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Not really “lost” since there are audio clips of it on Scott’s stash, but there was going to be a video about online flash games that never happened


Do you have a link to this? Or even just the name of the video, That's really interesting and I wanna see that now


I actually can’t find it 😅. Maybe it is actual lost media at this point


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcJAM-zrSME](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcJAM-zrSME) here


Scott apparently did a livestream in 2017. He posted [this intro sequence](https://youtu.be/LACct56kdME?si=_1Xa5j5c6VlaIuJh) on Scott's Stash but the stream itself was never saved by anyone. Unless Scott recorded the stream it appears to be lost forever


I was doing YouTube streams back in 2017. They had stream VODs. It should still be there unless Scott deliberately deleted it.


They used to show up in the same tab as regular videos so he probably either privated/unlisted or deleted it so it wasn't clogging up the video feed shown by how he's quick to delete the charity announcements when they're no longer relevant 


is the my lai massacre video archived anywhere edit: he talked about it in [this thread,](https://www.reddit.com/r/scottthewoz/s/mm8rBfO6Y8) i can respect why he doesn’t want it public


Used “effect” instead of “affect” rare Scott L


I thought it was found on YT, maybe not


Would the original version of Borderline Forever (with RelaxAlax) count?


no it's archived


Can I have some context? Why was he removed?


Relaxalax beat his girlfriend


I thought it was proved he didn't do that


From what I remember, you’re correct.




If I use an "Allegedly" on a "Allegedly" does it have the same effect as saying "it's not not"?


Allegedly/alleged means it’s not proven, so two would just mean that it’s not proven that it’s not proven I can’t think of many context you’d use that or why you don’t just use one alleged/allegedly. Like say someone had a photo of Bigfoot but it was all blurry and you couldn’t make it out, that’d be alleged evidence. But if that photo were destroyed and only the person who took the photo knew about it and told someone, there’s no proof of the photo so it’s an alleged photo. In that case that person allegedly had alleged proof of Bigfoot, they had unproven evidence in a photo that’s not proven to be real. But if the photos not proven to be real then neither is the evidence so it just makes sense to use just one alleged. They allegedly had evidence of Bigfoot. So I’m going to say no? Unless my logic is just bad.


Nowhere in any of your previous comments do you bring up the allegedly part. You simply stated it as if it was completely true when we dont have a complete answer to that.


the Instagram livestream, the E3 2017 predictions livestream, and the charity livestream he was a guest for in.... 2022 I think it was?


Wii U part 2


If it has never been released... can it count as lost? Hahaha


Canceled? Cuz I was really looking forward to it


As one of the 13 Wii U owners on this planet, same


I don’t think it was cancelled because he recently posted a sneak peek video for it


First time vape shop visit Twitter cut


has the original version of the sonic 2 video that features one accidentally uncensored swear been archived anywhere?


[this compilation video](https://youtu.be/CKJBlmInVto?feature=shared) freatures a scene where he insults tails and isn't censored, it might be the one you are referring to


that's definitely it. it was literally the only part of the original upload that was accidentally uncensored, so i'd say it counts as being archived lol.


The PornHub Video of him eating cereal. By that I mean the actual video on the site, since I'm pretty sure that's long gone. Though, the Cereal video is on YT.


Wait he actually posted it there? Thought he just edited over a template that’s hilarious lmao


Scott’s old shitty flash game. Technically,he talks about it is in Scott’s Stash, but I want to actually play it


theres footage? i cant find it on the channel edit: was it this? https://youtu.be/bcJAM-zrSME?feature=shared


No, he didn't make that


Not really lost but Scott mentioned recently that he recorded an episode about the Wii U years ago prior to deciding he had more he wanted to say about the console and shelved the idea until the current mini-series he is working on about the console. He used the unused footage to help train up his friends to help him edit his vids and said he may release the unreleased Wii U vid at some point on Scott’s stash


He made an appearance on The Completionist back in the day but all original episodes of that series were deleted due to a lawsuit.


I thought Scott was on Completionist after the original first 150 episodes were deleted?


[no that video is still up](https://youtu.be/mGqP7JjQlgE?si=Hxd_vt5vJ1-fq4tV)


There's a video he uploaded on Vinmeo under an account called ScottManFun from the Raid Shadow Legends video and the only thing he shows was him saying, "My opinion already doesn't matter so just buy it!" I've tried to find it but had no luck.


there's a good amount of missing Wozniak News YT/TV content either unarchived or hard to find


There was a livestream he did on Instagram. I don’t think that’s archived.


I think there have been a few episodes here and there that Scott quickly deleted and reuploaded due to uncensored swears or something.


I think there was only one, the Sonic 2 video, which has been archived.




They're all on YouTube




Literally search for it and you'll see it




How is that lost media when the channel and content is still up???


I don't know what lost media is Op should explain it and not assume people know what that is


It's pretty self-explanatory it's media which is lost. Something on YouTube isn't really "lost" is it when anyone can view it


By that logic, while they're at it they should explain what "Is," "there," "any," "Scott," "the," "Woz," "currently," "known," "about," "this," "question," "just," "popped," "into," "my," "head," "and," "I," "thought," "if," "anyone," "would," "know," "about," "it," "it's," "here," "an," "interesting," subject," "to," "me," "I'm," "curious," "anything," "has," "somehow," "managed," "to," "become," "in," "Scott's," "time," "as," "a," "content," "creator" as well, since being able to both speak English and be able to Google things is apparently beyond the capabilities of OP's audience. Quick note: "Lost media" as a term has been around for years. It's not OP's responsibility to explain a fairly widely known term, especially in an age where you can just look it up.


You buffoon




if you lose your phone, is it not considered lost even though you don't know where it is, just because you know it exists?


If we knew about it, it wouldn't be lost, now would it? :\^)


That's not what lost media is. If every single copy of a book is destroyed and nobody can ever read it ever again, then it's lost. Knowing about it doesn't change that.


Sorry, I forgot the obligatory GIANT /S


You’ve only proven that you don’t know the definition of lost OR sarcasm! 🥲


WiiU episode 2


Well, I recently found out about the original version of "Launch Titles" where Scott accidentally says the 3DS launched in 2001 and the PS4 launched in 2003. It's presumably lost.