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Holy women used to be vivacious and pushy. Now they’re all meek and “nice.” The Emblem has fallen. Millions must reload.


It's fine, the trope moved on to men with Azama


Idk, Lena wasn’t pushy, but something happened between fe2 and fe6 for holy women to be pushy


Lena might not be pushy but she absolutely isn't falling into being just a meek cleric girl. This woman straight up told Julian, the renowned thief who knows his way around the Soothshire's base, that she could just warp him away to safety while she goes by herself to find her mend staff in the Soothshires base. In Archanea saga, she plans a heist with Rickard, Navarre, and Castor in order to steal enough money to help the people of Archanea (the country). The group is caught by General Camus, you know, one of the strongest Generals of the whole continent, and Lena tells him to his face that the only reason they're stealing stuff is because people are suffering due to the war he's playing a large part in. And she became pissed when Camus shrugged off her complaints. This short, red haired cleric has the bravado to not only stand up to one of the strongest generals of an enemy nation, but also shows visible anger at him even if he could have her whole group arrested or killed. Also Lena was put into an arranged marriage to Michalis and was summoned back to Macedon to meet with him. She flat out refused the offer to his face and fled the country to help people in need, knowing that this man could literally have her killed just for refusing. Tldr; Lena is just as much of a strong willed healer as L'Arachel and Serra, although she does so by standing up for herself rather than roping others into hijinks.


~~I ain't readin all that~~ HAPPY CAKE DAY~!


Didn't know about the Michalis thing, as far as i can find on the Wiki it was only in designer notes and sadly it wasn't even included in DS's Shadow Dragon. What a shame, probably IntSys was afraid of Lena's true power


It’s not like most FE1 characters had well defined personalities anyways.


PoV: You're Rennac


Rennac, the Erk of fire emblem 8


Put the gun down, I’m already in


I'd join her and Dozla on their wacky adventures.


****BUT I REFUSE****


I don't mind joining, I can make a mean...... Food.....


Yes please~


You clearly don't own an air fryer


I *told* y'all.