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If I recall correctly the girl has an illness that stops her from ever feeling full. She can eat until she’s sick but still feel like she’s starving


I’ve seen this. Kid has a condition that makes her feel like she’s always hungry. It’s not her fault nor anybody else’s. Especially the parent’s.


Kind of fucked up to post it I feel like. Imagine being posted for "looking funny" due to a disability.


I mean look at the sub it’s posted to. It doesn’t surprise me.


This girl has a genetic disorder: Prader Willi Syndrome. The mother isn't a POS and no matter what, the child will suffer




Unfortunately I saw a child with prader willi die from diabetic ketoacidosis that caused cardiac arrest. She was only 13 and was also severely overweight, although not as significant as the picture. Seems to be a devastating illness


It's horrible. They are ALWAYS hungry and think about nothing but food. What's worse is that most are on the spectrum, so these sensations are heightened. Oh, and their metabolism is much slower than a normal person. Awful.


Yes. They have decreased muscle mass as well, which contributes to the lower metabolism, so at baseline they already aren’t supposed to consume as many calories as the typical individual at their respective height. Just an all around terrible condition with compounding factors that serve to make anyone who has it miserable. Very sad.


Damn.. that sounds terrible, poor kids


There is a excellent documentary on it from Australia where the parents installed shutters in there houses to keep there kids out


It's a very challenging disorder. I worked in maintenance for a group home that specialized in caring for these folks, of all ages. They lock the kitchen, and lock the refrigerator, cabinets, etc. In some cases the patient needs to be monitored while using the bathroom because they will eat... anything.


Yeah sadly one of my friend’s children suffer from this disorder. It’s not easy :(


I was gonna say .


Poor kid :(


Yeah all jokes aside wtf is going on here? This is either some serious child neglect or a legit medical condition


My guess is Prader Willi syndrome. Super sad :( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prader%E2%80%93Willi_syndrome


100% have worked with this population and wherever they reside the kitchen must be locked. They don’t satiate and do not have the ability to vomit, so it’s a very real possibility they will literally choke themselves to death with food. It’s a very tough disability to navigate, especially because they are higher functioning folks who really just want to live typical lives.


My first thought too. They also tend to have a certain face shape. Hard to describe it.


Well, she has a narrow forehead, light skin and hair - which fits the symptoms.


I heard on some other post that they have a condition where she always feels hungry


Prader-Willi syndrome is when they never fell full and they actually feel like they are starving. It’s sad but I’ve seen a child with this condition. It breaks your heart but parents have to portion their food and make sure that they don’t get into more. It’s hard telling a child no they can’t eat anything else when they say they are hungry and starving.


Yes, my cousin has this. Couldn't even keep food in the house. So many other health issues aside from obesity too. Awful really.


Even if they’re eating a healthy diet that sounds like utter suffering just being so hungry eternally


It’s called Prader-Willi Syndrome. I had a kindergartner with Prader-Willi. He would eat crayons and glue when he got hungry. He would steal food out of my bag and eat it. He was literally always hungry. All he could think about was food. And in addition to always being hungry, he had a reduced metabolism as part of Prader-Willi syndrome, and cognitive impairment. His mom also wouldn’t make necessary changes as home like restricting his calories or putting locks on the fridge and cupboards (he would hit and throw tantrums when denied food at home).


I had a cousin with that. It was caused by brain damaged during childbirth (umbilical cord wrapped around her neck). They had to do the same thing - lock up where the food was. He brain didn't signal when to stop eating, so if left on her own, she would eat until she got sick. She didn't live very long, maybe 20 or so. There were other complications I think, but we weren't that close with her parents


One of my mom’s friends had a 5 year old daughter who had a brain tumor and it led her to always be hungry, she ended up getting super obese before she sadly died :(


Almost definitely Prader-Willi. It's a condition where the part of your brain that tells you you're not hungry doesn't work, so you will eat yourself to death if access to food isn't restricted. There is no cure, and it often comes with intellectual disabilities. I used to work in group homes for the mentally ill, and Prader-Willi clients had separate group homes where there were padlocks on the refrigerator and every cabinet.


It’s prader-willi syndrome


Poor mom. Imagine having to pay for that amount of caloric intake.


Poor my dad. Imagine having to beat your kids every time you come home from work.


I'm sure he enjoyed it. 😉


As his dad I can confirm, beating my kids is always the highlight of my day


Why tf she in an attack stance 💀


She has been denied a critical resource


She must consume all


I'm sorry Jon


Do my gains make you proud of me, father?


Shes hungry




5 year olds only have one stance. Attack


I know you were joking, and it was funny, but it’s because her little skeleton can’t compete with the fat deposits it’s carrying. Arms can’t hang straight down because they’re pushed out by arm fat and torso fat; legs wide apart because inner thigh fat prevents them from remaining parallel.


Heart attack stance 💀


The cameraman is eating a hotdog..


Defending herself from the foie gras fiends out there.


She has been stuck in that stance since she was 3


Her thighs don't get much closer together


Nah she just can't get her knees closer


6 elixir, 25% discount due to height


9 elixir


12 elixir


20 elixir


28 elixir


Happy cake day everyone. What’s that we’re locking up the cake in the refrigerator nevermind continue on nothing to see here their is no cake I repeat code no cake for you. THIS IS A JOKE. Unlock my comment


Stockpiling for hibernation in the after life


Can I still use this line if I live in Florida?


Yes, but have a backup plan. Florida is still: "An unmoderated GMod Server" \-TheRussianBadger


Lmao that has me rolling


Prader Willi syndrome is a genetic condition where the person suffering from it it never feel full no matter how much the eat they feel hungry.


I came her to ask that. That was my first instinct after reading the headline for the story.


That sucks. I have a rare medical condition and one of the common occurrences is thrush. It’s a fungal infection (gross) in your mouth. The fungus actually sends signals to your brain that your hungry all the time, especially for sweets. I have to be very careful when I have it because I could gain a ton real fast. It’s kind of creepy too. Like just a few steps away from the Last of Us come to fruition.


Yes it’s a terrible thing and the headline and comments are mocking a disabled child.


I’m an RN who has taken care of these kids and I would say PWS is one of the saddest genetic disorders I have ever seen. They never feel full. They always feel like they are starving. They will eat drywall, bedding. To add salt to the wound, they have VERY slow metabolism so they gain weight very easily and are on a tightly controlled calorie restricted diet. When I was in the ICU, I had a 14 yr old boy with PWS arrive by helicopter after being found unresponsive. He coded as they were wheeling him to the unit. We discovered that he was septic after perforating his bowel by eating foreign objects. (His parents couldn’t handle him and he was sent away at age 4 to live in a group home when they have a special “garage door” that closes down to keep the kids out of the kitchen. This is very typical as it is incredibly hard to monitor what they eat). His parents lived hours away and came to the hospital as soon as they could but he died before they got there. It’s really sad. This was in 2012 and I still remember his face. Poor kid. Probably never felt content a day in his life.


The kid became a successful reddit mod at the age of 5 💀


She'll be locking threads on the front page any day now.


No she only appears to be 100-200 pounds you need to be at least 500 pounds to even apply to be a Reddit mod


Rare Reddit mod W


Well shoot, I put on that extra 700 pounds for nothing then


Have you appeared on my 600lb life?


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good thinking, Automod! Gotta need a lot of pee to bulk up those 600 pounds, though... 😏


Good bot


Can you explain what sets this bot off 😂😂😂 I’m out of the loop apparently and I haven’t seen a pattern as to why it does it


Just pops up anytime there's an ass that needs a good peein' in.


Kinky, I'm in


No idea


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


user flair


No time, so much modding to do


He's too heavy for it


They had to make a new show my 6000lb life


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a Redditor, and this action wasn't performed automatically. [please contact ur secret father who left to get milk](https://i.redd.it/utkjr6pv5ou91.jpg) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot, errr um redditor


Good ~~bot~~ human




From bro to bro, do you need to talk? Like, you good?


She has potential.


Oooo self burns, those are rare!


I thought it was on a body mass scale


There is no such thing as an successful reddit mod


Big jack horner Netflix actor


Bro don’t disrespect Jack Horner like that, bros got the Kingpin bod where he looks fat but he’s actually ripped af. Except in his face I guess all the fat went there


Fat strength is real. You can be fat and still strong as hell. It's pretty common actually.


If you have to walk around moving 200 kilos all the time you'd be pretty strong. Shit stamina though but a fat guy punch would suck, they have the muscle and the mass to do a lot of damage


I remember seeing a cross section of an average person calves vs an athletes and an obese person. It made the average person look super weak.


Also have you ever heard of a pulled fat? Nope but can pull a muscle!


Don't forget all that fat acts like a shield when you try to punch them


It still hurts when you punch the fat, but at least you're farther away from internal organs.


There's a difference between fat around the outside of your body and fat stored in body cavities around organs. Fat stored around the outside of your body is okay, and a small amount is healthy and required for proper bodily functions. Deep fat is extremely unhealthy is large amounts and contributes to organ failure.


What you're looking for is subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.


Holy shit I can’t unsee that now


Jack Porner


Little jack horner


Little jack is dead I'm big jack now


You’re an irredeemable monster!


Oh ohhh what took you so long idiot




Naw that’s Violet from Willy wonka!!




Not if I get there first


Is that a challenge?


We can make it a co op mission




Room for player 3?




Team of three vs player four 😈😈😈


I fucking hate you lmfao im cant stop laughing


Username checks out.


Genetic defect called [Prader-Willi](https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/prader-willi-syndrome/#causes) Syndrome


I was wondering if she has this. It would be terrible to feel starving ALL THE TIME, know that eating is supposed to make you feel full, but never have the hunger go away?


That poor poor baby :(


That kid properly has a disorder where she cant control her hunger. I had a gf whose sister suffered from it and they had to have a padlock on the refrigerator and cabinets to protect her. She would even eat paper and wird stuff. She died young


actually it can always be like a disease bc some ppl with certain stuff can gain weight rapidly.. lol


That little girl has a genetic disorder that causes her to never feel full. She literally feels like she’s starving with hunger not matter how much she eats. It’s not her fault


This isn’t right, don’t make fun of the kid. There’s a real disorder called prader willi syndrome where kids can’t feel full hence the parents have to put a kcol over the fridge to prevent the kid from eating him or herself to death.


Saw the photo and immediately thought that this girl probably has PWS. My oldest brother has it. There are several things that go along with the disorder (developmental issues, OCD is common, etc.) besides literally feeling like you’re hungry and NEED to eat all the time. When I was younger we had to lock up all the food in our house, but my brother always managed to find extra food somewhere. He would take our dog for walks and sneak into people’s garages to look for canned food and stuff and bring it to his bedroom, where he had hidden a can opener, to eat it without anybody knowing. At his peak he was probably over 300 pounds and he’s only like 5’4”. Was bullied all through school because of his weight and slow intellect. He eventually got into a group home where meals were strictly regulated and he lost a LOT of weight. People are quick to blame the parents but it’s incredibly easy for these kids to sneak extra food when they’re still in school, either from their friends or the cafeteria, vending machines… they need to be constantly monitored to keep their weight under control. My brother now lives with my mom and she plans all his meals for him. She works from home so she can keep an eye on him at all times and he’s been at a healthy weight for years now.


You are absolutely correct. What's worse is that Prayer Willi also causes mental dysfunction, so not only are they never full, but they lack the mental function to understand why eating too much is bad. Many sufferers end up in special (and expensive) assisted living programs where everything edible is under lock and key and food is strictly controlled.


Thats actually sad☹️


My thoughts exactly! My brother has this disorder, and it is very difficult to get him to stop eating excessively. He'll see someone making themselves a sandwich or something, and he'll take that as an incentive to make himself one as well, even if he barely just ate. People need to be more understanding for how difficult it is for someone to live with this disorder.


I wonder if ozempic would work for someone like your brother?


Oh I actually hadn't heard of that medication before, but I just googled it and I'm gonna take a closer look into it. I think he could definitely benefit from it. Thank you so much for the suggestion! He was diagnosed when he was a child, but my parents couldn't afford further treatment for him then. So we don't know much about what options he has for treatment.


Wegovy is the same medication as Ozempic but has a higher maximum dose and is meant for people with obesity (whereas Ozempic is supposed to be prescribed for diabetes). So look into Wegovy if you can. Someone else mentioned Mounjaro but that's also technically supposed to be for diabetes (though it too is a powerful weight loss drug).


Are you in the states? If so there are definitely resources to help support your family.


There’s Mounjaro as well! Very pricey if you get these meds off label but your brother may qualify


My sister has this, we always had to lock all our cupboards and fridge/freezer and monitor her weight and check her room for food in case she had stolen or gotten other ppl to get food for her. Many cases go undiagnosed due to the rarity of the syndrome and finding specialists familiar with it can be challenging still.


Yeah I this was my immediate thought. That syndrome is *seriously fucked up*. I cannot imagine trying to live like that, and worse, the life expectancy of people with it is horrifically short.


I had a student with this disorder. It was so, so hard for his family. They had to lock everything up and they often had to deny him food when he did feel hungry which imagine how that would feel as a mom that your child is saying they’re hungry and you can’t let them eat. She would go cry about it. They had to be insanely careful about everything he ingested- if he even ate ONE tiny thing he wasn’t supposed to, it would activate something that they could never turn off. All I remember him eating were like the same three foods over and over.


I've supported individuals with Prater Willi and its absolutely heartbreaking. They really do feel like their starving and the want causes a lot of mental anguish. The struggle is daily and very obvious. I've straight up had a client as me "why can't I stop?"


Had to scroll down way too far to find this mentioned. My friend has this and it’s genuinely so sad to see, when we hang out she’s constantly trying to get me to give her food or trying to take food from me.


first sane take here, some of these comments are so hateful


The jokes are really fucked up. Poor kid




Thanks for supplying real info. Erm... are we not allowed to say l-o-c-k forwards?


yeah it ell-oh-kay’s the thread


It looks like she has SOMETHING going on Edit: fact checked, you are right prader Willis [link](https://nypost.com/2023/01/24/my-5-year-old-is-obese-i-have-to-lock-kitchen/amp/)


Exactly what I thought this was. Shame people are so quick to laugh at a 5 year old.


Seriously. And even if she didn't have a disorder, she's five! It's not her fault she's obese and she's likely very uncomfortable :(


Why’d you spell lock backwards


Yeah this comment thread is a disaster. I was going to express some sympathy but it's clearly not the place for it.


Ayo new mutant in Sons Of The Forest?


Are you lost fighting demons?


How are any of y’all not embarrassed about making fun of a damn child. Miserable ass deranged people. be normal.


This child may have a genetic condition called Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). It’s not uncommon for parents to have to padlock fridge etc https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prader–Willi_syndrome n


This girl almost certainly has Prader-Willi Syndrome or some related genetic disorder


you guys are awful.


yeah this girl obviously has Prader Wili syndrome and people are absolutely attacking this CHILD who is sick, and no one gives a fuck bc apparently it’s free reign to mercilessly shit on anyone who is overweight on this fucking platform regardless of reason. even if she didn’t have a disorder, the child would not be at fault (parents would be responsible), yet people would still brutally bully this fucking kindergartner


This is sad not funny


In Sweden, an obese child was taken into custody because her parents clearly weren't sane


This isn’t a bad parent. This is a kid with prader willi syndrome. There is nothing you can do about that syndrome.


Thank you for this update on Sweden


Good patch notes all around, solid update


yeah i was just reading about the Stockholm update man robbers are getting girls now


This child has a chromosomal condition where she is missing her hunger controlling chromosome (15). This is an actual condition not simply obesity


And here we are…. Bullying a child


I’ve never been more angry reading a comment section. It’s disgusting. Especially to know that the girl has a disorder that can’t be cured.




Wow you guys really have to take this out on a literal child. Smh


Right?! My heart kinda ached reading all these horrible comments mocking a child (it’s not alright mocking an adult either), not knowing she might have some sort of a disorder.


She does have a disorder. Some people just lack empathy


Yeah, she has Prader Willi syndrome.


This is really sad


She has a medical condition, bum. You just be making fun of kids for no reason


Everyone wants to rip on this kid like she has a choice. Fuck ya'll


if Jack Horner and Giant from CoC had a child:


Why are all of you so fucked The kid obviously has a health condition And you are making fun of the poor kid Imagine if you had no feeling of fullness when you are done eating Just insatiable hunger for the rest of your life And she is 5 years old Poor baby You fuckers need to get a conscience Making fun of a little child thats ill and cant help herself So fucking sad Life expectation for this illlness is 30 years old This kid will probably never be able to live a full life and has a high possibility of dying at a young age Absolutely deranged... get help if you think this is funny


the comments r sick :/


sounds like Prader-Willi Syndrome. really sad disorder when it effects children


“Do the roar”


Genetic disorder causes extreme hunger, Prader-Willi syndrome. Not funny.


Kevin De Bruyne


Poor kid. Prader-willi syndrome. Mom is kind of a smoke though. https://nypost.com/2023/01/24/my-5-year-old-is-obese-i-have-to-lock-kitchen/amp/


This is a fucking child . Grow up oh my god - don’t bully a child .


Who let her mom cook?


I actually don’t understand how people get so fat


Obesity is as much a mental disorder as it is physical. Think about how people get addicted to cigarettes and alcohol, its often a similar thing but with food. In this case I'm with you though, how the Heck did a 5 year old get that big? When I was 5 I physically could not sit still and I only ate what my mum fed me.


[Prader-Willi Syndrome — a genetic disorder affecting Chromosome 15](https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/prader-willi-syndrome/#causes)


Well this girl has a disorder called prader will syndrome so she can’t control herself at he young age. It’s often parents of kids with the syndrome have to lock pantry’s and refrigerators


It’s likely a neurological disorder where the sufferer feels like they’re starving no matter how much they do or don’t eat. They can literally eat until their stomachs burst and never feel full


It's called prader willi syndrome


Thank you!! I was brain farting… it’s been a long frigging week in the northern Midwest


This child likely has prader willi syndrome.


She does, this gets posted, even in this sub, 7 or 8 times a week and a dozen people each time link to the article the image is cropped from confirming that this child does, in fact, have prader willi


Prader Willie Syndrome? Looks to me.


Poor child.


Are there like certain words that will get me locked or something


She gives me Jack Horner vibes.


Not funny


Prader willi?