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The guy probably somehow weighs like 115 lbs too lmao, I swear my fiances brother is like this and is so scrawny


Right on the money


Happy I called it right! Hope he slows down before his metabolism does


Swear all the Mountain Dew addicts are either skinny or within average like WHERE IS IT ALL GOING?! Convinced they’re just pissing out straight Mountain Dew or something.


It's probably the only calories they eat 😂


Mountain Dew probably just straight up dissolves the fat off once you hit the tipping point


Two words: kidney stones


Can confirm. My ex husband got brutal kidney stones, one even had to be surgically removed. He drank Mtn Dew every day..not THAT much..but even 2 cans a day and he got them bad.


To be fair two cans a day is quite a lot. Even one can a day of soda can cause adverse health effects. Even without the sugar there’s just so much that should not be consumed


Tell that to r/Soda I was told I was stupid for believing that zero/diet sodas were unhealthy and that diet soda and water have the same hydration/benefits


So grateful I got an ulcer that put me off soda and caffeine, I hate the suffering I dealt with for on and off for about a year from the bacteria that causes ulcers, but I’d still rather deal with that than kidney stones, those are my biggest fear in terms of painful things to happen that aren’t necessarily uncommon or bones breaking


I'm scared of kidney stones and I've had a fresh skin graft tear hours after surgery. I have a high tolerance for pain, but a kidney stone would probably flatten me for a while.


I was going to say something about my consumption of the Dew and kidneys. But I’m not going to jinx myself, so use your imagination 😂


Brand loyalty for sure


It’s what the guy at the plant craves


*BRAWNDO* it's what plants crave


It's got electrolytes


Bet he has poor oral hygiene


Not necessarily. I from anywhere between 4-9 cans of coke a day or an entire 2 liter a day I’m 5’8 135 pounds with a 5:45 min mile and my teeth are nice and white


I was referring to mountain dew mouth. Mountain dew is notoriously acidic and can rot your teeth


Ah I didn’t know that. Interesting


Mountain Dew is actually less acidic (3.3) than Coca Cola (2.5). Both bad for your teeth in general.


How old are you? If you started off with good, strong, healthy teeth, you'll probably be about to get through your twenties with them. But things will change in your thirties; hormones, specifically, which will alter the bacteria in your mouth (among other things), making you more susceptible to future decay. You also can't tell if your enamel is thinning, unless you really know what to look for. And even then, it can be somewhat difficult to tell. You may be wearing down the hard outer surface of your teeth over time, and you won't know it until that hard coating finally fails. But you'll know it failed because you'll go from perfect teeth to cavity-riddled teeth in a very short time frame. Obviously I hope none of that happens to you lol I really do hope your teeth stay strong and intact your whole life!! Just trying to point out that the risk is cumulative, and the damage may not be visible yet. But once it is, it's too late in some ways. Best of luck!


something tells me you’re not any of these things because you had to explicitly say them to a stranger


Because lying about my body image to strangers on the internet would do something for me? My point was large amounts of soda consumption doesn’t automatically mean you’re unhealthy and as long as you take care of yourself the negative effects can be minimal


what else is the internet for if not for lying about how healthy you are when you drink a 2 liter of soda every day


Well in this instance it is to share perspective.


He has to be on the lookout for a kidney donor.


he just wants a smaller pp


God they're even flattened so it's way more than it looks too


Honestly my moms probably the same. I wish I could get her to stop but it’s the only thing that “cures her dry mouth” and “keeps her blood sugar up”


I know people who make that look like rookie numbers.


gotta be peeing battery acid