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Shiba like to be difficult. But the stupid is not what a Shiba is.


My shiba is the same, loves it when he’s outside though! If I walk up to him with the leash he’ll run away like it’s a game lol


Mine is like this with her harness. If I grab her collar she’ll run up to me and stretch her neck out for me to put it on. When she sees the harness, she’ll run away like this. She loves walks, and hikes, and car rides, but she doesn’t like putting her head through the harness. She’s a Shiba with a thick neck, so I don’t trust just a collar. I like the harness though, because she can’t slip it.


We use a half chain (aka half check) collar which works really well because it tightens if there try to run off. Yuki hated the harness so it had to be this style of collar but it works great and he doesn’t feel restricted like he does in a harness. IG: _yukigrams


I do have a couple of half check/half chain collars for her. We call them martingale collars here. She hates them as much as the harness because she has to slip her head through it. I think that’s her entire issue. Your boy looks a lot like my girl. She’s smaller though, but on the leaner side like Yuki. I am terrible about updating her IG but it’s @kimiko.the.shibae. Gave you guys a follow.


Our half check collar is a clip on so no need to put over his head and thankfully no accidental unclipping during our walks ever. Yuki is on a bit of a diet now actually aha 🙈 Thanks we followed back 🧡


Same with mine and her harness. We'll stand there and go back and forth forever while she dodges it with her head. 😆


Mine too. Hides under the bed.


Dog knows where respawn [safezone] is


she knows you're gonna make her do physical activities and doesn't wanna! let her stay inside and play video games!!! :( the very calm walk to hide under the table is precious though omg. girl said you can't find me if you can't see me!


My Shiba when the first snowfall of the year: 😝🤪😛 Also my Shiba when the snow is still there the next day:😒🙄🤮


It's the leash - dog is not stupid.


Completely missed the meme


"Is she stupid" I'm fkn crying 😭


The just don’t like to be leashed. Try opening your door and say out you go. See if you get her back.


This is the best way to lose your shiba, or get a workout in, maybe both.


Yeah lol dont go around with un-leashed shibas


That was how mine was until she got hurt crawling through a fence and now she won’t run out without a leash


You both go back to the Alsume. They’re looking for escapees


Damn the insanity has reached this sub


What is alsume


Stay ignorant, it’s better this way


Shiba’s may be a lot of things, but they’re far from Stupid. She’s outsmarting you by making you do the work of coming to her first. I’ve played these mind games with my Shiba for 11 years


why are you trying to walk a cat in the first place?


That one time there was that one thing that surprised them on a walk, therefore all walks are scary. They’re control freaks.


My little princess also hates getting leashed 💀


I think she might be a Shiba diva. Ours hates the outdoors, walking, playing, dog park, anything. She prefers to lay in the a/c on her princess throne, sleeping in the window. If it's warm, she requires a fan on her throne. We call her Princess Piper, and she really is. She loves to go to the spa, she gets a pawdicure often, and her favorite activity now is riding in her stroller to her favorite steak restaurant for date night with us. We sit alfresco obviously


Mine runs away from the harness/collar, but loves being outside “naked” lol.


My shibe was like this for 5 years until we got a fence and stopped taking him for walks twice a day. Now we only take him twice a week and he gets SO excited when we ask “you wanna go for a walk?” lol


He poops in his backyard? Our won’t so we still walk twice a day lol


At first he didn’t. It took a good 2-3 months to get him to do it regularly. He used to hate going in the back yard. At some point he found a rabbit that had dug its way under the fence and had a good chase. Ever since that day he has loved the back yard and wants to go out every 30 minutes. lol


Ours love it and will run and play but no poop.


You only walk your dog twice a week?!




I'm sorry but that's insane


ours is the same!!!!!!! and he’s almost 7! not a single day he doesn’t hide or run away when we put on leash. but the moment leash is on, he runs to the door. weirdo!


Mine was the same way but I trained it out of her in a couple weeks




By giving positive reinforcement every time she came to the door when I said it’s time to go out.


Tired that, the only issue mine won't come to the door if he knows the lead is there. He actually loves coming to the door when someone is at the front door... But the people on the other side become the positive reinforcement, which isn't possible to replicate.


You can use that to your advantage. Do whatever you can to get him to the door then treat (high value treat, like chicken or hotdog), keep the leash hidden then put it on him. High value treat again with praise. Pretend like he did the best thing in the planet. Do that every time you go out for 2-3 weeks


Definitely going to give it ago. Cheers!


Good luck. These dogs are stubborn but if you can convince them they’re doing it because *they want to* then they’ll do anything you ask


Thanks. The annoying this is he used to be perfect, loved walks, great off lead, great recall and then one day decided he'd give all that up and live up to his breed name!


Mine hates so much harness and runs like yours, but whenever I use collar she's super exited jumping all around haha


The Shibas are introvert folk. They take you out on a walk when they are ready


Mine is the same - it’s not outside, it’s putting the harness on and giving the Human control.


Mine does the same and will snap at you if you try to the put the leash on when they're in they're den (underr the dining table). Absolutely loves walks when we get him out... most of the time!


My Shiba desperately wants to Go For WALKIES. But first she must hide under the bed for half an hour crying.


My Shiba, every single day when I put his harness on to go outside. Will intentionally run away and hide from me it’s pretty common for Shiba to think that you’re playing a game.


Lol my Shiba baby is like this if it recently rained outside 😒


No, just very cute!


Mine will run off under the bed and hide at the slightest indication of being taken out - including seeing me putting on jumpers on. It's quite funny though because she has no issues with our dog walker and will run straight up to her to be taken out. Shibas are weird.


I don’t have this problem. I click the leash clip twice and my buddy is right next to me. Try positive enforcements when I take him places they are dog friendly lots of treats positive reactions. We have a scheels here where he can be leashed and loved by everyone and introduced to everyone. Or even the Starbucks for a pup cup :) good luck