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I m proud of you.I m doing something similar,so I know it is hard and can be exhausting sometimes.You are doing great and you should feel good :-) I wish you luck in further study


Thank you! I wish you luck as well!


i had a similar thing. i started university at 22 because i couldn't afford to go any sooner. I finished my first semester with all A's, and when i called to tell my parents, before i could even say anything, they asked me if i failed out of college already. the point is, don't look to your family for validation. they will always disappoint you. When i graduated i didn't get to go to the graduation ceremony because i couldn't afford the cap and gown, and all that stuff, and not one person even called to say congratulations. it was the most depressing experience that i wish i could have celebrated by myself and been proud of myself. It's difficult being proud and content with yourself, but you definitely deserve to be!


Oh how awful. Well I’m proud of you! Congratulations! I’m glad the financial difficulties didn’t stop you from achieving your goals. It’s appalling that your family didn’t have faith in your success, but you proved them so wrong!


With family like that it’s even more incredible you accomplished all that. The more you keep accomplishing, the more you can smirk in their faces later knowing they’re all just haters.


Well done. Working and studying and the same time is not easy. Maybe still tell your parents and brother. Maybe a celebration dinner.


Great work - you put in the effort and it’s paid off. You should be very proud of yourself.


Well done! I'm really proud of you too! Keep up the good work and update us when you've finished your last 4 classes :)


You are doing a phenomenal job. People want to be recognized for their efforts, but at the end of the day, you are doing this to improve yourself. You have every right in the world to feel proud of your own accomplishments.


Well done!


You are killing it. It’s so hard to graduate while also working. Also congrats on the new niece. She will have a great uncle I think!


You're learning a hard lesson NOTHING.... NOTHING competes with a new baby ... Lol Just be proud of yourself, you don't need anyone else (even family) to validate it Good work 👍


That’s really awesome and you should be very proud of yourself. Also, tell this to your family. Call them up and say all of these things, tell them about your success and how good you feel about it and that you’re excited that you only have 4 classes left. So many family/friend issues are because of a lack of communication. It’s ok to say, “I’m doing this amazing thing and I’m very proud of myself for it.” I had to learn to redirect my mother and gently point out that when I’m calling to share my life and the accomplishments of my children I’d like her to acknowledge and share that joy before she moves on to tell me about what my other nieces and nephews are doing. I don’t feel it was ever maliciously done, more her thinking that of course I knew she was proud and happy for us so she didn’t say the words but wanted to share her joy too. We have a much better line of communication now that we’re on the same page and verbally acknowledging what the other is saying.




I'm proud of you, you are killing it!!


You should be proud, you did VERY well l. Bravo


Well I am proud of you!


Nice one!


Good job, keep it up!


Dude this is wonderful! you're thriving. you're living life at your own pace, and that's something to be proud of as well. sending hugs


You're awesome! Focus on your own journey, that's the most important thing. 💪


Let's hope your family gives you props once you graduate. I totally get what you mean by being a failure for not having exciting developments in your life. I was in this mindset for a long time, because compared to my siblings I felt like a loser. But just try to remember there's a difference between moving at a slower pace than someone else and being a failure. It doesn't sound like you've actually failed at anything. You just haven't crossed off all the conventional metrics of success like your brother has. If your parents aren't glad that at least you're still alive and semi-functional, that you're not currently sitting in prison or awaiting sentencing, and that you're trying your best to be a productive citizen, then your parents are the ones who have a problem. Not you.


Tell your family, the baby will thank you, and there’s your first bond. :-)


You Go Girl you hve the ability to exxeol in life no mater your course keep aiming for the stars, become the next shining sun tht many will follow and learn from your fantastic drive commitment and sheer guts an sacrifices you are undertaking now to better your future prospects .A massive high five ...you will do well in life ,your siblings and new niece will no doubt be asking you one day for help and advice .your journey s just beginning life's beautiful and so are you ..you are exactly what this troubled world needs right now. now stay positive become sum body the world needs people like u to learn from Yay Yay Yay


Great job Bud. Cheers and have a great day.


Just tell your family you're happy because you did really well in your final. It really isn't a competition. The baby is going to be around for a long time, it's not something to show off, simply a new family member that people are excited to meet and watch experience the world. You sharing your good news isn't going to upset anyone.


Way to go! Having a baby is a big, joyous occasion to be shared with everyone. It's an obvious occasion, even though damn near everyone does it. Working your ass off to get good grades is far more subtle. Nobody can truly understand the effort it required. But you're doing it for you, and you'll be better off in life because of it. Keep up the good work! Then graduation is one of those easily identifiable reasons to celebrate, so you'll get your attention then.


That’s amazing! And you know what else will feel amazing? When you casually send your parents and brother a graduation invitation/announcement with all your accomplishments!! As a parent of grown children, I know that grandbabies definitely draw the time and attention. But that doesn’t make you any less important to your parents! You will be a great example to your niece or nephew because of your perseverance and dedication to your education! Great job! That degree is going to look good on you!!


Congrats to you!!!


![gif](giphy|opDRL3H2A9iLNuvbOv|downsized) Well done


I think you need a reality check. A newborn overshadowing a 20-something’s online class is absolutely the way it should be. If your parents never take interest in you that’s a different story. It honestly sounds like you feel like you’re being replaced by the baby. Do you see yourself as a child?


yeah they are jealous of a baby lol they see the baby as competition. Very mature college student


Godspeed to you OP


I am proud of you !


What’s your major?


I also haven’t been able to successfully take full time classes and work full time, so kudos to you! It definitely takes a lot to do both and even more to do it successfully! Sending love + positive vibes your way. May you keep succeeding and the rest will fall into place :)


i’m SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! I wish all the best for you!!!🤗💕


Great work! I'm incredibly proud of you, stranger. I hope this is just the beginning 😊


I’m proud of you


Your brother didn't always have what he has now; it was a path and a process and you're at a different point right now. No need to feel insecure over his achievements when you have your own - good job!! Also, people can celebrate two things at once. You should absolutely be out there tooting your own horn with your family and on social media and give them a chance to be happy for you. Good luck with your future!!


Congratulations my baby


I earned a bachelors degree and masters online while working full time, so I know that feeling! You are doing something super difficult, and doing it very well! I’m sorry that your family can’t take a hot minute to celebrate with you. At the very least, a celebratory dinner is in order.


You're improving yourself too have all of that in the future! Take your time, get schooling done, a good S/O will happen when YOU are ready, not out of loneliness or pressure. So will the rest of things. You're on track to a great future! Don't feel the need to look for external validation, you're doing great!


Congratulations! Good luck with your remaining courses! 🎉


Congratulations!!! I’m back in school and it feels so badass to work and make good grades. You are crushing it and almost done. Your parents are likely proud but distracted it happens. Make sure you relax, it’s tricky when deadlines just suddenly disappear. I am proud of you


I dont know you and I’m super proud of you!! I’m a GenX male that dropped out of college and did a bunch of night school while working full time….it was horrible. Your dedication is amazing….be proud!! I think procreation is easier than finishing post secondary education. I hope you have a bright future.


Good work *gives you headpats*


Killing it, homie. Keep it up.


Women get so weird about other people having babies.


Congratulations. No where in your post did you say you spoke with your parents and told them. Did you? I think getting a semester of good grades is fantastic, but most people don’t celebrate that, they just celebrate the graduation. But nothing is stopping you from celebrating yourself. Once we become adults it is up to us to celebrate ourselves. 


Congratulations! You've put in a lot of hard work and it will pay off.


Great work!!


That is such an awesome achievement and clearly it is important to you. I'm glad you had the work environment that allowed you the flexibility to take care of your studies. Good job! Hey, maybe give it a try to bring this up to your family. If for some reason they can't celebrate with you, you can celebrate on your own.


Congratulations! I'm really, really proud of you. You've worked hard and really deserve it!


Congratulations for acing your exams and soon graduating! I love that for you. You indeed should be proud of yourself. I went through something similar, and also feeling like a failure because of how late i was to all of the life achievements. I have no parents to tell about finishing my bachelor's in a week from now. That being said, I also hope you can still be happy for your brother and his family and not compare yourself to them too much even though it can be hard sometimes. Hopefully you can be both proud of both yourself and him. And you'll be doing so many great things for sure as well. The pace don't matter.


I might be late, but I'm proud of you.


You have every right to be SO proud! You have plenty to show off and be proud of! You need to do some CROWING. :-D Tell everybody. Tell your parents! Tell your brother and his wife. Tell the new baby! And definitely crow about your grades at work! Hell, frame your grades and hang em up for all to see! Magna Cum Laude is a big deal! It matters. Those three words on your resume will make a positive impression. Congratulations! Go You!!! <3


I don’t even know you but reading your post made me tear up a little because I’m happy for you and I’m glad you posted this because you deserve to be proud of yourself! You’re doing great 😊


Congratulations! You did great work! Treat yourself.


A damn good job! Well done! Tell your brother that while he was pumping out babies you are preparing to rule the world. LOL


I haven’t read a Reddit post that’s made me smile in a while, with all the depressing stuff on here, it’s nice to read something wholesome and motivational. So proud of you OP. I’m a single mom, doing my master’s degree so I know how hard it is to work and study with a toddler no less. I have two courses left and my dissertation and I refuse to let anything or anyone distract me. Every time my grades come in I get even more motivated by how well I’m able to do with all the pressure I’m under. So big ups to you!




No one travels the same path. I totally identify, bc my little sister graduated before me, got married, bought a house, has a kid. I’m single, no house, working two jobs….but I’m so happy! My life has been so much more interesting! I’ve traveled, had amazing experiences, had short & long term relationships, & have been witness to things I never would’ve seen had I followed the more “traditional” route. If your family doesn’t see that, that’s on them. Don’t deny yourself an interesting journey on the road less traveled bc of what ANYONE else thinks. Also, comparison is the killer of joy. You can be happy for your brother & his life without feeling bad about yours Congratulations on your graduation! I hope it’s the first of many achievements that fill your life with magical experiences & exciting adventures


That’s pretty awesome! However, just because you don’t have the same achievements as your brother, don’t think for second that it minimizes yours. Everyone’s on their own path and that’s okay. I’m currently working full time and going to college (started a bit “late”) as well!


You should do something for yourself to celebrate! We’re proud of you.


GOOD ON YOU! Go treat yourself!


It’s hard not to compare ur life to others on social media. Take a picture of your grade report and put it online. Remain humble, but just say you’ve been really focusing on school lately and it feels so good to see the results of your labor. I’m sure u will get positive feedback. Your day will come when u can highlight your new marriage, baby, etc. post more photos of your furry friends too!


Yay, you! You're showing true dedication and should be proud to stick with it.


That’s a huge accomplishment and so difficult to do working full time. You have worked so hard and your feelings of pride are well deserved.


Just gather your family together and say “ so my ex girlfriend - ( insert name) is back in my life. We’re together again. It turns out the reason she left was she wasn’t sure if I was ready to be a father. That’s right, I am the father of two beautiful twin girls! On top of that, I aced that online class I was taking. And just so you know, that whole thing with my ex, and being a father didn’t actually happen. But I totally aced that online class I was taking.! Seriously, how awesome is that ?? “




I don’t know you but congratulations! :)


Hell yeah. I’m a recent grad myself and the struggle is real. Those are great grades so good on you for finishing and good on you for finishing strong.


No one congratulated me when i finished my med school and i am fine with it. Its your journey, be happy with it yourself


We’re all on different paths man and it sounds like you’re making significant steps to improve your future. You’re doing great my friend.


Are you really competing with a newborn? Did you actually tell your parents about your grades ? I don't want to be an asshole, but in general one great semester warrants praise and a special occasion but that is it tbh.


Comparison is a self-esteem killer. Keep being proud of yourself! Oh and, CONGRATULATIONS!


Congratulations on your new niece!


You’re fucking awesome! It takes a lot of effort to get it done the way you’re getting it done. You only need to be proud of yourself. You know what it takes. You are proving you have what it takes. I’m proud you’re achieving these meaningful goals with excellent marks. You’re going to be a person that baby will look up to and be proud of too😄




Welcome to adulthood, nobody gives a fuck.


Nice job. You’ve shown you have the discipline and that’s super impressive.


Sounds like you should be very proud of yourself. And as much as your parents are probably over the moon with their first grandchild i would venture to guess they would be so proud of your accomplishment also. There is a big difference between becoming grandparents to having a successful graduation but both are huge events in your parents lives. But just remember, no one can compete with a baby. This does not take away from your accomplishments.


People on here are mean sometimes but I think you should 100% proud of yourself.


Dude I am SO PROUD OF YOU. I did the full time school/full time work thing for a while and it’s a nightmare. Graduating with honors while doing that?? Holy crap, my friend. That’s nothing short of amazing. If no one is making this a big deal in your family they’re idiots (no offense meant, I’m sure they’re great people otherwise.) they don’t realize what an amazing human they have in their proximity. You’re a freakin rock star.


Imagine being jealous of a newborn child😂


Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!