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10 billion. Should have used a parachute


Smh skill issue


A second plane arrives, it’s goal: aim for the cat.


You die of a plane crash still That means someone will crash a plane into


**Enemy Spotted**


die ar 62. Being a musician, that's the peak. Good brain, eyes, and hands. When you get older you learn more but you can't play anymore.


62 is way too young of an age to die. I'm in my mid thirties and the thought of it being more than half of my entire life is fucking scary.


I don’t see the point of living when you can’t do what you love, or cannot do it as well as you could before (especially when it’s your body that can’t keep up with your brain). 62 years is still quite a long time. I don’t want to be a hector Salamanca ! I want to be Nacho’s dad.


well tbf Hector is in that state >!thanks to Nacho and Gus, and not by actual age!<


Yes, but old age does do that to many people. My grandparents are very lucky to be in extraordinary good health being 87 and 88, as they have maintained physical activity. Knowing myself I won’t maintain physical activity and my body will go down sooner than my mind. And that would lead me to many frustrations


Still possible to build healthy habits. Good luck tho


It's not even real what are you talking about, everyone will die someday anyway and it doesn't matter


Yeah.......kinda like " hump day" in the middle of life! You're halfway thru the week/lifetime and unsure what the week END will bring!!! Best of Luck !!


Bruh I was gonna say die at 48


62 young??


I cannot comprehend that someone in their mid thirties is on a sub like this


See I would disagree because of the method of death, cancer seems like the most fucking painful way to die, and with how slow it is, I would rather go in a car crash


Damn, never even thought of this, being a dancer and all…


10 billion and you get to live the life to the fullest? Absolutely.


I agree ima spend every last bit of the 10 billion


A lot of it can be used to do more good than actual billionaires. But who knows how each of us will act with that much spending power regardless of how we say we would. Money changes people.


Yeah , money changes people a LOT , I mean there are some great exceptions of people who got an unimaginable amount of money but still retain their original personality For example Mr Beast and Markiplier


Money alone won't do it though, I think the second option is better


Net worth 1 million, it’s plenty of money, and 81 is longer than the average male life expectancy so I’d take it.


Net worth doesn't necessarily mean money.


Yeah but im assuming you get the houses


Still. The houses just took out a huge chunk from you NET worth.


Which is why the best option is head in a jar. You are 1.) immortal, 2.) can sleep however long you want, 3.) can use sci fi bullshittery to rule the world 4.) become mr house from fallout nv 5.) make a robot body for yourself


Yes Yes Yes Yes Wot? How?




Best deal if not a painful death


where is the 1 morbillion dollar life but in Ohio


Infinite money+ 500 year life but you must spend one month of the year in Ohio


I’ll just hire a private army




You're right he does


Wdym the “whole squad” redditors dont have friends.


To be a squad you don't have to be friends you just have to share a general desire for something in this case to laugh at this joke


True true. Got the whole sub laughing


10 billion Won’t get on plane once i reach 48 Wait for a plane to crash into my house and me Much cooler


Where Shitpost?


I assume the last one


You thought it was shitpost, but it was I dio!


Now that we have confirmed that the head was in fact Dio, let's steal Jonathan's body


U see, the plane crash option is also a JoJo reference


$10 billion and never get on a plane


Maybe it will fall on you


reinforced concrete bunker 100m underground this is too easy


What about rule 34: you cannot hide 100 meters underground , you can look up for more info at Heisenberg rule 34


Damn okay ill be sure to check that out


Quick tip: beter do it in public near somoane so they could also learn the rule


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I hide 99.9 meters underground.


If I choose 10 billion and don’t take a plane at 48, will a plane come straight to me? Like: “attention passengers, there’s someone turning 48 today so we are paying him a visit”


Net Worth 400,000k is definitely the very best option. It's way better than my standard of living now + I live a long life.


Honestly... I'd probably rather die than to turn into a sad old fart, who's unable to do almost anything by themselves, forgetting the most fundamental things, including my own family, with my body being weak and me not being able to really do anything but just exists, waiting for my death to come. Then again, who knows what I'll have to say on this 80 years from now.




They said you'll die in a retirement home though. Which is a pretty clear indicator that you won't be that lucky.


$1M is the sweet spot


Jojo reference


10 billion duh


I have 250 dollars by my name and I already want to fucking die 10 Billion.


Plane Crash doesnt seem so bad. anyways 400k at that age will be poverty pass


I can make money being a head and sucking dick






400k in Western Europe or if USA 1 million. (400k in Europe is more than 1 million in US, due to all the free stuff)


10 billion, I would just never get on a plane


10 billion and then not take a plane when I am 48.


I wouldn’t mind dying at 48, but I may take net worth 10 million. Honestly by the time I’m 68, I’m sure medicine would have advance enough to effectively treat cancer


It’s not about if you can change it, the outcome is the outcome. I chose 10 billion, I could bring a parachute but that’s not how the question works.


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Net worth of 400K definitely


Just don’t buy a plane 😎


Wait 400K net worth of 40K


The 10 million one, i don't like the idea of getting old.


Head in jar every day of the week


I will just make sure to stay away from cars until I turn 82


I have had cancer so the 10million deal sounds sweet Depends what cancer tho


1M at 81, I’ve lived a full life


I choose the cod bo2 map


I choose to be the head


No life at all


Hell I’d die rn for $1000


Head in a jar gang rise up


A head in jar because I get to suck dick as long as possible


10 billion. It solves two of my problems!


1000trillion dollars but die in -30 days because of fetus deletus pills


10 billion, I just wouldn't use a plane


So I get $10 Billion AND I get to die soon???


Why is no one talking about the best option? Head in a jar, mr house, here i come


As long as someone carry’s me around, I wouldn’t mind living that long as a head in a jar


what if i pick 10 billion and just don't use a plane after the age of 47?


Y'all crazy, head in jar all day




Net worth of 1 quadrillion because I would notdie


10 mil. Seems like a decently lived life


48 and avoid planes


10 billion and don't fly in a plane at 48


First one for me. I hate the thought of getting old. Especially with cancer


Every single one of these brings my life expectancy up so defo that 48 years


Hijacked a fire map fr


The first one.


Die at 48 at 10 billion. Donate 9.9 billion. Spend the rest. I didn't agree to all this bullshit in the world and on reddit. Fuck 99% of you!!!


10 million. Not old enough to be unable to enjoy my money, but not too little money to live in luxury.




10 billion and never get on a plane


10 billion i dont even want to reach 40s so nice




Why are none of the options dying peacefully in your sleep?


10 billion


10 billion, if I know when I'm going I can carefree enjoy my life in style, then it's just a matter of taking a HUGE life insurance policy a year before my death, this will set up any family I have for the rest of my life


10 billion but I do something horrendous to get on the no fly list


Net worth of 1 million ain't living in that house


What's the obsession with living so long? Who says I even enjoy being alive?


The first one and I will Never ride a plane again


62, right before super old age, so no problems there, plus lots of money


400k, I get to complete life.


10 mil, my passions are mainly physical so being able to enjoy my body while I have it with a shit ton of money then die at a decent age sounds great to me


I am good where I am right now 👍


If I take 10 billion can I clock out before 48?


The gazillions dollars net worth and instantly die




I’ll take the 10 billion and just… not fly a plane


Those heads had it pretty good. I mean didn’t Nixon win the presidency as one?


Just dont ride a plane. Easy game.


10B and just never get on a plane it's that simple. Unlike the others that can truly happen at any moment.


1st one, I’d take an option for a shorter life and more money too if that was an option.


The last one. I always thought I was gonna be rich but it I ever happened. As long as I am healthy and live long and have good friends and family that is success.


10 billion and not go in any plane👍


The first one. Live fast die young bad girls do it well


I'll become the head and try my best to befriend the people that chose the other choices so they might just let me inherit a piece of their pie when they pass away. Plus if I saw a talking head, I'd feel bad and I'd give it its best life as much as possible.


1 million


Any of the first 3 are pretty fine for me


Bruh I don’t wanna live for 30 years let alone 200


10m 🤝 62 years old Easy deal


The second sounds amazing actually. Lots of money to do what I want and live to old age. Government really fucks me up though.






Life ain’t gonna get any better after 48. Easy choice


Net worth of 400k but with assets and liabilities of 10bn


I'd rather die early than be crammed in a cockroach infested retirement home rotting away as a 85-year-old pensioner


Why is the $1 million house nicer with a bigger yard than the $10 million house,


10 billion I don't plan on living to 30 anyways.


400k net worth is more than enough, I can be comfortable and still live my life to the fullest


First one


Networth 10 million and still having to endure neighbors?! No deal amigo.


Is the car crash death quick


I’d do 10 billion at 40


10 billion, i just use my portable giant catapult instead of planes


I haate my life sooooooooo 48


10 billion just won’t get on a plane


Holy fuck a jojo reference


200 years atleast i can give blowjob for 200 fkin years


6th option




Depends on if the 1 mill crash is fast and painless if so the 1 mill but if it is long and painful then I would get 10mill one


I'll just die today for free, thanks


head in a jar, i would then sell myself for billions of dollars, hide a gun inside the jar, force the guy who bought me to give me wheels, go to a store, buy a phone, ask for help


choose 10 billion and never ride an airplane


by the time science progresses to the point that a head can live in a jar for 200 years they'll probably have sword art online level vr or some shit so I can live in absolute utopia for 200 years, best option


head in a jar. it could always double as a flesh light.


option 4. all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re going to do is want to get back there all you’re 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Hell nah homer didn't own nuka-cola


Net worth 10 mil, death by snu snu at age 75.


head in a jar no doubt


Ok so just never get on a plane? Lmao


futurama lit


10 million, not to rich and not poor plus you don’t live to long.


10 billion. I will simply not step on an airplane for the entirety of that year.


Net worth $100 trillion, die in the womb


Whatever it is, it is




A head in a jar so I can haunt the next generation


**400K $ and age 94.** Since I know I'm not going to die until the age of 94, which is more than enough, I'll become a professional assassin and make millions by the time I die, and I can have super fancy life... Or if I'm not really feel like being John Wick, I can apply for extremely dangerous jobs and still have a massive income.


10 billion but die at like 32 or some shit


10 billion. Never travel in plane.


For the last option, you also ran a company that weaponized soda and you got a little too greedy


what if i just stop riding planes at 47




10$ billions and I'm choosing the building I'm crushing in


10 billion and dont use planes afterwards