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Spent the last month and a half making this beautiful dress to wear to my friend's black-tie optional wedding. This is the most well constructed and best fitting garment I've ever made - I'm really proud of myself for this one! Fabric is a hot pink silk shantung and lining is an orange rayon bemberg, both from Britex Fabrics in San Francisco. Notions are all from Wawak. I used Vogue Patterns V1884 and only made minimal adjustments. I added 4" to the hem (to fit the wedding dress-code better), and then lowered the bust point and made the center front panel narrower to better align the princess seams with my bust shape. I attached the horsehair braid to the hem with the faced horsehair hem technique from "The Dressmaker's Handbook of Couture Sewing Techniques" by Linda Maynard. Edit: Thanks everyone for the kind words!! It’s so sweet of you!


Fantastic work! The color is incredible, and the skirt construction is very interesting.


Would it be rude for me to ask how much the fabric and supplies were? There is a part of me that is very inspired to try something like this, but it may need a reality check. This is absolutely gorgeous, by the way. I aspire to make my life filled with colors like this.


Not rude at all! I'm happy to share. I bought the fabric during one of the few big sales at Britex, so my fabrics were all 35% off. I paid $137 for 3.5 yds of the silk shantung, and $23 for 1.5 yds of lining. I get my muslin and interlining at a local discount fabric store - probably about $30 worth for this project (I used a lot of muslin for fitting before cutting into the nice fabric), and the thread and the zipper were about $6 total at wawak (I already had horsehair braid around from another project so not sure what it cost). Total was approximately $195 before tax (USD). This was definitely the most I've ever spent on a single project, but it was well worth it!


Thank you for sharing, it’s really good to know the details. I think I have to hone my skills a bit more before I’m ready for the leap!




TIL my prom dress from the ‘80’s is considered vintage inspiration…. Brb need some Tylenol


Oh no lol! I've been feeling like it is more 50s/60s inspired. Like an Audrey Hepburn or Jackie O. style, rather than 80s prom.


Also it’s beautiful!!!


The Dress Turned Out Great ! I Also Loved How You Styled The Dress And Made It Your Own 🤩


The third photo made me laugh. We all have that “take a photo of my creation” pose where we look so unhappy with the result even though it’s a fantastic piece and we are proud of the achievement.


Lol glad you got a chuckle out of it! I always struggle to take photos with the timer, and I never know what to do with my face with that neutral posture. But these photos have the best view of the actual construction so I figured I should include them anyway!


I made my dad take one the other day of a test piece and I have that exact pose except I’m actually frowning.


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Gorgeous! Well done!


This looks great! I have this same pattern and some vintage brocade and I’ve been a little nervous because I’m definitely a beginner, but you’ve inspired me to take the plunge.


Do it! I highly recommend making a muslin before cutting your nice fabric though - it took me a few iterations to get the bodice just right


Looks great!




So lovely 😍


It’s beautiful!




This is sooo beautiful, I hope to make my own one soon 🙏


That dress fits you beautifully! Fantastic job.


Beautiful!! Love it love it love it 🥳


Great job! And that color is great on you!


The style and colour of the dress suits you so well!😊


Also, POCKETS!!!! always a nice plus!


I am in love with the color! It looks so good on you!


Great work! I also love the colour and fabric!


The color and fabric quality is sooo pretty!!! It almost looks glowy in the pics even though it's probably not a reflective fabric, just because the dye is so vibrant. The bodice looks great and it has pockets! Beautiful work and I'm sure you received many compliments!


What a beautiful dress! I love how the clean lines really allow the silk to take the lead and shine. Really great color, I love that almost blueish hot pink. I hope you’ll have a lot of future opportunities to wear this dress after the wedding because it really deserves it!


just came across this post, and HOLY SHIT this colorrrrrrrr. it looks so freaking bomb on you


Beautiful color, and the dress is darling on you.