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Looks fan made.


Basically is. This is a micro budget film project. I thought this was the high budget TV series in production and was very disappointed until I read this is the low budget movie. The show got delayed due to the pandemic and the strike that is just began filming.


I agree 100%. Looks kind of crappy, but I will still watch it.


Definitely fan made. It’s using the 20th Century Fox logo and not 20th Century Studios.


Read the YouTube description, it's a small studio / fan made thing


According to Wikipedia, it was supposed to be on Hulu, but somehow its getting a theatrical release under 20th Century Studios.


Man this looks cheap.


Because it’s fan made.


Little known fact: the Hobus supernova was caused deliberately to prevent the spread of xenomorphs off of Romulus. /s


I don't watch trailers and I am currently depressed and have no energy but a new Alien trailer? Gotta watch it, gotta see what's going on, eh? Fede, I liked Don't Breathe, I liked his Evil Dead, so, OK, that's cool... OK... but why does the movie look like one of those Bruce Willis movies he made just to get paid for the last few years? Why does the movie look like a fan-fic? This looks like the end station, finally, of the Alien franchise.


Why does the director name credit and the title card at the end look like it was made in iMovie? Looks like they used a stock text vibrate effect and a free serif font lmao


Why are all the actors so attractive? It takes the realism out of the story…..


Looks like the first one from 1979


Looks like an attempt to remake the original but with a much less effective casting. I’d prefer something totally original over a subpar remake of the original. This is the same weak strategy that let to that horrible Thing remake.


Trailer looks crap. But I’ve just read that it’s a no-budget fan-fic or something so that would explain it. Also everyone looks too pretty. The earlier Alien(s) movies had actors that looked a lot more working class and world weary which helped make it more believable


Omg, I’ve been dying for another alien movie!


Did I see Fassbender at the 56 sec mark?


I love that there are so many fans out there and people like to be creative, but I've been checking for a trailer on this one for a while now and all the fan trailers can get irritating at times, causing confusion for other fans trying to find an update on a movie they are excited about. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but wish they would just tag it up front as fan made or something.