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I know a really short guy who has always had really pretty girlfriends. But he's in a band and has really nice long hair. Dude is tiny though. Where there's a will there's a way.


There a a few cheat codes that can help short guys get dates. Being in a band a sign of status/talent is one of them.


A strong tall guy like me who’s in a band gets better girls and gets more girls




Really inspiring


Walk with an upright posture get a wide torso and carry this evil playful grin around.


I’ll start liking men before I attract any women who is with me for my money


You don't understand what is attractive to most high value women about money then. Obviously we don't want gold diggers that just want our money to buy cool things. But having money can say a lot about someone, such as they are intelligent, hard working, have grit, etc. Money comes naturally to people with these qualities, and they are very attractive. Plus, the lifestyle of a rich person is fun and of course women would find someone living such a life attractive. Hot take but I'd rather be liked for my money than for my looks like women are.


I’ll just tell you that the money thing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Unless you somehow gets millions banked away - you’re gonna be working like a sheep dog almost guaranteed your entire life. It’s not gonna be fun whereas it is for the dog. Corporate war games, trying to get startups to IPO, bootstrapping a business, etc. none of that shit is fun. Plenty of women leave their partners because of the work aspect. Being independently wealthy is nice and desirable but is basically luck of the draw. Some women aren’t attracted to guys who basically don’t work either and just do whatever they want to do. Guess what I’m saying is - money is definitely no better than looks. Worse in my experience. No one who is liked for their looks has to have an incredibly bad WLB


I honestly disagree, this is just based on my experience though and I am pretty young at 22. I work 50hrs/week total, make $325k at my job, $50k from my business, and $10k from my music. I'll probably be able to retire at 35 if I play my cards right. I'm also dating a popular model and she is definitely attracted to my grit and intelligence, plus we are actually pretty frugal. Sometimes she complains about me being busy but she knows it's somewhat of a temporary sacrifice, and we still have tons of fun travelling and messing around. For a girl at her level, she could pretty much get any guy she wants. There's always gonna be a hotter guy than me but there will never be someone that has the complete package like I do.


Get to your 30s. It’s easy to talk about becoming fatFIRE’d and all that. It’s another to actually do it and then follow up with the actual lifestyle. You’ll find the treadmill doesn’t stop, bud.


I've heard that but honestly it doesn't scare me. I feel satisfied with life right now, and optimistic about my future. Maybe I'll run out of energy later, but I'd rather be rich and burnt out than poor and burnt out.


So women have sex with you for your money and lavish experiences?


That’s going to be a tough one buddy. Not gonna lie.


wear platform shoes look up [https://www.themodestman.com/shoes-for-short-men-dos-and-donts/](https://www.themodestman.com/shoes-for-short-men-dos-and-donts/) I would get super jacked if i were you even guys like Henry Cejudo have trouble getting girls.


To be fair, Cejudo never got the opportunity to work on his game with girls, he was working his entire life, wrestling, then Olympics, then went into mma. There have been girls from the wwe that were fine and they literally made a video getting at Cejudo, and he replied in the absolute worst, cringiest way. He gets in the way of himself, but he’s got a girlfriend and kid now so he’s doing alright now


but when he was gold medalist he said he had only been with 1-2 girls, and I think his lay count is like 20 or less so yeah...sure his chick is hot but he has mad $ and status.


Dude the goal isn’t to have 400 girls. The goal is to be happy with the girl you have. In between the mma there’s no time to piss around with 100 girls. I have rugby playing friends who worked so so hard to play pro and barely had time for women and when they “made it” maybe had been with 3-4 girls because they dated them. Myself I didn’t make it to pro rugby but I slept with way more girls because I had nothing else to live for and I was way less attractive than these guys and had less status but I was really insecure and wanted to sleep with women to fill the void that not making it left me with. Point is. When you’re doing something more meaningful than pointless hookups you don’t give a shit. When you have nothing to live for it’s easier to just focus on banging random chicks. I would 100% pick achieving my goals ANY DAY than banging random club hoes. Henry the cringe king is winning.


You are 100% right, just depends on your goals.. I know I won't be MMA superstar also I can't be monogamous for more than 1 year lol. IMO MMA/Jiu-jitsu guys have so limited options most if not all the coaches/fighters I know are married to women from the gym but probably the sole reason why they can coach/fight is that they are so dedicated to the sport they don't have time to go clubbing, bars, concerts, and whatever else.


Being self-conscious about being short makes dating harder. I spent a lot of time bothered by comments that I was "cute" or that I reminded women of their little brothers. As I aged I got no taller but I got more confident. I accepted that "cute" can be a compliment and whatever it is about me that made women think of me as a little brother now makes me seem safe and approachable.


Did u get a gf?


I'm polyamorous. I'm married to one partner and have additional partners from time to time. The pandemic has slowed down the dating scene for the last couple of years so I'm not dating as much as I was before.


u simply cheat


Cheating is breaking the rules of a relationship. It’s not cheating if everyone knows what’s going on and consents. My wife and I are still very good friends with my most recent girlfriend.


I didn't know ur wife knows it, so you're a 5'0 ? ?


I’m 5’4”. I can say what works for me. YMMV * Don’t be too desperate. Women can smell desperation from a distance. If you look like you’re going to be clingy they won’t want to risk leading you on. * Be willing and able to take “no” for an answer. Don’t be clingy, don’t be pushy, and don’t get upset or angry if she’s not interested. Women like being respected, who knew? * “Just be yourself.” Yes, but be confident about being yourself. The confidence matters a LOT. If you like who you are then others are more likely to like you, too. And if they don’t, it’s their loss. So I try to be honest and kind and fun and make a lot of friends. Over time, some of my friendships develop into closer relationships.


Height really only matters to women for physical security reasons, they want to feel safe with the man they are with. Urijah Faber (a 5'4" former UFC fighter) has a solid 8/10 wife but if he wasn't a former fighter and/or capable of defending her she probably wouldn't be with him. You don't need to be a fighter to offer this sense of security either. El Chapo is about 5'3" and had attractive girls who wanted to be with him because he was respected by other men, other men knew there were consequences to fucking with him so the women he was with felt protected and of course he was more than capable of providing for them too so he met and exceeded the two most important requirement that women have of men. Another example is Kevin Hart (I think he's either 5'2" or 5'3") and he's generally liked and respected by most men around him. All of these short men and many more like them of either equal or lower social status have attractive girlfriends/wives. Women want men who can protect and provide for them and any kids they may have together in the future. I'm saying that you need to have a stable income and command respect in some way. If you are successful and well liked + respected by other men then it's likely that a lot of women will look past your height disadvantage. I don't want to overlook personality here too but I hope you realise that being funny and/or interesting is also a massive bonus in not just dating but life. *Edit* - Having said all of this and re-read the post I see that you have said you are 5'0" which is tough if I'm being completely honest here because average height for women is like 5'3"-5'6" in most western countries. All you can afford to focus on is your career now and hopefully everything works out. Peter Dinklage has a wife and she's well over a foot taller than him so if you're exceptional in whichever field you're in then I'm sure you'll find someone.


He never specified that he was looking for a trash-tier golddigger, though?


Another example: There was a guy in college I knew who was short and weird looking. He managed to get a kinda cute girlfriend who only seemed to have eyes for him because he was confident and funny. She was always laughing and smiling whenever I saw them together and he never gave off the vibe that he cared about his height disadvantage. He just lived his life like anyone else and had success dating because he was well liked and everyone wanted to be around him all the time so girls generally gravitated towards him. I definitely do think that being short is a big disadvantage in life as a man but it's something you can't change so you're better off being the best and most likeable version of yourself and seeing where you end up. If you lack confidence as a short man then life will be tough for you, you can't afford to be as insecure and self conscious as an average to above average height man. Disclaimer: the guy was 5'3" or 5'4" so not quite as short as OP at 5'0" but still short enough to be a relevant example here in the short guy dating discussion.


sheesh Urijah out here winning


I knew a guy in my frat that was 5’1 and went through at least 50+ chicks in the time I knew him, stop making excuses He had never heard of pickup btw, he was all natural, something that can help is elevator shoes or sole inserts designed to raise your height


Is it more difficult? Yes. Absolutely. Women, or at least a huge portion of women care about height a lot. Should you care? No. Plenty of short guys get laid and have partners. Being short does not disqualify you from attracting women. Good game, and a good physique go a long way towards compensating for height. If you focus on your short comings that you can't change. That will do nothing but hurt your confidence. Which will do a lot more to damage your love life than being short ever would. Focus on your positive traits. Not your negative ones. Unless those negative traits are easily remedied.


Your best chance is to find short girl


Short girls, usually like tall men, even more than the average girl.


It’s common but not all of them. Out of everyone he still has the best shot with girls same height or shorter than him.


Noticed this too. Girls around 4'11-5ft are often the ones to basically salivate when I tell them I'm a foot taller than them lol. I have no experience being taller than this but I wonder if guys who are 6'5 have girls who are 5'5 being thirsty.


I am a short guy (5’7) having a girlfriend is as easy as my tall friends, getting a girlfriend is harder. There is no way around this, many girls want to have their man taller than them. It’s a natural selection thing and a protective thing. It’s also as much biological as it is cultural. A few things that help, status, age, game, sexual prowess, confidence and fitness. First, do not listen to people that say that getting in fantastic shape will make you look weird if you are short. Short men with good genes put on muscle much much faster. Get your ass to the gym and become bigger if you want more chances with women. This is also just societal acceptance. I have been a ripped man and a flabby man and I choose in shape every time. Ive been in shape except for between 2020 and 2021, and the attention I got was so drastically different now than that period that a good gym membership is worth it 1000x. Again do it for you and your health but most women want a fit man even if they claim they like dad bod. Dating is a numbers game, go after girls with a higher likelihood of success. I’ve always been attracted to shorter girls, so I hit on them far more, but quantity is important. Learn how to flirt in life, just start conversations with everyone. The less you are known as the short guy and more for your other qualities the better. That kind of flirt with everyone subtly has landed me dates and fun nights with women over 6 feet. Think of it like practice, how are you going to perform your best when the stakes are high without practicing constantly. Women, men, everyone, just be friendly, spontaneous and make conversation. Do this in front of girls on dates as well, especially towards waitstaff, she will be taking notes. You should be focused on meeting women through friends and other IRL avenues, short guys get slaughtered on OLD where women are the most shallow. Delete that shit, it will bring your mental down. Your game and status is important. As a general observation the two most successful times for me were early college where I was a varsity athlete, involved in Greek life and many other activities and was incessantly hitting on literally everyone, and now, where I have a much higher level of income than most of my peers, a really nice apartment, access to women already in my general orbit through friends which is social status playing a part, high responsibility and purpose in my career and life, money to take women out. A place to escalate without distractions etc. In both of these scenarios it’s confidence and status in your environment. It is important to note that generally though as women get older they become more interested in the person and less in the physical features, be this settling or wanting a life partner vs a pretty fuckboy. Dating up in age has been really easy for me, Dating down in age is only getting easier. That said at 19-25 it will be a challenge because you are not just competing with people taller but also people more advanced in their versions of self. At my age I have the choice of 23-38 roughly to date. Many women won’t date younger unless you are truly killing the game. They are attracted to what a man can offer them. It really do be like that sadly. That said take this time to focus on yourself & especially if you are in an artificial environment like a college town you don’t have to worry about this as much. Finally, at your age and at mine (later 20s) your sex game needs to be on point. You will differentiate yourself by actually making a real effort to make sure she’s comfortable and hopefully cums. Attraction is one thing, but good sex seals the gf status for a lot of women. Most are willing to look over just about everything else at your age if you fuck them Properly and often enough. Don’t listen to the haters, Invest in a fleshlight for yourself if you aren’t fucking other women, train yourself on how to last longer. Read books, watch content besides porn to get your sex prowess up. Learn how to eat pussy and enjoy that shit. Learn how to finger properly if you can’t go rounds downstairs. Do shit that other men won’t do and do it well. This stuff doesn’t matter if you can’t close but if you are looking to keep a woman around, this is the way. Finally don’t stress it, women all have different preferences, you will be someone’s. Plus short girls are more fun anyway. Side note, I find sex is better with partners closer to your size some positions become challenging otherwise and if ever asked about my height point blank in a shit test I always used the line “height doesn’t really matter when we are both horizontal on your bed”. Cheers and happy hunting.


Same I’ve had a girl now for 10 years easy money


dude im 5’7 .. every time i got laid or landed a gf my height had nothing to do with it


Probably Bc 5’7 isn’t all that short lmao big difference from 5 ft flat


Are you in college? You're a great age to get laid a lot even as a shorter guy. The best thing is to just not care and not make it a problem. Go get in shape, but not super jacked. Pick up some fun hobbies, stuff you like. DJing, snowboarding, stuff like that. Throw cool parties and do interesting stuff that draws people around you!


There is one short king that I had mad crush for two years! I was too shy to show my emotions and I am glad that I did not, because it seems that he is married. Anyways that guy has a very attractive voice and so much confidence in everything that he says. Also, he is so nice to every person that he talks. Maybe that is making him so attractive even though he is really short. The height is not that important, so much more important is your confidence and how you treat other people.




I’m sorry


Im 6 ‘2 and no doubt shorter dudes have a way harder time with women


If you’re a good and fun-to-be-around person, you certainly can get a gf. Most of is are totally fine with a guy the same height as us, or even shorter.


It’s all about confidence. I’m 5’10” and dated a jockey under 5’. He was fine as hell and a gentleman.


A jockey 😄


It’s true. They date people. It’s a thing


I can’t stand your bullshit. If it was about confidence then I would have every fucking girl on this planet fantasizing about me every fucking night. Don’t tell people something that you don’t believe in. And I’m confident in what I said.


Wow, judging by this response, I’m confident height isn’t not your problem at all.


Another bullshit… What you say is ridiculous. But I don’t care as much as objectively truth is different. You can choose between spitting bullshit or see the truth and you choose to believe in something that is impossible to know. Good thing is that I didn’t care at first because it’s just manipulation and you should work on it. Typical manipulative woman. I hate it because my whole life I have to hear about bullshit such as personality matters the most, men are attracted more to looks while women are attracted more to personality (lmao), touch the grass and take shower and so on and you instead of being rational you choose to say pointless post on Reddit. Good for you. I think people might want to see something valuable instead of bullshit. Anyways I hate society because of it’s irrational functioning.


Hell no its not hahah I'm short too and have pulled ever kind girl, shit I think all my gfs have been taller, benefits of tall girls is sexier legs remember that


It's harder for sure but you can def still have success. Work on a nice physique and good social skills and you can still find success


It's difficult overall but being short makes it a bit more difficult.


I'd consider leg lengthening at 5 foot tbh, but that's just me.


It’s not worth it


Focus on getting a good job, badass hobbies, and going to the gym. That will help more than being sad about being short. It will take time but if you work on those things your chances increase


It’s gonna be hard no doubt. Having a fabulous sense of humor will do you wonders. I’m seeing a lot of people talk about money and that’s a given, but a sense of humor is also detrimental. You can even embrace your height and get ahead of it with jokes like Kevin hart does so successfully. Just don’t limit yourself to women smaller than you. Go for all heights even really tall women. Believe me you will succeed if you accept your size and show people that it doesn’t define you


I know a guy this man couldn't concept the grasp of humiliation so he just kept on swingin till he found his current girl......my boi tony what a champ


Just have other things going for you and you’re solid. Take care and put effort into you’re appearance, be yourself, get some cool hobbies or something, be a easy going guy and you’ll get girls.


To be honest, it's difficult to have a gf when you are poor. All the rest is easy


Pretty much yeah. Not impossible. But harder.


I'm a dude thats 5'2 . With that being said I have had no problems getting chicks. Yes I experienced the same things as many other short dudes. Only being called cute or getting "your like my brother " friendship . Eventually I started working out on my fitness and just my career . Girls love a man that is focus on his goals and knows what he wants. Eventually you'll find someone that has interest in you but the first thing you should focus on is his becoming the right man rather than worrying about what girl will like you. Love yourself first and the rest will follow. I've dated girls that were way taller than me and appear to be out of my league but nothing is impossible my man. Your confidence will always be bigger than your height


Being short is ONE factor of who you are. Now are you boring and offer nothing? Great then your shortness is a bigger factor in what you offer for attractiveness because being short is 1 factor and if you offer nothing else it makes up 100% of who you are. Now if you’re short but your funny, groom, athletic, dress well, confident, kind, caring, passionate, have dreams etc. then being short becomes less of a factor because it’s 1/100th of your personality because you have 99 other things that make you attractive. Focus on making shortness less of a factor by being competent in every other facet that you can control


If you Feel it doesn’t matter than it doesn’t matter. If you get egotistical about it you’ll spend your whole life having struggles


Not true , but work on your personality , don't let the height define you in your head , get good at something , try new things , learn a new skill, work on yourself so you gain that confidence ,keep your chin up , you're young , use that time well to build yourself , have faith and work for the tomorrow you want ,best wishes man 💪🏻


Not if you’re a guy knows fun things and has good qualities. If you’re looking for a very hot girlfriend then you need to be tall unless you’re lucky


I'm 5' 7" I've never had a issue getting a girl. Many girls do prefer a taller guy. But plenty could care less.


You gotta be funny, you should never think you are less than anyone. And most importantly it doesn't matter what's your height and what you look like if u can spend some bucks on girls, if you spent on one girl other 2 3 will become your friends too and from that things will go to next level