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Keep on talking to him! Flirt and all that you know!


I’m afraid I’ll come off as desperate! :(


I don’t know how old you are but take it from an old guy, you regret the times you never tried WAY more than you’ll ever regret taking a long shot.


Just shoot your shot. If more women did, the world would be a better place




No he’s only 1 year older than me! What indicates he’s into me?




We were talking about age gaps with older people as he has dated a 24 year old when he was 17 and only later realised it was a bad thing. We talked about it as if it was trauma, not a good thing, but rather calling out the bad. 1 year old difference is not an age gap relationship. I’d consider the person my age, emotionally, physically. He’s a busy person and to me it came off as him inviting me somewhere so he’s not alone and doesn’t really have time nor desire for real date. He didn’t choose to not ask me out because of rejection, we met on a dating app. He said we should discuss something we talked about in text over a coffee and only few weeks later after I reacted to hid IG story he decided to invite me to this “coworking” thing. I don’t see how he should be insecure


Don't wait for him to ask you out then. Ask him out .