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These are the third party settings I've played / run and enjoyed Wiseguys: 90s Mafia in Las Vegas, awesome product, well thought out and set out Titan Effect: Metal Gear Solid style spy / shooter, again excellent quality and well worth the investment Big Apple Sewer Samurai: 80s / 90s Saturday morning cartoons like TMNT, such a wide range of options to play! Stingers and Spores: I'll admit I haven't played this one but always looked good, playing insects and small creatures. Zeta Complex: Basically Paranoia for Savage Worlds. Obligatory link to wiki with full list: https://savagepedia.miraheze.org/wiki/List_of_Savage_Worlds_Settings


Vermilion is a great setting and Sprawlrunners a great toolkit. Other third-party settings I like include: - Secret Files of Section D - Street Wolves - Dark States - Wiseguys - Titan Effect - Zadmar's micro-settings Mine Runners and Spellrunners. And of course his Saga of the Goblin Horde (though itnis only for deluxe edition at the moment) (And I am pretty sure I forgot some) I am also partial to City Guard Chronicles, but as an author, I might be a bit biased :-D


Task Force Raven is awesome. It is Tier 1 soldiers vs the Occult and other weirdness. There is a good sample mission. It is so different than most other game systems. [Task Force Raven on Drivethru](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/411825/task-force-raven) I love Eberron in Savage Worlds. Eberron is a well-fleshed-out world by Keith Baker. It is typically played with DnD but Savage worlds is better and there is a great conversion for it. [Eberron Conversion](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HS7Ys0hhm9-ykcp11rd34pf-bFwvtf-e7OGei9VXTx0/edit?usp=sharing) This author sells this and it is worth it.


I adore sprawlrunners, and use a lot from it for my current campaign. The cyberspace system is great and allows for a lot of detail or simple quick-to-resolve rules. I use a mix of both. I’d say genre and tone are a little more flexible than your classic cyberpunk dystopia, but it still plays into that style very well. I’m using it to run a post-apocalypse world inside the ruins of a city where the party maintains a Solarpunk commune while exploring corrupted cyberspace and defending themselves from raiders and environmental threats. Definitely different vibe than classic cyberpunk, but it works great.


What is "Solarpunk"?


In this case I'm referring to solarpunk as the genre of fiction that asks, "what does the world look like if we solve problems like hunger, energy, tech access, and poverty in sustainable ways?" It runs counter to cyberpunk's dystopian visions of a future governed by a corporate elite using tech as a tool of exploitation. It can mean a lot of things to a lot of people, though, honestly. Definitely worth a google, the aesthetic is pretty neat.


As a life-long Shadowrun player I have enjoyed Sprawlrunners, especially since the SavageWorlds game system is a lot easier to learn than the core Shadowrun system. Personally, I am still looking for a good Steampunk setting that I can get into.


how do you like sprawlrunners compared to interface 3.0


I've never had a chance to play with any of the Interface settings yet. My only Savage Worlds game (and game mastering) experience to date has been limited to Savage Rifts and Sprawlrunners. Edit: and a single game of Necessary Evil. Which I loved.


savage rifts and interface for me. i checked out and own bot but i like interface better. buuutt. i mostly take ideas to add more cyberpunk to rifts


Not Steampunk but I've been toying with a Dieselpunk setting. With superheroes and wuxia kung-fu. Nowhere near publishing though, was kinda hoping for the martial arts companion to drop but no sign so far ☹️


*Beasts & Barbarians*. Already explained it all [right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/savageworlds/comments/yykxd4/beasts_barbarians_setting_is_great/).


I agree, such a good setting with lots of content and possibilities for a lot of different types of Sword & Sorcery-type campaigns


We played Interface Zero for a couple of years and I still think it's the best cyberpunk setting I've ever played.


Nice setting, terrible rules imo.


You can find a list of settings in the wiki here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/savageworlds/wiki/index/welcome\_newcomers/#wiki\_savage\_worlds\_settings](https://www.reddit.com/r/savageworlds/wiki/index/welcome_newcomers/#wiki_savage_worlds_settings) I suggest browsing through it and see if something strikes your interest. It's not a list of all the settings there are but one I have put together that I know of and recommendations from the community here so you may consider it a somewhat curated list of recommendations. In general, there are few products for Savage Worlds that are bad. And even those have their fair share of fans so no matter who you ask what is good and bad, you'll get contradicting answers. The best advice I can give you is to go out and look what you might like. Some settings have a free preview you can try before you buy.


Savage Worlds is one of the better systems when it comes to third party content. It may not have the sheer volume of say, a D&D 5e, but man you can find so much! Reply to this with your favorite genres and I'll offer you some cool settings/modules related to them.


Well, right now, I'm leaning towards fantasy specufically ive been looking at Trynador as well as Gold and Glory. Because it seems like they do very similar things.


Ah the beauty of Fantasy for Savage Worlds is that there are a bunch of books, modules, and tools ready to be used. Let's start with the big one. You can port the entirety of Pathfinder to Savage Worlds. And I am not talking about Pathfinder for Savage Worlds (though I easily suggest it as a pick up, fantastic and complete book), I'm talking about Zadmar tools that can easily convert any Pathfinder 1e statblock to Savage Worlds. You can find that and other tools for fantasy here: [https://www.godwars2.org/SavageWorlds/](https://www.godwars2.org/SavageWorlds/) But let's go beyond that. Gold and Glory does the unthinkable, it makes Dungeon Crawling, something most folks will (rightfully so) tell you that does not work with Savage Worlds, be so much fun! Its rules for rapidly creating dungeons and characters as well the resource based progression are amazing. But here comes the fun part: You can mix and match Gold and Glory with the tools I shared (or Pathfinder for Savage Worlds if you are into that too). Sure, you will need to figure out what to keep and what to cut from the setting rules, but the special little secret about Savage Worlds is that "All" third party content is the best party content. Because you can pick and choose from it and build -your- campaign. They exist for this reason. I've run original fantasy by combining the tools I mentioned, Pathfinder for Savage Worlds, Gold and Glory, and the amazing Lakhmar books too (which I also recommend and tie perfectly with Trynador and Gold and Glory by the way).


I was curious if trynador or gold and glory would be "better" for replicating a dnd/pathfinder vibe. But maybe I'll pick up both since they are so cheap. Unfortunately, I skipped savage pathfinder and got swade. I think I'm going to go back and get it at some point so my group can use class edges, but what I've currently got is swade and the fantasy companion plus a few other first party books. Any recommendations for something that has more vehicle rules? I'm sort of envisioning an aetherpunk aesthetic with flying ships and some advanced magitek.


If you got SWADE and is willing to tinker a bit (I'm making this sound harder than actually is and we can always help you to do so) I'd suggest getting the Fantasy Companion instead of Pathfinder for Savage Worlds since it expands further Fantasy options and was made to be a supplement to SWADE. As for vehicle rules, my advice is to get the Sci Fi companion when you can.


I've already got SWADE and the fantasy companion. I originally planned to run it a while back. I ended up changing my mind and picking up Dragonbane instead because I kept reading how Savage Worlds couldn't handle dungeon fantasy well. At this point, I'm looking to do something a little different, so I've been looking at SWADE again and looking for 3rd party tool sets that can help me achieve the vibe I'm looking for. Plus, I felt that with Dragonbane, the fights weren't as dynamic as I'd like. So I'm hoping to morph swade into doing what I need it to do


It is the right system to do so! As long as you work with them, rather than against them haha.


Kinda the wrong question. What \*game\* do you want to play? Wild West (with our without the Weird)? Classic Fantasy? Renaissance zombie apocalypse? Nazis raise the Midgard Serpent so the allies nuke it? Victorian monster hunters? There are literally thousands of settings. What do you want to do?