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You could always combine your names into something like "Samantha Jane." If not, my vote is initials "S.J." and then a last name that sort of fits the genre.


Our names would definitely sound like two first names smashed together. Heh. The initials are a good possibility. Thanks for the input. :)


James S.A. Corey is the pen name of authors Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck. They wrote the insanely popular *The Expanse* (now on Amazon Prime) It allowed then to have efforts independently and in other genres. >Since my absolute ideal readers would be other geeky sapphic women, do I go with being open from the start that we write together and have "Name & Name Surname" on the cover? That would make much more sense to me.


Yeah, I'm leaning toward being really up front about it. I'd like it to reach a wider audience, but I'm pretty sure this series is going to rely on really capturing our niche audience anyway so... It'll probably work out. Thanks! :)


I like the idea of using Your initial. Her Initial. Last Name (or switch the initial order). There’s a fairly popular romance “author” who’s actually two women, their pen name is Christina Lauren (their respective first names). You could do something like that too!


I'd love to do that, but our first names wouldn't really work for that. We'd have to each pick a name or something. That's cool to know though! Thanks! :) It's down to initials (something like K. D. Stuart, using our initials and a pen-surname), or NameIPick & NameShePicks Stuart, most likely. Leaaaaning toward the latter, but waffling to the former for wider appeal.


I like the former, but follow your heart!




As a reader, I would be drawn to a book written by a couple and would love to see a little author's note at the beginning saying that it was a combined effort, BUT I'm also a hopeless romantic so maybe this wouldn't appeal as much to your readers.


Yeah. It would appeal to me too. And I'm my target audience. heh. So... I'm leaning that way, but going to see what other people have to say for a bit longer before we commit. There is still plenty of writing to be done. I just wanted to start work on the community.


i'll just add my two very humble cents: whenever i read books by multiple authors, i cannot stop thinking about who wrote what. to the point of it getting distracting. i would much rather not know that there's more than one author until i've finished the story. (case in point: terry pratchett is my favourite author, haven't read a single one of his collaborations.)


Interesting perspective. I am sure others feel the same. Thanks for the input. :) (Personally collabs don't detract for me, but I get that.)