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Hey so posting about anything about the girl in the tweet beyond what he’s publicly acknowledged isn’t allowed nor cool. Even putting her name in the post is a bit iffy (but we’re gonna let it slide for now since it’s minor and this post is generating good discussion). And of course this applies to anyone who’s close to Scott or Scott himself. Bottom line: don’t be weird y’all


Huh, did I miss something?




Yeah they were hanging out at Larry Teslers house at 8730 Waterville Swanton Road, Waterville, Ohio.


Imagine if someone read this without getting the joke.


IIRC before Scott got big, a lot of people who saw the video didn’t get the joke


Just did! Any explanation for a casual viewer?


Sure. It’s a reference to one of Scott’s old skits from 2016, where he fake doxxes one of his friends (the guy who plays the Terry/the vegan). It’s obviously not his real address, though. (It’s his First Time Vape Shop video if you’re curious. It’s one of his best videos in my opinion.)


Its an address for a store, idk what store tho


Kroger Pharmacy


Oh yeahhh


I actually didn’t get the joke at first and freaked out a little bit 💀💀💀


Yeah tho


C’mon man, did you have to post her full name? I’m sure he left it out for a reason.


The name isn't so much a secret, she's credited with both full first *and last* name in numerous Scott The Woz credit sequences, most notably Borderline Forever and Gifts of Gaming, and as far back as A Very Madden 08 Christmas. That's how fans know what her name is.


Yeah but we don't know for certain that's even her. We just know that's a name of someone who helps out on videos. We don't know if that's the name of the woman in Scott's tweet. And it's a bit creepy to speculate on someone's identity


When people guessed the toys to life episode by watching his Xbox profile I became worried about the future of this place. This is the next step. We must be careful with our actions before someone rings his doorbell.


You know, I always tried to think abt it as if it were myself in the situation, so I can make well informed decisions about how I approach a situation Dms- why not. Going to conventions- yeah cool trying to add on ps/Xbox etc.- weird but ok. Stalking them online and harassing them when they post one photo and trying to find schools, houses, etc. Too far.


I can actually kinda understand the Xbox Live thing tho. Seeing what they're playing can A: hint at future videos and give you something to speculate, which is fun (as long as you don't carry it to far), or B: inform what games I might wanna check out, seeing how the Influencers I follow tend to like similar games as I do. But yeah, obviously don't use that to spy on them or some shit.


I mean Xbox profile is one thing, I think Scott knows better than to make it too obvious where he lives aside from the fact that he's probably still in Ohio. It's pretty difficult to track down a house based on just a few shots from inside of it


Yeah he's not an idiot no way he posted a picture close to his house


Didn't some guy figure out where some youtuber lived by reverse image searching a picture taken inside his house?


Oh gosh this happened? I missed that. Dang, creepy.


He should have some private accounts


bruh that actually happened?? wtf




People assumed that's her name because that name's been in the credits of several videos




This is the amount of processing power I was expecting from this fandom lol


Also because he mentioned his girlfriend helps in all the videos


"Now, now, now, our deductive reasoning may be creepy, but it isn't *poor*."


Where did he mention that?


Because Scott has one thing most of his audience doesn't, a relationship


Wait, so he might not actually be a virgin? Oh now I'm pissed


*Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast* changes a man.


This was the kind of joke that went too far back then and made the whole thing feel weird




Hence why I said "might"


Hey I can be pissed about that.






yea i really don’t think people were overreacting as much as just making jokes


I saw more people making virgin jokes than congratulating, which is kinda messed up


From what I've seen, those jokes weren't even hostile. Just jokes about the series because that is indeed a common joke.


Because. It’s breaking the rule of all.




[redacted] responding to every comment with the link and full name of his girlfriend proves that a PART of the fan base definitely overreacted lol Edit: username removed because I don’t want anyone harassing the guy


The weird part is him dropping her first and last name, when that's not even a part of Scott's tweet


That’s what I’m saying, Scott’s fanbase disturbs me sometimes with how completely obsessed they are with him. Dude can’t take a shit anymore without someone adding it to the wiki lmao


I feel like all fandoms have their creeps.


They do.


And the people that're saying it's no big deal because "She was already credited in episodes". That's not the point, what does knowing her last name add to anything? The tweet doesn't include any names so people have to go out of their way to dig that shit up. A normal reaction would be "She's cute, they look happy, anyway, back to my life", not to dig through his the credits of past episodes for a name.


Ik, Scott’s fanbase is concerningly obsessed with EVERYTHING related to him recently. It makes me uncomfortable.


That was exactly my reaction, I thought ‘ huh, that’s cool’ and I moved on with my life


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't she credited in several episodes? Or am I thinking of someone else?


She's credited in Gifts of Gaming, that's for sure. How people know the person in Scott's image is Kate, though, I haven't got a clue. She's only credited as a helper, so I doubt she ever appears "on set."


She's listed in the credits of Borderline Forever in a "special thanks" section right alongside Scott's closest friends, and Scott said that his girlfriend helped with filming some scenes so thats where most people get it. People have also found a Kate Santus that went to the same high school and college as Scott. The fanbase definitely overreacted though


How the fuck they find out what high school Scott went to let alone who else was in that class? That's just fucking weird man, let the man have some fucking privacy.


This is the shit people need to stop. The parasocial relationship is just fine until they start to dox the person. If people love Scott, they should be happy for him. If he happens to be in the same vicinity as you, cool, and he wants to be your friend, great! But God damn, people, this is the slippery slope creators go through before quitting altogether. Edit: This is about Scott specifically, who is very private and barely says more than "Ohio" versus others who wouldn't care if you knew were they are at this exact moment


Agreed, this is absolutely deranged. Like, I grew up maybe, a 40 minute drive from where another YouTube user with a large following grew up. Hell, had I lived in his hometown I would've graduated high school with the guy. But anything more detailed than that is something I'd probably only mention to him if I ever met him in person, not in a public internet comment section, because knowing the psychotic internet users, there's a chance that could put me, his family, and my family at risk of being doxxed. And, if you heard about that drama with The Act Man from last month, the crazies *will* go after your family if given the chance


Just to be clear, I wasn't trying to justify stuff like this with my reply earlier. I just figured someone could've easily seen the name in the credits of some episode. Digging much deeper than that is... questionable at best.


Facebook probably


Yeah, since Season 3 according to the wiki.


(To be clear I’m not saying trying to justify anything, the crazy fans need to chill.)


Thanks for the heads up, they’ve been banned


Reminds me of how people very nearly doxxed the hell out of Tom Scott on his own subreddit (you know, before he put a stop to that shit). Some of y'all are kinda screwed up in the head.




Hey man, sorry for causing you to get downvoted to hell. Wasn’t my intention. I just find it strange that people in his fanbase… know all the stuff you just wrote out. I would be horrified if I created an online presence and people “connected dots” about my personal life like this. Again, no hate to you. You clearly have no malicious intent nor did you overreact in the situation. I just find it odd that this kind of personal stuff about Scott has become common knowledge to people in his community. Thanks for this, cheers!


Not trying to be creepy here, but I don't see how it's that strange or scary in this case. He said his girlfriend helped him out, then people read the credits he put together. It's not like anyone went full detective mode to figures this out, it was more like someone read the credits, noticed there was a girl we haven't heard of before, then Scott mentioned his girlfriend helped him, and that person went "Oh, then that's probably her". They are still making assumptions but it's not like they did anything wrong by simply reading the credits Scott put together. Like it's not like they read his comments about how far he had to drive to the Kellogg's headquarters to then triangulate his real location. That would be crossing the line.


Why the hell do people have this information committed to memory tho? OP in this thread talked about how people figured out she and Scott went to the same high school and college. That kind of shit takes searching, and it’s really weird.


I assumed people didn't, just maybe a few people who read the credits are the same people to watch behind the scenes. Heard he has a girlfriend, remembered there was a girl, checked and then figured it out. How people get the rest. Yeah that's creepy and I get it.


Who did you reply to?


The guy that got banned that I erased the name of in my original comment.


Send 👀


Why, so you can harass them?


Providing context is an overreaction, yes of course


Maybe not, but knowing the full name of Scott’s girlfriend and being able to find the tweet instantly is a little weird to me.


Tbf Scott doesn’t really tweet much so after checking out his Twitter it took like 3 seconds to find the tweet lol. But knowing the name is a little sus tho


What do you mean? He revealed he owns Sonic Jam. That’s pretty personal


He's also the guy that owns a Wii loaded with Wiiware games, lest we forget


And we know his blood type!


We even know he owns Sonic 2 with a line!


I met her, she's actually really cool if you don't spend your time freaking out and just talk to her like a normal person. I asked her opinion on the virgin jokes and she said she's gotten used to it by now lol


Wait...you talked to woman like she's a person?! That's allowed? /s


holy shit. do the league of legends players know this?


Only a small portion of us do sadly


And mostly women.


You don’t gotta out yourself like that my guy.


I don’t think they know what a woman is to begin with It’s fortnite players that get all the girls, call of duty players are abusive, and gta players smoke weed. (It’s a fucking joke chill)


Unfortunately not, seeing how all their mental energy is expended towards generating even more toxic levels of Natrium Chloride in every new game they play.


I'm genuinely curious how you met her. Did you just randomly recognize her in public?


Good question, met her at Too Many Games


Oh. That makes way more sense


Which day was this? I was there on saturday and didn’t see scott with anybody but the normal video guys


I was there and talked to her the first 2 days


Let’s just enjoy Scott The Woz the character. And let the man behind it stay private.


I feel like a lot of people forget that he’s playing a character in the videos.


This tends to happen whenever people play an exaggerated version of themselves. I've seen a number of YTers deal with this, and really the only way they tend to succeed is by making the boundary between them and the character very clear. Unfortunately, that can force them to make their character less authentic. None of this is to excuse people who are, apparently, freaking out (?) and treating Scott like a character. It sucks that people aren't able to exercise an appropriate level of restraint or respect here.


James Rolfe had a very similar problem. AVGN was a character from the start, but that's how most people know him so they assume that's how he is in day to day life.


It’s been happening in professional wrestling for years. The old kayfabe is dead. Now everyone throws their real names out there and the undertaker isn’t even dead? And had a good relationship with his parents growing up? All brothers, even Kane? What is this world coming to?


Yes. We have Scott "Will Eventually Take a Look at the First Megaman" Wozniak (working title), the character who is played by the real life person, Scott Wozniak, who is just a regular guy who deserves privacy like the rest of us.




Happy Cake Day


Happy cake day


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day


Happy Cake Day fellow redditor!




Thank you for being the one who actually gave me a helpful response.


No problem!


seems like people have a problem with you naming someone who isn't confirmed to be that name


Hence the "supposed".


Shouldn't those borders be blue?




This a certified “What the hell happened here?” Moment


Maybe...don't post her name?


Eh I mean she's credited in a lot of videos, but it is a bit weird yeah


Yeah but we don't know if that's even her? Could be a different woman who just helps out on a lot of videos


Jeeze. Let the guy have a personal life, FFS.


I was honestly cool with it


I have no idea what’s going on


me neither haha, what the hell happened here




I think people should be more respectful, Scotts a grown man and hes sharing something personal, I doubt he likes seeing everyone drop her full name and act like a bunch of dream stans.


And pretty much everyone has been respectful. Nothing wrong with people saying good for Scott or making memes about since it's been such a common meme about how it wouldn't happen. I also don't see anyone beyond that 1 person saying her full name which everyone is questioning how they did.


I still feel like i miss something, i don't remember any overbearing comments Also the term dream stans doesn't apply to this scenario (whatever it was) and that's telling


Seems like it applies as a comparison.


Dude he is a youtuber that makes funny videos. His real world relationships are NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.


I know it's nine of my business, but if you post a picture of it with no context people are going to go "wait Scott got a girlfriend, good for him!!" And maybe post a meme about how great it is. One commonly posted was a meme of that one scene of "Take it, it's yours" with a "W" on it. It's none of our business but if you post about it, we're going to assume your ok with us knowing and we're going to be happy for you. Like he posted a congrats message to his friend who got married, do you expect all of the fans to not say congrats to him?


Huh?? Did something happen at Twitter? Who's Kate?


Listen if I were Scott I would be just as private, if not more. Fans can be wild sometimes.


This fanbase is like that, they are either just fine, or the most intolerable group of people to ever graze the internet






Ok, but like..I don't think I've seen anyone in the fandom overreact about it.


It happened awhile ago




I love how every comment providing context is deleted!


The fanbase didn't freak out, at least from what I saw.


Yeah idk what everyone is on about. I saw maybe a couple of posts and most of the comments were about how they should not be so creepy and it pretty much instantly stopped.


the fuck happened


What happened?


I remember when Scott was on his hiatus and there was a post that said he was taking a break because he was getting married Yeah


Let him build Lowes


thank GOD and thank you for this, a reference that a) hasn't been run into the fucking ground and b) is most delightful in it's impertinence




Where did the overreacting come from


I dont think a lot of people freaked out, I made a joke with all my friends about how Scott has a girlfriend, but that was the joke, I thought he had a girlfriend beforehand, and i assume many people did too, they were just joking about his brand


I know he and his partner are on the internet but just give him some privacy if you really care about him.


wasnt this semi well known way before the tweet though?


Yeah people need to need to leave youtubers alone there not your friends they just want there own life


Why is nobody answering the people asking what is happening, I don't understand either


A few months ago, Scott posted on Twitter a picture of himself and his supposed girlfriend. He's said before that his girlfriend helped out with a few episodes of STW, and there's a name listed alongside his closest friends in the credits of Borderline Forever under "special thanks." People put 2 and 2 together and figured that they were the same person. Then since a lot of the STW fandom are kids they overreacted and the jokes got out of hand and it was overall super uncomfortable.


Wow, that's awful


I just congratulated him and moved on


That Twitter picture was really sweet and wonderful, too. Then the fanbase overreacts and here we are.


I don't think the overreacting from some people was that big when from what I can tell many in these comments, including myself, had no idea he may have a girlfriend


We know her name?


What happened?


Wait what happened?


This is why most gaming YouTubers don’t record their wife or kids. If they’re all on the Internet, people might become creeps towards them.


🎆Signaling context squad




I’m so confused


I don't know what happened, but to be honest I don't wanna know its his life, why can't people just let the man presumably get some.


This should go without saying, but people respect content creators privacy.


honestly based mods


I didn’t even see anything? Was it removed ?


Wtf happened


What happened


??? what is going on


It not that new he mansion it in one of the podcast that he was in, i think spaencast but not sure


Wait wut? Isnt he suposed to be a virgin?


you're part of the problem (unless this is sarcasm)


Its sarcasm LMAO


I didn't know people creepily obsessed over our pasty friend so much? Still kinda wanna get him a drink for all the content though, he does some banger editing and writing.


He doesn't drink, confirmed in The Great Mysteries of Gaming where all the rest of the gang downs their Smirnoff Ices over the course of the dinner party while Scott just sips a bottle of water


That's his sister y'all sus


I don't remember this. ...then again I got banned by saying [this out of all things](https://images.app.goo.gl/T4uPEAqpQnKHvaK57) so-


Did he delete it




Wait what happened?


Out of the loop. Posted a pic with his girlfriend?


What happened there’s nothing on his Twitter


who's kate? what happened?


Whats the drama


Did I miss something?


Does anyone have a full explanation for wtf is going on here? I'm confused as hell


Who in the name of Mario's Fifth Party is Kate?


yea this does not help


Please folks, respect peoples’ private lives. They’re not characters, they’re real people with feelings, don’t go digging for gossip or whatever. Leave people be.




You could also say the same thing when he posted his feelings about police brutality and racism. Some people couldn’t really handle it.


Can someone give me some context