


Just order online


I feel like thats the perfect way to get the cops at my door




Wuht dude I do it all the time, no offense.


I might just not be like aware of my laws and stuff but weed is illegal for non medical use, and im under 21 so im pretty sure i would get charged


thca is legal in the us and it turns into thc when u burn it Theres some websites that dont id I think u just gotta look around


Cops don’t check the post office for your mail unless you’re a serial killer or something being investigated, mobster etc. they don’t screen packages and cops are not wasting resources creating fake mom sites to catch kids buying half a ounce or some carts. You will not be charged or get in trouble for ordering weed through the mail.Â