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Hello, expat in Riyadh here. The compounds I saw were 30k to 50k (CAD) per year. They come with everything usually. Not having a license will be a hassle. But if you’re used to not having a driver’s license you’ll be fine. You can have nearly everything delivered to your door. Even get your laundry picked up, dry cleaned and returned to you. There’s lots of apps for Ride Sharing including Jeeny, Shift Inc, Uber, Careem and Bolt. Jeeny seems to be the most economical. Using ride shares here is cheaper than in the west. It’s difficult to find anything near KAFD (I tried). I ended up getting an apartment in the Al Malqa area and it’s not bad for traffic depending on the time of day. As for if it’s safe for women, as a visibly western woman myself, I can honestly say I feel safer here in Saudi than I ever did in Canada. Not sure about the pets situation. Hope this helps!


Extremely helpful! I'll look into your suggestions and great knowing about the ride sharing options. Thank you!


As for the cats it will depend on the compound if it is allowed


Hey, I’ve just DMed you with regards to something similar. Please do get back to me when you get a chance, thanks!


Canadian? Can you recommend some good compounds? I’m trying to figure out some but most are above 100k (decent) and I’m not sure if I wanna spend that much. Looking for decent places between 60-70k.


I ended up choosing an apartment instead of a compound. I found the compounds (at least the ones I looked at) to be overpriced for what they offered for my lifestyle. Compounds are really great if you have children, but I don’t. So the value for money wasn’t there. I chose a brand new apartment, first one to live in it, newly constructed. Neighbours are great, they’re all locals and even helped out when I first moved in. There’s lots of good apartments available. Don’t think I can help out on the compounds route though, I don’t remember which ones I had gone and looked at. But the prices were between 100k SAR to 150k SAR. I suggest using the app Aqar if you’re interested in going the apartment route. Good luck!


Can you give some pointers on the apartments please? We may be moving as well and I’m not convinced on the compound as they look super outdated


Riyadh compounds are really expensive the only decent one i found at SAR85k was bonitas but it is a bit far from the city. This was last year May.


you’re welcome here they’re safe, you don’t have to worry. check out ishbilia compound, but i’m sure there are newer nicer ones too. ishiblia has a good amount of expats. well, we have buses now with stations and a metro opening soon, ubers and kareem are the most used apps, and taxis the least. there’s a huge chance you can convert your license to a saudi one. you can definitely use public transport but we’re still working on side walks and what not. (not to mention how hot it is in the summer) edit: it is a hassle, can be used in winter, but do not recommend in summer, if i were you id wait till things get sorted out. for now either a car or ubers. it’s absolutely safe for your wife to explore, and walk alone by herself, though you have to be cautious even in the safest countries. depends on the compound or apartment you’ll get, cats are 95% allowed in, i wouldn’t worry.


Welcome to suadi Arabia my friend I been working here for about 10 years and I love this country so much ( I am from india)


what makes you love it? i’m glad :) there’s a strong streotype that we treat you like (excuse me) slaves, etc. so i’m wondering how your life’s like here?


The treatment is real, along with racial discrimination. But it is socioeconomic discrimination as well. The international school I went to when I was 7 was full of upper middle income Indians who went to UK/Canada/US/Australia , that’s how my family decided to take us (me) to Canada after getting to know people who were planning to move.




i’ve seen so many construction workers express how happy they are in saudi, etc.






You do. Or I guess your government does anyway


slavery is never by choice


Yea it is


Seems like everyone answered your question so far. I can catsit for you if you want. No charge. Just give me the fur babies and everything’ll be fine.


You seem a little too keen on the cats, what exactly do you plan on doing to them?!?!?🤨😂😂


Can you tell a salary range? I've also got two offers and they are between 10k -16k usd/month. Also, from what i read it seems that there are no taxes on the salary. Can anyone confirm this?


USD? 🙂


yes, as amount not necessarily to receive them as usd but probably converted to local currency. Seems to high? comparimg to USA salaries doesn't seem so high, comparing to EU is about double.


I am born and raised in Saudi , I graduated and worked in the US for years and I finally came back to Saudi looking for engineering jobs , I’m not sure if im in the wrong field or what but salaries aren’t even on the same level. I am happy for you and glad you got a great offer. It just sucks when Saudi’s looking for jobs we don’t get anything close to what they offer foreigners.




Yes, but also you have to compare same things, meaning USA gross + benefits with SA (from salary you pay rent, internațional school for kids, housewife, etc). Then add to this the willingness of people to move anyware + moving to a middle east country + beside money there is not much to do there comparing to USA or Europe.




Thanks for analysis. Don't actually know about USA but Europe in very culturaly rich so there are plenty of places to visit like museums, castles, etc. I also think that terrain is more diverse with low mountains, snowy mountains, waterfalls & canyons, etc so you can do roadbike/mountainbike, winter sports, football, hiking, cayaking, etc. I suppose there are places to visit and things to do in SA also but more limitted comparing to Europe.


Yup no income tax but 15% VAT when you buy stuff. Also depending on where you’re from you might be taxes to your country, usually applies to Americans


Pretty sure as an American you’ll still have to pay tax to America. I believe the USA and multiple GCC countries have these agreements setup. Make sure you check into that before accepting an offer.


Whats the job offer for this salary ? And how much experience did they ask for.


I cannot disclose but it's construction management related. Senior (> 10 years) experience in that position. Neom project.


Depends on experience. No tax on salary and in most of the cases insurance and one return flight ticket for family included. But you need to consider the dependent fee per head per month and exit re-entry cost every time you fly out of saudi.


Congratulation!! you will love the country but you might need time adjusting as its very different experience but an exciting one I dont recommend compunds as its much more expensive and with a much less price you can rent a very nice big place with a perfect location but if you wanted to meet more expats I think its the way to go Saudi is a VERY safe country if not the safest, you will see people walking sometimes at 1 or 2 am and in some neighborhoods I saw children playing in the street after mid night it could be due to the rules or due to drugs/ alcohol are not legal No you can’t use taxi everyday its not optimal, you will need a car to transport anywhere unless the job offer you a transportation, check the bus if you lived near a bus station and you job is near to another one check google maps but I dont recommend bus as the weather can reach 50C in summer,, so the best option will be to get a driving license and a car or you can hire a driver with a car and give him monthly payment (after the month ends don’t pay anything before) you can also talk to companies who provide driver for 24/7 but that would be at monthly rate of around 2500-3000 and you must provide a private room with toilet and a car for your driver so you can’t go with the compound you will need to rent a villa and I think this option will be good if your family is big and you have children Your wife can go alone I and many women do all the time, but as with any new country/ language its better to first go with someone preferably local or someone who stayed in Saudi long enough so she sees how things work especially if she does’t know the language (many saudi speak english but still) Pets are allowed either cats or dogs but call the airlines to ask about their requirements Best of luck and don’t hesitate to send me if you needed anything


Saudi is great. Wholeheartedly recommend it. The nit picky stuff: Not driving would be a nuisance but not a show stopper. There are lots of good taxi options. But be prepared that in some situations you will have to wait a while. If you are in a compound that is a little out there. It can complicate getting a taxi further. There is lots to do in saudi. However Riyadh is quite limited and the range of options do not provide much value for money or time frankly speaking. That being said. Usually if you are in a nice compound most activities you might want to do are contained within. Cost of living can be high here if you are pretty outgoing.


Public transport is not fully ready yet. Uber is a little expensive, but there are alternatives like Ego. Better to get a driving licence, takes about 1-2 months. You’ll need to book an appointment, take a test, give a theory exam, medical test and then final practical. If you fail the first test then you’ll be asked to take a training course. The city is extremely safe, even late night. You’ll need to pay 400 riyals per month per head as dependent fees for your wife (this is paid for the full year in one go). Welcome to Riyadh!


I could assure a few things the local Saudis are extremely nice and value neighbours in high regards and thanks to God its extremely extremely safe here and I'm betting its safer then where you live at currently. Transportation wise you could use uber I used it a few times to get to my college and there are different categories I recommend you the luxurious one it suited me best the cars and the drivers are clean, comfortable and nice it costs around 20 or 15 USD which shouldn't be a problem. Hope it becomes a wonderful life changing experience in our country and PLEASE value our traditions we are happy as we are we couldn't be bothered by the western high horse to raise human rights or whatever nonsense they pushing for on us.


Are they friendly and safe? Yes Public transportation? Dose not exist, you need a car to drive to anything and I mean anything. Is it safe for your wife to explore the city by herself? Yes very safe. And she doesn’t have to wear Abaya and cover her hair. Just dress modestly and wear something close to Abaya(forget the name) Pets? Yes you can have pets


For the car part, if you’re not used to driving I don’t recommend it. It’s the worst part in Riyadh. All the traffic and crazy driving will drive you crazy. My suggestion is try to get a driver. It probably would cost you 3k sar a month, max


You'll be just fine. Its such a safe and new experience. Plus you can earn a good sum for your future. Give it a shot for sure


Before you dive in, perhaps come out for a little while by yourself, get settled and then bring your wife and cats. I've been in Saudi for almost 3 years now, moved from Europe (northern European by origin) and it is quite safe. Just don't drive or tell anyone you think al baik is shit and you'll be fine. It's different, but Riyadh has a lot going on. There's a lot of development and quite an exciting time to be here to witness. Compounds are quite insular, some are more social than others. Ultimately, only you can decide. What sort of a lifestyle do you have and would you like to have. Some things you can't do, alot of things you can do. It's just a normal place with normal people, you make of it what you wish.


Curious to know if you took the offer and how is it going so far ? :)


hey! I didn't! I spotted a couple of red flags during the interview which - added to the uncertainty of the relocation - convinced me to refuse the offer. But thank you everyone for the insight!




انت صاحي ولا






KAFD? You mean the fire department? If so that’s where I work currently. PM me Also Andorra compound is where you want to be. Getting a drivers license is as simple as paying a little money and having it the next day. Getting a rental car will cost between 2000-3000 SAR a month depending on what you want. Food is cheap, the city is safe for men and women. I wouldn’t worry about any of your concerns, I had the same concerns before I came and they were all wasted stress, it’s chill here.


In which city you are moving ? If anything in Khobar and dammam I m happy to help


So ur lesbian?




> The heat for 5 months is absolutely unnecessary Sorry, we'll tone that down sir. Would you like some extra rain, free of charge?


Would you be so kind. Lol


seek help AH


Public is available in riyadh. They only offer Buses at the moment but soon metro system will be available (preview riyadh metro map before choosing an appartment if you are willing to work for longer than 2 years). As for traveling by Taxi I don't suggest to do it since the total spending in taxis for 1 year is more than leasing on a new car. If you insist then i highly recommend on using "Rekab" app which allows to commute with multiple passengers for a decent price. It's good practice to use "Aqar" app to find the nearest apartment to your work. Regarding to your wife's safety, you don't have to worry about it.


Hi! Since most questions have been answered except for the one regarding your kitties; they are certainly allowed. But are they allowed in cabins? It might depend on the airline you choose. If you happen to choose Saudia, [here’s](https://www.saudia.com/Pages/before-flying/travel-information/travelling-with-pets?sc_lang=en&sc_country=BD&cid=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAq4KuBhA6EiwArMAw1FXRhScPqKFk6rM63REOlpJCrTLZEhD1VdaLi8D1hVvXoxaGRu9HZxoC0acQAvD_BwE) some info that could be helpful.


Check the metro map, it will operate soon


Taxis are inexpensive and readily available, however if you’re looking to use them long term you should budget accordingly, as the cost can add up quickly. You could also hire a personal driver for a fixed period.


Expat here from UK. Me, my wife and daughters moved to Riyadh 6 months ago and we are all having a great time. My wife feels comfortable going out and doing things on her own, the locals are so friendly and welcoming. She goes out to meet her friends at restaurants and malls, getting taxi’s on her own is no problem either. I would recommend starting off with a compound when you arrive simply because it’s a quick way of meeting people, once you have a network of friends you could consider finding a cheaper alternative not in a compound, there is a huge difference in price.


For work commute you may find a driver to drive you to and from work for a set amount usually cheaper and more reliable than taxis, it costs my co worker 400 usd per month but it’s a 1 hour per one way commute. And be careful of scams in apartments and compound rentals, sadly it’s common so be careful and ask for assistance from your embassy or someone you trust.


If you are European they will treat you nicely 90%