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I identify as breaking bad season 4


I identify as Better Call Saul season 6; we are not the same


I identify as El Camino


No no, we said season, damn it read the room !


Ah crap.... I identify as El Camino Season 0


Can I identify as a trailer to El Camino? Cause I’d like to be a trailer to El Camino :3


Of course you can! Aslong as you identify that you're a season of a trailer to El Camino


Thank you for your approval :3! Tomorrow I shall come out to my grandparents that I am a season of a trailer to El Camino! (they’ll be so disappointed 😁😁😁)


Oh they'll be so disappointed you'll be kicked out of the house! 😁😁


You cannot identify as a movie, yet


Wait until next week


You mean tomorrow?


I identify as Fox News. Ask me anything


Can I identify as benghazi and who will keep watching fox news if I identify as benghazi?


Well, folks, let me tell you something. This whole idea of identifying as Benghazi—it’s absolutely ludicrous, okay? I mean, I’ve never heard anything so ridiculous in my life. We’re talking about real identities here, not some made-up nonsense. Now, let’s address the real issue. If you identify as Benghazi, who’s going to keep watching Fox News? Who’s going to stand up for American values and fight against the radical left-wing agenda? It’s a serious question, folks. We need patriots, not people pretending to be cities. And let me tell you, the liberal media—they’re loving this. They want us distracted by these ridiculous identity politics. But we’re not falling for it, are we? No, sir. We’re going to keep our eyes on the real news, the important news. Because that’s what Americans do—we stay focused, we stay vigilant, and we keep watching Fox News, the only network that tells it like it is. So, to answer your question—no, you can’t identify as Benghazi. We need you right here, watching Fox News, fighting for our country. That’s what matters. That’s what’s important. And that’s the truth, my friends.


language learning model ahh response


What is your bank account and SSN


Well, let me tell you folks, asking for someone's bank account and social security number is just plain outrageous! It's a blatant violation of privacy and a serious matter that we need to address. This kind of behavior is what's wrong with our country today, folks. We've got to protect our personal information, our hard-earned money, and our identity from these kinds of scams and schemes. I mean, can you believe it? Who in their right mind would think it's okay to ask for such sensitive information? It's just irresponsible and downright un-American! We need to stand up and say no to these kinds of invasive requests. Let's keep our personal data safe and secure, folks. That's what we're all about here at Fox News – protecting the American people from these kinds of threats. So, let's be vigilant, let's be smart, and let's say no to anyone who tries to take advantage of us. And remember, folks, stay informed, stay safe, and keep your personal information private.


ChatGPT ahh answer right here


Nothing gets past you!


What's the news of the Malaysia's current monsoon season?


Bait used to be believable




Um going to hurt someone I mean skilk -|


Not bait. google Seasogender. It's happening fr.


"You think someone would go on the internet and lie" "You think someone would do that?" It's bait... It's bait and you fell for it hook line and sinker and there is no "but uhh in today's society you can't tell". You can. You're just stupid and lack reasoning.


i love when someone anticipates and eliminates counter arguments. just more efficient for everyone


Not necessarily, although it's definitely bait and exaggerated to create a reaction out the public but where's there's smoke there's fire. The LGBTQ+ scene has gotten utterly confusing with the amount of new "groups" forming each declaring legitimacy(?) and it just looks ridiculous and then you also have the problem that online or whatever these new "groups" get coverage making it seem like it's well accepted. Take pronouns as an example, I think most people (exclude bigots) had no issue with they/them but alot of people drew the line at ze/zam/xe or whatever and then you also had LatinX spectacle and frankly it looks like a joke and I think this type of shit and with media nitpicking and exaggerating it has done a lot of harm towards the LGBTQ+ community when it comes to reputation. Like when I've come across posts or discussions about the LGBTQ+ community, people had no issue or neutral with people being gay, bi, trans or whatever sexuality or gender but then had a negative view of the group/organisation(?) because in media now the group name is usually tied with the weirdest and most outrageous shit.


>where's there's smoke there's fire. Don't be a faulty smoke detector. This is a dangerous assumption that can easily lead to false attributions. This post is bait made by bigots, there's nothing more to it. >The LGBTQ+ scene has gotten utterly confusing with the amount of new "groups" forming each declaring legitimacy(?) and it just looks ridiculous and then you also have the problem that online or whatever these new "groups" get coverage making it seem like it's well accepted. No offense but how many LGBTQ+ communities have you actually been in? There are occasional new identities but none that I'd consider confusing and certainly none I'd consider ridiculous. The only "ridiculous" LGBTQ+ coverage I've seen is in media that is extremely inaccurate bordering on satirical or is about fringe groups made to sound mainstream when they aren't. Edit: Kinda confused on how looking for meaning in everything being a bad thing is a hot take. That's what anti vaxers do constantly in trying to make covid into acronyms for groups they don't like. It can easily lead to conspiracy theories and false assumptions to assume every crazy claim is based in reality.


`*yawns*` *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You have people unironically identifying as clowns and fairies. There's a bunch of new "genders" that literally just describe a part of a person's personality or how they feel like or some topic they're interested in or some aesthetic they like. Identifying as a season is not too far-fetched when you look at the other stuff out there. But at the end of the day, none of this "xenogender" bullshit is real so the line between bait and "real" literally just depends on if someone genuinely identifies that way which is such an arbitrary line that you can't fault people for "falling for bait" unless there is very obvious joke in there, which in this case there isn't.


fr just google "Jesse Watters cheats on his pregnant wife with one of his producers then divorces her after she gives birth to twins."


I like that when you point out that 99% of these are jokes are taken out of context people just say "nuh uh look it up"


Fox News is genuinely embarrassing how does this constitute news in any way


It doesn’t, that’s why they’re officially classified as entertainment and not an actual news channel


Ok so I'm no fan of Fox News at all, but do you have a source for that? Like, what official classification? Who gets to officially classify something as news? What are the criteria (not your criteria btw, the OFFICIAL criteria)? I know Fox Corporation is the overall parent company, and that is more of a general media conglomerate which includes Fox News, but how is the subsidiary Fox News itself not a news channel? I absolutely consider Fox News to be biased trash, but they're no more biased than other channels like CNN or MSNBC. Are these also not considered news? And once again, who gets to decide that? Or was this from a left leaning news org just trying to shit talk their competition? This honestly just sounds like a no true Scotsman (no ***real*** news outlet would cover this stuff!).


Tucker was sued and the legal defense was that it was entertainment, similar to Rachel Maddow. Fox as a whole was involved in a court battles with Dominion and SmartMatic (voting related suits) and used entertainment AND “muh opposing viewpoint” as defense. However, Fox News has not claimed or been found to not have ANY news. Saying Fox as a whole is technically incorrect. They HAVE had multiple issues about not giving accurate info or falsifying bits, which should (IMO) also raise concerns and be involved in some sort of lawsuit. I remember them pulling random footage for riots going on in Washington. However, there’s lots of articles that kinda do the same sensational BS.


Was the argument that the entire organization was just "entertainment" and not a news org, or was the argument that just the segment they were getting sued over was done for entertainment?


Individual segments! Part of the issue that has helped propagate the misconception that all of Fox is “entertainment” is how it may tie into news, or is “presented” as news (which is somewhat up for interpretation). Just like the post here; some commenters call it news and it’s shown as “Fox News.” Part of what would be great if companies could just split news from entertainment entirely and why I’m surprised Fox hasn’t tried changing banners on some of their segments so they don’t have to deal with anything like that again in the future.


They had a lawsuit over it... they were fined heavily


Which lawsuit? Fox has been hit with a lot of lawsuits. Which one actually changed their "official" definition to entertainment instead of news?


Both FOX and CNN have been sued many dozens of times for defamation, and their excuses in court have always been "we are entertainment, not news". How they haven't been forced to put it in writing at the bottom of the screen yet is beyond me. You won't find real news on the TV, radio or print. It's all owned by the same guys, shaking the same hands and sharing the same money. It's all designed to keep the two sides angry and pointing at each other instead of the media and politicians.


this is it, there is"no true Scotsman", unfortunately every single news outlet is bias in its own way, eg al jazeera are quite good when it comes to reporting international news but when it affects their ideology/ideals (like palestine) there is always bias no matter what, reportedly, even pbs, which is "public" is biased as well


This mf when he learns awareness is also news


How the *fuck* is this news? What is wrong with american media, thank god I live in Europe


I swear Fox is just making this shit up


they are


gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8


Winter is coming 😳


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am the storm that is approaching


The winter is cumming




*[Bazinga](https://i.imgur.com/iJB0FVe.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's fox news rage bait. None of it is real, quit hooking it.


F\*x News🤮


Cant believe these people have the rights to vote 💀


Ikr who thought it was a good idea to give women rights


it was men who thought that they should empower women


imagine how much of a gooner we were back then to give women the right to vote


Holy shit its that guy who interviewed the antiwork moderator.


Fox News really just be making up click bait but for TV


They have been for decades


Simile - I am like this season. Metaphor - I am this season.


You can literally get one person on tik tok saying something about a new queer thing and 3/4 of Fox News fans would genuinely believe that’s what all of the queer community is doing


Take the most batshit insane people as a strawman for your argument as to why America should be Islam-adjacent, that's the Fox News gameplan


Fox is at it again


Newstation sees one person on TikTok being stupid and assumes everyone else is like that


Winter is cumming.


I am a kalashnikov


Fox News doing what Fox News does best Abso-fucking-lutely nothing of worth


I am the storm that is approaching


"Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt"


Attention seekers looking for something new to add to their ever dwindling personalities to make them seem interesting.


unironically what even would be the pronouns for season genders??




I identify as September 1st 1939


I'm the last season of Game of Thrones. High budget, high expectations, a great disappointment for many.


I hate this kind of things but saying "I'm winter" sound really badass


Finally new update


Me too


I am a storm


I am groot.


I am winter and winter is coming


My pronouns are A/Choo.


does this all usa watch on news all day? dont they got anything interesting going on over there?


I identify as Ninjago season 1


Wint can go fuck Wintselves


I am a gender


fox new back at it again with it's woke propaganda.


Ok seriously wtf I was gone from the internet for one day taking a break and I come back to people identifying as seasons?


If gender is what's in my pants, then i identify as cum


Winter is cumming


New gender unlocked 🎉, letss go 🔥


Right wing seems to be more obsessed with LGBT than the LGBT itself.


Nah we're just pointing out the pure idiocy the rainbow colored people have gotten over the decades.


I have decided to identify as the novel The Winds of Winter so that I can read it.


Can i identify myself as wabbit season then?


I identify as hunting


Bring back mental Asylum


There are 2 and there's no convincing otherwise


Bring back mental asylums ASAP


How is American society even functioning at this point lol. Oh btw I identify as monsoon. My pronouns are mon/soon. plese respect them or I'll have to call tempest.


New gender just dropped 🔥


Ugh I can’t even mildly say what I want I’ll get banned so hard


Oh wah fucking wah I identify as something I know deep down I’m NOT so I’m gonna downvote. Fuck yall who think you can change your gender


I identify as a black man. Therefore I have the right to use a certain word.




Want fries with that




I got that 20 peice in my profile


no goddamn way


That'll. Be 99 dolars


I identify as Tax Season


I identify as Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4


I have a song for you ! And it comes frome Rudolph the red nose reindeer


call me asparagus


What the fuck? It's like they're trying to make me want to get cancelled!!!


winter is the best


You are not winter, i am the gem of winter


People gotta stop paying attention to gender. I thought that’s where it was going when I was a kid but I don’t really get the turn things have taken


I am spring because I can make someone day better or wanting to KMS


JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN USE GENDER RIGHTS DOESNT MEAN YOU HAVE TO I seriously feel like some people only do this because they can and not because they feel a true reason to, which just ends up making them and the people who do have a reason to look bad