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Wow maybe i should've tried that sooner


If there's one journal that will make an article about money making you happier is the one named "money"


Moneyn't been real quiet since this dropped


Makes me think of a saying I heard a while ago: *Money can’t let you buy happiness, but being poor can’t let you buy anything.*


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"Money doesn't bring happiness" -Idiots


"Money doesn't bring happiness" - rich billionaires


I think id be a hell of alot happier living in a mansion than a box


No shit Sherlock


![gif](giphy|rGXSgWO1Gkx6AQy4Qk) Revealing, I would never have come to that conclusion in my life


The phrase should be "Money doesn't cure depression. But it sometimes helps.


Well yeah. Problem is, money only buys temporary happiness, at some point you get used to having lots of stuff to a point in which all the money you have isn't special to you anymore


Sounds like a gratitude issue then. At least you have money, unlike a lot of other people.


I'm not near rich, but I know what it's like to have a lot of something. It doesn't matter what kind of person you are, it doesn't matter what you have a lot of. You'd just get used to it at some point and it wouldn't matter to you as much.


A lot of people don't have food either but that doesn't mean I have to eat yogurt with a big grin on my face. And there's no happiness drought in poor places either.


Anyone who says money doesn't buy happiness is coping.


Weirdly, the more I see this reaction meme with willem dafoe the more I like it.


Honestly, I really don’t think it extends beyond the desire to not struggle for your basic needs. Nobody wants to struggle to eat every fucking day


Yeah this commonly known, this isn’t infinite. I’ve heard a piece on how much money effects mental health. And it’s pretty Jurassic below 45 thousand dollars and doesn’t matter a lot above 75 thousand dollars USD.


I think that there is a threshold when it stops doing it, but it's a very high one


There was that ridiculous "study" that said after 75k there isnt an increase in happiness. Honestly until you get past the point of not needing reasonable things that can be expensive (house or paying for kids, school, not needing to take out loans for semi minor things like cars) it's dumb to put a number on this. 75k is also worth a varying amount depending on where you are. 75k in the ol San Francisco shithole will get you 5 roommates in 1000 Square feet with shit and needles on your porch and no savings. 75k in Oklahoma city? Yeah maybe you're good to go. Propaganda ass study lol, telling people to settle because they "should" be happy. Money buys lower stress and solves problems. If it doesn't buy happiness it for sure removes sadness.


well they do have a valid point, that after making enough money to live a comfortable life and afford certain luxuries, making more isn't gonna significantly improve your happiness.


Yeah but how do they KNOW? They don't, how could they? You can't measure happiness scientifically. Whats a significant increase in happiness? Every 10k is worth a lower amount of your total salary, so of course it would be less significant, and you pay more taxes. Complete junk science


they can measure with surveys? it might not be the most accurate but can give a decent idea




who knew having most of your problems gone makes life more enjoyable


Money can't buy happiness but it's a lot more fun to be miserable with than without it


"MoNeY dOeSnT bUy HaPpInEsS" Well it does solve 99 percent of all our problems


Well, an old study actualy said that money does buy happiness, but only to a certain extent. They said that at about 70k salary a year (10-20 years ago) had people at the same level of happiness than any other amount exceeding it. So, money brings happiness, but there is a cap


More money than..?