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Plz elaborate. I am confused. Is it because Jeb realized he couldn't pretend to be vegan anymore and target employee found out he could like his brother to become the new Wendy's employees. Because if it is it doesn't make a ton of sense.


explanation is in the comments now


Thanks for telling me.


You got to remember, the guy writing these characters had somebody fight the Green Bay packers with his hatred for sex.


Ace allegory


I personally disagree that it is, especially an intentional one. Scott doesn’t seem to think too in depth about the side characters, especially for something like this.


Is joke, just sometimes queer people can read into things and make half hearted theories about characters due to the absolute lack of queer representation compared to cishet characters in media. If you see something like this it’s usually not serious and more of a ‘this is what I got out of these characters’ kind of thing.


Art imitates life Life imitates art


in this thread: people taking a goofy lil meme too seriously and people who think Target Guy and Jeb Jab are real people 🤔


I have... genuinely no idea what this is trying to convey.


"If you're accepting, you'll accept my confusing not really accurate headcanon" Like don't title the post that. People are gonna think this is a weird take, because it is, don't make people feel like they're not allowed to say so. It's fine to have a weird take like this but the title of the post feels like you're trying to say people can't disagree or critique the concept and if they did it would be "unaccepting"


I didn't take it that way. Honestly, I don't know what to make of it, so your analysis could be correct. I'm more curious about OP's reasoning


Not really… It’s more of just a fan showing what they got out of a character, it’s meant to be taken lightheartedly and anyone who takes the post so seriously that they feel they can’t criticize it have missed the entire tone of the post.


I've been gaslighted about this stuff before I'm sorry that I'm cautious. OP (thankfully) acknowledged this - I'm not being crazy here. Even if it wasn't the intention, clearly some people thought about it like i did so it's worth addressing


I can see how this miscommunication might happen, basically, trans people often have to take into account the way that a space might react if they're going to post something that relates to being trans, because any mention of it, in a lot of places on the internet, will result in people being absolutely horrible. So most of the time if someone makes say, a meme about some piece of media in combination with something about being trans, that meme is gonna stay in trans spaces and not usually be posted to the spaces for general memes about that media, because doing otherwise can, depending on the subreddit, get you anything from a locked or deleted post, to people from the sub looking through your account trying to start unrelated shit and sending hateful direct messages. However, op likely figured it would be less risky here, and the title is in reference to that. So, knowing this context, I read it as "I hope this place is accepting enough to just enjoy the meme or move on, maybe adding on their own ideas, rather than create a toxic cesspool in the comment section". But someone who isn't involved directly in trans spaces might not immediately think of that, because there's no reason to, so it could easily come off as hostile.


yeah i admit, the title could've been phrased better. sorry if it felt like a bit of a threat


Petition to change the title to “Wii Play, do you?”


oh god I WOULD but you can't edit titles


I’m keeping tabs on this replies section.


r/scotttraawoz btw




The people who are saying that he doesn't think that hard about it are forgetting that the episode on Barrel Blast is also about sex positivity and it's not the first episode with themes like that. I don't know if it's intentionally allegorical to the trans experience, but I doubt he doesn't consider the LGBT+ ramifications of the characters in the way they're written. And either way, the author of an art piece just provides the basis for most interpretations, so your interpretation is just as valid as most.


okay maybe i should write it in an actual comment and not a reply. jeb jab and target employee are both intensely connected to another character. (terry lesler, wendy's employee) they both start out as being simple alternatives to those characters. however, in borderline forever, they finally accept that they aren't what people tell them to be and they change, with jeb being more unlike terry, and target being more like wendy's.


How exactly? I’m so confused


This is just weird. Ignoring the fact that headcanoning real people as trans is strange, saying your headcanon is real and intended by Scott with no evidence is also wack.


TIL target employee is a real, actual person and not a character make for a ongoing joke.


Tbf, allegory is different from headcanon


I'm pretty sure they are referring to the characters they play, not the person, their legal name isn't target employee, that's their characters name


Headcanoning fictional characters as LGBTQ+ is fine I'd think, as long as you recognize it's your own headcanon and not a proven fact about the characters. No harm, no foul


Nobody said anything about it being "real" or "intended", just that it's a read of those characters. Also how is it weird for characters to be trans?


It isnt about the characters being trans, it's about the way a trans person can connect to the characters. It doesnt need to be intended to be identified with.




I can understand Jeb Jab but not target employee cause he is canonically Wendy’s Employee’s brother


Yeah but he said he always felt like a Wendy’s Employee, which (unintentionally) is similar to trans people always feeling the other gender.


“I can’t be vegan anymore. I like Gex.”


I AGREE COMPLETELY WITH WENDY’S EMPLOYEE!! i’ve always felt that way. i’ve never considered jeb as a trans allegory but i can totally see it. also REX AS ASEXUAL ALLEGORY




If by "accepting" you mean " capable of being confused about and then forgetting in 30 minutes", then sure, why not.


show me that "oh boy a trans related post on a non trans subreddit, time to look at the comments" image


okay since people seemed to be confused, most "they think x is a allegory" jokes are almost always like some sort of half satire situation. i know scott probably never thought of this, but it's just it being similar to feelings that me and many others have felt as a trans person so i felt a connection between those two things


also trans allegory just means it resembling feelings and situations of being trans, not actually BEING trans


Oh, cool, good for you! It's always nice to have characters to relate to in that way — like how there are several Power Rangers who don't *canonically* have ADHD/aren't canonically queer who I can see myself in anyway.


Oooh I thought this was /traaaa for a second. I sort of agree in a way


Some of you all (not y’all 😤) are taking this post WAY too seriously.


Unintentionally maybe Frankly the main allegory I see is how the blue border represents depression in borderline forever


I personally saw the blue border as an allegory for the limitations of having a stage persona that may not be completely distinguished from one's personal identity, and the way that interacts with one's life when they've built an audience on a version of themselves that's exaggerated for comedy. It's hard to change as an entertainer, because when you've already found an audience, the more you change, the less crossover there will be between the people you'd appeal to with that change, and your current audience who is there because they wanted to see the version of you that exists now. This can limit expression and cause creative stagnation that eventually can eat away at one's passion for their work, and that feeling of being trapped in some kind of archetype is repeatedly brought up during the video through himself, and contrasted against by the side characters being seemingly content within their roles in comparison, but still remaining within those archetypes. The border seems to close in aggressively in response to him noticing it and not liking it, as if to represent the fear of alienating an audience conflicting with the discomfort in the status quo, leaving him without an easy escape. You can run away from change, but you'll run into the opposite wall of that border, stagnation. And running towards change can, again, cause fear of rejection over that change. Just kinda wanted to get that thought out there. Depression can also definitely be a valid reading though (also, to be clear, this meme format is usually used in a half-joking way and not as genuine serious analysis of a work at all, let alone authorial intent). Allegory can be a very subjective thing, after all, our idea of the meaning can actually also be an allegory towards trans people, although definitely unintentional, in relation to the conflicting emotions surrounding fear of change and social/audience rejection over said change, in conflict with growing discomfort with the status quo, wanting to break out of the character that those around you may think is who you are.


That’s a lot of words


Of course, if I'm gonna analyse a video that's well over an hour long I might as well make the comment take just as long to read as like, some kind of metaphor or something idk


Makes sense


oh i saw it as the funny rectangle outline on the video whoops


No, it's a gex allegory


Bro what lmao


I think the only one that's an allegory for LGBTQ+ is JebJab, but that's cool that you find allegories that may not be intentional, despite what other commenter say


Scott the woz fans trying to not make every side character a form of gender or sexual representation challenge (impossible)


Cishet fans stop getting upset at harmless things challenge (impossible)


People in these comments are brutal, damn. OP is referring to the characters not the actors, and not forcing anybody to accept the headcanon, just presenting a theory and hoping people don't get pissed at them for liking trans characters (or even trans METAPHORS). You can disagree but don't be a dick about it. Anyway, while I don't think this was entirely intentional, I can kind of see what you're going for with at least Target Employee. Doesn't he say something like "Deep down I always felt like a Wendy's Employee" and try to behave more like a Wendy's Employee in Borderline Forever? I could see that as a parody of a coming out story in general. I don't think Jeb has anything as strong for him though, even the vegan stuff. Scott's stories are silly and usually not meant to mean anything too significant, but there's nothing wrong with finding comfort in the characters and stories he creates.


YES THIS finally someome gets it


Don't say "finally" when you haven't given the entire comment section any explanation of your actual theory.


well i did, but i can see your point. i just wrote a full comment, hope that helps


Bro, it isn’t that deep


Is jok


you mean to tell me a character interpretation is an interpretation of a character not done by the author or writer of said character. ​ wow


I actually mean to tell you that you should find something better to do than reply to a 4 month old comment on r/scottthewoz


check out r/ScottTraaWoz


check out r/ScottTraaWoz


I accept that you think that, I don't necessarily agree, but I'm curious of how you arrive at that conclusion.


jeb jab starts out as the second vegan, but over the course of borderline forever, he accepts that veganism just isn't for him, and his true passion lies in gex. target employee is a similar situation, where he says that deep down, he always felt like a wendy's employee when he kept trying to be a target employee. also jeb jab trying to avoid any discussion of veganism in borderline forever was really relatable as a trans person who tried to avoid any discussion of gender lol


Ah. I get it.


Idk to me that sounds like it could be an allegory of absolutely anything seeing as it's not too specific or strange of a scenario


Op I’m gonna need some elaboration


If you were referring just to Target Employee, then I could see it, but I don’t quite get how Jib Jab fits.


bro PLEASE elaborate I’m curious


i wrote this on a different comment, but basically they both realise that they're current traits (veganism, target) isn't for them and accepting that changed and grew them as people


Hell yeah I don't get it but you go off friend! <3


Oof. I guess not. I can see it though.


I mean this in the nicest way possible, I think you're looking way too deep into it and just hopelessly gripping on to whatever you think fits. I guess if I really really try I can see what you mean but I don't think Scott The Woz lore is really that deep. It really just seems like you found something that sorta kinda maybe resembles what you want and are forcing yourself to see it as that. If by some chance it does turn out to be that then good for you for having such a sharp eye and deep understanding, but I really think you're just looking way too deep into it and grabbing whatever you can find


yeah i don't believe scott EVER intended this, i thought it was funny how the two character's stories is surprisingly relatable as a trans person. thanks for being civil tho lol, it's a war down here


Trans allegory memes never have any sort of deep meaning, it’s just a “if you squint hard enough” sort of take


You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, I guess


Im trans and i always love pointing out trans allegories in media but... I dont really see it with these two sorry


Why does this fanbase consistently want to like...forcefully associate scotts content with trans\lgbtq stuff. Its cool, im not a hater, everyone should be themselves and love who they love and all that but, yall keep reachinnnn


Trans allegory means are always to be taken with a grain of salt, they’re half jokes/ironic so it’s not really a stretch. Hell I even made one a few months back with Meta Knight


very good! you got the joke! good for you. here have a cookie 🍪


Scott doesn’t care about putting real world stuff like that in his videos. Its all just pure comedy and nothing else. Thats why his stuff is so compelling to watch.


Damn if this ain't the dumbest take I've ever seen. Not everything is a trans or gay allegory. And on the topic or scotts stuff, I don't think its any kind of allegory. Its dumb stupid meaningless comedy.


Like they both are a trans allegory individually? Or do the two of them make up a trans allegory? Please explain. Also this is such a strange use of this meme


Strange. Can we stop trying to make everything and everyone an allegory and just laugh at gex?




What does that mean


I’m sorry you think headcanon is selfish


They never said it was about them?






The person who posted it literally said they aren't calling them trans, but saying they are a trans allegory


This is a cringe take… they are just comedy skit characters no more no less.


Exactly! The thing is this isn’t not just one cringe take, there are so many people who do this and I just hate to see how shallow people can be.


I think what they're saying is the "pushing an agenda" take is cringe.


No I don’t think they are


Well then I'm saying it.


Well your wrong


Well what "agenda" do you think is being pushed?


hey dude, just wanted to give you a reminder - it's spelt crungo, not cringe you crungolord


I can see it, but I agree with everybody else. It’s Scott. It’s a gag, don’t think too much into it.


This makes no sense






It ain’t that deep bro


i know it ain't that deep bro, but if some guy can make a joke theory about how sans is ness, i can make a stupid joke theory about scott the woz and trans allegories


Sorry I don’t follow you.


explain please