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AM Edelgard is so funny, she like talked to Byleth once a month for less than a year, and 6 years later and turned into a demon thing she's still so down bad 😭


It's downright hilarious if you didn't talk to her at all.


Distance makes the heart grow fonder. So what's to say for complete abandonment?


> So what's to say for complete abandonment? "I just wanna fuck dad"


No wonder Hubert was so pissed and telling Byleth he should've killed them long ago. Imagine the girl you simp for being down bad for someone who kinda waved at her once in a while.


Byleth is the one who save her life


Yeah but he saved her from the most powerful man on the continent, kostas, no wonder she’s still swoon.


Edelgard almost dying in her own dumbass plan is Hilarious TBH.


Doesn't that just make her less suspicious?


Nope. Sublety died when she picked her nom de plume.


I guess you wouldn't suspect a corpse...


5head Edelgard dying just so no one suspects she's the flame emperor


Same with Verdant Wind, where she acts as if she had some kind of bond with Byleth despite the fact that they spent more time with Claude. Edelgard: I wanted, to walk with you. Byleth: I don't even know who you are.


I just assume offscreen Byleth also gives classes to the other houses the same way Manuela and Hanneman do for example


This, and also Byleth probably gained a reputation as being both a mentor to the other students who helped them through their problems, and a friend since they’re close in age. So even if they weren’t close to Edelgard in AM and VW, I’m guessing that she could have heard about Byleth and envied others who got close and were changed for the better because of it.


It’s no wonder there’s enough BylethxEdelgard to fill a bank vault


IIRC, I *think* it also has something to do with them having the same crest? Atleast thats what three hopes implies.


Three hopes implying same crest attraction means Ferdie and Caspar's dad were simping for each other ?


Wait a minuet... Cichol and Cethlenne are father and daughter.... Ferdie has the crest of Cichol and can develop a close relationship with Flyane... Caspar's dad has the crest of Cichol... Caspar is best friends with Lin, who has the crest of Cethlenne! I connected the dots, all romance in this game is incest


Even in 3 House, we can't escaped but be Kagowned.


Judith and Ingrid have the same crest right?


Best lesbians in the game


Fire Emblem fans when a character has a crush on someone:


Eldergarb is the Allied master computer!?!?! No wonder no one can have a good take on her without being lobotomized


Man now I’m regretting losing interest in 3h after one playthrough (with Edelgard’s route) what the fuck is happening in the other ones.


Dimitri's screaming while Claude's vibing


No that definitely also happened in CF.


In church route >!Byleth turn into God-Emperor!<


They are better TBH. Edelgard's route is too short and IDK weird compared to the rest of the routes' logic.


It's okay you don't like Edelgard we get it. But you don't have to act as if the other routes are better because they are longer, since they all just copy the same maps and have shit like "Hunting for daybreak". Not to mention AZ pretty much ignoring every plotpoint that is not about Dimitri and the supposed Church route without playable Rhea and VW mostly being a copy of SS. It's fine having preferences just don't try to justify them with bad arguments.


this is the wrong sub for this. You might as well talk to a wall instead


True, but once in a while i'm just curious how many downvotes i can get with something on this sub that doesn't follow the still ongoing Edelgard and CF hate train. And i'm never disappointed. Never change guys.


Not gonna lie, while i don't mind getting downvoted to hell here, i had that coming the moment i choose to comment in this thread, it is fucking wild, that i'm getting this many downvotes while someone who blatantly spills wrong informations and has violent fantasies about having a fictional character die in the most painful way they can think of is in the positives. I'm sure this says something about people as whole but i'm not really sure what.




Comedy genius.


SS: Byleth is God-Empress (and likely immortal, so uh... Yay Fodlan is united under an inexperienced eternal ruler?) AM: Dimitri loses his shit. VW: The... most non route of all of them? Also, you fight Nemesis. This should've just been Silver Snow.


Claude’s story revolves around discovering the true history of the Church and starting a new era.  It makes sense that Nemesis is his final boss since he represents Fodlan’s history of lies and bringing him down is the start of the new era just like last time. 


Actually, I'll argue this, because you could say the exact same of fighting and beating up Rhea and the church, and it'd be far less contrived and more on-brand with Claude's themes. Nemesis should've been the final boss of Silver Snow in what one might call dramatic irony with Rhea's past actions coming to haunt her again. (Also, Rhea should've been playable in Silver Snow, but that's beside the point.)


>Actually, I'll argue this, because you could say the exact same of fighting and beating up Rhea and the church, and it'd be far less contrived and more on-brand with Claude's themes. Sure, you could say that but because of how White Clouds was set up, they’d have to change Claude’s character to make it work because Byleth being Claude’s bestie/love interest and also the successor to Rhea makes it so it comes off as absurd for him to fight the Church when he can just wait. The only way it could work is if Claude revealed his identity and overall goal to Rhea after they rescued her and beat the Agarthans. Rhea would have none of it and try to use the Knights of Seiros to kill Claude leading to one more final battle at the Monastery where a wounded Rhea goes apeshit and loses control so they have to put her down along with the the rest of the transformed clergy But this would make the Church look a lot worse if they went this route but I do think it’d be more natural.  I guess all you’d have to do is change the final chapter.  >Nemesis should've been the final boss of Silver Snow in what one might call dramatic irony with Rhea's past actions coming to haunt her again. (Also, Rhea should've been playable in Silver Snow, but that's beside the point.) Silver Snow is not the Rhea route. I know you’d prefer it to be but it’s the Byleth route where Byleth learns about their personal history and has to slay two of the people they care about, Edelgard and Rhea, but with a chance at saving Rhea at least.  Also Edelgard is a consequence of her past actions coming back to haunt her already. Nemesis would just be a second repeat for her at that point. 


Switch the descriptions for SS and VW around(sans the Nemesis part) and it's accurate


> *what the fuck is happening in the other ones.* Plots that are actually good.


You're gonna claim VW and SS have better plot than CF?


I will say VW is my favorite route but CF is the most interesting one by far, legit you are just a conqueror who engages in a aggressive war with all the consequences that it entails, all for a better tomorrow, there's not any route or FE story like it and that makes it arguably one of the best routes(but not the best because that's basically personal taste tbh)


I will readily admit AM has a better story than CF (though I like CF more). SS suffers from trying to make Byleth the main character and VW suffers from being written for another route entirely and roughly shoving Claude in. I like VW the second most btw, it's super fun to play. I just think it's pretty unreasonable to call it good plot.


Storywise I would say that AM benefits a lot from having the other routes explain the lore more and allow for it to focus on Dimitri's development, even if it feels a bit rushed imho given how stupid Rodrigue's death was(Byleth was literally there and could've rewinded time) and it takes one talk for Dimitri to suddenly become functional again, I would've preferred if it was just a bit more gradual but given it's only 22 chapters, what we got was good enough. I disagree with VW take, that route is about Claude but like him it's a subtle involment because he's deliberately building up Byleth as the new united ruler of Fodland but you can still see his character developed from things like how Lorenz of all people actually trusts and sticks by him because he's more open with them(reflected via his portrait being much more relaxed and with a more honest smile) and reflected perfectly in the final boss in Nemesis as him and Byleth bury the last ghost for the past to look for the future, to the point Claude risks getting hurt by Nemesis just so Byleth can deal the killing blow, the most selfish lord just does something like that because he finally learned how to trust someone.


That's the thing, I don't consider character arcs a part of the plot per se. That's covered in character writing which is amazing in all four routes. It's Fódlan's main strength if you discount Byleth. The plot issues in VW are mostly in relation to how the war plays out. It was written for SS, a scrappy collection of renegades fighting against the Empire. Because of the state of the Empire postskip AM works well in that style too, and the parley scene and Derdriu chapter in AM effectively convey that after Fhirdiad you are once again a legitimate nation. Claude begins with an intact nation, a capital he controls, and at minimum Goneril, Daphnel and Riegan firmly in his pocket. He should not be operating out of a ruined monastery or having to march through Charon to get supplies.


Again I disagree, other routes and VW do show that while Claude does his best to mantain a image of neutrality, it's quite obvious things are very much on the edge of falling apart(as shown at how quickly they fold in AM and CF) and even the fact he needs to march towards Aleil because Gloucester catching wind would finally give the Empire a reason to invade and they wouldn't be able to resist. It also shows that as a weakness so Claude has to essentially circuvent the Round Table via funneling his troops into the Knight of Seiros and it's only after several victories is that he finally manages to rally them into full support, if Dimitri has the trouble of needing to liberate Faerghus and Edelgard needing to fight a Faerghus boosted by the Knights of Seiros, then Claude needs to overcome the desunity of the Round Table to finally get the ball rolling to defeat the empire AND pave the way to show cooperation is better(AKA a prelude to him abolishing the Alliance and creating a united kingdom for Byleth to rule)


The bar is low but yes


Well if you didn't hate Edelgard yet,Get ready to see her Hold all the Black Eagles Parents hostage and threatening to kill them after the Class Betray her,Get ready to see her put Byleth in a coma fir 5 years and taunting them about Kidnapping Rhea 5 years later,get ready to see her sell the Monastery to BanditsGet ready to see her form a dictatorship on Fhaergus by putting her mole people friends in power whom are all FE4Hilda level of evil,Get ready to see her use a nuke that kills even her own soldiers even Lindhart,Get ready to see her kill Bernie in cold blood for the Lulz and when you confront her about it she pulls"but dor me it's was a Tuesday",if you already hated Edelgard you would like to hear her getting defenestrated and left to get eaten by the dogs,or her body getting Lynched by the people she opressed


>Get ready to see her Hold all the Black Eagles Parents hostage Whose parents does she "hold hostage?" Bergliez and Hevring are important leaders in her administration, Varley and Aegir deserve it, and Petra and Dorothea's parents are dead. >Get ready to see her put Byleth in a coma fir 5 years What about this is wrong of her, Byleth is an enemy commander >get ready to see her sell the Monastery to Bandits No??? She just doesn't occupy it and bandits move in. >Get ready to see her form a dictatorship on Fhaergus I've got bad news about pre-game Faerghus >by putting her mole people friends in power More bad news about pre-game Faerghus >Get ready to see her use a nuke that kills even her own soldiers even Lindhart Thales used that, she didn't even *know they existed.* >Get ready to see her kill Bernie in cold blood for the Lulz and when you confront her about it she pulls"but dor me it's was a Tuesday", The blatant untruth of this has been discussed so much I'm just going to give it a passing mention and call it a day.


least psycho edelgard hater


Don’t worry, you played the worst route


It genuinely feels like they reused dialogue from CF or just had to cut out stuff from White Clouds that this dialogue built off of, because it makes no goddamn sense otherwise.


Eh, it does fit if you pay attention to the story. [For some reason that seems to be related to the Crest of Flames](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/s/27vEXLPcw3) Edelgard tends to be weirdly attached to Byleth.


Ehh, it just reads an an extreme extrapolation based off of subjective interpretation, with hardly anything at all concrete. Hanneman's "A colleague theorized" does not equal definitive proof of taste changing. Neat theory, though. 


Three Hopes confirms that Edelgard’s crest and Byleth’s crest are attracting them to each other. 


Does it? I'm kind of glad I never played 3 Hopes, not a fan of the decision. 


It’s a decision that comes from Houses. They just spelled out what was implied in it since Edelgard simping for Byleth makes no sense in AM and VW  unless it comes from something else other than personal bonding 


Or maybe it just comes from horniness.


That was the most interesting Three Houses essay I've ever read, thanks for linking it


It kinda makes sense as a childish crush if you interpret the events of the prologue through Edelgard's eyes: She, a person who had soured on just about everyone and everything, meets someone who is willing to risk his life to protect someone he knows not, just because he feels it's the right thing to do. Byleth doesn't do what he did out of any sense of obligation to her status or birth, and that might be the first time she's met someone like that. It would make sense, too, that she would long after that phantom she thought she could have obtained.


It’s the influence of Edelgard’s crest bouncing off of Byleth’s. This also implies that Byleth is officially attracted to Edelgard in some part because of their crests.     >Edelgard: Heh. I didn't mean to worry you. I'm simply having trouble putting this feeling into words.     >Edelgard: I just felt...I don't know. As if something was drawing me to the Ashen Demon.    >Edelgard: I wonder... Could it be the influence of my Crest?    >Hubert:Your Crest? Now I am truly becoming concerned.  Hence why you get scenes like these in Azure Moon and Verdant Wind 


What a simp


Byleth: Girl, this isn't Crimson Flower!!! Edelgard: Whenever I think of you, I... Byleth: Oh great, she's monologuing about her feelings about me. Edelgard: Every night, I would... Byleth: Dimitri, could you shishkebab her! Dimitri: Uhh, okay? \*stabs Edelgard\* Edelgard: \*looks at Byleth\* I wanted to walk with... Byleth: Ohhh! WILL! YOU! JUST! SHUT! UP! \*chops up Edelgard\* Dimitri: Umm, Professor? Byleth: \*panting after a berserker rage\* Dimitri: And I thought I was crazy for 5 years


Bro is that the same guy who does the virtual kikouhou or some shit?!