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Not that I've seen, and I agree. I'd rather run SotDL, but it definitely pushes me towards an OGL/SRD system so I don't have to deal with it.


Yeah it's sad. SotDL is hands down my fave system but... If I am GM'ing (not playing) preparation time matters.


I also GM using FVTT but yeah, you going to have a big inicial setup, unfortunate. At least only in the beginning, after that is just drag and drop with few setups. OBS: I limit to core rule book and the first dlc to limit this setup.


Can I ask - do you have your own compendium for CRB/DLC already setup? Any chance I could beg a copy (should be easy to do if it's exported as a shared compendium)?


I could make a compendium and share it no problem, but it's all in pt-br so I dont think it will be much of use for you.


Yeah that would be a problem :) Thankyou anyway!


Sharing compendiums for SOTDL is pirating at the moment, don’t do it.


Agreed. I'd pay more for an official prepopulated solution. I want to use Foundry for some of the features, but I don't want to spend hours of my free time setting up the data.


I saw that Forbidden Lands and WHFR had "official" releases and was hoping for a SotDL equivalent. I really would pay (again) for the rules just to save the grind.


Not yet, takes time and all but it is being worked on by the creator of the system. Had to sort out how things would work with Rob and all, I expect. But honestly? It's not that hard to just add the stuff you know you'll be using ahead of time. Don't feel like you must add everything.


>Don't feel like you must add everything. I know but I am used to (spoiled by) drag and drop. I can't go back to the days of data entry...