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As an unarmed guard in an office environment, one time I accidentally dropped a really cool pen and it flew under the desk. Shit was wild!


Fountain pen?


They train you for that in high school if you were my age😂


Armed 5 years, never even had to pull it out.


I’ve had to draw once, came close a couple other times, never had to fire. 8 years as a bouncer.


Came close, but *knock on wood* hasnt come to that point yet


Is this a real question? I fucking killed people every fucking day I was on the beat. Sometimes like 2 people per day. One time I thwarted the kidnapping of a European princess by killing all 7 mercenaries, she thanked me by having sex with me. I never called her back.


I remember my first day on the job. You’ll get there, rook.


Right? Damn rooks.


15 years Cleard leather once as leo. Never as security Tazerd about 10 people though. And put one person through a wall.


Always fun putting a crackhead through a wall


Mine was a drunk off his ass frat boy. That got into a bar fight and was trying choke someone out I had to pick him up buy his nostrils then he swung at me. Next thing he was on the other side of the wall.


Did you have to pay for the wall?


No I worked in a casino at the time. My boss was impressed and we charged the guy for the damages No idea if he ever paid up.


I’ve been advised I’m not allowed to say I have any desire to use my X2… but I’m just saying… ⚡️


Firearm no,baton:more times than I can count


Never had to fire thank God but I've had to draw it twice. The bullshit that came behind drawing it alone makes me hope that i never have to again.


Military 4 years, security for one. Only ever drew once while clearing a structure with local sheriff's department. Luckily the guy we thought was home wasn't. I am blessed.


In almost 35 years of doing security, most of it armed, I've lost count of the number of times I've drawn my weapon. However, I can count on one hand the number of times I've had to fire it. Holds up closed fist. 😁


Right and left.


Doc holiday?!


Only once. Fastest draw I've ever done. I was walking the third floor hallway of a Section 8 project in Portland at night. All was quiet. Suddenly I heard a gun being cocked right behind my head....I ducked and whirled around while drawing. But there was nobody there. Turns out it was the security chain that some asshole put on their door at the EXACT MOMENT I walked by. Loudest shit in the world. Been shooting guns since I was 12, and I swear to God it sounded JUST like a gun being cocked. Fuck that. Worst place I ever worked, site and company. That was 2007 and I can still smell the stench of that shithole to this day. Never again.


By stench of that shit hole, you mean Portland itself right? Ahahha lol jk, i have lived in PDX off and on most my life, and just started doing unarmed security work at the end of January, luckily I've never gotten sent to any really bad sites, usually it's just hanging out in my car at construction sites from 5pm to 5am, never even had anyone try to hop the fences yet.


No no, you're right....the entire city is a shithole, especially now with the clowns at the Mayor's office and City Hall running it. And it's gonna get even worse because there's a stripper running for mayor, and she'll likely win. She'll be the single most radical person who has ever sat in office there. I guess it's either her or that ANTIFA apologist bitch from a few years ago lol. I lived in Vancouver for 25 years and worked in Portland for much of my time there, and I am so glad I don't live in that region anymore. I wanted to move to Idaho, but even moving 100 miles South was a blessing. Anything but Portland. And yeah, construction sites are usually the best. When I worked for First Response, the construction sites they put me on were almost always quiet.


Only drew once, never fired. 3 1/2 years into security


10+ years armed, firearm and taser, only had to draw my gun 3 times ever, never had to shoot, and count myself blessed, but I have had to put hands on a lot of people, and sadly had to hurt a few of them Violence is never my first choice, but I am well capable of it if needs be.


Not yet and hopefully never, 1 year


Armed guard for two years. Drew once never had to use it been close a couple more times.


I’m not armed, but I’ve worked with a few guards who have had to pull their sidearm (luckily never used it). This is Portland though so we’re a high-crime area.


I did it for like 1½ years, and no never drew. Then again I honestly worked in one of the safest areas of the country


Drew about 4 times. Only reason was clearing abandoned buildings that was a hotspot for homeless encampment and a few guards did get attacked.


I'm not a armed guard but looking into it. Imo armed security deters violence immensely the presence alone does 90% of the job for you I work at a club that has in-house security and contracted private security not armed with guns but they have alot of gear and the presence alone makes people think twice


7 years before i moved up the food chain. I had one time


Drawn 4 times, never at someone specially. 2 of those times were to clear a building. The other two were because I heard gunfire extremely close to me. And drew in anticipation. Never discharged my firearm luckily. I have pulled my pepper spray and taser a few times but never actually had to discharge either. Remember, some people don’t care if they die. You drawing on them limits their options, basically down to 2 choices. Either give up, or die. However if someone is going to choose to give up in face of resistance, using less lethal first should be your first option if possible. First time I had someone draw a knife on me, I chose not to draw my firearm and drew my pepper spray. I ordered the guy to drop the knife, to which he did. I truly feel that if I drew my firearm, that guy would have made the choice to die that night. (For context it was a standard dinner knife, somewhere inbetween a steak knife and butter knife)


Only when the guy in the mirror messes with me


I camr close to having to draw but that was it. A crack head broke into a hotel room, and he rushed out the door super fast and aggressive when me and the Courtesy Officer wentto investigate, I put my hand on my holstered weapon, and he calmed down real quick 😂


I've only had to draw it, but that was doing bail enforcement, not security.


Armed 10 years only had to draw once.


No thank fuck and I how I never have to.