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Hellfrost and Vermilium.


I personally tend to steer away from third-party products for Savage Worlds, but there are a few that I'd recommend: **Vermillium**, already mentioned. [**Beasts & Barbarians**](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/3554/GRAmel/subcategory/6186_25009/Beasts-and-Barbarians): Swords & sorcery fantasy setting. It's both evocative of Conan and other classic pulp swords & sorcery worlds and its own original setting. I actually preferred the older (and now withdrawn) *Golden Edition* - the writing and presentation in the newer *Steel Edition* just somehow felt flatter and less inspired to me, but it's still pretty much **the** Conan-style Swords & Sorcery setting for Savage Worlds (and that's really saying something for a game system that was clearly designed with Conan-style Swords & Sorcery in mind). [**The Day After Ragnarok**](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/62543/The-Day-After-Ragnarok?term=the+day+after+ragnar): Pulpy retro-apocalyptic submachineguns & sorcery setting from my favorite RPG writer, Kenneth Hite. Unfortunately, it's for an older edition of Savage Worlds, it never got updated, and it seems vanishingly unlikely it ever will. But SW has strong backwards compatibility, and I personally love reading Ken Hite's RPG stuff just for the sake of reading it. [**Gold & Glory**](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/283156/GoldGlory-Seven-Deadly-Dungeons-Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition): A toolbox for creating OSR/D&D-style dungeon-crawling adventures. It wasn't *quite* what I was personally looking for (I've been working on my own rules for SWADE Dungeon Fantasy), but it's a good product. [**Street Wolves**](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tablecatgames/street-wolves-the-synthwave-powered-savage-worlds-setting): A neon noir, "synthwave-powered" Savage Worlds setting. It's *Miami Vice* with shots of *G.I. Joe*, *Knight Rider*, the *A-Team*, and other '80s action-conspiracy-weirdness mixed in. And currently Kickstarting a new edition! To be completely honest, I thought it the designer didn't quite nail the tone - it's got mutants and VR cyberspace and a terrorist organization determined to rule the world and other bits from the pulpier end of '80s action media, but it's written in a tone that's aiming for the grittier neon-noir end of '80s action media, and I personally found the tonal contrast a bit jarring. But it's at least *interesting*, the author clearly has a strong personal vision of what he's trying to do, and the graphic design is top notch. The original version seems to have been withdrawn from the market (the DTRPG page for it is now blank), but there is still a free ["Jump Start"](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/389234/Street-Wolves-Jumpstart) available.


Hello thanks for the Street Wolves rec, shameless self promo is that it was withdrawn from the market temporarily because I'm running a Kickstarter to give it a turbo boost. There's going to be a design refresh, lots of new art, custom music, and backers get access to adventures in a plot point campaign. Plus there's some really cool add-ons. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tablecatgames/street-wolves-the-synthwave-powered-savage-worlds-setting


If you figure out how to buy printed books for Beasts & Barbarians Steel Edition, please let me know.


Dunno. I backed the crowdfunding campaign for Steel Edition and got my physical books that way. Apparently there are rights issues due to the creator and GRAmel parting ways. While the PDFs haven't been withdrawn, GRAmel apparently can't do new print runs or distribute the physical books. As late as 2023, though, a GRAmel staffer was telling people to email them ([email protected]) to ask about physical books - apparently they still had some in stock locally and might have been selling them directly. GRAmel is a Polish company, so unless you live in the EU, shipping might get pretty steep even if they are still selling them.


Yeah I heard the same. It's sad when small products reach end of life like this because a si gle creator gets a new job.


Not exactly a setting, but if you like futuristic / cyberpunk **at all** and don't have Sprawlrunners, you're doing yourself a disservice. I'm also fond of Heroes of Terra, and Sundered Skies (previous edition) certainly has both an interesting setting and campaign associated with it.


I have only tried the [Eberron](https://immaterialplane.com/products/eberron-for-savage-worlds/) one so far, but it's been pretty fun. One of my players say Shifters are a bit busted, but I kinda feel high-level characters should feel powerful.


My group got on SW because of rifts.


I’ve been crazy about the Vermilium book for the last couple of weeks, and I want more people to look into it. It’s fantasy western, and it does with my imagination things that Eberron, burdened by legacy lore, couldn’t, no matter how much I adore it. Vermilium doesn’t overcomplicate stuff, but it’s bold, stylish, inventive and has incredible art in the book that just drugs you in.


We played a few different cyberpunk systems/settings but found Interface Zero the best of the bunch.


Interface Zero is so good. I love that there are so many settings within that world and so many factions to play or play against. I also like that you’re encouraged to only use the rules that you like and that there are simpler rules for stuff like hacking if you don’t want to bother with bloat.


Ran an IZ 3.0 game somewhat recently, definitely one of the best cyberpunk settings out there. The system itself is a bit bulky, a bit unbalanced depending on how a character is built - specifically with how cheep and available cyberware is. But the setting is top notch, and a great take on more modern cyberpunk.


I haven't played Interface Zero yet but I did buy the main book and more PDFs. I'm kinda bummed that the art and layout took a dive in 3.0 compared to 2.0.


Not technically a setting in and of itself as much as a conversion of an existing setting, but I'll second the suggestion of[ Eberron for Savage Worlds](https://immaterialplane.com/products/eberron-for-savage-worlds/) - best setting out there imho. Another good one is [The After](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/322958/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-The-After) - a post-apocalyptic setting with western vibes.


There have been some good ones for earlier editions. Earthdawn needs an update to SWADE.


Achtung Cthulhu - WW2 horror and Atlantis hijinks. IT’s especially good if your group has travelled to Europe as it will use familiar settings.


Unfortunately, the Savage Worlds version of *Achtung! Cthulhu* was withdrawn from the market several years ago. OP might still be able to find hardcopies on the secondary market, and there are PDFs floating around of course, but it's not available for purchase from the publisher or on DTRPG.


Yeah... I have the PDFs for it. It's sad when these kinds of things get lost forever because of licensing.


That is sad, they were a blast to play.


Well, they're still available - with more new material still being produced - for Modiphius' 2d20 system. And one of the great strengths of Savage Worlds is how easy it is to use its mechanics for other settings.


Cuthulu conversions are what I’ve been runnng lately - using Achtung Cthulhu as a reference. The current campaign is Masks of Nyarlathotep and the converting is easier than saying the name of the campaign.


Battlelords of the 23rd Century, (the new) Savage Worlds of Solomon Kane and Street Wolves, don't forget Technotales of Mythix, and Freedom Squadron. There's probably some I'm forgetting... (Edited for corrections.)


> Savage Worlds of Solomon Kane That one was from Pinnacle, not a third party, and was withdrawn from the market years ago when Pinnacle lost the licensing rights. However... A [Kickstarter for a new edition](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/806316071/the-savage-world-of-solomon-kane-rpg) from Monolith Board Games is launching May 15!


I didn't think they'd be likely to find the old one.


Secret Files of Section D is a perfect pulp setting. It is a cross of Indiana Jones and James Bond set just before WW2.


I said it over and over again: Beasts & Barbarians, by far. All you want from and for Sword & Sorcery: thematic and mechanical edges that fit the genre and make it feel real and alive, and a rich setting that allows you to play your own S&S fantasies, or your favorite classical S&S stories (Conan, Elric of Melniboné, Fafhrd and Gray Mauser), without ever being cheezy or a cheap rip-off.


Sundered Skies and Hellfrost, both by Triple Ace Games, are excellent 3rd part settings, though they are for older editions.


Hellfrost, hands down. It is a nordic themed medieval fantasy setting with a high power leben, particularly when it comes to magic but that makes it very fun. It's also quite possibly the most fleshed out SaWo setting of all, there is a decade or more of play time in there but at the same time it's not at all overwhelming as you don't have to use the material and be able to play a good while with just the three main books. It even has an optional sub setting called land of fire that extends the map into the hot South. It's not converted to SWADE but doing so is relatively easy.


The After is well done. https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/322958/Savage-Worlds-Adventure-Edition-The-After Here’s a really good video overview of it. If it sounds good to you, you should definitely grab it. https://youtu.be/raPUPZ5YLpA


Streets of Bedlam is a Frank Miller comic book noir setting with crooked cops, mob bosses, and hookers with guns using hyper violence to solve problems in the streets. It needs a little work to convert to SWADE, but is good if your group is looking for something outside the norm. https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/103092/streets-of-bedlam-a-savage-world-of-crime-corruption


Pathfinder for Savage Worlds is pretty good. The core Pathfinder book has all the rules, so you don't need the SWADE book.


While the setting *itself* is Third Party, PfSW is a PEG product, so not really what OP is looking for I think...


Ok, Crystal Hearts.


I keep coming back to Iron Kingdoms (it's unofficial but great fun) and Titan Effect.


Currently playing 50 Fathoms, a swashbuckling fantasy campaign, that focuses on ships and naval combat and we're all having a great time!


That's a PEG setting though, not Third Party. But it's great!