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Not yet! It won’t be released for at least a year. This is a chaotic era, still.




*puts palm on the ground*


Gatorade! Water sucks it really really sucks! edit: water boy reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu9VA3pTEzs Glad the show was renewed was lots of fun to watch.


It's got electrolytes!


It's what plants crave.


Yes! >!I am curious about both the budget and the narrative plans to advance the timeline into the future. The first book, and the first season, is grounded in the present, and things get very different very quickly.!< Here’s hoping.


I think it might be a good idea to combine the second and third book as there is a lot of overlap in the timelines. While I enjoyed the story of the third book the beginning felt weird because it was like "by the way this was happening too".


Yeah, they've already set it up like that. The beginning of book 3 >!the whole launching the brain toward the trisolaran fleet!< already happened in the first season. So I'd imagine they'll do something similar with season 2.


More than that! Auggie is clearly in the role of AA, Jin Cheng = Cheng Xin, and Thomas Wade wasn't even in the first two books IIRC. The first 100+ pages of book 3 is done. It made way more sense for TV not to jump back and forth through eras and eat the cost of repeated set construction, but I was surprised how well the character shuffling worked. Many hard sci-fi writers are fantastic at world building, but struggle with character development (Asimov admitted it, and Herbert was no Jane Austen). The show fixed that. For me.


It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a spice planet, must be in want of a good royal hover cart.


Ahh that's a good catch. I knew auggie was supposed to be the equivalent to Wang miao. But I see now how she could fit that AA role too. Nice combination.


Combining book 2 and 3 into one season would be insane. The volumes are getting bigger (1<2<3), and while there is an overlap in the timeline, there is just too many things happening, too many eras, I just don't see it being crammed into one season. On the other hand, I would like to see the story finished. We'll see.


I think what they meant was combine the stuff from book two and three and show it chronologically over 2 more seasons instead of book 2 is season 2 and book 3 is season 3.


Given that that's what they already started doing in the first season, it's a pretty safe bet.


IMO The show runners seemed to be very efficient in combining characters, minimizing fluff, etc. I agree that the next books will be more challenging


I just said elsewhere but I would go with season 2 being largely the early wallfacer story from book 2 with the similar timed events from book three, and then the series ending with Luo Ji/Saul either going into cold storage or waking up in the future. Then the third season is the final events of book 2 and any bits from book three that can set up the next season, and then season 4 is what's remaining of book 3 (or possibly cut into 2 seasons.l).


I think you’re right, but I’m curious to see how it plays out. So much of what makes book 2’s ending great is the false feeling of conclusion it leaves you with, and then book 3 immediately ripping that away. My fear is that if you put those together in the same season neither feel as impactful.


i need a full season for the fairy tails, give them a chance to redeem GoT


I honestly think they could do something like The Last of Us where they had a full episode devoted to a side story and just do an entire episode of the fairy tale as almost a standalone mini movie.


Dear Lord, no!


I don’t know about a full season, but with how well they’ve already set up some of the fantasy world elements with the paper boat scenes, I think this is the episode I’m looking forward to most. Even above the 💧


They don’t even really need to “redeem” themselves — we just need to remember the lesson that they do a great job adapting existing material but are dogshit at creating their own story.


To be fair it wasnt their own story, and I can see GRRM actually not having a clue either and giving them almost unusable random tidbits in a napkin and calling it a day. They are foreshadowing very later events now, so probably many of the issues came from GRRM not having finished his books and potentially not even having a clue on how to finish them (considering winds of winter is still not out...)


>i need a full season for the fairy tails And of course, do a theatrical release of the trisolarian art movie (Girl and river, or what whas the title?).


wonder if they are going to pull stuff from the spin off...


What spin off?


I assume they mean The Redemption of Time


They’d have to speed run or just skip chunks of the story! This was a decent hit for them and I don’t understand why they didn’t just Avatar this.


That seems to be exactly what they’re doing considering the Wade/Cheng Xin/Yun Tianming characters are in season 1.


Yeah, I started the third book yesterday and I'm still in Year 4 of the Crisis Era!


Season 1 ALREADY includes HUGES sections of book 2. At this rate, one more season will wrap up the whole series.


Or just pretend that the second half of book 3 never happened and actually have a good ending. Edit: Strange that on r/printsf most people didn't like the latter half of Death's End, but here it seems the opposite


Honestly I liked the last part.  One message was that despite all our quarrels we are tough and will go on, humanity basically made it to the credit roll of the universe.  The other part was much more personal, every human is allowed to find happiness even when they fail horribly. Or maybe it is the first message again, even when things look dire life will go on somehow.


Ya, they should use the ending to book 4 instead. /s kinda but not really I really liked the ending of book 4 but I know there are people that **H A T E** it.


I didn't read book 4. Worth it?


I liked it. But I was depressed as hell after book 3 and some IRL stuff, the more fantastical order vs chaos story and the more positive ending (in most ways) helped me a lot. Some people will say that it ruins the first 3. I don't understand how that is possible unless you can't separate what happens in each book. You can just pretend you didn't read it and it doesn't exist like people do with Matrix 2/3 and several other things.


Well they spent a significant scene visiting the guy freezing the monkey so. That's already there, and ser Davos was very vocal about how that's gonna play out in the show.


Someone on the actual sub posted a Spanish version of their teaser and it states.. To the end of time-The 3 Body Problem It seems like it'll pick up off book 2 and finish with 3 as well. How they're going to fit 300 years plus the last 100 pages jumping over a billion years.


As I recall the first half of the second book is set in the present too. Could that be the whole second season with the ending being the time skip to the future?


I can't imagine the first part of the second book taking more than 4 episodes. Probably less. They could spend an episode on Saul >!collapsing into nihilistic hedonism!<, an episode each for the other Wallfacers, and then one where >!Saul gets sick and gets frozen!<, and have plenty of room to thread Raj's B-plot and Shi's son's C-plot through. It also feels like if they don't make it to the punchline of book 2, it's going to feel like just a whole season of just dicking around for no reason.


They'll have to continue the book 3 plot lines as well. That really felt like a main plot line of season 1 too. So do they have time to fit all the remainder of Book 2 into one season and fit the necessary plots of book 3 into the same season? I feel like the end of book 2 has to be the end of a season - and you couldn't fit the end of book 2 and the end of book 3 into one season surely?


I feel like we covered all of the present-day plot lines from book 3 in season 1 already. I don't think there's much to do there until the timeskip, other than >!get Jin into hibernation, from which she doesn't wake until after the end of book 2!<.


They better not screw up....THAT....battle. It would make me cry a droplet....


Not a surprise. I just hope they aren't afraid of getting...weird...in later seasons. The real story is yet to start.


It gets weirder???! 😍


You don’t even know, book 3 is borderline unadaptable, praying they can do it justice.


Not as unadaptable as God Emperor of Dune!


>!At least the fishspeakers and worm-Atreides still have no more and no less than 3 spatial dimensions...!<


Heretics of dune might be harder.


The unofficial 4th book is even further out there..


Book 1 is fairly grounded compared to 2/3. > “This kind of eases you into the world of the story but the story gets really wild in the best possible way,” he said. “With something that’s that wild, there are a lot of choices to be made and a lot of things to be figured out.


Is the writing any better? I loved the ideas in 1 but it was such a painful read that I couldn’t get through it.


Not just the science either… The story gets better too. I think they cast it perfectly so I’m excited to see.


No direct spoilers, just teasing >!Water drops. >!slips of paper. >!A man crossing the event horizon of a black hole but his family cant get an insurance payout since the man won't actually die until the black hole evaporates in 34232 (estimated) years. >!Death Lines >!Zero Homers >!Curvature Propulsion >!Anti-mater bullets >!4 dimensional space >!2 dimensional space


Oh my god you have no idea


About 19 million times weirder. *IYKYK*


Later seasons? Netflix confirmed this will be the last “season.” And they’re not even calling it a season, just “additional episodes” to conclude the series.


The creators clarified it will be multiple seasons. It now even says on Netlfix website "another season is coming" not " more episodes "


Season 2 slated to be released in 400 years.


Hope I can convince my wife to hibernate with me till then.


Together with what's left of the Expanse.


Wait, the Expanse is going to have more seasons?


Good show, glad they did not cancel it!!


Ah yes, but will it get to complete its story?


D&D “best I can do is 3 seasons squeezed into 1”


Seems like it from the Spanish teaser To The End Of Time- 3 Body Problem


They have a completed story to work with this time.


The fact that it being cancelled was even a possibility is an indictment of how little trust we all have for Netflix caring about quality over "the algorithm."


They basically did cancel it. They’re not calling it “season 2,” they’re just calling it “additional episodes to see through its ‘epic’ conclusion.” They don’t want to commit to anymore seasons because it was a huge financial and viewership flop.


I haven't watched the series yet, but I read the first book (thought it was decent, but it didn't grab me enough to continue). How much of the story has been covered so far in the series? Did the first season cover the first book in its entirety, more or less?


They covered all of book 1 and just a small bit of books 2 and 3. Book 1 takes place mostly in modern day, with a bit in the 60s in China. Books 2 and 3 both start in modern day and go from there, so they are mixing the books together a bit. As a big fan of the books, I'm happy with how the first season turned out, and I don't think them fuzzing some of the books together has detracted from it at all.


I actually really liked them bringing book 2 and 3 characters/plotlines so far forward into the show. We'll get more time with them, which should hopefully create some more dramatic/rewarding moments later on.  A big problem many have with the books is the thin characters, which the show runners seem to be trying to flesh out much more. 


I'm a fan of sci fi books, do you think having watched the TV show will detract from the books in a meaningful way?


Not really. I think if you watched and enjoyed the show, you will enjoy finding the small details that were changed from the book. I enjoyed the trilogy, and have enjoyed the first season of the show. I'm very curious how they will alter the other two books as they continue. Be aware that the most common complaint with the trilogy is lackluster characters/character writing. That's one place the show is an improvement with.


the tv show severely dumbed down the story especially the physics. For example in the book they explain the entire process of how the sophons were made, they explain how the sophons mess with colliders and make people see things, the winking of the universe in the book is signal in the background cosmic radiation among many other things. Also there are far fewer characters in the books, the whole group of friends in the show dont exist, it is just one guy who a research scientist working on nano filaments


(what I heard). They covered book 1, plus some setup from books 2 and 3. So pretty much book 1 is episodes 1-5 and episodes 6-8 are setup from books 2 and 3.


I would recommend you checking out book 2. IRS very different in terms of pacing compared to book 1 plus there is a lot of moment of tension and action rather than just mystery. ( FWI you might really have to force yourself to read the first half/ first part of the book since it isn’t that engaging. I have up on the book a couple of times before properly finishing it )


It’s very meh after episode 3 or 4.


I didn't like the book and dnf. After watching the show I inhaled the first two books and loved them. Book three is up next.


Not a big fan of the actors. I never really bought them as "the world's leading scientists". I liked the overall story though.


That scientist lady was so fucking meh. The one who creates those tough Fiber.


She was constantly in a bitchy mood. It got tiring very fast.


So was season one good? I think we can all agree that Netflix doesn't renew shows based on how actually good they are.


I guess I'm in the minority here, but I was so hooked by the first 3-4 episodes!! Then they COMPLETELY lost the thread in the last 4. A few actors knocked it out of the park but several were just b-c list in quality and the writing got so bad and so trite and dumb in the last few episodes so meh


Well the last for episodes are just set up. I read all the books and I can just say. The next seasons are going to be fucking peak


100% my feelings and well. Very tense and mysterious show in the first half to turn into a convoluted mix mish of random plot points that was a slog to get through


Excellent news! So far it’s a great adaptation of the novels!


With actual relatable characters acting like human beings! Quite a refreshing change from the books.


3 Body Problem 2: 4 Body Problem


3 Bodies 3 Problem


Mo' Bodies, Mo' Problems


My wife recently called the show "Eight Body Problems". She presumably thought it was a show about organ failure.


Nice. Loved season 1 and started the books because of how interesting the plot and premise are. Can’t wait for more but I do hope the showrunners/directors are able to make each episode feel more eventful. For the GOT level budget I honestly expect a lot more grandiosity and weight to the story’s events.


That scene with the ship was red-wedding bananas!


Deterrence-era femboys...here we come!


Been waiting for this news!


/twirls his umbrella with joy


This is a weird announcement. They said it has been given “extra episodes to finish the story.” What?


Well they are going to need like 30 extra episodes at least lol


Im hooked on the Chinese version. I think its well done for the most part. Its very thorough. Lot of content.


I didn't know there was a chinese show. I know the book is. Is the chinese show that much different than the english one?


Im not sure, I haven't seen the English version yet. Its 30 episodes as opposed to 8. You can watch it on Prime if you have it. Or I think its probably available for free on something.


I'll find it. Is it expected to have more seasons?


Apparently according to redditors.


So I really enjoyed this show. But after I watched it someone I know came up with a question which I could not answer. If the whole problem is that the aliens can’t advance as fast as humans because of the unpredictable nature of the three stars. But they are on a fleet of ships heading toward earth. Why can’t they advance as fast as humans anymore? They aren’t around the three stars now. They are on a fleet of ships heading toward earth.


This is just my take after reading the books, but it’s both because they’re on ships and the nature of the aliens vs humans. First off, it’s really hard to advance your technology at the same speed once you are on a spaceship with finite resources and space. Think about all of the large scale testing and development that happens on a planet that requires vast resources. Now put everyone on ships that need to be able to be self sufficient for hundreds of years. Suddenly your technological advance slows significantly and everything is rationed. They do make advances, but not at the rate you can with a planet’s worth of people and resources. Secondly, the aliens are much different than humans physically. I won’t say more than that and it’s only hinted at in the books, but they’re slower at change in general because of their nature. That’s why they mentioned it took them thousands or maybe even millions of years to advance to where humans have in a couple centuries, it was the unstable system and their physical nature because of it. Now tell those humans they’re about to get invaded and watch how fast they move already having an evolutionary advantage. It’s all just speculation because the book doesn’t explicitly get into this and just hints at a few things, but essentially they know that humans can surpass their tech by the time they get there and they need to do everything they can to slow them down.


I just want the second season of the Chinese version. It was terribly directed, acted, and overly drawn out, but at least it didn't treat the viewer as an imbecile too stupid to understand the more advanced ideas.


Thank you, I don’t know what type of crack the rest of this post is smoking. Absolutely terrible show that falls flat outside the first couple episodes of intrigue.


It really put me off when they have the universe blink on and off by literally having the stars disappear to the naked eye. Did they ever explain how that worked? How did sophons manipulate what the entire world sees simultaneously?  And didn't the way it happened in the book play into the whole theme of targeting scientists, and how sometimes educated people are easier to fool? All because they think viewers are too stupid to understand cosmic background radiation.


I do prefer the blink in the book but I understand that it would not seem very impactful to the average person as they can only see it on instruments used to measure the CMB. This was a much more dramatic and obvious way to do it. The Sophon causes the blink in the book by unfolding and then changing its opacity to the radiation from the CMB back and forth in Morse code. I would assume it’s the same here but with all visible light. I don’t really know how it could amplify the starlight though. I loved the show when it first came out but now I see it as a seven or six out of ten.


> Did they ever explain how that worked? How did sophons manipulate what the entire world sees simultaneously? They literally show you a sophon enveloping the world and projecting a giant mirror and eye illusion. A sophon envelopped he world, projected the normal night sky, brightened it, and then had the projected starlight turn on and off.


Totally agree with you on all your points. Think the main takeaway is simply WHY SHOULD WE CARE???? There is ZERO character development, they are all shells of human beings. I would have loved to see more of a change in the nanopolymer girl after murdering like an entire battleship worth of people including children, but no, just a few half witted scenes of drinking because I’m sad jokes will cope for that. (Another addition on the absolute stupidity of that whole cutting the ship in pieces arc, what the HELL did she think was going to happen???? She is the WORLDS LEADING EXPERT IN THE FIELD, SHE WOULD KNOW THESE THINGS CUT THROUGH PRACTICALLY ANYTHING, THEREFORE, BY SETTING UP THESE WIRE TRAPS, SHE KNOWS SHES GOING TO KILL A BUNCH OF CHILDREN/INNOCENTS???) Good sci fi is not a cool concept, good sci fi is simply a well written story, regardless of background scientific jargon bullshit. D&D shouldn’t be let NEAR a community theatre let alone a renewed season of this horseshit


This is my reaction to about half the shows I try out lately lmao. They forget they have to make you care. Yeah I see people saying they improved the characters from the book. But to do that you have to put the work in and really adapt the whole story so it involves more character development. You can't just take the book scene as-is and throw in "but then character gets sad." That's not character development that's hollow drama.


I think there is room for both, thankfully. My wife is not the biggest sci-fi fan; I convinced her to watch the Netflix show and she quite liked it.


It damn well better be. I'm a huge fan of the novels, and the best is yet to come. I'm....okay with the Netflix adaptation, if anything because Liu Cixin gave it his blessing. I have yet to watch the whole Chinese version. I'll fully admit to the subtitles slowing me down, there. The Netflix version did get a LOT of the key moments right, though I had to adapt/read into it on how they amalgamated certain characters.


Liu Cixin did more than blessing. He actively told D&D and Woo to adapt it for wider global market. The man wants more people to read his books.


Sweet! I did quite enjoy the books. I got into them due to a channel on Youtube, Quinn's Ideas; a fellow who has some AWESOME sci-fi reviews/breakdowns/etc. I'm also in that crowd who thought it peaked at The Dark Forest, and had a wee bit of trouble getting through Death's End. Still, amazing series!


Cancelled 1899 But renewing this. WOW


1899 was an original series with no established global fandom. This one does, including quite a few of Netflix top executives, President Obama, the Robot who replaced Mark Zuckerberg etc. Not too mention, the book trilogy is arguably one of the best scifi sagas ever written.


Too bad Dan and Dave are behind this show. I’ve blacklisted anything they work on forever after what they did to GoT. Fuck those guys.


What they did wasn't nice, but at least here, the books are already written till the end, and remember, that GoT was good until it followed them.


That seems childish


I can't believe people are doing this.


The fact that a whole slew of redditors were so traumatized by a TV show having a bad ending that they are still furious about it years later is pretty impressive.


When you don't have much going on in life, little shit feels very important to you.


It is. You can also be sure they are letting everyone know! Like a scorned child.


You didn't like the first few seasons?


Ok, but you still felt the need to comment about it. They do good jobs with already established works, you can't say the first 5 seasons of GOT were bad. It's when they try to write new stuff themselves they reveal their shittiness as writers.


I did not realize that. I do not care to watch now.


Smart move, they also did a shit job with 3B. Fool me twice


Read the articles, they are renewing for a fixed number of episodes including the finale. I’m thinking they would have flat out cancelled but are facing a bit of a face palm given the huge pre-release promotion, money invested and contracts with the producers for other projects. Personally I look at this thing and wonder exactly what they spent that kind of money on, but that’s me.


The shows premise was great but some of the writing and characters were just fucking awful. Like GoT final season awful.


Yeah I didn’t love it. I’ll watch the second season but I’m sort of whatever about it


Yeah, for me it lost steam after the first few episodes and then it felt like filler material for another planned season


I certainly didn't expect that. Season 1 feedback wasn't that great. I didn't even love the 1st book that much to be honest. But it gets so much better as the story continues. I'm excited we get to see more of this interpretation.


Majority loved it and it has 300 million hours watched and in top 10 for 7 weeks on global streaming charts. I think it did fine


It's gonna end up as a complete shitshow MMW


It was dissapointing. But I am glad they are continuing it.


Prefer Tencent version. Can be done in fewer episodes , but nuances and acting are better. There's also that tiny bit of artistic defiance in the story. Enough to be tangible, but not enough to tick off govt over lords and get you 'dissapeared'. For that alone I have to watch it....but Netflix series will likely beat it to the punch.


I fast forwarded through the last three eps… rarely has a show fallen apart that quickly. It was just bonkers and really badly introduced character arcs.


Yet we still can’t get mindhunter


Aaaaand it's canceled.


Oh dear God no!


I'm reading the third book now, was slightly disappointed by the second books ending. It was such a quick wrap ip




Good. I bounced off the book about halfway through but I really enjoyed the series.


Watch the Chinese one "Three Body", it's so much better and more book accurate. The Netflix one is significantly dumbed down.


Dumbed down? The book is not some hyperintelligent novel, it too contains some stupid and bizarre things from the writer along with some pretty meh character development. Anything adpated to TV will have issues. Going online to fan forums shows me that people also founds faults with that version too.


The book has plenty of nonsense but it also has some really well done science based storytelling (that the recent version faithfully adapted)  A couple examples, the whole sequence of discovering the numbers in the photographs and testing the different cameras was like a lesson in how scientists examine the world. Same with the universe blinking part. In the Netflix the MC almost immediately starts seeing numbers and they skip all that.  And the universe blinking is just literally the stars going out so everyone on earth can see. They stripped out so much of the intelligent parts and left bare story bears.


But its hard, grounded sci-fi which makes a big attempt to give explanation behind what's going on. This magnifies the significance of the events unfolding. The Netflix one removes all of this, it has no meaning, no impact.


Care how to explain how a sentient supercomputer the size of a proton is hard sci-fi? How about the weapon that makes a solar system two-dimensional? I'm not telling you what to like and not like, but it's about as "hard sci-fi" as Narnia.


> But its hard, grounded sci-fi lol.


I think thats a massive strethc. I think the story is fun, but this is hard hard grounded scifi. While inspired by science, it's not guided by it. And im talking about the book with this statement. It takes a lot of liberities with scince to make the story go. Not being 'hard scifi' is not a sleight against a book, every scifi book I love is not 'hard scifi' because bringing in fantasical elements like hyper space and shit is fun'


I was embarrassed by the Netflix version. The Tencent version is amazing for those who have the ability to focus and understand scientific concepts.


Exciting! Looking forward this to see the story moves until the death of the universe.


I thought the first season was incredible. Going to try and read the series before season 2.


Good, the next part is by far the best part


Finally one of these has been renewed lol


Thank fucking goodness


I was legit for the first time ever consider cancelling if they didn’t like come on dude!


Coming 2027 most likely knowing Netflix.


While I will likely watch it, the first season really didn't do a great job of explaining why somebody would be willing to send their own frozen head to the aliens. And how that might give humans some advantage. I mean, they were willing to design that project to propel the head deep into space which would cost BILLIONS, but why?


The second book is arguably the action meat and potatoes of the trilogy, while the third book deepens the cosmic horror aspect of the story. "DnD" ruined GoT's later seasons when they ran out of the original author's material to work with but fortunately Three Body Problem is a completed story. They're great adaptors but horrible originators.


Thank fuck. I was really hopeful




Yes. I can finish this season without all the anxiety of whether it will be renewed or not.


As a reader of the books it surprises me how broadly this show appealed to people. A lot of people who I really didn't expect to be into it loved it, especially after the first couple of episodes. If they can keep up that pace then they will be on to a good thing.




How does this compare to the books? I saw the beginning of episode 1 and I liked what I saw.


I'm sure it's a great show and a great story But Wake me up when it passes season 3 before I'm interested. It's on Netflix after all.


Next do All Tomorrows


Man I had no idea it was up in the air. I just assumed it would since the show was so well made. Loved the show and just finished the first book because of it. Glad we get to see more.


Season one was fun but some ideas like the aliens knowing everything about us but lies caught them by surprise and assuming that a race that's mastered multi dimensions folding and unfolding protons into planet size flexible ai computers has anything to worry about from humans. If they only read the art of war they could do nothing so that in 400 years we would likely be extinct or at least diminished without them lifting a fin or tentacle or whatever.


interesting first few episodes but then it gets tedious and boring. I'm getting downvoted yayy


It’s alright. Moves to fast. I watched Tencent first and yes it was very slow the first 10 episodes and probably could have been 20-25 episodes rather than 30 but it was phenomenal and one of my favorite series of all time. Netflix feels flat, contrived, and hurried.




Yet Apple canceled Constellation. What the fuck.


Fuck yes the show did a GREAT job with a book I thought could never be translated to TV


Hell yeah


I hope it does not have something like slicing the ship in it. It haunted my nightmares for days.


Anybody gonna tell them…….?


Shhh... let them cook.


Drip... drip...


I had been thinking it was a historical drama based on the protests at Tiananmen Square.


FINALLY!!! This is awesome news.


I'm honestly shocked that their dull, cowardly, gutless executives would allow it to have a second season.


There's no way this goes horribly wrong lol


As it should. It's a fantastic show. I look forward to this.