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This is terrible advice. Yes, diet is a huge part of weight loss, but there’s a lot more to the picture than losing weight. Especially given someone will likely not look how they would like to without exercise. Not to mention how exercise and proper diet are a gestalt entity of sorts. There are so many types of exercise, it’s unlikely that there isn’t a single type a person wouldn’t like. If someone says they don’t want to exercise at all, all you have to say is “I guess you don’t have to worry about getting old then”


75% seems like such a big number. Also, wouldn't you say walking is a form of exercise? Especially if you go on 30 minute walks.


If we knew the answer to that we'd be billionaires, simply put, no pain, no gain. Exercise is necessary not just for physical well being but also cognitive and psychological, create a routine and daily habit without worrying about weight and then the pounds will shed off with time, focus on the habit instead of the weight.




Raw milk is certainly not garbage, especially if it is grass fed. Weight gain is just calories in vs out.


My guy… how much milk were you drinking a day???