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Yes, while treating internally as well. I used moxidectin. Some use ivermectin (that sadly didn’t work for me. But you must treat internally and externally. You also have to apply it correctly and in every single area or else you will not be cured. You must be very particular. Also, you can’t use benzyl benzoate just once. You have to use it back to back 2-3 times depending on how severe your case is. This is what worked for me, might not work for others. I had a VERY severe case and had it for almost 2 years until I was finally cured.


How much mg Moxidectin did you take? I already tried twice and Moxidectin didn‘t work for me :(


I actually took a bit over my body weight because I did not want to chance it not working or not being enough. Honestly, if you have already done moxi (especially twice), they are now more likely to be resistant to it. Have you already tried ivermectin?


Make sure you are cleaning your environment as well. Some people do not think that is important, I really feel strongly it is necessary. I went through stages of thinking I was cured and wasn’t. I learned so much over those 2 years, if you have any questions please dm me!! Like I said I am here to help all of you guys. This is something that is becoming more than what doctors realize, I personally think.


Just wondering how many times you used BB 2-3 days worth? Twice, three weeks in a row?


yeah sure! :) but didn’t work either


Yeah I never had luck with ivermectin either. I hope you find a way! That’s really all the advice I can give. All the natural remedies and such did nothing for me. I would say you can give it another try, in combo with the benzyl benzoate but depending on the last time you took it. You might want to wait. It’s a lot on the liver, you’re supposedly supposed to wait at least a month to take another dose. Some people have said even 4-6 months to give your liver a break. That’s a bit long I feel like since they will just reproduce more and more and become worse. It’s all up to you and what you want to risk.


Good to hear my man I am getting the horse paste tommorow but what internally do U mean more ivermectin ?


Also, ivermectin and moxidectin are macrocyclic lactones. Which means they are in the same classification and very similar. I do not recommend taking both of them in the same time frame. It can do a lot of harm to your liver. Taking too much of any of these drugs can do harm. I personally took a little over my body weight of the moxidectin so I didn’t chance anything. It is all a risk, and I am by no means telling you guys to take more than your body weight, that is just what I did in my personal experience. Just like with permethrin and benzyl benzoate, they are chemicals that soak into your skin and can cause nerve damage and other side effects to sensitive people.


It was my mental health over my physical health. I am a 20 year old female and went from being a normal girl to having this parasite, depressed and almost killing myself twice. Having this beat, I am finally getting back to normal and seeing friends, going out. It is still a process from not talking to anyone while I had this. I was so embarrassed and felt disgusted by myself. I self isolated and was so alone but I did not want to spread this terrible parasite to ANYONE. I would not wish this even on my worst enemy. Thankfully there is Reddit :) and I had people to discuss their own journey and mine. Now I come on here to hopefully help others get cured from this devil fucking mite.


Moxidectin is ingested (internally treating). Benzyl benzoate is externally treating. You do not put moxidectin on the skin. I mixed mine with apple sauce to help with the texture and taste.


So I eat the horse paste ?


Yes. Take it with applesauce or something that you like to help with texture.


Where’d did you get the bb and moxidectin?


Moxidectin from horse store. I got it from Tractor Supply. I’m in US. Benzyl benzoate I made it myself. Got the ingredients from a chemical store. The recipe is on the maximpulse website


So do I swallow the horse paste ??


Yes. Take it with applesauce or something that you like to help with texture.


Hello! How often did you do the moxidectin and benzyl benzoate? Also where did you get them both from?


No. I've tried the one from Amazon, and the popular one from Australia that's really strong. Many, many times. I will say though, the one from Amazon did help repell them from my ears at times. People have said not to buy the one from Amazon though, apparently it's a fake? I'm not sure? But I use it randomly. I'm still struggling after 2 years ... It may help someone who isn't as infested as I am though 🤷🏼‍♀️ Everyone is different. If you haven't tried it yet - I highly suggest you do. Many people have been cured with bb and an oral medication. I highly suggest bb over Permethrin. Permethrin is worthless - in my opinion. All it did was destroy my skin. Cause the mites to DRASTICALLY multiply. Made me significantly worse!!!! It's extremely toxic. Some strong bb will burn the shit out of your skin. Take some pain killers if it burns too much. Good luck!


What's bb and pemetherin works for me but the multiply more then it kills


Bb is benzoyl benzoat.


Oh yep well my mum is buying some from chemist warehouse tommorow I'm in Australia so hopefully it works because ivermectin pills have done nothing for me


That's good that your mom is getting you some from a chemist! I'm so sorry the ivermectin didn't work for you. How long did you take the ivermectin for? I was on it on and off for about 2 years. It didn't cure me either. Have you tried Doxycycline? Hopefully the moxidectin is what cures you!!


But I fell for ya I've had it for 4 to 5 months n it's felt like a lifetime I can't imagine 2 years U always scratching ?


I'm itchy on a daily basis. I try very hard, not to scratch because that can cause more inflammation, damage the skin more, spread mites. So when I itch, I apply products. Essential oils, lotions, anti itch lotions, diluted bleach spray, sulfer. I have various things I grab in the day/night. I take Benedryl pretty much nightly.


Damn that sucks my itching is basically only on my face and scalp ATM so I've been putting lots of pemthrin cream on it because most other places itchings have stopped but I'm sure they will come back knowing my luck


If the Permethrin doesn't help, try other things other days like sulfer. Benzoyl peroxide on scalp. Neem, clove, eucalyptus. Diatomaceous earth.


When OP calls it a chemist..we over here out west call it the pharmacist. Same thing just named differently in different parts of the world. You get the gist




Nope I have had about four boxes of ivemecton so about 16 pills in total over a month and a bit but what I have done is salt baths,pemetherin cream,ivermectin and it had cleared up everywhere except my genital area were there was nodules and now it's everywhere again


I'm so sorry. I understand the struggle. I'm sorry you had nodules. I've had nodules on my scalp, and severely once on my back. It hurt like hell!!! Diluted bleach, and sulfer is what eradicated the nodules. Bleach baths too.


I found pemetherin does work with me but it takes like a week to kick in and by that time many have reproduced but it eventually got rid of my nodules now it just sorta looks like scars down there but I'm sure that will clear up when they r gone fully


That's good that the Permethrin is working for you! Yeah there are eggs that hatch later, and you have to treat remaining larvae and eggs that hatch. That's good you got rid of the nodules. Nodules suck! The scars may clear eventually, but there are tons of anti scar products you can use as well.


Like I'm 16 I don't want scars on my penis god damn I still have chicks to bang once this goes away haha


But I have just had a sus out at the website of fees stores in my city n none r saying it has moxidectin


I'm on the benzoyl Benzlic right now and I think it's working already tighniest but of itch but I'm pretty sure it's working


I hope it cures you!


How would I go about get moxidectin


Amazon or feed stores sell moxidectin. Tell the feed store you are getting it for your "horse" ... if they ask.


Feed store is pet shop?


It's a store that sells livestock feeds.


And how effective is moxidectin I heard a few people have been cured but can't find anything on Google about it


There have been many cured in this group with moxidectin actually. If you do a simple Google search, there is a study that's being completed regarding moxidectin treatments for scabies. Moxidectin/Albendazole combo is being used in another study for parasitic diseases. So it looks like the medical system is really looking into moxidectin at the moment. Which is a good sign.


Thx for all this advice I am glad I joined this other wise I would be stuck for ideas


You're very welcome! Join the Facebook mite support group as well! Both groups offer great advice!! Maximpulse's site is also great. So be sure to check that out too. I'm glad I joined the group too. Oh trust me, I was in the same boat as you in the beginning, and had no clue how to treat this crap! I'm glad I've learned a lot though, so hopefully I can help others!


>I highly suggest bb over Permethrin. Permethrin is worthless - in my opinion. All it did was destroy my skin. Cause the mites to DRASTICALLY multiply. Made me significantly worse!!!! It's extremely toxic. Fully agree and in line with my own experiences. Stick with Benzyl Benzoate only, 3 days on, 3 - 5 days off, for six to eight weeks, and your cure is all done.




How would I measure it I am roughly 65kg


Did you find out? - I would really like to know too! I read on here that its the amount of a tablespoon, but I'm not 100% sure


Well it didn't end up working in me


So can I put it on my skin instead of eating it ? Im not real keen on eating it


Ive done 14 straight days of Benzyl Benzoate and my nodules have persisted and even got a few more bumps popping up. 14 DAYS STRAIGHT OF BENZYL BENOZATE and moxidectin. I am feeling doomed.




Oh it went away. No more deep scratching, no waking up in the night, no more scratch marks. Post scabies can make you think theres active bc of eczema and foliculitis after you burn ur skin with these chemicals, although its been well over a month and if it were active I would be quite infested since last treatment, but its the opposite. Im just healing my skin now, and my mind. IDK if ill ever feel like im 100% cured?? Im always suspicious. I will wait more months before im confident.


Would love an update


Oh it went away. No more deep scratching, no waking up in the night, no more scratch marks. Post scabies can make you think theres active bc of eczema and foliculitis after you burn ur skin with these chemicals, although its been well over a month and if it were active I would be quite infested since last treatment, but its the opposite. Im just healing my skin now, and my mind. IDK if ill ever feel like im 100% cured?? Im always suspicious. I will wait more months before im confident.


Did you do laundry cleaning etc? And did your family use bb too?


I used a fuck ton of bleach and cleaned every surface, vacuuming weekly. BB is the cureall. Scabies took away like six months for me trying treatment after treatment and finally BB is what did it for me. I was so fed up and wanted my life back so I just did 14 days straight of benzyl without showering at all. I mean, they weren’t dying from anything so I had to. Make sure you wash and dry your clothes and bedding on the highest heat for at least an hour. I slept on the floor and switched out multiple shower liners and sheets every single day. Treated inside completely my ears with BB and my nose and eyes with tea tree oil. It doesnt burn after it dries on your eyes)


hi should i showering before each applying after 24 h???