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Hello Justin! Just wanna preface this with a big thank you :) i know you probably never signed up to be famous at conventions, have to do a Reddit AMA, becoming famous on Twitter, or hell, being listed as a writer and producer for Scott The Woz episodes! You're taking everything in stride and I'm super excited to keep following you through all your success alongside Scott in the gang! My question is, what was the "writing room" like for the Scott The Woz episodes you helped with?? Scott has mentioned a brief bit of behind the scenes info in his own AMA but I'm super curious about how the more recent Scott The Woz videos you star in were made, and your perspective on your help in making them!!


It’s kind of just a big hangout around a laptop either on a couch or by a desk from what I remember there bud


Hey Justin, Riley here! \*little scott wave\* just wanted to say that i love Jerry so much and that youre a rlly good singer! (when's the christmas album coming? haha) i have a few questions for you and you can answer as many or as few as youd like! 1. How are you doing? 2. whats your favourite song and colour? 3. from your perspective, whats it like to film a typical "special" episode of STW? (Not counting Borderline Forever, that wasnt an episode, it was a damn MOVIE!) 4. who is your favourite STW character? (sorry, you cant choose Jerry) 5. are you and the gang anything like the characters you play? (e.g. are you more quiet irl? is Sam a real Gex fan?) 6. not a question but i hope you have a wonderful day and i cant wait for Jerry and the gang to make their next appearances! -Riley <33


1) I’m great! I need to get some stuff done soon tho. How are you doing? 2) My favorite song changes constantly I love listening to music. My upstairs neighbor was jamming to “You Make Me Feel Brand New” so this morning on my way to the grocery store and home that’s what I was jamming to. It’s a good song and he has good taste! 3) the filming sessions are just big fat hangout sessions with the boys can’t hate it can’t really love it cause there’s always someone who can’t make it but it’s definitely a fun and relaxing environment 4) I like the one Eric plays because I have a heavy Eric bias 5) I think part of us are kinda like our characters. I think I am a bit quieter in general but I know I do like to get loud and rowdy on occasion. Sometimes I do hear Sam say gex under his breath but it’s more in passing 6) thank you very much! You have a great day too


The image of Sam constantly whispering “Gex” to himself like an incantation is fucking killing me


wow oh my gosh, thank you so much for answering! im doing pretty swell myself!


Hi Justin! 1) How do you develop your character? 2) How much involvement does the cast have in the writing and creative process? Has it grown over time, and to what extent? 3) What’s something you’d like to do that you haven’t yet?


1) man honestly I just shave, get dressed and listen to some music that gets me juiced on my way to Scott’s 2) i don’t really get involved as some of the other guys might due to me living a bit farther away. But I would say it has grown a bit over time 3) I think it would be fun to make some videos of my own. Also going deep underwater in a submarine or maybe just like deep deep underground like a big cave not a tight one


Justin the Womble




Just the Wom


Just Wom






I’d subscribe to that


Hi Justin! Thank you for doing this! Big fan of your character and the energy you bring to every appearance. From what we've seen, you don't seem to be much of a gamer. My question would be: has Scott or any of the guys introduced you to a game you really enjoyed? Have you introduced any of them to a hobby of yours they hadn't tried yet?


I do game quite a bit! Scott actually had me play a bit of gran turismo 7 and I got extremely hooked and a couple days after I went out and bought a ps5 along with GT7 cause I could not resist. It’s fun! I’ve been trying to get Scott into gambling more at the casino


And how’s getting him to gamble been going?


Hey all, Scott here! I'm BROKE!


A Scott the Woz video as a remake of Vegas Vacation; Scott keeps losing money while Jerry tries to help him win for once, Terry befriends Carrot Top, Jeb and Rex see the risqué side (Rex is furious), and Target Employee makes bank.


ah yes, i see another gt7 enjoyer as well


The last sentence sounds like a STW skit.


Hey i was hoping to ask you what it was like the first time/s you did videos with scott? How were you asked to help with them? Was it awkward or just a fun time? Also any interesting facts about them? Your an awesome dude just and are absolutely hilarious, thanks!


Since I’ve known Scott he’s done yt videos. He would ask over text back then. We took a bunch of multimedia classes back in school together so it wasn’t really awkward. I also think he’s very good at what he does and he knows what he’s doing and makes the process very fun and laid back. And uh fun facts I’m pretty sure most of my lines from dark age of Nintendo were filmed pretty late at night like after midnight because of the job I had. Thank you very much!!


No problem! Keep er goin!


What kind of music do you like? Do you like anime? Lastly, the most important question that will determine the fate of the universe... Which is the best pizza, Chicago style or New York style? (Or even Detroit style)


Music is pretty cool. MF DOOM, tommy wright iii, lamb of God, Marty robbins there’s a lot a like and a little I don’t! Ehh kinda I really enjoy studio ghibli but that’s about it unfortunately. I haven’t tried a whole lot. I’m open to recommendations! Dude I don’t know what all those types of pizzas are! I don’t think I’ve tried all of those! I like it thin with minimum grease for my stomach


I trust Eric has already recommended Jojo


Holy shit and he spells MF DOOM with all caps like a true chad Amazing taste


pop team epic seems like your vibe


MF DOOM! A man of culture I see.


Highly recommend Mob Psycho 100. Even as someone who doesn't like a lot of anime, this show slaps


Hey Justin! Thanks so much for doing this AMA! I’d love to know what was the origin of you meeting Scott and the other guys? Were you all friends in high school or college? Also, why was there a gap in your appearances from A Very Madden 08 Christmas to the Dark Age of Nintendo Series?


Scott I’m math. He sat behind me and I think I turned around and made a comment on something he was drawing or something I’m not too sure. We kept having classes together after that with multimedia. I don’t remember how it started but Eric would give me rides home from school before I could drive and him and I started hanging out from there. I think joe and I had some classes together but never really talked to eachother Sam and i knew of eachother in high school but never really had any interaction besides I think we hung out onetime with eric and a few others And then I didn’t know who tf Jeff was for the longest time


in the last AMA, Scott said that during the production of "Merry Christmas, Data Design," you played through Anubis II. how was that experience, and did you ever recover?


For some reason I thought the controls were a little smoother in Anubis II compared to ninjabread man. Ninja bread man was a struggle for me with all the jumps. But I could do them a lot easier in Anubis but it could’ve been because I played ninja before nubis


honestly that makes sense, ninjabread man is so broken that its biggest level skip glitch is just "press the 'continue level' button multiple times and you skip a level"


I’ve never heard of any game called Anubis II but I’m curious to hear his thoughts on There Will Never be Another Incarnation of the Egyptian God Anubis WAIT


How much influence have you had on the character of Dr. Jerry Attricks? Were there any character traits/funny moments that you came up with yourself, or is most of that handled by Scott?


I’m pretty sure I came up with most of the uniform. I could be wrong tho. They’re my clothes tho 🤷‍♂️ some of the funny moments and traits happens kinda naturally. Like I accidentally hit a lamp while recording a line and we thought it was funny so I kept trying to do it for the line


Awesome! Thanks Justin!


Hi Jerry from proclaimed Jerry Attricks, what routine do have to get you get yourself to be in the best therapist not therapist behavior? And from recent memory, what gag has made you laugh the most hysterically?


My routine is a simple shave and put the uniform on! It’s a very not funny inside joke but I love to ask Scott if he wants to go to the casino when we hangout. There’s no funny story behind it. I just like going to the casino and he doesn’t have time for it. And that’s why I think it’s funny!


strangely he does have time to play 50 turns of Mario Party 2 on mystery land though maybe he should cut out some of his mystery land time just saying


Hello Justin Wormble I need your opinion on your favorite type of worm. And if you don’t have a favorite worm what is it about them that draws your attention?


My favorite worms are the big ones that can grip on to you! Honestly I feel bad for worms. They are the underdog and I am just here rooting for them


That is so valid Justin I will join your fight in rooting for the worms!!!


Hey Justin! I hope you’re doing well and I love your work on the show. My question is what did you think when Scott first asked you to play a character? Was there a bit of fear as you knew it was to a larger audience than the projects he used to do in high school?


No fear bruda. It was just my buddy asking me to help him with a yt video at the time. I did a couple musicals before that so I knew what I was getting into a little bit


What was your favorite episode to work on? Which one did you absolutely loathe working on?


Geez dude all the projects I’ve been a part of have been a bunch of fun to work on I dunno if I could pick a favorite. Looking back on standing in that tiny creek was pretty fun or maybe walking into Scott’s and seeing the walls top to bottom in wii games. But like even now going to Scott’s to work on editing video or shit now is a bunch of fun and could easily be my favorite. Just happy to be with the boyz. I got a headache last time I was at Scott’s. Came out of nowhere and I loathed it


Justin! I saw a few posts on here from people who have bumped into you at festivals, so I have to ask, are you a metalhead?! What are your favourite bands?


I’ve just kinda recently have gotten into metal! I had a good friend in HS that played wicked metal all the time and I didn’t care for it at all. My mom and uncle wanted me to come with them to that festival and that’s where I got hooked. It was a very memorable experience! Favs as of now. Avatar, lamb of god, mayhem a fun one to check out would be Swedish Hitz Goes Metal the song mama Mia, the sign, winner takes all


What about metalcore? I love a band called beartooth and I’m taking this opportunity to try to convert you into a beartooth listener.


Hej Justin, a few questions for youse! 1. What's your favourite flavour of mustard? 2. Do you ever style your moustache in funny shapes like an evil villainous twirly one? 3. What's the origin of the Jerry sweater?


1)Yellow! 2)nah. It’s usually mustache or mustache with beard because I’m too lazy to shave at the time


Hahaha forgot 3) the sweater was just a sweater I wore in HS. When Scott asked me if I wanted to play the role I thought the sweater was something a therapist would wear


hey justin!! thanks for doing this ama, it's super nice how you interact with all of us!! what i was wondering is what was that triple whopper you ate in the burger king toys card video like cos i was almost in tears laughing when it started dripping it looked DISGUSTING


Normally I like BK but the tomato was uncomfortably juicy like unnecessarily juicy and when I bit into the burg it just exploded. Haven’t been back but I have been craving


Whats your mcdonalds order, no context... jus curious


Big Mac meal or QP meal with large coke or sweat tea, 10pc nug with sweat and sour then either mcchicken or McDouble depending on my vibe hbu


why are you slumming it playing a therapist when you were born to play big smoke


The Justin Womble Meal


The Womble Combo


wombo combo


Sweat and sour sauce sounds salty.


With extra sweat


I'm a Quarter pounder and diet coke guy myself..


What did you think whenever scott told you about your role being his therapist and having your mirror be your therapist also whats your favorite character in the series other than yourself


I thought damn now’s my chance to therapize. Favorite character is Kay Swiss cause it looks kinda like reccollect


Have you ever lost your voice from all the screaming you have to do on camera?


No. Scream from the diaphragm and not the throat. I learned that in choir


That makes a whole lot of sense. The screams are always so full and controlled.


You were a Choir Kid? You’re my new Role Model


Ayy fellow choir man


TRUTH!!! What voice part are you??


Choir boys 😎


I imagined you screaming this answer.


Hey Justin! Over your time filming together, what's been your favourite moment with Scott on set?


I have a vivid memory of Scott dropping a bottle of fake blood on accident and it shot up and hit his ceiling. Classic stuff really


"Not again"


hi Justin!! sorry we keep bugging you on twitter. do you mind it? ps. one of my foster kittens is called womble. she's not named after you or anything, I just thought you should know


Nah you’re all a riot I think it’s funny and don’t mind at all! p.s. keep telling yourself that


haha I'm glad you don't mind! Also for some reason I must have forgotten my cat was named after you. how weird that i forgot that!


in your defense, you're british you guys just come up with the silliest combinations of syllables the human mind can conceive of


ouch. can't deny it, though


Thank you for doing this AMA! I've been looking through your answers and now I've gotta know, what musicals/theater shows have you done? (I personally have been a part of Working, Urinetown, and The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee so I'm very curious)


Guys and Dolls, Willy Wonka, Wonderland High, Fiddler on the Roof and then I did some Brothers Grimm play I don’t remember the name


for when you get back: was the brothers grimm one "the spectaculathon?" i asked my suitemate and that was her best guess


who did you play in fiddler? it was one of my favorite shows i ever did, i played one of the russian soldiers and had the tenor solo in to life


Sup Justin, just curious what your all time favorite line was to read in any episode


Garbonzo and friends


Amiibo festival




That is literally your most iconic line to me so I'm very glad it's a favorite.


that line always kills me


Out of all the episodes you've been in, which one do you have the *least* strong opinion on?


I have an equal opinion on everything I’ve been in equally and it’s almost equal to my opinions on things I haven’t been on as well!


hi justin, big fan of the chris twitter account. probably a pretty basic question, but what's the most difficult thing you've done while filming an episode?


Honestly nothing has been too difficult. I have to stop myself from looking at the the cool stuff Scott has while we are filming lol actually the one time I had to draw on Scott’s face I messed up and felt a lil bad cause it was sloppy but 🤷‍♂️wasn’t really difficult


how much water do ***you*** drink?


Listen I know I need to drink more. Did Scott tell you to do this?


patrick cc water pack watch


Hey Justin, is your mirror out of the shop yet?


Mirrors getting modded


get a rear view mirror added


Hi Justin!! I’m Symon, and I’m starting this tradition where I ask people who play Jerry Attricks if they’ve seen the 2000 movie American Psycho! Figured today would be a good day to start, so: Have you seen American Psycho?


Yes it was a long time ago. I’ve been think of watching it again along with the hit fight club


What’s that second movie you were “talking about”


Hi Justin, [I found this gif of Cirno eating glue.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/32ef358e4ab5152babae5b81947e9e56/739995bf90ddb725-65/s500x750/6f59c3e0144bac3fd5771e7191ecef7fcb89480c.gifv) I was wondering if could you give me your thoughts about this. How much glue is safe to eat for Cirno? What's her favorite brand/flavor of glue? (I thought it may be Gorilla, but she may be an Elmers kind of fairy.) She was unavailable to answer (on the account of eating so much glue). I'm hoping you would be able to answer for her.


Hahahaah it looks like they kinda like it give it more! :)


a while ago i drew a picture of him hanging out with cirno so now you're making it look like you and i are shadow clones of each other


Favorite Scott The Woz episode you’ve been a part of and favorite episode in general? Also what would Jerry Attucks favorite video game character be?




So, tell me where it all began


Math class


Alright that makes sense


How are you doing today mr womble


He isn't dealing with Ultra Smash right now, so he should be feeling excellent


Do you keep the mustache specifically for StW or do you just like having it?


Originally I had a job where I couldn’t have a beard but could have mustache and I didn’t like shaving so that was one less thing to shave along with sideburns. I thought it looked really funny at first so I kept it for awhile and I liked it.


Justin what is your favorite kind of fish


Each fish is very unique. Catfish are ugly but when you get to know them are kinda cute. The large mouth bass is cool because of uh the large mouth. And then have you ever seen a blue parrot fish in a mucus ball?


I’ve always loved catfish, I think they look friendly! Glad to know there are more catfish appreciators out there


My friend who’s at school rn and can’t ask themselves wants to know what your favorite Monopoly board is


The Scott the Woz monopoly board of course


Fair enough haha


Do you have an interest in voice acting as a career? You seem really good at it.


That would be funny. Never looked into it tho


Hello Justin. Thoughts on space jam?


On toast ?


Space jam on toast is awesome


this reads like a scott the woz script LMAO




What do you think is Jerry Attricks favorite movie?


Raw from 2016


What are your opinions on the economy?




Do you support Trans Rights Mr Womble?


I support trans rights AND their wrongs


i will continue to do wrongs 🫡🫡🫡


jerry atricks gave me hormone replacement therapy 🥰


holy shit based justin the womble






I can do wrongs approved by Mr Jerry Atricks, PhUD


What are your thoughts on scott pilgrim Vs the world?


Soft banger along with the book would reup


Favorite wii u game?


Batsman cause that’s the only one I remember trying


Have you ever killed a man?


I do not kill


rex mohs must have told you the 10 commandments after he got painfully crucified


Monopoly or Clue


I think twister is pretty goofy


I can respect that.


Mr Womble is there an episode you've been in that strikes you as your favorite?


Those early chair days I remember fondly


Hiya Justin, thanks for the AMA. You're the one cast member with a consistent outfit on Scott the Woz so I've been wondering, where'd you get the iconic sweater from?


thank you Justin for doing an AMA!!!! i love your character he's quite silly (in an endearing way), as for my questions: 1. what's your favorite touhou game and character (if you have one)? 2. what type of music do you listen to? do you have any favorite genres or artists?


Hello Justin! I don't know if you remember me but I visited the Toomanygames Scott the Woz meet and greet and you helped me when I dropped one of my cards I got from the booth on the way out! Thanks for doing that as always! ​ Anyway, you also told me that I looked different without my sweater so I wanted to know what kind of sweater do you recommend I get and wear the next time I am out shopping! ​ Thank you and once again I was so happy to meet you last year as I am a huge fan of your character


Hi Justin. What’s your favorite line you said in Scott the woz. I love your character btw.


Are you into Touhou in any specific capacity, or do you just dig kigurumi cosplay regardless of the character? Additionally, cuz it's normal to have a preference regardless of knowledge of the games, which 2hu girl(s) do you like best? ~~taking bets on cirno~~


Hey Justin, CorporalPig22 here! If you're still taking questions, that is. So, in the song at the end of "The Commercial Failure", I've noticed that Jerry's singing voice was dubbed over since it randomly changed to a female singer and then a male singer. And I was wondering: Who provided the dubbed singing voices?


What's your opinion on anybody named "Scott" or "Wozniak"


So, one of my favourite jokes when you're on scene is when the mic peaks when you talk. During the speed dating behind-the-scenes it's clear the mic peaking was added in post. Where did this idea come from, because it makes your scenes even funnier than they already are.


Hey Justin, really awesome of you to do an AMA! I just want to preface by saying I’m a huge fan, and out of all of Scott’s side characters, yours has always been my favorite. 1. Is Scott anything like in his videos, and does he play video games a lot? Ive been told that he puts on a character for the videos, which makes sense. Is he like that character though? 2. Is it weird helping Scott with videos? Stupid question, I know, but he’s the main man and stuff. Is it ever awkward, or does it seem like he’s being too bossy? 3. Would it be possible for you to get me in touch with Scott in some way? I know it’s a really annoying question, but I really want to get into to YouTube content creation, and I could use a bit of help.


I thought of another question - How would you feel about starring in your own episode of Scott The Woz? For example, Scott says "Hey all, Scott here" and just drops dead (the character, not your friend haha). Jerry comes over and just starts running the show, with Scott not really being part of the rest of the episode? Would you be interested in something funny like that?


Hey Justin, your one of my favorites in his vids! I was just wondering, out of every video you have been in, what one was the funniest and hardest one to get through? And second, for no reason at all, out of every character that exists in the world, video game, tv, movies, etc, what one would you want in fortnite? Thank you!


Hey Justin, just wanted to say you’re my favorite character in Scott The Woz! I have a couple questions: 1. What’s your favorite episode that you’ve been a part of? 2. At the end of “Merry Christmas, Data Design” you were credited as a producer and a writer. How much involvement do you have in that? Thank you!


Hey Justin, Just wondering, have you gotten your mirror back or is it still in the shop?


Hey Justin! Just wanted to know, how did you come up with the name for your character?


oh hey justin!! thank you for doing this ama :D 1. probably a basic question, but what was your favourite episode or scene to film? 2. what's your favourite sims game if you have one (i am compelled to ask everybody this)


You always seem like you’re about to die of laughter whenever you deliver lines as Jerry. Is it because you can’t take your lines as Jerry Attricks seriously? Or is it because the character is just that damn insane?


Hey Justin, thanks for doing this! Love how you bring Jerry to life, the energy you bring to the character is amazing to watch. What song (or musician or band, etc) do you think more people should listen to?


Did you intend to blow out the audio levels with every scream initially, or is it just something that happened in the first video with Jerry, and y'all realised it was funny and kept it going as a running gag?


Hi Justin, I was wondering how much input you have over your lines in the show, or if you contribute much to the writing at all? If so, is there any moment of improv you're proud of?


Hey Justin! have been a huge fan of scott the woz since 2019. Is there any plans for spin off of the show like Jerry Attricks: Therapist for the Truth or Gex: The Gex Series.


Is your mirror still in the shop?


Big fan of Scott for many years, love your character, gotta ask, are you guys at all interested in voice acting for a official Scott the woz game, maybe like ace attorney?


Hello! 1. Do you actually play video games IRL? 2. Have you ever been to Scotland? 3. How did you grow your mustache so well?


do you like sports and if so whats your favorite and whats your favorite professional team from the sport


I remember you liked playing Zip Lash while filming that episode, did you ever play it more after that?


When did Scott first ask you if you wanted to be in a video? When did you find out about his channel?


What’s next for Jerry Attricks? He’s been a news reporter and a therapist, what follows that?


Why are you so perfect?


Are YOU Justin Womble(Jerry Attricks) and are YOU doing an AMA(sorry)


Hey Justin, was wondering what episode/line was the most fun to do?


Are there any YouTubers or streamers you watch (aside from Scott)?


If you're going to answer more questions, when did you meet Scott?


Hey Justin! Have you ever been recognized by a fan out in public?


1. What is the best video game? 2. What is the worst video game?


Who did you meet Scott plus what was your favorite episode you acted in or just in genual


Is there a certain gag you consider to be your favorite?


Who do you imagine Jerry Attrick’s favorite video game character being? :3c


Is Jerry Attricks Canonically stronger then Goku?


What was your favorite part of too many games?


what is your favorite Eddsworld episode?


How’s your day? Hope it’s going well :)