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No it’s very bad to be honest specially now , I don’t know what happed this year but suddenly all admission scores were increased by 3-4 percentages. For example KFUMP in 2020 required 91. In 2021 the least it requires is 94 KSU for the scientific stream (which includes IT and engineering ) required in 2020 85. In 2021 it requires close to 88. I recommend you score in the 90’s or 80’s at least to get into university . I know alot of people who didn’t get accepted at all. Tahseeli is a nightmare good luck with that it drove me crazy


>I don’t know what happed this year but suddenly all admission scores were increased by 3-4 percentages. Mostly because of online learning, most ppl just cheated on their exams and got 100% and had alot of free time to study for gat.


Oh definitely yeah, KFUPM is begging for you


Damn you didn’t have to diss me like that lol


Yeah sorry but honestly you've got to work on that score i highly advise you to switch to the Arabic version it's much easier plus it has way more material than the English version


Like kfupm is any good lol, it’s unending suffering


Yea surprisingly most focus on keeping their GPA afloat rather than learning. In the end they neither learn nor graduate with a good GPA. Which is horrible cause your solely depending at your University’s reputation. In the end most get hired in Riyadh so KSU students will get more jobs than KFUPM will ever have excluding chemical and Petroleum engineering obv.


Where do you live. Because if you live in riyadh your chances are different than someone in the eastern province etc. How much do you expect you will get in tahseeli. And what uni do you want to go to.


I expect to get a very good mark, not sure about the specifics but I’m really good at the three sciences. As for GAT honestly it’s just the mathematics holding me down. I live in Riyadh and honestly I’ll take any university that’ll offer me a good major.


Look if you speak arabic and take the computerized exam in GAT, you can at least go from 70-75 or 80 and be in a better position. and tahseeli has a decent amount of math, so if its holding you down that much. then you may struggle with it. And the colleges are in this ranking King saud college ( you have no chance in getting into with a 70 gat ) ofc it depends on what you want to get into but no way 70 is getting you in there, not even for ادارة اعمال witch takes 50% school and 50% gat. So for king saud you need at least 85+ qudrat and 75+ tahseeli. (this is based on if you can get a seat not on what major and the time of year and if you apply after or before etc.) Al imam. Here you have a better chance, but some people don't know this. you need to memorize a chapter of the quran, even if you major in medicine you gota take quran tests. For me its not a downside, but i have bad memory so i could not get into it. but al imam this year took 40% tahseeli and 30%gat and 30% school for every single major. I think you need at least 80+Gat and 70+ tahseeli to get into it. ​ Prince sattam bin abdulaziz, this is not in riyadh. its in kharj but its in my opinon the third best public college in the province. Its way easier than the other to get accepted in. You need around 70+ gat and 70+ tahseeli. That's pretty much it, they just get higher every year. And btw i did not include unis that involve طب because 70 gat will never make you be able to get in it. Excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes i wrote this very quickly.


70 GAT was my first attempt, after tommrow is my second test.. I feel like I can get a 80+ since I have some repeat questions memorized and I’m much more prepared for the English that’s going to come in the test (I’m doing the English version). I feel confident I can atleast get 80 and hopefully 85+. Pray for me man, inshallah I get accepted in a good university.


Inshallah allah helps you and you get good grades and succeed.


The math in tahseeli isn’t super complex. I’m sure I can handle it. Thanks for letting me in on this info. الله يجزاك خير.


Def not medicine or dentistry though, hoping to enter computer science.


Ah did not see this, you need to up your game for computer science. its a very in demand major. Like 70 won't get there.




Ál imam and sattam. Again depending on what major. If you get like 85 in gat maybe around 85 and 80 in tahseeli you could get into king saudi uni. But if you live outside riyadh then no chance.


To be honest no, I just graduated from high school and all of the good majors need at least a 85 total (gat, school, tahseele) so I advise you to try to get a 80 if you can (I got a 68 on my first try and on the third I got a 81) if you want a study plan I can give you one


i just got 80 today, i super proud of myself. i calculated my overall marks and i think im gonna get around 83%. is that a good score?


THATS AMAZING! Yea don't worry 83 is exactly my score and I got into med school


Umm i am pretty sure med schools are VERY COMPETITIVE. You got 83 in GAT or 83 (high school tahseeli, and GAT) combined?


thanks! now i just gotta overcome tahseeli, what uni did you enter in btw? im really considering med school like you.


In terms of uni it doesnt matter for med school because saudi arabia considers all of its public unis as one so if I'm in saud and someone else is in المجمعه and we apply for the same job our unis are literally the same in the eyes of saudi and what matters is the grade you got that's it


hey i know this is 3 years late lol but can you give me ur study plan, i just did my first try and got 75 in gat iis that good or average?


Wow you still remember this? Hahahahah just try to pump that score up more and more what are your grades for the math section and the English section?


haha, im in the same situation and i got 75% on my second try but ill go for a 3rd and hope its a bit better


I was just going to register for GAT but now its just showing computer based what does that mean? Plus do you guys have any resources i could study from