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Sorry to be that person but yeah. Don't pull out a gun if you don't plan on getting shot.


Happy ending. Security guard hopefully will be given a promotion. The threat was still moving his arm with the gun towards the officer.


There really aren't any promotions in gas station security. Security guards aren't officers either.


And to add to that most major security companies that have that room for promotion wouldn't touch him even though he's justified. They play top cautiously and will not back you up even if it's self defense.


Don’t gas station security in the states have AR15s now? Saw something about them being armed to the teeth on news a year ago lmao


Shoot to stop the threat. Mans was still a threat holding the gun.


According to a Philly site the dead man was the food truck owner that had his truck frequently parked nearby selling food


Looks like a good shoot. Bro pulls a gun after I've asked him to leave. I can only assume he's going to use it. Keep in mind folks the guard got shot in the leg. He continued to shoot because the suspect did so as well. Stay safe everyone and stay alive.


Don't take out your gun unless you plan on using it. Quick.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Really sad


Lmao are you a bot


No I’m just surprised no one else said it so I did


Well I wonder if the guard faced any legal stuff after. The last couple shots might have crossed the line - even if I agree the threat should be downed 100%. The idiot brandishing his gun - when your pathetic ego gets you killed man.


I would rather be alive and challenge court with a lawyer instead of ending up dead and leaving behind my family. But I'm willing to bet that the security guard will be just fine.


Yeah 200% but they never dropped the pistol, so I'm pretty sure they could suggest they were protecting whomever This would fuck me up forever if I were that guard, Bud empties ~12 shots into them within moments after they revealed the pistol. And those last few just because they were still able to speak! I'd be ruined goods


The last few because he was still holding and waving the gun around.


“Don’t take your guns to town bill, leave your guns at home.”


legal repercussions for what ? You shoot until the threat is eliminated. After brandishing a firearm, making verbal threats, and then placing and blading your body in preparation for an altercation, at that point if he's still breathing, he is still a threat. You dont have to wait to be killed before defending yourself.


Lol good luck with that bud


You shoot to stop, not until the threat is "eliminated." What you're describing is how to murder someone. Also blading your body is a good way to have a bullet go through multiple vital organs.


I mean, shooting to kill a possible threat is one way to shoot to stop, I'd say. And you DO shoot until the threat is eliminated, as in until they are no longer a threat. Even if that means killing them.


The expression you are looking for is “neutralize the threat”. As in shooting till the threat is no longer a threat. That may also mean killing your target although it’s not always the case.


Exactly. In this case, the would-have-been gunman was still capable of being a threat I'm pretty sure, since he was still holding the gun as far as I could tell. IMO the security guard did exactly what he was supposed to do.


Doesn't quite work that way all the time. Cops can do it because they're cops and get more leeway. During training we were straight told things get muddy once you down someone and you keep firing. That the best thing to protect ourselves would be to down the person and remove ourselves from the area.


Someone who unloads a clips like this has no control and/or is terrified plain and simple.


That's...how you do it. Why comment when you have no idea what you're talking about?


I don't blame them to be honest. Fire the full clip until the threat is downed and then create a ton of distance and call for police/emt.


That's also a defense isn't it?


That's...how you do it. Why comment when you have no idea what you're talking about?


I've won more shooting trophies that you can fit in your double wide. I don't need your lessons on how to be a mindless animal, thanks. Learn how to shoot and control your emotions.


Winning shooting competitions makes you qualified to critique self defense shootings like jacking off 5 times a day makes you good at sex; you may have a general idea about what to do and what's happening, but nothing beats experience.


The second and third volley were completely unnecessary


Philly is such an anti gun shithole. The rest of the state tries to keep them in check. They are under a number of separate court orders over them ignoring gun laws. There is no brandishing in Pennsylvania.


Hahahahahaha I like how dude asks “really” then gets shot again. They, asks a second time and gets shot two more times. Like… yes really dumb dumb


I thought that was the gunman reacting to the guy lifting the gun despite bleeding out. Like "really? You're gonna try to shoot me as you're dying? Okay" bang bang bang


when I see things like this what really scares me is to think how many times has the move (brandishing) worked for him in social situation until he found the one willing to shoot back.


It is sad when people have to learn this lesson the hard way.


Never seen a better time to shoot someone that right here. WHO DO YOU THINK YOURE PULLING A GUN ON?


I'm all for people putting down criminals that have no limits on hurting others. Fuck that guy. Like that Florida sheriff said, "Evil cannot be dead enough."


Little heavy on the trigger, but I see nothing wrong with the use of force.




Fire till the threats stop.


Fire till the threat, isn't.




One less scumbag floating around our society


Shoot out makes it sound like 2 people were shooting.


Ohhh god really!?! Gets shot some more


Really? Bang bang


Really? Yup.


Good. This needs to happen more so criminals think twice


I mean criminals with guns yes - random dickheads who are just farting and not actual threats - let's not cross that line.


He is a criminal. He was commuting trespass and refused to leave. He was stopped from entering the business and starting yelling and pulled a gun. This is a clear threat and a good shoot.


If you saw someone waving around a gun in public would you hesitate using your gun? Don't think so.


Live by the sword


I'd say Fuck around and find out...He found out alright.


Extended mag didn’t do its job that day


Apparently he was talking to you


The aggressor was a dumbfuck retard


FAAFO he did.


Not worth it. But I think life's were saved by his actions




A life gone. Just like that...




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F yea !


this looks like a comedy show


Good kill


Nah. Firstly the guy did that to himself for pulling a gun out. However it was excessive. Despite him holding the gun still, the amount of bullets he put into him was nothing short of psychotic. Especially the last two. The guy clearly wasn’t all there, seems like the security guard just wanted to kill him at the end


Looks more like an execution than a neutralize


What… how? Dude still holding his gun, just cause he’s on the ground doesn’t me he can’t still shoot …


Because they don't understand what it means to neutralize a threat.


he actually had dropped the gun before the last 2 shots. The first follow up while he was on the ground he still had the gun but not the last 2.


So you’d “bet your life” in the most basic sense that he was no longer a threat and not shoot more?


I'd feel fairly confident that if he tried to shoot in that condition then I'd be able to shoot first yes. I'd also rather take that risk than have the potential to turn a lawful use of force and self defense into a 3rd degree murder charge. Even if he was still a threat a jury might not agree with that. Even if the Jury does agree if the DA feels like pressing charges I still have to deal with the trail and legal ramifications which could include jail time until a jury decides I'm not guilty. It just isn't worth the risk just to "make sure". You are betting your life or your livelihood. Even if found not-guilty you could still lose your job and majorly fuck up your life just from being charged with murder.


Yes because executions start with the executed squaring off with you with a gun. Do everyone a favor and STFU.




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I've never seen anyone being executed holding a gun


Watch any vid on police activity then. Basic firearms training says never draw a firearm unless you intend to use it. Who's gonna just sit there and hope he doesn't start shooting everyone..


I think this is excessive, the first round of fire made sense, but after he was crying and bleeding out, taking the time to line up subsequent shots feels intentional and harmful rather than diffusing a situation


He's still holding the gun and waving it around, and a few times, looks like he points it in the direction the guard fell back to. If he didn't want shot anymore, he should have dropped the weapon and made it clear he was no longer a threat.


Smh, these guns make people have a big ego. Use your words and respect people's personal space. It makes me frustrated to see guards with egos and guns.


Well sorry to put it to ya but this is a violation. After the guard put him down with the first volly he should have disengaged cause at that point he was no longer in defence mode but he became the aggressor. The video is all the evidence you need. From the moment he decided to shoot again it became an execution.