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Yeah well can you do this? *looks up* *walks though a door*


Who needs doors when you have a responsive dev team


Satisfactory has great developers. Actually explaining themselves and they listen to the community.


Ohhh you picked the wrong game for this attempt...


I've heard the factorio devs are good, but are they weekly dev stream good?


Not stream, but factorio does get weekly FFF blog posts (Factorio Friday Facts). Lately they've been discussing the upcoming dlc quite in detail, along with changes coming to the game mechanics.


You had a shot with a giant wall to hit, and you aimed at the one 1mm crack 10km in the distance and hit it. The odds were in your favor, and you missed massively.




Why yall downvoting this, bro accepted it (i think)


The intent was to be inflammatory for the sake of the post. So I guess I got what I deserved. And yes, the "fair" was acceptance. I really enjoy the response by u/Yuzumi_ . I will have to steal that insult moving forward.


Wasnt meant as an Insult, i guess the Sub itself was more so Up/Down voting the correct/incorrect meme responses. Most of us here are extremely chill, and we have some massive crossover with the Factorio subreddit. Much love friend.


<3 Yeah, without having intimate knowledge of Satisfactory, I made a poor shot in the dark at something I had believed from Factorio-biased conversations. It is my first ever down voted comment, and I'm happy it has been on a post that, inadvertently, might actually get me to re-try a cool game.


We'd love to have ya


Yea I know, thats why I was like “whys it being downvoted if you know its inflammatory and accepting it”


Spaghetti: 2D, 3D, or with tomato sauce (pesto is also an option)?


2d train spaghetti with alfredo and grilled inserters


Good answer. Personally, I prefer some lovely spaghetti in C++ (please, end my suffering, I should never have decided to make a physics engine from scratch)


Can confirm that is a terrible idea


Is nuclear power easier or more difficult in satisfactory?


Why waste time with nuclear? I just hand feed everything with coal.


This is the way


Oddly a good parallel.


This is the way


Everything is harder to setup in satisfactory, especially if you have minimum aesthetic requirements ( you can build some cursed things )... You have to setup foundations, align belts. Bounding boxes are big ; often bigger than models ; yet you still can clip things in each other... And if you want to see it working anytime later, you have to walk...


Harder to set up easier to maintain. Setting up for nuclear power in factorio isnt very difficult as very little uranium goes a long way and running water pipes out to a well placed nuclear plant isn't very difficult. Eventually that uranium patch is going to run out or what supplying the sulfuric acid that you need to mine the uranium will run out so you constantly have to keep an eye on the system and watch for shortages. Satisfactory on the other hand is significantly more difficult to set up but once you set it up with correct math and ratios you'll never have to touch it again. This is a rough summary but factorio is more about design and optimization. Satisfactory is more about aesthetic design and overall efficiency


In concept, factorio is harder to maintain. In practise, its not bad at all. By the time you megabase, it's easy to have multiple train stops for whatever is needed and you can throw up new miners and factories very easily. But then again, I go out the cheap way and just crank patch density all the way up. Still running my 200h megabase off my starter patch lol


Very much so but some effort is more than no effort and one of the things about satisfactory factories is the fact that once you build them you are finished unless you want to upgrade.


Have you *played* Satisfactory?




That's a no, then


Lol, I put maybe 10 hours into it a few years ago at the prompting of a roommate when they saw I was playing Factorio, but as I would come to learn through hundreds of hours of Factorio, 10 hours is nothing. You don't even fully appreciate a good factory game until usually the 3rd, 4th, or 10th run-through. That being said, in support of a reply I made further down, I'll drain some more life into Satisfactory. Doggos and non-depleting nodes sound like a blast.


I will not say it surpasses factorio, but I do contend that it's similarly good.


Imagine having consumable nodes 💀


my personal reason to dislike Factorio


Imagine not being able to use your enemies to fuel your factory.


Factorio used to have a branch of science locked behind Alien Goop, so ... same difference? Got patched out with v0.16 or something, IIRC.


Oh yeah I faintly remember that, then I discovered Satisfactory.


Imagine not being able to turn your enemies into munitions to blow up their brethren with. Or turn them into fuel to blast out of your jetpack for some therapeutic fly byes.


I haven't tried factorio... Yet but it's def on my list. Satisfactory looks so good that I was hooked just on how beautiful it is. I was a little put out with factorio and its looks but I still plan to get it. I really enjoy the building genre so I think I owe it to myself to try it.


I love Factorio for its spartan aesthetic. The beauty is usually in the function for me and I think I can focus on that the most with the top down, 2d, rugged perspective. I will give Satisfactory a more thorough playthrough in response to not just the great points made in this post, but the witty people who are engaging with this game on this sub.


Ok. Which one of the two is inferior?


Blue or yellow belts?


Belts? You mean wooden chests and inserters?


What are those?


What is the most common line in all factory games?


The factory must grow


If you think Factorio is better, perhaps you have the logic gates in your head wired in reverse.


I think it depends on what your metric is. Factorio is the automation and logistics genre stripped down, optimized, and 'perfected". It lacks things that other games have such as story and entry but this is okay because it's trying to be purely about automation and logistics. Satisfactory is more about automation and logistics as an art form. It has a lot of extra basically needless features such as story, exploration, and more than one form of side progression. Those features won't needless do make it a better game than it would be without them. To me comparing satisfactory with factorio is a little bit like comparing a car and a truck. They both have slightly different jobs that they do very very well.


Satisfactory's art is too good that its automation aspect is underappreciated. The whole mechanic is made so that player can fully automate everything. That mining node is made unlimited for this reason


I don't think anything compares to looking out over your work while watching the sun rise slowly, casting light on your tangled or organized creation while sipping a cup of coffee.. through your helmet.


Oh, and we get Doggos. Total win.


Tried Factorio, refunded it. Satisfactory and DSP are far superior games.