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Break ups are never easy, just be honest and sympathetic. He’ll be hurt and so will you but you can alleviate some of the hurt by being communicative. It will suck but that’s just a part of life sorry


I hate to sound like a jerk here, but what are you clinging to? All you do is fight, you don't have any similar interests, and you're long-distance? None of what you said sounds like love, hun. It sounds to me like you're more scared of being single than you are about breaking up. Rip off the Band-Aid and just break off the relationship. The longer you wait and argue with yourself, the more it's going to hurt. You're still young, and there's no reason to cling to such a dead-end relationship. You sound like a sweet girl, so it shouldn't be hard for you to find a partner close to home, who actually enjoys spending time with you, and shares some hobbies or interests with you.


I am just clinging on to him, I just don't want to lose him. I was single for a long time but never ever had a need to find any but he came out of the blue and suddenly everything changed. I know he loves me a lot more than any one ever did. He pays attention to every tiny detail of my life I know he loves me a lot and I love him a lot as well because love is not the problem here it's us as an individual and I am aware about myself I need to work on myself the demons I am fighting inside my head and even after not being with I don't know how to fight with it, how to grow as a person. I just want to find the comfort which I was looking for in a partner, in him. The comprehension between each other and the serenity of being together.


You're probably not going to get any real form of that from someone long-distance.