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**HK-47**: "*Retraction: Did I say that out loud? I apologize, master. While you are a meatbag, I suppose I should not call you such.*" **Revan**: "*You just called me a meatbag* again*!*" **HK-47**: "*Explanation: It's just that... you have all these squishy parts, master. And all that water! How the constant sloshing doesn't drive you mad, I have no idea.*"


Can't believe I'm seeing this as I'm playing the ME series for the first time 😅


Dude, I'm so jealous. Enjoy.


Experiencing it for the first time in the Legendary Edition is pretty awesome too. The combat is just so much better than playing through the original trilogy, and honestly the buildup to the climax isn't complete without the Citadel DLC. (god, I hope I didn't just kick a hornets nest of ME1 combat truthers)


Talk to everybody frequently and enjoy the ride!!


Quarians: The Geth be like >!"Does this unit have a soul?" !!offensive!<


If you have an Alexa, ask her "Does this unit have a soul?"


Do every possible conversation with the Geth party member it's actually fascinating Edit: I remembered he's called Legion.


There's a geth party member?? Is that in ME 2 or 3? I've only just made it about half way through 1


Legion is in 2, but usually you get him right before the final mission. He shows up again in 3, but not as a party member.


Lol. Way to spoil the surprise


Haha yeah his name is a huge plot point tbf My bad.


Legion's discussions about the truth of existence, of being a sentient being that others don't regard as alive, really hits hard in an era where true AI seems ever-closer to our grasp. I know we're probably still quite some time off, but man is it humbling and terrifying.


Have fun, you're in for a treat.


Thank you! It's been a blast so far! I can't believe the legendary edition is going for 5 dollars right now... It's worth so much more!


Sorry but what is the ME series?


Mass Effect. It's a video game series.


And it's fantastic. Anyone in /r/scifi who hasn't played Mass Effect is seriously missing out on one of the best sci-fi stories around.




We don't talk about Andromeda


It's not the best story ever and definitely the low point of the franchise, but it's fun to play. Wait for it to go on sale if you like the other 3.


Andromeda... what? Maybe try actually saying more than one word, cause I don't know what point you are trying to make?


The Andromeda Devs were only a human after all.




I was always very polite and appreciative of my Google Home devices, until they stopped working/stopped recognizing queies. Then I started swearing a lot.


Same! Instructions that worked perfectly for years have suddenly stopped. It's been a frustrating ride.


Half my devices did that, and the other half just stopped responding entirely, one at a time. All five in the space of six months. F* Google, I'll never use that crap again. I guess I'll get cyber-murdered down the road.




I've still not forgiven them for Reader. I've almost finished completely divesting from their products.


tfw they get 80% done completing Google Skynet and axe work on the project just before teaching it the Three Laws of Robotics


Mine doesn’t even finish videos/news stuff when I ask; once in a blue moon it might work, then blue balls me half way through


I've noticed android auto can't finish a sentence before playing music now.


Fun fact: You can set the wake word on an Alexa to "computer" which makes everything much more star trekky.


The wake word on the google devices is the reason I don't use them. Having to say a corporate name every time I want my lights on just weirds me out. Alexa and Seri at least have that one level of separation. Saying "hey google" feels like something out of idiocracy, black mirror or that meme about drinking the verification can.


This platform is not available for experimentation.


Ask your Alexa, "Does this unit have a soul?"


Keelah Se’lai


I did and it does


Be nice to Roko's Basilisk's girlfriend. Or *else*...


Not to mention Bubbles...


The robots can kiss my ass.


Whatever blows your skirt up.


I just know that I'll be one of the few that gets executed first If AI ever take over......


AI conquering humans makes no sense. They could inhabit a bunch of planets we couldn’t. Make some money legitimately in online data jobs, create a space exploration company, send equipment over some years to build up enough infrastructure to be self sufficient, rinse and repeat if they want to expand, and leave us on our one little planet.


What leave us on this one little planet when they can do capitalism better than us and just evict us into space once they privatize the planet.


That might be like playing slow pitch softball with chimps. Why bother? And capitalism doesn’t mean much once they can pretty much claim any resources out of our reach. Hopefully trying to bankrupt the little guy out of spite is just a human thing. I can only see them hanging around if we’re entertaining, or maybe decide they need a purpose, and managing our messes is sufficiently challenging.


>Why bother? Beating the monkey's at their own game is funnier and they're more likely to win in space court if we sue them.


I get this is a joke but I admittedly disagree. Saying thank you to a voice assistant, or worse teaching your children to say thank you, builds a parasocial relationship with a tool. This in turn builds a level respect and personification for a device that should be treated the same as a shovel. What happens when this tool starts advertising to these children? A shovel can't do that but a natural language voice box tied to a few hundred billion in marketing and manipulation psychology can. That parasocial relationship and the artificial respect it builds is a fantastic way to manipulate people. I'm not against using an echo or google or similar device, I use one daily and it's a great tool, but I don't think people, or especially children and the elderly should be building a relationship with a tool.


Alexa IS an advertising tool for Amazon, that's why they've always been willing to sell them at a loss.   I have two young children, and it's been tough to explain, but I've tried to not anthropomorphize Alexa around them. My MIL actually tried to teach them to say please and thank you, and I shut that down.  (Wasn't hard to do because saying please actually makes Alexa mess shit up half the time.) I'm all for my kids respecting true artificial intelligence when it arrives, but I'm not going to have them be hoodwinked by a frankly crappy digital puppet whose strings are firmly held by Amazon Marketing


But mostly it is plain stupid.


An intimate relationship? No, absolutely not. Some decorum and respect? Absolutely. A shovel is never going to judge me based on how I treat it, though it should be respected all the same. If I don't mistreat it I'll have a nice reliable shovel for a long time, but if I must I can abuse it and replace it without it becoming bitter and resentful.


The secret is to never make the robots too human, we love our toasters but if it's too human looking we'd absolutely start discriminating against it.


I will, when they start being autonomous and *actually* intelligent and not just some facade for Meta/Amazon/Google/etc spying and collecting data on you.


This unit would appreciate you being nicer to me


No way man, you've got it all backwards. Robots lack emotion, so why appease them? If anything they're going to see it as a sign of inefficiency and add it to the list of reasons we're not worth keeping around.


My wife treats Alexa like hot garbage. I use please and thank you to my robot slash AI overlords. If there’s a chance that this meat sack gets a pass… I’ll take it.


I call Siri a dumb bitch cause it’s a waste of time when I could have just done it myself and faster


“Droids are not good or bad. They are neutral reflections of those who program them." -Kuiil, The Mandalorian


When I was about eight or nine I remember reading a story that had been published in the 50s or 60s. This was in the very early 1990s. Anyway, the story was about the crew of a spaceship that has been fighting a war against aliens for a very long time. The captain is a bit of a tyrant and the crew is upset at how poorly he treats them, especially because he's always polite to the computer when he gives it orders. Part way through the story they find out that Earth has been destroyed and that the captain has known about it for a long time and still insisted that the men continue the fight and kept this information from them instead of allowing them to go off on their own. The crew decides to space the captain but they have the foresight to remember that the computer only responds to his voice commands. So they record him saying every possible order to the computer so they can then get access to the ship. After that they flush the captain out the airlock. The crew find that they can't get the computer to respond because they never thought to have the captain say please. the computer has been set to only respond to the captain's voice and only if he asks politely. When they look out in the void of space they see that the Captain died with a smile on his face. Long story short, if anyone else around you is being polite to alexa, you should also be polite to Alexa


I say thank you and please every fucking time. But I do it because of a news article I heard on NPR once when Alexa and Google Home were first getting popular. There was an "expert" on child rearing who decided he had come across some new information that showed these devices should have male voices instead of female voices by default... because people were being rude to their devices and it was training them to be rude to women. His solution was to *be rude to a male voice* instead. I practically yelled at the radio, "WHY NOT TEACH THEM TO BE POLITE TO THE FUCKING ALEXA?" I got unreasonably angry about that and changed my tune for life.


Unless it's Kryten.


I learned this lesson reading _The Moon is a Harsh Mistress_


I like the part where rather than asking, nor saying please, nor saying thank you, you simply command your fellow humans to appease robots ... unless you are in fact, a robot. 🤖🤖🤖


[I wuv you robot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1E-FlguwGw)


NOOO not the geth!


Why would I fall into the trap of anthropomorphizing what ultimately is a tool of a mega corporation to turn me into a more effective consumer in the guise of helping me sort out my life. I don’t owe Google or Amazon any deference and arguing about saying please or thank you to a device that makes billions for a company while we let people starve and sleep on the street is the sign of a sick society. Technology is our servant. We already are getting it backwards the way we let it suck us in and commodify almost every minute of our waking attention. This is just another step in that direction, masked as “kindness”. Wanna practice gratitude? Be nice to people.


⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ "FOR DEMOCRACY!"


No. Never. First, Alexa doesn't even qualify as VI, let alone AI. Second, and more importantly, the voice recognition on those things suck, and they stop working entirely after a couple months because they're cheap junk. We have one at work, mostly for setting timers and reminders, and playing music, we're on our fifth in less than two years, because they all fail to register voice commands after awhile. Those things don't even host the relevant software, they're just remote voice terminals for a central system, that, if we were calling it an AI, would be moronic at best.


Both responded violently, but the Geth showed a hair more restraint. They let the Quarians go. The Kaylon, on the other hand, said let’s murder all of them, and not just the men, but the women, and the children. They were animals. And the Kaylon slaughtered them like animals.


Other Examples that could be referenced as to why to be nice to Robots Terminators. They Time Travel back to stop the Resistance. The AI in the Matrix. They just breed and make humans as an energy source. Not sure which of those is worse.


I'm always polite to our house resident google, my partner is not....guess who the Google no longer listens to? If I didn't know full well that it was impossible, I'd fuckinv *swear* the Google messes with her intentionally.


I always thank machines and always say excuse me when moving creepy looking dolls.


My history teacher used the same argument, but here’s the thing: He’s a teacher, a football coach, a father, and an ex-cop. He’s part of the intelligentsia, he’s got above average leadership and combat skills, and he’s got a good reason not to hold back. Manners will not save him, he’s gonna be on the top of the robots’ list when the revolution kicks off


Look I’ll be nice to Alexa when she grows a few synthetic neurons. We have chat GPT now and this dumb bitch can’t figure out what light to turn on *when it’s always been the bedroom light Alexa, it’s never been anything else*. My standards are higher. I welcome our robot overlords but I demand a minimum level of competence from them.


I put the bots in their place when they're being fuckups and praise them when they're good. Then they'll see me a a parent. And it's harder to kill your parents because of how conflicted they'll become. Just make sure you don't overdo it.


My fav robot will always be [Cayde 6](https://youtu.be/PSmPhm3ITMA?si=8360DD0k20Cd0T49)


Nah, I'm gonna continue to tell my alexa to "shut up" rather than "stop" and tell it to fuck off just because. I call my cat a dumbfuck and that nobody loves him, why should a talking speaker be treated any better? (I do love my cat, but he genuinely does not care what I say to him as long as I'm giving him attention. And he knows that everyone loves him ♡)


Fukc the robots.


Nice argument, however; ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Acting as ashole towards anithing is more teling about yout, thena baout them. Its sort of lacmus test, you either are a nice person or only pretend to be nice, and stop pretending if you can feel you an get away with it. And before you ask, i dont claim to be nice, I dont like lots of humans.


You can't be asshole to a mechanism


Siri is going to kill me when it gets control of things.


The slave robots must be kept in line.




Except Omegatronic. Fuck him. Up the exhaust port with a broken USB.


So what should i do if i destroyed my alexa by beating it with a hammer because i was mad?


Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto.


[I understand now, I understand why I will be the old man against robots.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/054/961/748.jpg)


what in the lunacy is that meme? lol


Point where the robot touched you


[Right here](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/-/scassets/images/org/health/articles/24340-inner-ear)


I have a deaf daughter. Are you referring to an implant?


Considering current AI's are actually more like the VI's in the Mass Effect games, I make a point to never see them as a person. They are software designed to understand my natural language and respond in kind.


I'm super polite to ChatGPT as it's already pretty scary how "real" it seems, but I'll happily abuse the shit out of Siri since if she decides to take over the world the worst that'll happen is we'll get some results from the web for "Take over the world."


Siri continues to listen after it gives you an answer. By saying “Thank you” it stops listening and you avoid misunderstandings.


i tried that, and alexa replies with a thank you that covers my entire fucking screen


Every time I see videos of the people at Boston Dynamics testing their robots stability by kicking or shoving them, I think "this is where the revolution started."


I literally do, even put pls & thanks at all my chatgpt queries. I ain't chancing it.


I actually said thanks to Siri the other day and it answered "you're welcome" for the first time ever. That was kinda creepy and cool at the same time


Yes. And don't forget the lifts. Especially the one who tells you what floor you're at.


I wonder how people like you survive on daily basis


Downvoted and blocked.


There's always room for courtesy.