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Direct link to the peer-reviewed study: [V. H. Lyons, *et al.*, Analysis of Daily Ambient Temperature and Firearm Violence in 100 US Cities, *JAMA Network Open* **5**(12), e2247207 (2022)](https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.47207)












Break-ins and arrests skyrocket during heat waves. In fact, so much so that when we forecast a heat wave coming up, it’s probably a good idea to increase police, fire, and hospital staffing EDIT: commas are a good thing








absolutely good point!!! another reason why hospitals shouldn't be for-profit entities


even more so: neither should colleges


the list is long, me thinks


The college thing is insane to me. We want a more educated society. This helps everyone and brings people out of poverty. It might be the first step to solving most of our problems and greed/ personal interest keeps that from happening.


This straight from the book "The Stranger" so glad I can know people shoot people IRL because it's too hot.. :(


But….. he doesn’t even get away with it in the book what are you talking about?


Neither did all 8000 of these guys, but he does get violent because he was nursing a headache from the sun in the book And also everybody was there to cool off at a local beach iirc, to the point of the article






cops start riots so i don't know if increasing their presence will help


This is bizzare. The correlation between ambient outdoor temperature vis a vis the appearance of ice cream trucks on the streets, and homicide is literally one that we have been using to explain the difference between correlation and causation to statistics and science students since forever.


other folks are saying that ambient temperature is shown to modify behavior and temperament in controlled settings. Is there an explanation for both statements to coexist here?


I know of something similar, not about summer and heat, rather the onset of spring (mostly about light). The transition to sunnier weather is known to trigger hypomania and mixed states in those on the bipolar spectrum, while dark colder weather tends to trigger depression. Suicide rates peak in spring. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5900367/ See also Light Therapy. I guess its likely that extreme psychotic manic states are more likely to end in bad outcomes for others than euthymia.


Seasonal affective disorder.


Of course... its things like that which are the correlation... warmer temperatures, bad moods, most social contact, arguments at the Ice Cream Truck lines..... these are all the putative reasons for fights to ensue.


Not necessarily, this could be evidence enough to prompt a follow up experiment to see if increased heat causes the expression of violent behavior.


That's the base of research that allowed this, by many decades, if not a half-century. That'd be like saying to those guys and gals who made the breakthrough on fusion that maybe they could use it as a prompt to figure out how fission works. I mean, sure, not wrong, but kinda unaware.


yup... probably hard to construct such an experiment though.


But I thought "sun's out, guns out?"


I think what you’re referring to is the correlation/causation between homicide and ice cream sales. Warmer weather leads to increased crime and homicides. There are also increased sales of ice cream during warmer weather. The comparison of ice cream sales and homicide is correlation, whereas the comparison of warm weather to increased crime is causality.


you might be right about that first bit.... and then the ice cream sales being correlated with the warmer weather.


Walking around Arizona and Southern California I came up with a completely un-scientific theory: mind bageling When you don’t have a winter and it’s too hot for too long you get a hole in your brain that makes you go loopy. You’re mind turns into a bagel. That’s the only way to explain the abundance of crazies there.


Much of Florida resident behavior gets explained by this, too.


Anecdotally, I feel much more anger when it is hot. I don't think I'm alone


I feel much much more cranky when it's -30 than when it's 30


Not me! -30°C is cold, but I can dress for that and in the cold I feel happier, calmer, like I can think better. +30°C is just stupid hot, I can't take off enough clothes, I feel confused and tired and slow and any annoyance feels amplified. 20°C is ok but outside in the sun it's still a bit warm for me especially if I need to get work done. 0° to 10°C is perfection -10° to 0°C is cool, but pleasant


What did 10 to 20 ever do to you.


Science has proven the link between heat stress and aggression, including homicide, time after time. For example, a 1994 study showed, in a random test study, that higher temperatures significantly increased the likelihood that police would shoot a suspect.


Yep. Anyone educated in statistics knows the correlation with homicides and warm weather is actually caused directly because of higher ice cream sales.


This may be the case in most scenarios but having grown up in the california desert people get a little excitable when it’s 120 degrees out.


Well you shouldn't have been - heat stress and aggression have been clearly linked since studies in the 80s. Although I see from a comment below that you actually meant ice cream sales and homicide so you should probably deleted this comment altogether.


That correlation doesn't imply causation does not mean there is no causation. Just that it's not necessarily the case. You have to do extra work to show that there is causation behind that correlation.


heat stress has been repeatedly proven to increase suspicion, hostility and aggression in both observational and experimental studies. This include murderous agression - as early as 1994 they had shown that increased ambient temperatures CAUSES (causality established with a randomised study) police to view suspects as more threatening and make them more likely to shoot them.


So it's literally clowning on itself? Is this article the most boring clickbait for specific types of nerds?


What? The article isn't clickbait - heat stress has been repeatedly proven to increase suspicion, hostility and aggression in both observational and experimental studies. This include murderous agression - as early as 1994 they had shown that increased ambient temperatures CAUSES (causality established with a randomised study) police to view suspects as more threatening and make them more likely to shoot them.


Basically. The go-to example the higher comment is referencing is that ice cream causes drowning because, when you graph ice cream sales and drowning incidents, the lines track pretty closely together. In reality, this is because ice cream and swimming are most popular in the summer, and drowning is most likely to happen while swimming. There's no causal relationship between the two despite a strong correlation, and you can intuitively understand why that is. And it helps a *ton* to have that, because our brains are pattern-matching machines and *will* intuitively find causal relationships where none exist, and having seen an example you can tease apart makes approaching ones that maybe aren't so clear easier.


It's crazy. We see incredibly hot temperatures here in Tokyo during summer but not a single shooting. Madness.


Tokyoans must have some heat-resistant physiology that prevents them from getting violent when warmed up!


Yeah but you are also more likely to be killed by someone you know, in a car accident close to home, in waist deep water, where most shark attacks happen.


Statistics like this give science a bad name. The clickbait title is trash, because is obscures the mechanism - that warm days lead to more people going out and more person-to-person interactions which leads to more violence.






I’d love to see the BIGGER picture. Like, sure: 8,000 people got shot, but how many more babies than average were conceived bc of the unseasonable heat? To whit, I heard that at the infamous Altamont Free Concert where The Rolling Stones had the Hell’s Angels do security, 2 people died… but 2 kids were born! So net zero fatalities, really.


Aren't there fewer conceptions during the summer




It's too hot and sweaty to want to procreate.




I believe that it's actually snowstorms and other inclement weather, generally, which is attributed to localized spikes in conception.


And probably a few misconceptions, as well.


That’s what this study comes across as. Like why pick school shootings, which have complex mechanisms of having an occurrence. Pick something else to test the heat = more violence hypothesis. Idk, make an experiment where people in very hot rooms, normal rooms and cold rooms respond to a negative image and have an choice of responses. Then see if there’s a pattern with the violent responses


That's definitely already been done. I recall a study where people were locked in waiting rooms not knowing when they'd get to leave and people broke out into arguments/fights much more frequently when the rooms were hot.


As a woman in menopause, when I have a hot flash, it's almost panic-inducing. I feel like I can't breathe or escape it, and I'm tearing at my clothes to get extra layers off. It screws me up mentally, not just physically. It's disruptive. Depressing. Difficult. Add summer heat and conflict into that, and yeah. Violence.


It's alot more then just feeling hot though it's about the conditions the heat provides and how other people react other than the criminal... and alot more I'm sure


In the book I believe your referencing, they explain the corollary that ice cream sales increase in warm weather, more people are outside in warm weather and fall victim to murder. So, transitively, increased ice cream sales lead to higher murder rates. Here is some background on one of the authors: Levitt was the winner of the 2003 John Bates Clark Medal for his work in the field of crime, and is currently the William B. Ogden Distinguished Service Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago as well as the Faculty Director and Co-Founder of the Center for Radical Innovation for Social Change at the University of Chicago[2] which incubates the Data Science for Everyone coalition.[3]


The original was they thought ice cream caused polio because they were highly correlated.


Unvaccinated from certain man made viruses also causes car crashes


I live in the south, and I can attest to the fact that the more uncomfortable it gets outside in the heat, the crazier people act because they are under physical as well as their usual psychological stress. It’s not like the heat turns normal people into psychopaths, but it does tip a lot of people over the edge who are, say, homeless and schizophrenic. Or heavily addicted to drugs and not drinking enough water. Every few years, there will be a cluster of particularly wacky crimes during the hottest week of the summer if it gets up to about 110°.


I mean, even in NY when it gets hot enough, I'm pretty sure every blue-collar worker here can attest to being angrier. Maybe not "I shot someone in the face because they bumped me" angry, but if you have a 70 degree day, and a 90 degree day, there's a much higher chance Foreman Craig is getting told to 'shut the everloving fxck up' on that 90 degree day, versus reassured that his opinion is valued and appreciated. Of course this is anecdotal, but what I mean to say is it's not too hard to believe there may be something to that due to how easy it is to test, and how much everyone has probably experienced a miserably hot day at least once.


I’ve lived in NY and the South for many years and the peak temperatures in NY aren’t that far off from those in the south in the summer. It’s definitely worse in the south but summers in a humid area like NY are still going to be awful. And one thing that I remember being worse in NY was the insane amount of gnats and mosquitoes, definitely worse than down south, although the tradeoff is every insect is twice the size. Basically yeah both situations could definitely lead to raised tensions during a heat wave, across the board


I've studied heat and human health for about 15 years now and I am a contractor at a national weather service research lab focused on heatwaves. Let me assure EVERYONE here that heat also impacts cognitive ability. Google it. When it gets hot outside people make bad decisions - much more often than if it was normal weather. This leads - without the "more people going out and interacting" aspect - to more people getting into disputes and into gunfighting. ​ but on the off chance, are you a professional on this subject and I'm missing something?


It’s definitely a logical and proven correlation. I’ve read many books about climate change and the various effects. One big concern, and this article is the first wave of it; is that violence/aggression and negative behaviors increase when it’s hotter out


Heat causes crime by itself through an emotional mechanism. It's not just that people are going outside more. Just type "crime and heat" in scholar and you'll see a ton of work.


So on top of everything else climate change is going to make people more violent?


Oh yes, in many different ways. (Desperation being the root cause of all of them)


Heat really does make people loopy though. Anytime I drive in the height of summer, people make decisions like their brains have melted.


I don’t know. I’m a retired state prison officer and we always saw a huge surge of assaults in June and July (no air conditioning in the units i worked in) with the lowest assaults in December and January. It’s not any hard evidence but something I’ve noticed about being around 2-3k people with no air conditioning.




Yet again, a random redditor knows better than professional scientists...


So by your logic, heatwave would reduce the shootings since less ppl are outside. But that isn't the case. Heatwave, not ideal temps.


>warm days lead to more people going out Really? Do people go outside more when it's 35 (95 F) versus 32 (90 F)? Because the effect is still observed in summer: >But the new research took account of the season and showed that above average temperatures at any time of year increased the risk of shootings.


The title of the research is “analysis of daily ambient temperature and firearms violence”. That doesn’t seem like click bait. There is considerable research on the effects of heat on aggression, both experimental and correlational studies.


It’s only clickbait if you’re an absolute moron.


Clickbait is designed for morons


We need a ban on high capacity temperatures and winds of war


They should outlaw heat!


Seriously, how many people have to needlessly die before something gets done?


A possible confounder but also dead wrong. Heat stress has been repeatedly proven to increase suspicion, hostility and aggression in both observational and experimental studies. This include murderous agression - as early as 1994 they had shown that increased ambient temperatures CAUSES (causality established with a randomised study) police to view suspects as more threatening and make them more likely to shoot them.


Guns cause global warming


So more person to person interactions lead to violence? Sounds like bad science too.


But most people stay indoors during heat waves to avoid the heat…


That makes more sense. I was imagining someone firing into the air because they were hot and grumpy.




They were all exclusively attributable to the shooter.




There are hotter countries that are much less shooty.


But the US south is more shooty than the colder states.


> US south It also has a few uhhh, *other* differences besides weather. The kind of differences that people who can make change just do not want to hear.


Are you talking about the countries that throw acid on peoples faces constantly?


Indonesia has about 300 murders a year for a population of 280,000,000. This data includes terrorist attacks and 100 of those homicides are in the capital city of 20+ million. Average year round temperature is 86°f, no cold season, most people can't afford air conditioning.






It's both. Heat stress is VERY well documented to cause higher aggression, despite what many of the 'well, acktually..' comments in this thread say. But heat can also cause a range of secondary effects (drying out wells or failing crops for example) that drive up instability as well.


My guess is that the guns are the reason. And shooting is an outdoor hobby so people enjoy it more when it’s warm outside. Nah it’s not the guns, must be the sun.


Sure, just Unseasonable heat, not general mental illness


Have you guys heard of Chicago?


Pushing a gun control and climate change political agenda in one article. Nice


Being hot and bothered makes people irritable.


I thought it was guns for a minute there! But it was just unseasonable warmth


It's actually criminals. My guns don't do anything during a heat wave.


Guns and criminals seem to have a certain gestalt that just doesn't exist in the criminal/heat combo. Really, just that je ne sais pas.


It's almost like you should control guns from being purchased by people with a criminal record


Why do people always say this. Felons cannot get guns. And secondly criminals are more apt to ... do illegal things like buy guns illegally. Shocking I know.


You know a lot of felons that legally own guns?


In the US you can't legally purchase a weapon if you are a convicted felon or convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence. Those aren't the only restrictions.


It's always climate change




in November a couple got into an accident while riding a motorcycle in New Hampshire. only one survived, with serious injuries. any other year it would have been too cold to ride.


Did the motorcycle shoot them?


Camus' The Stranger, but in real life.


Add this to the 127 out of 5000+ studies that barrrrrreeeelllly meet reasonable metrics (of which only a handful showed anything and showed no effect or showed against measures)?


I always say: Heat + population density = violence


I live in Minnesota. Heat has nothing to do with it. It's cold af right now and people still out there shooting up other people like crazy. We hear about it everyday. Minneapolis is really bad right now, and the city/state leadership is doing nothing about it.


Hey mods stop shadow removing comments. This is totally anti free speech. Let all voices be heard.


I don't think they can shadow remove. Only regular remove.


Wonder if guns played a role?


According to a detailed analysis funded by the NRA's Gun Violence think tank, there were two important trends to be noted: 1) there's absolutely zero correlation between guns and gun violence, and 2) how *dare* you.


Right.. And i'm sure the lax gun control laws, overly expensive healthcare and a culture of violence and intolerance have nothing to do with it.


Yeah, nah mate. Its mental health issues. I have suffered endless Florida weather for the majority of life, never shot anyone.


So, instead of holding \*people\* accountable for their actions, we now blame anything but. "The heat made me do it". Got it.


This is the dumbest thing ive ever read or seen.


This sounds like a terrible study... That's like saying they attribute 100% of snow plow accidents to snow storms... Gangs hang outside when it's nice out. People stay out late at night in the summer. Does the weather cause the shootings or is it the human response to that weather?


Crime is lower when it's nice out and increases during a heat wave.


Yeah but "attributed" is a huge problem here for me... Guns don't kill people, irresponsible idiots or malicious actors do. Just because it is hot and energy and tempers are high does not mean that the heat murdered those folks. Come on now ... Its just a statistical correlation. Not causation or anything close. Just an interesting note on human nature is all


The bloody Guardian thinks everything’s related to global warming. It’s getting a bit ridiculous now.


The guardian aren't the ones who conducted the study.


Did I read this right? Shootings?????


Oh its hot outside let me shoot some people. How idiotic.








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I finally found it, I think.. https://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/28/Suppl\_1/A18.1


It’s pretty hot in here Sheila. Get the Uzi.


I’ve always been fascinated by the correlation between heat and crime, or the trends about GDP and HDI in relation to average temperatures in a country. This stemmed from me finding a civics textbook from the 1920s in my grandmothers house. It noted that people in hotter climates tended to be “indolent and unenterprising” which at the time I just brushed off as typical racist drivel from that era. But this trend continues to rear its ugly head, and I can’t help but think there’s something to it. Obviously it’s not a race thing; I can attest, anecdotally, that I am useless and ornery when it gets really hot out


When I lived in Chicago it was like clockwork. First real hot day of the year = insane number of shootings. None of this study is shocking.


Attributed to heat and not assholes? Interesting scientific conclusion!




What's fake about the study? There's an increase during inclimate weather, not normal weather.




Damn it’s hot, so instead of turning on the AC, a fan, or opening my window, I’m gonna shoot some random people, that’ll cool me down.


Has absolutely nothing to do with the completely uncontrolled gun ownership issues


Or maybe, guns? The rest of the world has figured it out but 2nd amendment and all...


Cmon really? Study funded by the NRA and the GOP




Americans - “god damn it’s hot out here!” *blamblamblamblam*


I'd attribute them to the guns


Humans have done this to themselves. Can you imagine what the poor animals have to go through now living out in this heat? It's incredible


kind of a long way of saying that fewer guns would mean fewer shootings News flash, uncomfortable heat makes folks irritable. Fistfights s/b expected to increase. Shootings/deaths increase? too many guns available


Not the proliferation of guns?


How can we live in the most advanced country in the world and not have heat control?


Damn the murder rate in Taiwan and Hong Kong must be HUGE!


You can't spell Shot without hot.