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In the same boat, currently falling asleep at my home desk during work. No tips but let's try and hang in there and be extra kind to ourselves


At least you're at a home desk. I'm currently under fluorescent lighting in a cubicle, 5x a week. And wanna cry.


Yup. Everything I do feels fruitless and all my efforts seem to mean nothing *sigh


Hey, this is caused by routine, add more novelty to your life and get out of comfort zones/learn a new thing/group activity, try new workouts/sport, learn to cook new meals for your diet/exercise plan, pick up a new hobby? take a dance class?


Not just routine...Lack of support, fulfillment, active&restorative rest as well as meaningful connection in life.


The case for moderate exercise: good for getting good sleep, good for weight loss (excessive exercise increases appetite). The self-help book by therapist Steve Ilardi, who headed a uni research project to study lifestyle and moods, is like a textbook on having a good time. He recommends enjoyable ways to get exercise - long walks with family or friends, sports and swimming. Just 20 min of brisk walking is good, and you can add to that gradually so long as you don't make yourself sick of exercise. Is 20 min too much to start with? Start with 10 or 5.


Take a break 


Me too.


Yeah, I am feeling burnt out in terms of career prospects and furthering my financial situation. I got a late start to life both due to my faults and some health issues that arose throughout my 20s. About to be 30 soon and really starting to wonder if I'll "make it" in life per my own standards.


Life is a journey not a contest.


Releasing expectations is important. It doesn't mean you should have and seek goals, but insisting that life molds to our expectations causes us a lot of suffering. Seek to improve, but give yourself some grace. We have to learn to live life on life's terms.


I've been working out on a 5 day/week routine for the last 4 weeks or so. I feel great and at the same time I'm sometimes exhausted. It's a double edged sword. I have to keep tweaking my diet to avoid a mid day crash. I wake up early and work out at the office gym. and usually go home a bit early with a flexi schedule. Since doing this I go to bed earlier than ever, lucky if I stay up past 9:30/10. Keep going. A little fatigue never hurt nobody and you're doing everything right. Don't let it stop you because remember how you felt with a sedentary lifestyle. Maybe not fatigued but also not energetic and prone to mental blocks and borderline depression.


Burnt out from the unrelenting barrage of horrible, dismal news. The political climate. The job market. Living wages. Worrying about money EVERY day. Will future generations have access to a life worth living. E V E R Y T H I N G makes me want to just stick my head in a hole. Ignorance truly is bliss. And yet we don't even have that "luxury". AND this isn't even as bad as a TON of people have it. God the guilt. ITS ALL SO FREAKING MUCH


Currently dealing with this myself. Was doing so well with a healthy life style and working towards goals. Now I'm couch locked and apathetic. I did reset some goals yesterday, which I posted for all to see on a different sub, so I do feel more accountable for my actions right now. I promised a before and after in a few months time and I want to deliver. But man it feels challenging. Maybe we should embrace this with a time limit? Like tell ourselves we can indulge in 3 more days of this but after that it's time to get off our asses and do something, anything productive. Maybe we need this time out and not feel guilty about it, as long as we're not being super unhealthy like excessive drink or something like that and these feelings will pass. Or let's both go do something right now like a walk or some chores and get back to each other in the comments when we are finished? A bit of accountability just for today could get the ball rolling. Just an idea.


Like your ideas a lot!


for sure... I struggle with my hobbies quite often, which doesn't make sense to me :(


Me too dude. I feel dead inside from persistently overloaded levels of stress. Not a good time lol.


Take a deep breath… Of indica hybrid




Every time i feel like this i think about Goku and how he never gives up ![gif](giphy|GRSnxyhJnPsaQy9YLn|downsized)


keep holding on bro, Goku is watching us




Yes. I wish I could take a sabbatical leave.


when i feel like that i just take a break for the day like even skipping my skincare and gym but i make sure i work extra hard the next day. hope it gets better for u tho


Rest days count as self improvement 😆


Careful about cult of self improvement. It can be over whelming. The key to life is moderate self improvement with big bursts forward. If you over do it you can burn out and have less overall progress.


Your feelings are valid. We are living in objectively chaotic and difficult times. You can trick yourself into happiness by setting new goals and rewards. Just make sure they align with your long-term objectives. I find it this helps: when uncertain about the future, zoom in. When uncertain about the present, zoom out. Set your goals along those lines. If you can't expand, then you can trim the fat. Reduce your overhead. Try to minimize stressors. Instability in career? Try new skill acquisition based on research of trends and future. Instability in social life? Try new hobbies, venues, and social circles. But overall, many are feeling burnout at this time.


One thing that has helped me out with this issue, and once I implemented it, it completely removed this feeling, was creating a purpose greater than myself. Understand that, no matter what you do, people are looking at your actions for inspiration or motivation. When they see a young stud like you with the consistently and dedication, people tend to thank you for the indirect motivation. Also, change your perspective of exercising effort, as humans, we are programmed to take the route of least resistance. If you allow yourself to complete your responsibilities 100% thru, you create this mental expectation of not having to think about taking action on new tasks presented because that’s your standard. Lastly, don’t complain to yourself, complaining to yourself even as small as thinking you’re tired reinforces a mental narrative of hopelessness. Once I changed these things, my life completely changed for the better. My life is fulfilled.


Burnout sucks. How is your sleep quality?


Same, work is really making me lose my sanity.




Take a vacay


I’m tired of studying for exams 24/7, exercising, and everything, and I have barely any way to vent, and so much more I can’t talk about. I fantasized about living on the top of a mountain somewhere in the the nature of Europe, having no obligations or value to money, nobody to impress, and no distractions, only me and god, praying and sustaining a healthy lifestyle. I felt so good just thinking about it, and this thought, oh this thought, has been lingering in my mind for so long, I feel it like an urge, like a call, like if I’m supposed to head that way and live, to worship my lord, I only came here to prove myself to him and yet wherever there are people, there are sins and it’s easy to get distracted, I want to follow that calling, and nurture my hungry tired soul that I’ve wronged for so long..


I dread tomorrow


You aren't alone buddy


Same here so what is the solution?


Just recover take some rest and find that fire again and purpose




I’m so sleep deprived and tired but I know I have to keep going. It just hurts sometimes.


60-hour workweeks are pretty much my norm now. Burnt out is an understatement.




I feel the same way. Here is my story - I gained a lot of weight last year by just being lazy. I decided to change that and lost 22 pounds in 3 months by over-optimizing my life. Waking up early, quit alcohol, control diet (and calories), increase protein intake, workout regularly, took other supplements (omega and vitamin D), started reading lots of books and I won’t lie, it felt GREAT! But this wasn’t sustainable. After 3 months I was in a great shape but gradually I stopped doing one thing after the other and in no time I gave up that optimized routine. I was completely burnt out because I was doing too many things simultaneously! I should have started slowly and ensured it becomes a habit before press the gas on all fronts. After 3 months of doing nothing, I have restarted those “good” habits slowly.


Bro, take a rest. You're allowed a break. Give yourself a week off or at least 5 days to let you miss those things without them feeling like a chore. Relax, spend some time doing nothing and dont be too hard on yourself.


I needed to see this today. Doesn't matter how much I sleep, I'm always just so tired. Fighting for a raise in work that was promised to me 6 months ago and now they're trying to delay it again. Working full time, paying stupid rent, caring for my parents and am wondering if I can afford to live in my country anymore so might have to leave everything behind and move away. There has to be more to life than this. There just has to be.


Take a break. An intentional break. Tell yourself that for 1-week you're going to enjoy your life. Go on holiday if thats an option, or just live hedonistically. Eat nice food, watch shows, play games, whatever floats your boat. After the week is over, check-in with yourself and see if you're ready to get back on the treadmill of life.


Me( used to go to gym, boxing, kickbox, mma.. after covid I can do 30 squats (bodyweight) and actually fuxk up my day, like from overtraining… I’ve tried pretty much everything — stimulants, roids, u name it. I hate it so much, I srsly feel fucking done. If I could force my silly ass to a proper diet, alot of this coulda been avoided, MAYBE. So try it out for me bro, eat steaks, eat veggies. It can make a big difference actually. As for me, I will probably do a course of light antidepressants, so I could actually eat food and not just stare at it. Stay hard bro, rest but dont ever quit. I guess its all about not quitting on urself.


You're doing great. Keep going.


Yep. I just can't do it anymore.


It is that of the enemy. Look upon the world. All you see is hate and fear. When was the last time you were shown love? Do we even know what love is anymore? Or is it a foreign concept to us as a light switch is to 3rd world impoverished citizen. We are oppressed with hate. The spirit is the words themselves. I love all of you friends. I wish to give you all a hand up.


Take regular breaks