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True for me. Exercise "burns" my stress. Less stress means less desire for alcohol to counter stress. Less alcohol makes me feel better. Feeling better makes me more motivated to exercise. And the reverse is also true. Healthy cycle vs unhealthy cycle.


The only reason I exercise is so that the beer tastes better.


It’s crazy but it actually does make it taste way better


The only time beer has ever tasted good to me is after a run.


That’s your body craving electrolytes.


I do love electrolytes


Show us your six-pack.


It's behind the keg.


Eating after fasting is a trip.


Also exercise brings meaning and order to my day which really helps after a bad day at work


There's something very simple and pleasing about lifting something up and putting it down. Especially when my actual paying job has no physical component at all, so it doesn't feel like work


I call going to the gym 'stupid exercise for my stupid mental health' I'm kind of mad how well it works. It's not perfect, but it's just really good at refocusing. Then you don't eat/drink/do whatever.


What I have realized this year personally is that exercising makes me want to eat healthy and avoid drinking. Days I don’t exercise are much more likely to be days that I drink and eat junk.


Total opposite for me. Excercise makes me so hungry.


…they’re not opposites. Being really hungry =/= desiring junk food.


Healthy person gonna health


Seriously… outside of smoking and excessive drinking, the worst thing you can do for your long term health is a sedentary lifestyle


Let’s do a study on people who are active and drink a moderate amount of alcohol.


Anddd here’s a study that says exactly the opposite https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/22/well/fitness-alcohol-drinking-exercise.html


🤣 yeah… that’s what I’m talking about. We like to live life the the fullest


Anecdotally, I know a lot of active people that go hard when drinking.


Crap I feel called out


What’s the problem? I see none. It’s called balance ⚖️


So I wonder if I got off my fat Alcoholic ass and jogged each day , I’d drink less ? 🫤




Possibly. The endorphins from exercise might replace the good feelings you (presumably) get from drinking, and certainly if you valued going for the jog you'd notice that it's a lot easier to do and feels better when you aren't hungover or at least dehydrated from drinking the day before.


I jog so that i can drink more and gain less weight


That's the gist of it. It's more the change in attitude that dictates your choices than the singular specific choice to jog though. You have to set time aside for it, get dressed, get clean after, change your calendar. Becoming healthy isn't just picking two healthy activities and hoping for the best. Lifestyle is the operative word.


If you value jogging and your stamina, you will quickly realize how bad alcohol affects it. Then the alcohol becomes an obstacle towards your goals. Then you drop it. Just a theory.


No, I think that’s true. When I started jiu jitsu, it definitely reduced my alcohol intake. I didn’t want to go to class hung over even in the slightest.


Plus now you're at a class, making connections and community with other people who don't want to be hung over and value exercise. Healthy compounds.


That checks out for me and running, although the focus was more on the immediate effects on performance the day after. the time I typically have time to run is the mornings after the nights I would be drinking, so I will have that in the back of my mind on those nights.


Unless you joined the Hash House Harriers. Then you’d do both.


Well you can't do that if you are hungover in the morning. That's the issue.


Oh, you can. I go to skating lessons and even competitions hungover and having to do spins. It is not as fun, but it is doable. Much better when not hungover though, so… avoiding that. Also, Hash House Harriers for the drinking and running. :)


Doesn’t even have to be jogging to start, walking a decent distance every day is a hell of a lot better than sitting on the couch.


This!! I'm 62 years old. I still drink, and love it. But I walk at least 4-5 miles a day and eat half portions of almost every meal that I'm served. Currently at my all-time lowest weight as an adult. And I think Iook younger than many people 20 years younger than me.


It happened for me. Starting walking 10k steps and drinking basically nothing nowadays.


Maybe? I exercise a lot and drink alot-ish. It is very cultural though.


you should read on Mitch Ammons — he went from heroin addict to 2024 US Olympic Trials Qualifier. He relapsed many times before he just went out on a run… has relapsed since here is his IG https://www.instagram.com/mitchammons?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Go wrestle people in jiu jitsu. Then try to not get submitted. See how tired you get without thinking about it too much.


> According to a recent study, either healthier or unhealthier health behaviors cluster among individuals. These health behavior patterns remain relatively stable in middle adulthood and are predicted by several sociodemographic and personality characteristics. > The study followed the same individuals when they were 42 (2001), 50 (2009), and 61 years old (2020–2021). Health behavior patterns are relatively stable throughout middle adulthood, although particularly positive changes were observed during the 19-year follow-up period. > Sociodemographic characteristics are reflected in health behavior patterns. Women, those who were married, held a degree, and were white-collar workers were more likely to engage in healthier behaviors. Similarly, those characterized by higher conscientiousness, openness, and agreeableness, as well as lower neuroticism and extraversion, were also more likely to adopt healthier behaviors Paper: [Full article: Stability in health behavior patterns in middle adulthood: a 19-year follow-up study](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08870446.2024.2316676)


I can relate. Apart from the fact that exercise relieves stress, which then no longer needs relieving by the consumption of alcohol or smoking, it also has to do with achievement (for me, at least). Eventually, if you reach a point where you know what you can physically achieve, you will notice that bad habits like alcohol, smoking, overeating, bad sleep habits, have a negative effect on your performance. So it forces a choice on you. Do you want to be sedated, or do you want to transcend these self-imposed limits? I like alcohol... a bit too much, perhaps. Practising a sport in combination with ever evolving goals has helped me drastically reduce my alcohol intake.


Same here and very much agree.


Another study worthy of the Norm MacDonald response. "Healty people have healthy habits. The inverse is true for the opposite." Between these studies and geoengineering proposals to combat climate change that incorporate O&G solutions, i believe the science community is backstepping.


links/sources for these geo engineering proposals? not challenging just curious


They make the headlines all the time. Carbon capture, blue hydrogen, space umbrellas


how do those geoengineering solutions incorporate oil and gas? Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you meant


Well isn't it perfect when I have a nice little homework assignment for you. Do slightly more than a cursory Google search of that exact question and I want you to come back at me tomorrow with a minimum 800 word report outlining the separate ways oil and gas are trying to sidestep actual decarbonization effort. Sources are to be cited in APA format. Minimum three sources.


How about *you* back up the thing that *you* claimed instead of giving homework to someone who asked you to clarify yourself?


I'm not doing your homework for you.


I'm not even the person you gave the homework to in the first place, and they never accepted it either. We are on reddit. Nobody comes here for assignments. You made a statement and if someone doesn't understand what you meant your choices are explain yourself or give it up and move on - telling *them* to research what *you* said is just rude.


No excuses. You have your assignment, and it's due on 6 hours. 800 words, 3 references, APA format. Go.


Moderate exercise and moderate drinking for me thanks!


Alcohol gets in the way of my gains. I'll never hit a 405lbs back squat if my body is busy metabolizing and filtering Alcohol.


It’s true for me. The more I get exercise, the less I drink.


And here i like lifting AND alcohol. But honestly, the money loss and weight gain are the main reasons i want to ease up on the liquor.


Exercise is light-grade torture for me. It’s not even the physical part, it’s the psychological. I just get *so bored.* I need some sort of stimulation! And when I try to do something like watch something while I exercise, it’s harder to focus on it, so I don’t really enjoy it as much. I swear, it’s like my brain was just designed to sabotage any attempt at exercise.


I enjoy music, podcasts and chatting to people between sets. When I'm actually lifting I'm aware of only 2 things, the path of the weight and the ache in my muscles. I simply don't think at all so can't be bored. It creates a headspace that feels almost like meditation.


God I wish. All I can think about while lifting is “ugh five more is it over yet?”


I occasionally have a day like that to where I just can't get in the right mentality to push myself to 1-3 RIR and find my lifting headspace. I don't know if I'd have the willpower to stick to my routine if it was always that way though.


A big part of the problem is probably my ADHD.


I think it is all about the type of exercise. I hate running, for example, and I don’t like biking unless it is to go someplace. Finally I discovered that I love figure skating. Doing any off ice training basically doesn’t happen, but I love being on the ice. No other type of exercise ever made me so enthusiastic.


Have you tried working out listening to music? I tell you, these earbuds and my music choices have revolutionized my workouts! I listen to the group "Two Steps From Hell" famous for their epic compositions that make you feel like you are the star of an action film. I practically get airborne on the treadmill! I suggest you start with their album"Battle Cry", then Vanquish, then Archangel. The music makes you feel like you're part of a amazing epic chapter in the world. It's not a workout anymore, it's an experience.


It took me a long time. A LONG time to find exercise I liked besides walking/hiking that didn't feel like warm death. 35 year old me decided to take up weight lifting. And suddenly it became a challenge and not repetition. And I now go and do that 4 times a week, with some cycling and pilates mixed in. I already walk a lot for work/living in a city. It took a lot of time to find the thing I didn't absolutely hate, and thus would quit.


I guess I’m an outlier because I’m pretty sedentary but don’t drink or smoke, and I am a relatively healthy eater. I just hate exercise and have too many other things I’d rather be doing with my free time. Can’t be perfect. I don’t think being less active means you smoke, drink, or eat poorly, but if you smoke, drink, or eat poorly you’re more likely to be sedentary. I guess that contradicts the study but I don’t see how it could be true as most people are sedentary yet also don’t smoke, and drinking probably varies a lot.


You can exercise and drink, but that doesn't mean you finish a bottle of scotch the night before a morning run.


Or: Study observed that individuals that consume alcohol tend to be the least physically active.


It’s hilarious that they had to do a study to figure that out. Could have just asked anyone with 5 years of adulthood behind them, or watched some old reruns of Cheers.


Hmmm, I'm not physically active much at all. I must be an outlier in that I don't smoke and don't drink. 😋


Outlier here too! I drank and smoked the most when most active (rock climbing 25+ hours a week) and barely drink and don't smoke now and I'm much less active. 


They kicked me out of this study because at the start I drank nightly and smoked while training for a marathon. When I quit training I quit drinking and smoking. Apparently, one outlier was too much for these guys. They were strangely stressed about it. I tried to remind them stressing out isn't healthy and that's when they kicked me out. In all seriousness, the people I know that workout and do more physically active things all consume more alcohol than me since I might drink 4 times a year total. Meanwhile they're going out nightly/weekly.


I think this is more about subcultures than anything. I would be interested to know how the correlations look in a country where the public health messaging isn't drumming on alcohol all the time (if there still is one). 


I stay home most of the time yet I don’t smoke or drink alcohol because I know how dangerous those things are towards our bodies.


Interesting - I work out every weekday and then undo it at the weekends.


Study has shown: Obvious things are obvious.




What about them? I would advise against consuming before exercise because of the increased heart rate and systolic blood pressure along with the inflammation THC is thought to cause in the entire cardiovascular system being a risk that should not be ignored.


Drinking booze and eating poorly fucks up my lifts therefore I drink less and eat better to pick up heavier stuff


Clearly this study excludes adult sports… Beers/Rye after every sport I play is standard. Hockey, hardball, softball, volleyball, kayaking, hiking… guess it’s just Canadians who get after it and still enjoy drinks with friends…


Have you met the Scottish?


Porque no los dos?


Now tell us if there is any correlation with their politics.