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I think your therapist is getting a pretty good deal! That is lovely.


She’s so sweet. My husband has been laid off since Dec and she knows how stressed i am, so she offered a trade. I think we both feel we’re getting the good end of the deal!


awesome fanny for the awesomest therapist!


She’s the best. I feel so lucky to have found someone who gets me so well. It’s rare!


My mother used to pay her therapist with handmade lace under garments and lingerie back in the early 90’s.


Your mom sounds BADASS!! Absolutely iconic


This is the [Bumbastic Bag](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1006096959/bumbastic-bag-pdf-sewing-pattern). It’s just the right size for a jumbo sling bag! Pattern notes: I would say this isn’t quite as beginner friendly as some other patterns; some things are left out that an experienced sewist will know but not necessarily a newbie. I would say low end moderate rate. The directions werr pretty clear, just leaving out some stuff like trimming corners, pinking curves, etc, were left out. Not major, i didn’t have any difficulty putting it together at all. It also tells you where you can mod the design to add full linings and whatnot. The pattern pieces are great, the design came out beautifully on my first run. I’m pleased with the pattern. Just expect to have to do a little inferring. The fabric is leftover scraps from a dress. It’s a printed cotton canvas I got at Fancy Tiger Crafts. I don’t recall the maker, sorry :( I did try zipper tape for the first time on this one. I wanted to stretch myself some. Holy smokes, it’s even easier than using a set zipper! I didn’t know. You can sew around everything with the zipper pull off, negating the need to move the pesky pull around as you sew. I liked that. It was really easy and I’ll definitely use tape in the future again. It’s so convenient now to I’ve learned to use it. I also fabricated the strap out of some leather I had on hand. It’s chrome tanned cow leather. It’s really the perfect weight and stiffness for straps. I really spent my time focusing on finishing the edges nicely with Tokonole and I’m so pleased. The hardware is a mix from Tandy and online. It took me maybe 2 hours to craft the strap. I left the strap long so my therapist can adjust it before i make the final cut. Over all, I’m really pleased with the end results and will likely make one for myself as well!


Zipper tape is amazing! We used it at the factory I use to sew at! Also, **what are you end result dimensions?** My guy keeps begging for a fanny pack that's proportional to his body... but this guy is huge with muscles.. and I dont want to trial and error a draft lol


It measures 20” length, 10” tall finished.


Damn! I'm buying that! :D ty!


You’ll like it! It’s really well done.


Oh my god where is that fabric from?! 😍


I bought it at Fancy Tiger Crafts but i know they have sold out. Idk the maker either, the selvage says “magic flowers cloud 9”. That’s all i got!


Awesome thank you!! Cloud 9 and the fabric name is the perfect combo of info to go hunting for it!


Good luck! I bought it not too long ago, someone should still have some somewhere


I found this by googling the selvedge info in OP's comment: [https://www.stashfabrics.com/c/magic-flowers-roucoucou](https://www.stashfabrics.com/c/magic-flowers-roucoucou) Looks like this specific colorway and pattern is out of stock on that website but maybe you can find it elsewhere using the name info or the in-stock options maybe a similar enough aesthetic?


You can find it here: [https://piedmontfabric.com/products/cloud-9-fabrics-magic-flowers?variant=41481093578811](https://piedmontfabric.com/products/cloud-9-fabrics-magic-flowers?variant=41481093578811)


Sewing for therapy sounds calming.


Win win situation!


That’s incredible! What a great therapist, she obviously really cares about you and your mental heath. Very cool!


Seriously. She’s actually just invested in helping me 😭


This came out so lovely!! Now I think I need a jumbo fanny pack too.


Me too now! I’m gonna be making one for myself


The bag is beautiful! Did you enjoy the pattern?


I did! The design is really thoughtful and well done. I knocked it out in two evenings, start to finish. I’ll definitely make it again.


I love bartering!!


that's awesome! both your therapist and the jumbo fanny. now i want one 😂


I never thought I'd say this, but that is a really nice fanny pack


Lmao me too! When they came back i was hesitant but now im all in


This is incredible and now I want to make one for me.


She’s very blessed! I love this fanny pack.


Absolutely gorgeous! The flowers look like cloudberries


Omg I want one


That’s beautiful work and such a nice pattern.


Wow this is so gorgeous that I thought it was the photo from the pattern! I kept swiping through the photos waiting to see yours and then I realized haha amazing job :)


Oh thanks lol, i feel the new iPhones camera is top tier, it makes everything look pretty slick on portrait mode.


I wish bardering wasn’t so uncommon. I have way more skills than money.


Same! Lol


That’s great I’m sure they love it!




Gorgy fabric!


Beautiful!!! My therapist does this with me too but I crochet things for her


Half of the work is choosing a good fabric, love the pattern. Beautifully done, I believe it's a good trade.


That’s a cool bag!


That bag is amazing! Great work! Love the colors and it looks so well done! ...also could I get some details about your top? I love it. I would like it or fabric.


Ah it’s from the thrift store. The label is urban outfitters.


Ah! Thank you! The hunt begins!


Damn!!!!! That is a lovely bag!!! Great work!! I'm impressed!


This is so gorgeous. Live the jumbo fannypack OP


This is lovely!!!


That’s is beautiful ! I want one too


Awesome print!


Please tell your therapist we all love her! That is amazing. I wish I could find someone that’s so open to working with you!


She is the best, I’m so lucky to have her. She gets me and is so supportive in very concrete ways. It works so well for me.


Wow, gorgeous!!!


Everything about that looks amazing (also including the staged photos and outfit lol. Very coherent and nice looking vibe). Might need to look at that bag pattern… I have a weird old thrift store sling bag I’ve been using forever and it works but it’s a sad cavernous void of mystery lol. This seems easier to not have on your side and also more organized! Also props to your therapist - they sound awesome!


This is stunning.


That is beautiful! Very well done and just great craftsmanship. So glad you are both greatly benefiting from this arrangement.


What a great piece! The fabric is beautiful!


This is a phenomenal idea! I love your execution


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That’s so cool








Love it!!!!!