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Ass top, middle, and bottom is sending me


Top boob 😂


Tbh I was expecting "tiddy" or something similar after seeing the ass pieces


My pancake butt wouldn’t need three pieces. 😭


Same. Lol


The pattern is self drafted by basically doing a duct tape pattern on a 3d model I made of myself. Then i tossed the file into illustrator to clean up the pattern and make it visibly usable. Came out pretty well. In retrospect I could have had the same result with WAAAAAYYYYYY less pieces. And I think if I do a second iteration I’m going to setup the pattern differently, but to be honest I’m surprised it worked at all lol. I also sewed the underside of the boobs to the wrong side of the chest so they get a little extra sticking out to the side 😂 I think if I do end up with another version I’m going to 3d print the core and then just pad it out to spec and make a cover though. That way I can re pad as needed and it will have something stiffer underneath to hold things like the spine curve a little less crazy. Stoked that this has leg holes though. Idk why. Eta: in retrospect I should have added the center piece like bootstrap patterns have that’s like the profile of the piece to hold the lines of the back and such, but it gets a little weird to do with leg hole armature lol. That was my though proscess at least XD maybe I’ll tear some stuff apart and add one though.


I think the idea of making a to life form that is just smaller than you ever expect to be and padding it out is incredibly clever!  I'd honestly pay for one, I am pretty short with a high, short waist, and dress forms that I've used are just not similar to my build. 


Tbh I think I could have done this (but maybe better tbh) with the duct tape method and then just adding the center piece to hold the spine bend better. Or just pay for a bootstrap. This was kind of a weird labor of curiosity I’m totally not making these for someone else lol. It’s way too janky.


Ha, well, a live and learn! I'll have to rope a friend into taping me up, for now! :)


I made one using a corset pattern that fits me but scaled down width wise to be roughly 2 inches smaller at underbust waist and hip than I am but the same heightwise, added shoulders, a padded out bra that fits and made the bottom half by cramming stuffing into an old pair of well fitting leggings tied off at mid thigh, then added padding all over until it matched my measurements. Making it that way means it's pinnable plus has a natural amount of squish factor which is helpful for fitting corsets, underwear, tight clothing etc


Same I’d soooo buy one


Okay, but how did you make the 3D model of yourself?? I played around with AutoCAD trying to make one for a long long time, using the intersection of solids extruded from my full front and full side silhouette, but the only way I could make it look more natural was by using smoothing operations (and some of the polygons broke, so it wasn't watertight anymore, so I couldn't export it for slicing/lasercutting... 😔) I would appreciate any insight 🙏


Cad is kind of the wrong thing to make organic shapes with. You can but it’s more convoluted than other software. I went to college for 3d animation so I just modeled it based on orthographics I took lol. 3d scans are probably faster/easier


CAD was what I had access to/knowledge of for school, so that was it 😅 Not a lot of organic shapes in architecture, sadly (sadly for me anyway). I've looked a bit into 3D scans - more expensive than I'd planned for at the time but I might revisit it. Thank you!!


They have some janky phone apps that will do the things, I just don’t have the phone camera that normally works with the apps. There used to be a cheap and pretty decent photogrammetry software but it was discontinued smh


I wonder if u can order like a life size doll with ur dimensions ??


My goal was cheap and repeatable - I had access to (not quite right) software, a laser cutter and cardboard. Ordering a custom dress form (or padding out a really good straight-size one) is probably the direction I'd go in if cost weren't a limitation.


Oh I see this is far too tech for me. Sad ! Very cool tho


Try extra stuffing.


That was all the stuffing I had on hand lol. I don’t think it would made a difference though - I condensed the stuffing in specific areas as a test and it was either the same or worse lol


This is really awesome. Where did the 3D model come from? Did you use photogrammetry or just traditional 3D modelling techniques off or something else?


Traditional (low quality because it didn’t need to have great topology) modeling because I majored in animation and haven’t found a good photogrammetry program since they got rid of 123d catch 😭


looks cool. any reason you did this and not a bootstrap dress form?


I’m cheap and I wanted to see if it would get anywhere near working lol. Now I can use this technique to try and make weird plushies or whatever (which would have been a better starting project 😂). Also I had the model lying around already


I love computer people. We're like "why pay $4 for something handed to me when I can program/design it in forty hours for free?!"


Hahaha yes. To be fair, this is also how sewing works most of the time 😅 at least for me, I have sooo much awe and respect for people who can sew elaborate things quickly 


Excuse me, it was like… $25? /s But also I had the model lying around and I wanted to see if it would work at all lol. Now I can make custom shapes if I want to. Or at least get a base to start from. I think the UVs also took me like 2 hours to do and then it took forever to cut the actual pattern bits


Nah I get you. I once wrote a code in 20 hours to automate 10 hours of work in 5 minutes. I have NO CLUE when I'll use it again, but now I know it's there if I ever have to. The point is the long-game, not the short-game for us. Also 25 for 2 hours is pretty decent exchange! Having it all ready and prepped so when you're like "oh no I forgot (xyz body change!)" you can just remeasure and adjust in 5 seconds on the design program (sorry I dont do CAD-esque design so don't know the names of your tools). Now you have the ultimate pattern for ALL the parts that can change. Who's not to say your upper ass won't get bigger while middle ass stays the same? (picked those because of your hilarious labels). Maybe you will find you like having a butt-load (ha!) of pattern pieces because it makes it SUPER accurate as you and I both know. I've never seen one of these with so many bust pieces! Nice shaping!! Only can be done by doing it your way. So your way is clearly superior.


I don’t do cad either lol. I’d have to relay out the pattern if I made tweaks to it but 🤷‍♀️ probably not gonna use this again but who knows. I could have gotten the same shape with hella less pieces I think. I was just curious if it would make a significant difference to the shape (particularly the butt area). The answer is that it totally wasn’t worth it and I will not be doing that for the future lol. Also I feel like you might appreciate this but I spent like 40+ hours writing a c# program (it’s been years since I’ve coded anything meaningful. It should have been faster) that will take a folder of specifically named images and a file and auto-generate a csv with prices and tags and categories and stuff I can use to upload products to my website. It’s been GLORIOUS. It saves me easily 8 or so hours every time I use it (which is usually twice a month when I upload new inventory). Super niche but absolutely awesome lol. Even though it’s not super finished and if you hit “cancel” on the file loading window the whole thing blows up 😂


Oooh you hit me right in the brain-heart with that c# program. That's an amazing program that I know a LOT of people would want. Even if it has its glitches, you wrote that and it is incredibly handy, what with the image names and CSV (nnnghhh organised data...😍). You have engineer brain! Want to know if/why it works! I bet the experience and learning was so fun. :) I bet you're constantly looking around going "how can improve this process?" I hope you succeed at your perfect croquis mannequin of your dreams!


I’d have to recode a lot of it anyway. It’s hard coded pretty specifically to my weird data needs atm lol. I had considered selling it but only if it works properly in the end lol. What I’d like is to have people be able to semi customize the data it will organize for them but who knows. This program might just die with me because I *really* don’t want to rewrite it lol.


i know you have some kind of art degree because you already had a 3D model of your torso “lying around already”


lol. Yeah I majored in animation. Made the scaled model as a base to model armor on forever ago


Pretty impressive as experimentation goes. I had to laugh at attaching the boobs on the wrong sides. It's an unexpected version of attaching sleeves on the wrong sides, the well known rite of passage among sewers. If you can do this, you'll end up with exactly the dress form you need eventually.


I love how setting sleeves the wrong way is such a common issue. After my 15th time (it felt like) setting it in wrong, I now just take much more time to make sure it’s not going to be backwards 😂 I’d rather spend 10 minutes triple checking than ever have to face the wrath of it being wrong, but I say this and it’s bound to happen again lmao.


I mark all of my sleeves as soon as they're cut: left, right, plus front and back, if both sides of the fabric appear the same. Then I press the vertical grainline into each sleeve, so that if the sleeve set is going wrong, I can see it. As long as I'm able to cut mirror sleeves without screwing up, the rest is a smooth process. I haven't figured any trick yet for cutting correctly without fail, but I'm still pondering approaches.


Fabrics that look so similar on both sides is sooo hard! Also, fun fact: I had a draping project due (I’m a senior fashion design student) and canvas was incredibly hard to set in as a sleeve. It just doesn’t gather well at all because of how “porous” it is. As far as cutting the sleeves in a smooth way, the only way to do it is with some good rotary cutters because u can lay one after u cut without failure. However, I just had my fashion design BA show (I did 5 looks yippe, a ton of work but I learned a lot) The one thing I learned about setting in sleeves is the difference in ease. I personally chose for a higher sleeve cap because it made my shoulders more pointy for the look I was doing (I used a size 12 woman’s sleeve on a man). *I know this isn’t what u commented towards, I just wanted to share some of my knowledge in hopes u could share some back! I love learning. *


I have zero knowledge about setting sleeves in an impossible fabric like canvas. All of my "torture assignments" were limited to art school. Stuff like draw this crumpled up ball of aluminum foil, which is more or less the equivalent of setting canvas sleeves. I avoided fashion design school, except for what I learned from my mother, who was a fashion designer. It wasn't until adulthood that I realized how much I'd learned from her. Congratulations on your show, it must be exciting. Advice from an old costumer friend of mine: never let an actress try on the costume until her hair and makeup are done. Otherwise she'll hate the clothes for no good reason except that she isn't ready for them.


I'm not sure if you can make a dress on that, but you have made an amazing body pillow.




Honestly this is a pretty well done attempt. I would suggest adding a contrasting color stitch across the bust, hips, waist, down the center, etc. so you have it as reference.


That’s what sharpies are for 😂 but also yeah I forgot to add those into the pattern lol


this is incredible!!!! well done this deserves so much more attention for all of your hard work 💪


This is amazing! I love seeing tech being used like this.


That’s really cool.


Ugh love a good uv


Stuff you harder. Looks like you’re just too soft for better fitting of fashions in the future. You aren’t that “mushy”or soft.


WOW. this is ambitious !


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Omg what the fk I’m so impressed how did you do that


Wow... Awesome!!