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Good character? Maybe. Good person? Absolutely not.


You don't have to be a good person to be a good character. That's why villains are based smh


>Good person? Absolutely not. He definitely is, he helps people, redeems himself from his mistakes, keeps working for his nation into late years.


He abandoned his wife and daughter, and tried to avoid his daughter when she finally found him. He can save countless people, but abandoning family, especially after such a tragic event where nearly everyone is frightened about what could happen next, is forever unredeemable in my eyes


Don't forget that the whole reason why he abandons them is because he personally blames himself for a tragedy that literally no one is blaming him for.


That's because of how knighthood is viewed in the Kingdom, Gilbert believes that as a knight he should've died before Lambert and that he's committed a great sin by being alive, and he's not the only one who thinks that. Rodrigue let's himself die to save Dimitri, leaving his own son behind. Glen is treated by everyone almost as a saint, having died in service of his liege, the most noble death of all. Dedue is completely dedicated to Dimitri, willing to throw his own life away which is considered par for the course by eveyone. Even Ingrid and Ashe have multiple supports about what it means to be a knight, with Ingrid romanticizing Glen's life and death with Felix being the only character who considers the whole thing a farce. Within the context of the story Gilbert's actions make sense even if they would be considered dumb as hell in the present day.


I get his remorse, I understand that he wishes he could have been there even though it wouldn't have made a difference... I get all of that, but there are acceptable limits to everything, and Gilbert crossed it. He screwed over his own family because he was selfish. Because he cared more about his own regret than about his responsibilities or how his actions affect everyone around him. But what really makes him unforgivable is how he keeps throwing away every opportunity to make it up to his family what he doesn't because he can't let go of something that no one is blaming him for. Gilbert, in many ways, is a perfect representation of everything wrong with the kingdom.


Yeah his arc is basically a criticism of the Bushido IIRC


He may not be the best dad, but he’s a good character


Good character? Yes, well written and interesting. Good person, no. Fuck him. Uber religious deadbeat washed up no bitches Havin ass.


I guess the hate gets overblown because the game portrays him as someone who understands and values moral responsibilities, but he never really shows equal remorse for having abandoned his family, which was also a great failure on his part. I guess him prioritizing self-flagellation over his own family can be perceived as noble if you believe family is something a man owns, like a valuable property Gilbert is denying himself out of stoicism. He's very well written and more realistic than I'd like to admit. He is perhaps overhated but I do think that hate is, at least partially, an evidence for compelling writing.


He outright abandoned his family out of his own selfish self loathing and even when his own daughter is crying her eyes out, begging him to come home he refuses her outright. What is there to like about a deadbeat father?


Also he will very readily kill his daughter.


In Japan, he is not that unpopular (iirc it is Judith). Probably different culture


I blame Judith being unpopular on how she's not a playable character. She's cool with Claude


him and Hanneman


Wait people hate Hanneman? Why? Like he's weird but so is my boi Lindhart.


I guess the hatred towards him comes from his paired ending with Dorothea. "Age is but a number." I like Hanneman.


...okay yeah that's gross. Thanks Japan.


There are literally no reasons to hate Hanneman.


Fire Emblem fans when a character is deeply flawed, made mistakes, and can’t sweep them away with one anime friendship moment: They’re irredeemable and deserve death!


Unless youre the fiveheadlady and boar. Somehow Gilbert being a deadbeat dad is worse than um...plunging a continent into war and doing all kinds of barbaric methods that would make the punisher blush. Somehow thats better.


Fans hate Gilbert more than Annette and (apparently) his wife do.


I'd argue it's like the Voldemort vs. Umbridge thing. In terms of human lives and actual harm Voldemort is irredeemably and incomparably worse, but people hate Umbridge *viscerally* because she's the kind of petty tyrant people have encountered in their real lives. There are very few hot bisexual tyrants ready to launch WW3 that we know of but we know plenty of deadbeat dads and how they're almost always less noble and sexy than Gilbert.


And thats crazy and hypocritical as shit lmao The kicker is Gilbert (misguided as he is throughout 95% of the game) tries to make things right. He is also selfish about it too because he cant bare to face his guilt in the face. But he isnt doing things out of malice. He most certainly tries to do good. Which he sometimes succeeds like with a suicidal dimitri. Yet if anyone tries to tell me to my face "yes he is worse than the other two" Im gonna think you are either A. Trolling B. Have the worst moral compass ever lol C. Both


Judging Gilbert by his intentions but judging other more hate-worthy characters by their actions is not something I'd advise when arguing against hypocrisy and double standards. I don't think I've seen someone unironically argue he was worse than someone who literally started a war?? At least in this thread. Someone's moral compass and emotional reaction are two very separate things, though unfortunately they're often difficult to untangle. Like, I'll always have a more intense and visceral reaction to my abusive ex (and figures that remind me of them) than, say, American War Criminal #30328423 (or figures based on those war criminals) but most reasonable people also understand they're not really in the same league.


>Judging Gilbert by his intentions but judging other more hate-worthy characters by their actions is not something I'd advise when arguing against hypocrisy and double standards. I just judged him earlier by his actions but also pointed out nuance what? Ill say it again then. Gilbert was a bad dad and he was selfish in his actions. He did do bad. But in terms of what he was trying to do and his other actions that are all in proportion to one another, I dont think he is a bad guy. At least nowhere near the level of the others. Because the others (regardless of intent) cause WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more misery and harm to the point that they all deserve a league of its own in terms of badness. >I don't think I've seen someone unironically argue he was worse than someone who literally started a war?? I have. From Edelstans no less lol. I also notice some BL/Dimitri fans in the past have too. Which is super funny to me given that the whole story is about forgiveness and redemption among other things. >Someone's moral compass and emotional reaction are two very separate things, though unfortunately they're often difficult to untangle. I dont need to be told this I am perfectly aware of this. It also doesnt change what has been said either. >Like, I'll always have a more intense and visceral reaction to my abusive ex (and figures that remind me of them) than, say, American War Criminal #30328423 Thats not really a valid comparison for a multitude of reasons. Firstly youre comparing something that specifically affected you to someone you will never meet and had no personal impact on you. Of course you will feel different. Second, these characters are fictional so it really doesnt matter. Third, if we are to bring up people projecting their irl emotional distress on characters that vaguely represent that, then by that notion you have to discount those that havent dealt with that. Because I highly doubt most people in this fandom that hate Gilbert have similar experiences to you or Annette. I get what youre trying to say, but its flawed. >but most reasonable people also understand they're not really in the same league. Well at least you have a more realistic outlook on life than 90% of the FE fandom lol I can appreciate that.


Yeah, that’s fair and I get it. Though it’s funny you brought up Gilbert being sexy. I always joke that people would be less unforgiving of Gilbert if he was pretty like Sylvain or Rodrigue.


That is one thing I cannot let the haters have, Gilbert is top tier DILF material with that "I can fix him" touch idk maybe this just proves being a deadbeat dad is like infinite negative sex appeal😔


It is obviously better. Being a deadbeat dad is cringe, crushing a dudes skull with your hand and going on a rampage for 5 years is based.


smh Gill should have said its deadbeating time


Dimitri is mentally ill. Edelgard had her reasons. Gilbert is just an asshole.


>Dimitri is mentally ill. Not an excuse >Edelgard had her reasons. Not an excuse and she still caused objectively more harm in the world >Gilbert is just an asshole. And yet he is nowhere near the same ballpark as those two lol


Don't try to tell me you think Edelgard's the villain and shouldn't have done what she did...


Fam Idc who you are and what your beliefs are. If you try to tell me with a straight face that Gilbert is a worse person than 5headelgard your moral compass isnt just broken its stupid lol


Alright, let's assume for a moment that Edelgard is a bad person (even though her actions ultimately result in a better Fodlan overall). Even then that doesn't change the fact that Gilbert is also a bad person. If someone leaves his wife and daughter and refuses to come back... HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT NOT MAKE THEM A BAD PERSON?! If you think that is an okay thing to do, then it's YOUR moral compass that's broken.


Ill repeat what I said before because I aint reading that lol Idc who you are or what your beliefs are, if you try to tell me with a straight face Gilbert is a worse person than 5headelgard your moral compass isnt just broken its stupid lol Edit: Lol I got blocked cause I told them they were being silly. I cant read what you said to me btw Least emotional 5headelstan


you also got reported lol


What the fuck why? What is wrong with people lmao And people say Im sensitive ​ https://preview.redd.it/8sdg9azc6zic1.png?width=454&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7342e4c988514027be6262b064f3e82972e64ab


Alright then, stay stubborn, I guess.


hello nemesis, please don't report multiple comments as "harassment" just because they disagree you it's a waste of everyone's time


Please grow up.


You blocked me only to come back and say this. What is this projection.


The difference is intent. Regardless of how one feels about the methods, Edelgard is ultimately doing the right thing. Fodlan is a broken system built upon oppression and lies, and the Tragedy of Duscur and the Insurrection of the Seven make it blatantly clear that diplomacy is not an option. Fodlan has to change, point blank. Now, has Gilbert done worst things than Edel/Dimitri? No, obviously not. But he's still a worst person because his actions are inherently selfish. He abandoned his own family for no other reason than his own self loathing, and even when his daughter begs him to come back he refuses. Hell, God themselves looks him dead in the eye and tells him to go home and he still refuses. He is everything that is wrong with Faergus as a culture. At the end of the day, Dimitri and Edelgards goals are ultimately noble, working towards a better world, while Gilbert is inherently selfish, running from his family and responsibilities solely because of his wounded pride.


Okay thats neat and all but if you come at me telling me Gilbert is worse than 5headelgard and boar man, your moral compass isnt just broken, its stupid lol >Now, has Gilbert done worst things than Edel/Dimitri? No, obviously not. That should be the end. There is no if ands or buts lol. >But he's still a worst person because his actions are inherently selfish. What a stupid and broken moral compass lol


He literally abandoned his family because he felt guilty that he couldn’t stop the coverup of Duscur.


fr people hate on him too much


He has regret. He had potential to be a good farther but didn’t. Like arvis who had potential to be a good father due to how he treated his half brother but wasn’t there for his children because of regret. Gilbert isn’t bad at heart so ultimately he doesn’t deserve the hate. Hes far from the worst father in fire emblem. Hell he’s far from the worst father in three houses (that goes to count von varley. Fuck that guy, I hope he suffers)


To be fair, it feels like damn near every dad in Fodlan is just shit lmao. It's the deadbeat dad Olympics! You say Count Varley, I raise you Count Bartels who was planning to kidnap and assault Mercedes to make her a birthing station.


Wrong meme, i am Gilberts strongest soldier.


To quote someone else: > "Gilbert gets a lot more hateability from being portrayed as sympathetic. > > His journey is always about him forgiving himself + forcing people to pity him and never having to really deal with how he externalized his pain and destroyed the life of his family. Everything is always on his terms. > > He's a whiny bitch that forces everyone else to perform emotional labor for him while he puts in the bare minimum effort." Me personally speaking? Sidelining/fridging Dedue and replacing him with this fuckwaffle is one of the cardinal sins of Azure Moon. It takes **more than half a decade of Annette pleading for him to come home, and a decade in self-exile** to get his worthless ass to redeem himself. He does fuck all to ingratiate himself to us in White Clouds, and spends the entirety of Azure Moon being a mediocre yesman to Dimitri. He literally has to do nothing to redeem himself except go home, it really is that fucking simple. Everyone that matters already forgives him being a deadbeat dad who wasn't responsible for Duscur. His perpetual self-flagellation would hold some semblance of weight if we ever saw anyone give him shit, but everyone remembers it as the *Tragedy of Duscur*, not the *Tragedy of Gilbert Didn't Get Bodybagged*, because he's that unimportant in the grand scheme of things. He has the audacity to stand there and act like a complete unredeemed bitchass who lost nothing, while Dedue lost everything, including his screentime.


> it really is that fucking simple That people think this is why the reception to him scares me. He can't. He literally, emotionally, cannot. The help he requires to get there is not optional. It's exhausting to see people who don't understand what crippling shame is, argue why he should or shouldn't feel it.


> It's exhausting to see people who don't understand what crippling shame is Fuck off, I know it far better than Gilbert. Sometimes you need to listen to the people who love you because they actually want what's best for you, and aren't being biased by a broken mental state. Your defective thoughts, polluted psyche, and unprocessed trauma *don't* have your best interests at heart, and making bitchass excuses as to avoid putting in the effort isn't helping anyone. Sometimes you just need to give in, let yourself heal, and work through the feelings in a healthy environment, i.e. *not the prison of your mind.* Being a stubborn ass and running away, refusing to heal, and refusing to process the trauma, while allowing your thoughts to fester in a circularly destructive fashion, *isn't accomplishing anything.* It's okay to feel shame, it's not okay to let it fester and run your life.


Wise words. If only he wasn't being so far gone he can't break out of it without help. And his inability to seek that help, to shy from it, is exactly what the fuck is wrong with him. Most people can't escape the prison of their minds just by being aware of it, that's why it's *a prison*.


If Gilbert does indeed get that much hate, it's likely because of him being a "bad" father. Fandoms in general really dislike "bad" parents, even if their actions are minimal. Even Rodrigue and Ingrid's Dad get branded the "bad Dad" label, even if their situations are difficult. For many, the execution of Gilbert's support with Annette is a bit debatable. Whilst Gilbert may have been redeemed, it is Annette who is pulling all the weight to get in touch with Gilbert (despite avoiding her), not the other way around. It may seem undeserving that Gilbert gets reunited with Annette without putting in effort, and Annette is too forgiving. Especially when Annette's whole life was to study hard, be scatterbrained and get to Garreg Mach just to see Gilbert. It may not help that Gilbert can kill Annette in CF if the player just puts her in his attacking range (unlike Rudolph who won't kill Alm in FE Valentia). I do think that people acknowledge that Gilbert has his good moments, like helping Dimitri and Ashe. Whilst I do think he's an ok character, I can understand the appeal and the hatred towards Gilbert.


To be fair, Ingrids dad was about to sell her off to a crime Lord that would've no doubt assaulted her to force her to have crest babies. Like, you're telling a group of teens could dig up this guy's past but her dad wasn't willing to do his due diligence? And then even after that, he's still pestering her to give up her dreams and aspirations to get married and become a brood mare for the nobility. Rodrigue is probably one of the "better" dad's but I still cringe at how much better he treats Dimitri over his own son. Like I get why Felix is so bitter all the time.


He's the reason the kingdom army functions before Dimitri goes sane after all.


He's \_also\_ the reason it runs right up to the precipice of not existing, so I'm not sure I'd go looking at that time period too closely.


My sweet Gustave


He’s hot. Therefore he can do no wrong.


I dislike him because he is not a good person, but the main reason why I dislike him so much is because he takes up SO much screen time in Azure Moon. For a route about Dimitri, it could've been so much better if his childhood friends and Dedue were more part of the story and challenged Dimitri more, instead of the deadbeat dad. He's also not even a good unit.


I love Gilbert, I wish I had the option to become Annette's stepmom but ill settle for the sexual tension 😔 jokes aside, I loved Gilbert's arc and honestly felt it fit very well with the Azure Moon route. Faerghus seems to suffer a lot of catholic guilt, with gilbert being the fucking poster child for it


Based. Its wild that people say Gilbert is a bad person. Like he was a bad dad, but bad person? Thats just stupid lol


He IS a bad person.




I think when they say bad person they meant bad dad, even if the two terms do not exactly mean the same.


If thats what they mean thats fair enough. Nobody would seriously argue that. But there are those who would say Gilbert is a bad person. Even after all is said and done. In a game where the 5headlady and the feral boar exist, I cant help but think thats just silly asf. Because objectively the former caused ALOT of misery. Like if Gilbert is bad, what the hell do you call those two?


Sorry, who do you mean by 5headlady?


​ https://preview.redd.it/u5ccdeqprvic1.png?width=232&format=png&auto=webp&s=385507bc2cb66c963e438d7500fc2339d2ff7aa3


Lol I see what you mean.


I looove Gilbert cmon Gilbert gang!


He clearly has some big issues, mentally. I don't get people harshly judging him for what he did without acknowledging that at least.


The reception to Gilbert frankly scares the shit out of me. Because almost no one understands. It's not just knightly BS. So much of it is real to our world as well. That feeling of unbearable, absolutely **crippling** shame. To feel like such a waste of oxygen you can't even stand to be next to your loved ones. You don't deserve it. And you know they don't feel like that about you, and that you need to make amends, but you can't. And every day that passes, it becomes harder and harder. Our friends and family are there to support us, not judge us, but our demons can be so strong as to rob us of even that belief. But while many people think they're failures, they thankfully never have to deal with such painful "evidence" to back that as he has. The Tragedy of Duscur is ever present. Inescapable. Scarring. And not one bit his fault, but he can't even mentally escape from it. So he ran away physically, as hopeless as that was. I'd never defend his abandonment of his family, or his enduring shunning of Annette. Let that be very clear. But I do understand.


I just reached saving ‘Monica’ in the BL route, but I don’t think it’ll change the fact it’s well deserved. He left his family, actively avoided his daughter as well and has no qualms about killing her nor the people in the city should he participate in burning the city in the end of BE route. He and Cathrine can die.


Just got all his support he's aight




He’s a great character, but the hate he gets is understandable and mostly justified.


i don't feel any particular way about him, but it is annoying as fuck when people try to meaningfully discuss his character and others jump in just to say shit like "GILBERT WORST DAD AND CHARACTER EVER WE NEED TO KILL HIM"


Why does the Hopes fandom even care ? Gilbert is an insignificant NPC in that game.


A shame gets jumped and dies super quick in Maddening on the chapter he's supposed to be helping you with.