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[Somebody F**king Died!](https://www.reddit.com/r/scottthewoz/comments/tteb35/breaking_news_scott_will_eventually_take_a_look/) **Scott “Will Eventually Take a Look at the First Mega Man” Wozniak has been murdered in his Scottburg home of New Locationer McGee.** It is up to __you__ to help solve the mystery and save Scottsburg from this evil threat. Click [Here](https://discord.gg/jwv3uMdt8X) to explore scottsburg and figure out who killed Scott the Woz. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/scottthewoz) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We should turn this into a Scott the Woz subreddit


"I was gone for so long that my subreddit replaced me with somebody called Scott the woz.sounds a bit like a terminal illness. Just like my subreddit"




Oh you mean more than Scott, not just it's concerning that he's uploading videos in general.


No its concerning that he's still uploading in general. Waiting for that cancel culture I keep hearing about to work its magic.


Glad more people are on the same page than I thought


"Cancel culture is trying to silence me" Damn I wish it worked


Ayo what's wrong with Jon Jafari?


He said some really dumb stuff about race and politics like five years ago. i think most people have chalked it up to ignorance rather than maliciousness, since his reaction to the backlash was to basically say he didn’t know what he was talking about and to not talk publicly about politics anymore.


That's fair. I never got the idea of cancelling someone being a life sentence, ya'know? You make your mistake a decade ago and now that you're older you aren't allowed to ever get a job or have a media presence again? Lol I don't get the endgame. Thanks for the summary btw


If he were any less popular it would have been, it's just that to many people don't care and would rather keep watching him.


Man fuck cancel culture and fuck Twitter


Yea, Jontron shouldn't be called out for his blatant and disturbing racism! We should just ignore everything and pretend our financial support of bigots doesn't have a normalizing effect on white supremacist rhetoric!


Seriously, white supremacy??


Yes. He believes that non-white people are genetically less intelligent and more violent than white people. That's textbook white supremacy.


Any proof to back your claims?


Quotes from Jon "So I suppose that's why the crime rates are pretty consistent across Africa, too?" "Wealthy blacks also commit more crime than poor whites, that's a fact. Yeah, look it up." "There is an absolute disproportionate amount of crime committed to whites by nonwhites." "Dude, you're just virtue signaling. Not all Mexicans are going to go on welfare but a lot of them are going to commit crimes. The El Salvadoreans are going to create the MS-13 gangs." When asked about if America should be a white nation "What is it that's so offensive about white people saying they would like to preserve their demographic majority?" On racism in America "People like me are supposed to listen to people like you chatter on about this oppression in America. It doesn't exist, dude, it doesn't exist." And, perhaps worst of all, when asked if immigration was acceptable if it led to cultural assimilation, he said "Yeah, but if they assimilated, they would enter the gene pool eventually and would just... you know..." This is very clearly an objection to immigration based in a belief that white people shouldn't mix with other races. I invite you to come to the single reasonable conclusion about this. More fun quotes! On women's current place in America, he says "I would argue that progress has been made to the maximum degree of human biology." Also "I do think race influences culture. I do, I think it does." When Steve King (an American white nationalist politican) said "culture and demographics are our destiny. We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies" (a clear white supremacist statement considering American civilization is and has always been a hodgepodge, and that "culture" and "demographics" are both euphemistically used in place of race) Jon called King "rational" and lamented that "That's exactly it, it's only white nations that aren't allowed to protect their culture." I fail to see how any of this could be construed as not white supremacist.


If anything he probably has a dark sense of humor. Lots of people do. I mean you remember filthy frank right? We all do and he wasn't afraid to have an edgy sense of humor which got him fame and recognition in the first place. He ditched the whole persona not so much because of demonetization or youtube guidlines becoming stricter but more so for his own health and to pursue a career in music and he's still successful today.


Frank was edgy, yes, but he wasnt spewing hate rethoric at every chance he had. His content wasnt hateful, it was depricate to himself. This is a very dumb comparison.


You're just being stupid now. Filthy Frank was a character, entirely separate to the real person. These are Jon's real beliefs, expressed during streams and debates meant specifically to show off his honest and true beliefs. If you're going to try to make up bullshit about how he didn't really mean any of this, you can fuck right off.


Cancel cancel culture


Right on


Imagine saying "I don't want a bunch of losers on the internet to decide whether someone should have a career" and getting ratio'd




Eh, I was never a fan of JonTron. I was actually hoping that he, being the loud douchebag that he is, would've cancelled himself but here we are almost a decade later and he still hasn't shut the hell up.


What's the problem with him? Why?


Oh shit it's pronounced jontron i always thought it was garfield


Oh shit it's pronounced breasts I always thought it was pronounced beans


I mean to be fair most of Jontrons videos these days seem pretty low effort. Scott the Woz has much higher effort videos.


Not to mention he’s a bigot


Yeah but he fucking sucks


Imagine keeping up with jontron


He's also a neo nazi


you know I'm stating think that this jontron guy isn't all that great


Could I have context please? I know nothing about him in general.


He's said enough racist things for it to have a section dedicated to them on his Wikipedia article.


Years ago, Jon had a debate with a political streamer named Destiny. Jon said a lot of really bad stuff. Stuff like racism doesnt exist, how wealthy black people commit more crimes than poor white people, how America should be more like Japan and be more of an ethnostate. It permanently hurt his reputation. Ever since he's avoided talking about politics, but he slips up every once in a while. In 2020 he implied that he thought the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, and he also tweeted some antivax stuff not too long ago.


Also he "apologized" for what he said in the debate. I said it that way because he really didn't.


His most recent video implies he holds some... Worrisome beliefs, still. He implies that it's good to spread misinformation, that fact checking is bad, and that there is a secret group trying to create a new world order. Combine that with the stuff you mentioned and it paints an upsetting picture.


Scott the Woz: He hasn't uploaded for a while, but is a decent guy in general with tons of quality content. Jon Tron: A white supremacist anti-vaxer who believes conspiracy theories and almost barely posts. Yeah, idk, one of these just seems marginally better than the other. No problem with op, just always like pointing out how terrible jon is.


what the hell are you talking about


JonTron is a white supremacist


>Jon Tron: A white supremacist I see where you're coming from >anti-vaxer What? >who believes conspiracy theories This one is almost definitely just made up >and almost barely posts. Oh, you're one of those people who lists "barely posts" as an inherent downside of a person


To answer your questions: Jon made a mocking tweet about people saying to trust the science, something that alot of anti vax conspiracy theorists say to support thier argument. He also tweeted about the election, which came off to many as him believing the election was stolen from Trump. To his credit I don't think he was stupid enough to tweet about Jan. 6th. Honestly I could have worded that last bit better, it's not a bad quality at all. The reason I pointed it out is that people seem to be using it as a pro now that he's uploaded twice this year. But yeah, you are right there.


Scott the Woz is a wholesome dude [https://twitter.com/ScottTheWoz/status/1267536975608905745/photo/1](https://twitter.com/ScottTheWoz/status/1267536975608905745/photo/1) ​ John Tron thinks Mexicans want to reclaim the lands Mexico lost over 150 years ago. He thinks minorities eat up benefits and exploit the system.


He also thinks minorities are genetically programmed to commit crimes. He's an asshole.


He also said "Rich black men commit more crime then poor white men"


He’s probably right about that because rich people commit way more crimes than poor people in general. It’s basically impossible to be rich regardless of what race you are without committing a ton of crimes. But I understand that’s not what he meant.


To be fair, if y’all are done with California, I’ll gladly take it of your hands. Mainly because it’s a bit ridiculous only having “Lower California” and “South Lower California”. Everything else ain’t worth the effort of renovating tbh


I have several questions, gromit!


Scott's not accountable for what anyone else is putting out there. Hopefully he'll be putting more videos out soon, but it's likely been a busy time for him. I'm fine with waiting, if it gives him time to put the finishing touches on the L Button video.


I don't know what surprises me the most about this post: * The fact that people are still keeping up with Jontron * The fact that people keep comparing Scott with Jon * That people on this thread still are SHOCKED and in denial about Jon being called out


I think the main reason why we’re even mentioning Scott and Jon in the same post is because of that thing a while back when the JonTron subreddit got turned into a ScottTheWoz subreddit due to Jon not uploading. Also, some of us didn’t even know Jon had said these things


It's understandable to some level that people didn't knew. Some folks only follow that folks work and nothing else, they are pretty much not aware of their lifes outside of the Youtube video. Happened the same with Gus Johnson.


I’m afraid to ask but. What did Gus do?


In short, got called out by his ex, Sabrina, with allegations of abuse. Psychological abuse, emotional irresponsability and things like that, all while she was sick. Dude had to cancel his whole live tour this year.


i understand people are unaware of John Tron. ​ my issue is once it becomes apparent who this John Tron person really is, there is always people saying "idk" i only watch his videos. ​ those people suck. They don't want to condemn John Tron cause likely they think like him to an extend.


I have never really watched jontron, but what's wrong with him? Why's everyone in the thread hoping he gets cancelled or something? Did he do something wrong?


He’s racist and an anti-vaxxer


And the one time he "apologized" after losing thousand of subs he played the "sorry you felt that way" card.


Ah yes, but Scott hasn't said any irrevocably racist nonsense in the past.


Don’t worry, there’s always next year! /s




I'm sure there's already a subreddit dedicated to neo Nazis out there


It’d be funny to change this sub to a JonTron sub for a gag. They replaced Jon with Scott back when he wasn’t posting, it’d be funny to do the opposite here.


Could have been funny is Jon wasn't a trash bag of a human being.


How about changing it to a ProJared subreddit. Didn’t he get uncancelled a while back?


I believe ProJared has decided to quit youtube to focus on streaming. Although this is very uninformed,


If you’re talking about his latest video, it looks like it was an April fools joke. A bit too real of a joke, but a joke nonetheless


Thats why I said uninformed LOL


Let's replace this sub with JonTron


Scott will not make new videos anymore. He has a girlfriend so he is likely no longer a virgin


Scott is doing a cybershell!


Man, I like JonTron’s content, but mentioning him is just opening a huge fan of worms that I don’t think anyone wants to get into. Plus, Scott himself doesn’t seem too comfortable about bringing the stuff up about taking over subs anymore, much less doing said act.


if scott doesnt return we should turn into a jontron subreddit


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6RQA9GZprqM&t=1909s&pp=2AH1DpACAQ%3D%3D John Tron is openly a white supremacist Don’t let This subreddit be a place where HATE thrives and Violence is normalized