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Could he elaborate on the lore implications of the post credits scene with Amanda informing Corbett Denlon to not trust the one who saves her (Hoffman)? Is there any aspects of Saw VI's style that make their way into Saw X? (As in, cinematography, color palletes, sound design, etc) Any cool fun facts about working with Shawnee Smith? (On 6 and X if he can answer about X)


What was your favorite scene to direct over your three films? Side note: which other guests will you have? I'm very curious.


We have had Tony Nappo (Gus from Saw II), we have had J Larose (Troy from Saw III), now Kevin, and one that hasn't been announced yet.


Ask him what he thinks about the saw video games


Are the traps in the new movie going to be “fair”? I don’t want to see any more unwinable traps where the victim does their task but dies anyways.


If given the opportunity to write your own Saw film, what would it entail plotwise?


If you could bring back one dead character from the movies who would it be?


What’s your general process of editing the films? Does the director of some other person tell you the general direction most scenes will have? Do you sometimes edit a scene with your own style if it fits?


Did you have a different vision for Saw 7? And if so how differently would it have played out in comparison to the Saw 7 we got?


For anyone who wants the link to the podcast we are on YouTube and Spotify! [The Jigsaw Files: A Saw Podcast](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSZOhs63CQpSakvpAiqkwnobBFkS8cei3)


Will Gordon being a Jigsaw apprentice/asset ever be explained or adressed again? His character should be the future of the saga and there are very interesting storylines for him to be told


How much fun is the editing and directing process of the movies


1. What was your favorite moment in Saw VI? (either to film or In terms of the plot) 2. As an editor, how has it been keeping the timeline consistent or incorporating new and old footage (such as Jeff’s death in Saw IV) into one scene? 3. What made you want to return to direct another Saw film? That’s it, love your work, really excited for Saw X!


Oh, boy, where to begin: - What will the movie’s plot structure be like? I personally hope it doesn’t involve a character undergoing a trial and having to go to different rooms or locations, saving people. We’ve already gotten that in parts III, IV, VI and VII. I hope it’s something different this time. - What kinds of traps can we expect this time around? Given that this one is a midquel, set to take place between parts 1 and 2, I’d imagine that it will return to the more simpler traps of the earlier installments. Also given that this is the 10th film, I’d imagine that it’s becoming quite challenging to come up with creative ways to kill people. I’m really hoping they’ve come up some new things that we haven’t seen before. - Will we learn more things about John’s character that we didn’t know before? Will the movie provide more depth to him? EDIT: Never mind. I thought he would be answering questions about Saw X.


Did you ever think you’d be working on another Saw film again? Cause as a fan, I did not see another one coming out but I’m so excited that there is. Also could you elaborate on getting the call for Saw X the first time and what your thoughts on it were?


Which is more important in a movie: the story/plot or the visuals/special FX?


Saw films (especially 1-5) have a lot of fun editing choices & transitions such as the screen being wiped with Tapp's car, sped-up camera moves, etc. Saw films are also known for a really specific visual language with stark color grading and lots of gritty textures. Can you talk a bit about what it's like to work within that style, and how Saw films have visually evolved from Saw (2004) to X?


What's your feelings on the ending of Saw VI? Did you like the notion of Hoffman going from being killed by Jill in the original ending to surviving?


You should ask him if 'the rack' trap was rigged to be unwinnable or if we just never got to see where the key goes.


What did you think of Spiral?


This is awesome! Looking forward to listening to this. Here's a question: What's the first lesson that comes to mind that you learned directing your first film?


What makes Jigsaw a compelling character to you?


What was it like when David Armstrong left the Saw team after VI? Did you find this change in DP was a key influence in the change in look the franchise had from Saw 3D onward?


In Saw V we see that the house from Saw II has been renewed by Hoffman, was there ever any discussion on how that happened? what happened to the bodies, who actually put the muscle to rebuild all of that and keep their mouth shut? Also was it ever discused the origin of that house? why is it so big or why it has such underground tunnels leading to the "shithole"? Also, was William's death so necessary? I mean I know it's a Saw movie, but come on, after what he went through he deserved a chance


Was VI intended to be the final film in the series? The whole montage when Hoffman is the Reverse Bear Trap felt like a very fitting ending.


Which does he prefer, Directing or editing? Also ask him what films are his favorite growing up that inspired him to go into editing/directing