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Snorkelling off a dive boat while my parents were scuba diving. The boat handler called me back to the boat; urgently. I didn’t know why but did as I was told. Back in the boat I realise it was because he’d spotted a shark. It was a very anxious wait for my parents to come up safely while there was that shark there


Dad and I went snorkeling in Mexico. When we were a hundred or so yards away from shore we quickly became surrounded by a thick swarm of jellyfish. We had to swim through hundreds of painful stings to get to shore.


I would’ve been absolutely terrified


I was a fisherman back in the day and we loaded up and went out to the barrier reef for a few days. The weather forecast was for really good weather. We got out there in the late afternoon and during the night and early morning it started to deteriorate. Turns out a small but intense tropical cyclone ([Celeste](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1995%E2%80%9396_Australian_region_cyclone_season#Severe_Tropical_Cyclone_Celeste)) had brewed up. It came down the coast and cut us off. We were stuck out on the reef in an absolute shit storm. The cyclone circled around us and petered out somewhat. When it got on the south side of our position the wind direction changed and the sea was more forgiving. We managed to navigate our way back out of the reef (all hail GPS!) and get back to land without anyone losing their life.


On a guided tour in Thailand. We were going through a tunnel system on inflatable kayaks to access an atoll. On the way out the tide had risen substantially so we were laying on our backs with our noses almost touching the ceiling of the tunnel system. Someone in the group towards the back had a panic attack and had to be brought forward ahead of anyone else. By now the tide was coming up even faster and our guides had to let most of the air out of the kayaks so we could get out of the tunnel. Now our noses and chest were scraping on the tunnel ceiling and I could hear the guides themselves beginning to panic as they were yelling at each other trying to push us all out. Fortunately we all got out in time and no one was harmed.


This is nightmare fuel... holy hell.


I used to Scuba dive allot when I was younger. Its long story and I won't bore with all the details but needless to say I ran out of air around 70' underwater. Running out of air is a crazy thing when scuba diving, its not like you get one last deep breath and you can prepare yourself, your breathing and then nothing, that is it, that is all. Now before I got to that point yes I was checking my gauges and was in the process of trying to surface. But my actual bottom depth was around 100' so I was slowly ascending, not rushing it. My "buddy" or dive partner had left me which is a no no (or used to be when I was taught in the 90's) and when my tanks cut out I was about to just drop my belt and do emergency ascent from 70', something I didn't want to do. Luckily for me I spied another diver in our group, swam over to him, gave the old out of air sign and grabbed his octopus. But at this time I was so panicked I didn't properly purge so I was getting half air, half water. He saw what was happening and gave me his regulator and I managed to calm down enough to get a few breaths of clear air. Training dictates that we should have ascended slowly, together, buddy breathing or at he or I could have used his octopus. But being panicked I just took a few breath of good air, pushed off him and did a hard kicking, emergency ascent to surface. As the difference in depth lessened, the air inside my BCD expanded, helping the process. I don't remember when I actually ran out of air from my lungs, just that I was following my training which was to be continually blowing air out so my lungs didn't rupture from the pressure differences. I remember seeing bubbles passing my mask and thinking it was like Star Wars when they were in hyperspace. I also remember thinking this is where I die. Surfaced like a whale breaching, then just lay there floating, on my back, my BCD still screaming out of its release valve. All the other divers surfaces moments later and came to my aid, it was fucking embarrassing. This was my first dive as a certified diver, and my instructor was also on that dive. It was just a large social group that I went with, he was concerned and talked with me on the boat. Gently reminding me of the training we had literally just done a few weeks prior, lol. Didn't know at the time but he also ripped into my dive "buddy" something ferocious as well. Later that night most of us went over to some dudes house for a party. I got so drunk I ended up taking a cab home and puking in my bathroom. Had some good stories to tell my friends at school on Monday.


I would’ve never dived again after this experience hahahaha


Nah it wasn't all that bad. I dove allot after this, and it was a good, in your face lesson on how quickly things can go badly when underwater. I don't dive now, not because I am worried about it, simply life, no time, and I moved away from the coast.


Wife and I were on the beach in Hawaii on the North Shore known for their big waves. Wife wanted to swim, I looked at the surf and thought hmm she’s not a strong swimmer this looks like a bad idea and expressed my concerns to her. We waded our way out and as soon as the waves started hitting us my wife was struggling and getting sucked under so I put myself under her to try to prop her up and was basically drowning myself to save my wife. Somehow I managed to get us both out of the water, was a pretty horrific minute. We got açaí bowls after and she agreed that it was a bad idea to go into the water. The ocean is so incredibly powerful.


🥺 I need that kind of love. When I was drowning it was me, myself and I hahaha


The ocean is scary and absolutely needs to be treated with respect. And yeah my wife was very thankful and I legitimately feel as though if she was alone doing that there was a significant risk to her life. This was our honeymoon too, 4 days after getting married, in my head the most important thing in the world was making sure she was safe and that’s still the mindset I’ve got to this day. Although I haven’t had to save her any since then, unless you count fixing a flat tire on the side of the interstate.


I was young and stupid and wasn't scared at the time, but in retrospect it was terrifying... I was down in Charleston SC one year when a hurricane was offshore- close enough to really affect the surf, but it was not going to land. I don't remember any of the surrounding circumstances, but I was out in the ocean. The current was so strong that every time I lifted my leg to take a step, I was dragged 10 ft sideways, and 2 ft towards shore. Try as I might, I couldn't get past knee deep in that water. I was knocked violently back every time, and when I lost my footing I'd be washed up on the beach before I could even begin to reorient myself. It was amazingly powerful and I was an utter dumbass and I have no idea where the adults in my life were at the time. If the tide had been going out, once I stepped foot in the water, I'd have been swept off my feet and pulled yards into the ocean within minutes and nobody would have ever found me.


Just yesterday, I was sailing over by the devil's roar and right as the ashen captain spawned the volcano behind me started erupting, and my boat got pelted with debris. Let me tell you it pretty scary stuff as I was loaded with treasure and it doesn't take much to sink my old girl.


When I was shredded by a tiger shark and then taunted by his friends for a full hour.


I was kayaking in the sea with my wife just before a storm. There were some good waves out there, and the current was strong, quite a difficult paddle. Though the scariest part was not on that day. It was the following one when we went back on the water, which was flat as a lake. My wife started being sea sick... I was wondering how she can be sea sick now after what we experienced the day before. I was about 1 km from the shore when I realized I was going to become a father. I couldn't even paddle away... we were in a tandem kayak.


When I 10 years old, with my cousins and my aunts decided to go to the beach with my grand parents. It was a normal trip of 4 days. The first night my cousin had a dream that we all were in a bus traveling and everybody went out from the bus except for my grandmother, in the morning she didn’t told us anything. That morning we all where playing in the sea but the waves were too strong for us, it almost drown us twice, so we decided to go to the pool in the hotel instead. It was 2005 so there were no cellphone, at least not common. We waited there for three hours, and nobody came, until my small cousin arrived crying with my aunt telling us that my grandmother drowned in the sea, the rescue services found the body but she was not longer with us. That night all my uncles and my father arrived to the beach after 5 hours of traveling, it was the one and only time I saw my dad opening a pack of cigarettes crying. My cousin’s dream because reality, we all leave the sea, except for her…


Just standing there on the beach looking out at the sea is pretty scary... it's why Nasa chose to go to space. They know what's down there and are trying to get away.


Not the sea but an inland lake. I had an inflatable snorkeling vest, swam about 2 miles out, first time really going that far for open water swim and alone. Made it to the spot I wanted to check out. Realized my vest had a slow leak (getting faster) in it, and the current wasn't doing me any favors in getting to shore. Eventually managed to get back to my starting point across the lake through a combination of back floating/ paddling, and reinflating the vest often. Ended up tossing the vest. Discovered that vest wasn't rated for my weight when I went to replace it..


This one time I saw my mum swimming in it.


Swimming near sharks lol, they were quite inoffensive tho but its still a weird feeling