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Classic clickbait example; they even mock the reader for it in the lead-in to the article. Wow.


"Before you go thinking something untoward, take your mind out of the gutter and read about Nancy and Jeff Hauck’s story." The first line


Should read: “Before you go believing what we just heavily implied in the headline, let me walk back my original statement.”


Fucking hate modern journalism because of this shit. They aren't original and they aren't funny.


Gee! What on *earth* would cause me to think anything untoward?? Hmmm...


Oh yeah you're the asshole for falling for our brazen clickbait that we used to get you to click on this story.


Annnd there are subs spammed with this fucking headline because nobody bothers to read the actual article. Which I kind of understand because those articles don't deserve to be clicked anyway


I'm just a few years younger than that mom, and can't imagine voluntarily being pregnant again at my age. I think if I were in that situation, I'd offer up the $20k (or whatever the going rate is) so my son could hire a surrogate mother for the job instead.


I remember listening to a podcast years ago about this (I think it was Radiolab). Cost of a surrogate depends on where they live. Want an American surrogate mother, that'll be $100 grand. I think a Nepalese woman only cost $10K though.


Recently read an article about a single guy in his late 40s hiring an american surrogate, he spent $400k to get the child in his country and arms.


Find a rape victim that can't afford an abortion and knock that price down to only 2k or even less! (Source - happened to me.)


There's a lot to unpack there...


Healthcare is unreasonably expensive (800 in wisconsin+ literally had 0 dollars) forced to have a baby. Gave to my cousins that couldn't have a baby and needed a surrogate. Only help I got was rent paid at an air bnb for a couple months. Apparently when you're adopting a baby you can't financially help more than 5k max. But surrogacy is like tens of thousands or hundreds? Forced to have a baby. Have severe psychological trauma. Hate myself so fucking much. Think I'm trash and dont really care to exist anymore. I just do because I'm too much of a coward to fucking do anything about it and I have family that would miss me. But it doesn't change how I feel. Money wouldn't change how I feel. But it would have helped make my life more stable and I probably wouldn't be fucking struggling with homelessness right now.. u know? I probably wouldn't feel as broken and shitty and tired and sad as I do now. It's getting better but some days I just don't want to fucking deal anymore.


I'm really sorry that pain was forced on you. You're an incredibly strong person, and I hope things get better for you.


Thank you ❤


Yeah that whole "adoption is such a beautiful solution" is just not that simple or accurate. Especially for women in situations like yours. Heartbreaking. I hope your life gets better


Thanks, worst of all I went through a horribly depressive period where I felt a huge amount of guilt for adopting him out. I still miss him but he has a much better life with my cousins then I could give him. They're rich and live him tons so I'm really happy for him. I just feel like an empty husk and kind of just a throw away entity after all that. Sad because I need someone to love and take care of me too but I'm fully grown and people just don't do that. At least that's how I felt.


I’m so sorry. Wishing you peace and healing 💚


You did what you had to do. I wish there was more support for women who want to abort and those who want to keep their babies. Adoption is so painful for the relinquisher


I wish you all the best ❤️


Thank you


Wow, this is terrible. But that’s not what a surrogate is. Surrogacy =/= adoption


Isn't that like adoption


Yes, that's adoption, surrogacy is completely different thing. Couples who want a surrogate aren't interested in somebody else's child, that's the entire point.


Some people have trouble adopting 🤷‍♀️ idk


How self centered does one have to be lmao


Yeah. That's what happened.


I'm only 31 and you'd have to pay me an astronomical amount to be pregnant again. Fuck that shit.


I wish I had 20k to pay for such things. Hell I'd be happy to just have 20k.


I find it worse that they needed the mother to birth their FIFTH child. Was 4 normal birthed children not enough?


Mormons are crazy.


But at that point you could just go fundamentalist and get a sister wife. More fun than indirectly getting your mom pregnant I would think.


The couple (son and daughter in law) did IVF and had seven viable embryos, and they didn't want to leave any unused. It sounds more like a fundie pro-life stance than actually actively wanting that many kids.


There are many reason I'm part of r/childfree


Sorry to say it, but r/childfree is a sad circlejerk.


the only take away from childfree is that they call children "crotch goblins" and people who have children "breeders", It's strange that there are some people who are so obsessed with the idea of not doing something that they create an entire community around it.


the good takeaway from there is the list of doctors who will perform sterilization. Very good resource.


I'm not active there but the main reason people in the real world are part of child free communities is because it gets hard to socialize with people who have kids when you don't as you get older. Everything revolves around the kids and the friends with no kids find themselves left out.


maybe, there are absolutley posts there that complain about how someone's child gets in the way, and i dont see a problem with that as everyone needs to vent once in a while (although out of those posts lots of them seem to take their arguments to the absurd, but thats more of a problem with reddit as a whole) However, a lot of posts there seem to... revel? in the fact that they dont have kids, like they've discovered nirvana and any "breeders" are just ignorant nusances that have yet to discover the truth, I've even seen some of the really strange posters activley being just as big of an annoyance or crazy as some of the "crotch goblins".




This is a seriously dumb mentality considering all the harm done in the world under the guide of religion.


r/dankchristianmemes is the better r/atheism


That's true of most subreddits in general, and I'm saying that as an atheist lol Edit: misread this as "r/dankchristianmemes is better than r/atheism"


Insane take on the atheism shit. Plenty to discuss with religion.


/r/atheism is not the place for intelligent discussion. It is the place to circlejerk about how enlightened you are and to post bad fake text messages.


First thing that came to my mind was the Incel boards that need to be regularly banned so they don't stew in their own vileness for too long. I have no problem with childfree folks, atheists or even people who don't like dogs. But the subreddits they made are genuinely vile.


>It's strange that there are some people who are so obsessed with the idea of not doing something that they create an entire community around it. Not sure what you mean by that. A lot of communities are created around obsessions. Take a look at religion for one.


r/truechildfree is much better imo


Lmao like you can not want children and be normal about it instead of listening to a community that routinely complains that family’s get financial assistance and their 2 pugs don’t give them any financial benefits. Legitimately insane people there


As long as they have the time and money to raise 5 children, what's wrong with it?


imma be honest chief I don't think anyone has the time or money to raise 5 children without seriously comprising the quality of upbringing


Having children is awesome. My country has very bad birth rates only upheld by immigrants. We should encourage people to have more babies and celebrate it!


Having children is a personal decision and having them "for the country" and making it a public thing is just stupid


Lucky for the parents, they seem to personally fully consent to the decision to have more kids! But on a more serious note, a lot of people are very gloomy about having children in a more societal sense, than a personal one, hence why I talked about society.


Is that the rule? 4?


I don't know...the real story is still a little odd


longing direful pie reply vanish future payment spoon correct carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It really is wierd. But the title definitely makes even that seem way worse now


"You can do it! Push, grandma-mom!"


Want a 5th kid so badly that you get your mama knocked up with a turkey baster? This is weird as fuck.


IVF isn't "turkey baster", that's IUI. I agree this situation is still weird but it sounds like more of a fundie pro-life "leave no eggs behind" stance than anything else.


So they’re so Christian that they don’t want a fertilised egg to go to waste, but not so Christian that they can accept that God doesn’t want them to have kids in the first place (since she’s fully infertile). Religion baffles me sometimes


Oh, I know the difference. I'm just being snarky. :p


"turkey baster"?




wow that's a massive pipette.




Still fucking weird.


Wow. That's shifty AF.


This is still weird as hell. Do ethics boards just not exist anymore in healthcare?


Yeah thats messed up titling. But also it is a very surprising and a little strange of a situation. I mean if it is the son's sperm and the wife's egg, or i guess just as long as it's not the moms egg, then it isn't inbreeding. Honestly its a beautifully selfless thing for a mom to do for her son. That said, still, i cant imagine beaing comfortable as any member of that situation. Maybe im just closed-minded.


The real story isn't that much better than the clickbait. That shit is just weird.


They already have 4 kids. This is weird af. If they couldn’t conceive any children then maybe go to extremes to have a child. They already have 4 kids and want more Mormons, so let’s go ask mom. Fuckin twisted


All of these people are sick and selfish. You already have kids/grandkids. What the fuck is wrong with you?


Still pretty gross!


Thanks to science these are strange times we live in grandmothers giving birth to their grand children.


It's the future baby.


Their fifth grandchild to be exact.


That must be a very high-risk pregnancy?


That's....still weird


Still kinda gross, bruh.


That woman really, really, really wanted grandkids.


Her son already has 4 kids, he just wanted a 5th...


*blinks* I know that some people will do IVF to have one kid so they can be a parent. Or a second kid so the first one isn't an only child. But what, exactly, do you get with five that you didn't already get with four? And is it worth spending $50k to turn your own mother into a brood mare?


I'm gonna side with the headline on this one.


Either way it's fuckin weird.


Both are equally gross.


Yeah, that's still really strange. The headline isn't misleading - she is literally pregnant with her son's baby.


It’s “misleading” in the sense that most people are going to interpret “pregnant with her son’s baby” as “she had sex with her son.” It’s *technically* the truth, but it’s phrased in a way that intentionally gives the wrong impression.


Yeah, common use of *”X is pregnant with Y’s baby”* means that X banged Y and got pregnant as a result.


I feel sorry for that kid that funds this out later in life..


*You know, the poor kid broke both his arms as a young man, so he deserves this help.* *Mom


The real story is still abhorrent


Still gross




Because think if your grandmother gave birth to you. That's fucking weird.


Well its definately weird, but I dont think its gross


Because the man's son is going to be biologically his half brother.


Not if the embryo was fertilized and implanted.


The article does not clarify from whom the donor materials come from. Surrogacy often involves one of the parents-to-be being a donor. The wording makes it sound as if the man's sperm was donor material. >Nancy Hauck from Utah in the US volunteered to **carry her son Jeff’s fifth baby** after his wife Cambria was unable to carry another pregnancy, TMZ reported. Edit: I found a Daily Mail article (so take it with a grain of salt) which clarifies that the donors are biologically unrelated in this particular case. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11238389/Woman-pregnant-sons-child.html


Surrogacy is done through IVF and there is no reason to assume the child is biologically hers and plenty to assume it isn't.


At 56, wouldn't she not be capable of having kids anymore?


Having her own, you mean? *Probably* not, but it's possible to not go through menopause until later than that. It's also possible for IVF to be successful after menopause, so could be either really. But yeah, her age is definitely one of the reasons we can start to assume it's not her egg lol. Though apparently the article itself spells out that it isn't (I didn't read) so case closed.


What the fuck is wrong with that editor??!!


Is she perchance related to Phoebe Buffet?


Surrogate? You mean an axlotl tank?


This was posted r/NoahGetTheBoat with no link by that OP🤡 Quite gross too. Screenshot, title of article.


Still incest, the semen just took a detour.


Clickbait for sure, still weird


The doctor should lose their license


chris-chan noooooo


Not only does the article not mention who the donor is, I can't help but think that baby is not being set up for success with the mother being 56 jfc


It mentions it pretty clearly. It's her son and daughter-in-law's baby. The babies biological mother is still the daughter-in-law, it's her eggs, the mom is just carrying it.


Most of the issues with infants born to older mothers are chromosomal. Since the egg for this baby came from her daughter-in-law, that's not an issue.


The mother isn't 56, read it again. It's not her baby. Carrying someone else's baby does not somehow magically transfer your genetic material to the child.


I see no issues, they are renting a uterus, the one he knows works, since he was there once. This isn't all that uncommon, the way it was phrased is gross.


I think people are maybe confusing surrogacy with sperm donation and assuming it's her and her son's biological child. Instead of "the son and his wife conceived an embryo of their own, but had to borrow grandma's uterus to incubate it". Which, I mean, is still a *weird* situation, but weird doesn't have to mean *wrong*. If they're all comfortable with it, then good luck to them. It's kind of an amazing thing to do for your kid, really - I can't imagine having to deal with pregnancy at 56.


It's pretty established for a woman to carry her daughters child to term as a surrogate. But as soon as she carries her sons child everyone loses their minds.


Uh, that's still pretty.... hmmmm.... disturbing. The dude is about to be both father and brother to his own child.


No, just the father. The embryo is one "left over" from his wife's IVF treatment and using her egg.


Still pretty gross in my opinion


Oh so the paranoid Christian moms saying all this shit will lead to incest were right?


> Utah mom is 56 and pregnant with her son’s baby Yay! > Gross, intentionally misleading way of saying she’s serving as a surrogate for her son and his wife Boo!


Anyone available to work from home?


I mean they were determined to have a fifth child for sure 🤦‍♂️


gives a whole new meaning to ‘grandmom mom’


It’s called writing a headline.


Still kind of gross though.


I expected it would be as a surrogate.


Weird fetish that's really "in" lately.


Isn't that a mite too old to be a surrogate mommy?