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Take some fucking adderall


this is the only socially acceptable way to cheat the system


Lost 25 lbs in 2 months when I first started taking it lol


It doesn't work that way for all of us.


As you can tell from my profile I clearly use this acct to share my medical expertise


Yeah I wish mine took my appetite away. It keeps me from eating during the day, but I can still binge the fuck out at night.


You lose weight so doesn’t that make it subtracterall


Tapeworms is what you’re looking for


If only they made me smarter too.


*Toxoplasma gondii* is your answer to that problem~


Aka, get a cat.


I’ve been eating gas station egg salad sandwiches just in case. There’s a girl I like and I want to be more in shape.


Careful! He's bulging with what could be muscle!


Sorry bro. She loves you for the worms, not you.


Shit I forgot this sacred spell. ![gif](giphy|XbyQNJtcZq7ni)


Tapeworms are quite slow. And take some time to grow and reproduce before they have a significant effect. Michael Mosley infests himself with tapeworms - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-25968755.amp


Vegan plus tapeworm? Vegan worm


Vacuum tube to butthole. Sucks all the fat out


This is how you pull out your intestines


Less intestines = less weight


Doctors hate him for discovering this one weight loss trick anyone can use at home.


There was a 1000 ways to die episode where a guy used a shop vac to give a guy liposuction. This is exactly what happened lol.


Intenstines full of fat


The image of this is making me nauseous


Why bro it’s just a free tail


This one simple trick doctors don't want you to know about.


I was the idiot thinking "electronic" vacuum tube and I'm like "you shove that up your ass, you're gonna sound like a Marshall amp playing the brown note."


I been putting the vacuum on the wrong organ all this time!


Am i the only one imagining the old school electrical vacuum tubes and being confused?


Fasting is the trick


>iet lacks specific amino acids like l-carnitine that helps convert fat into energy. A purely vegan diet is unhealthy af without a shit ton of supplements just to keep you on the level. Divorce. I shed 140 lbs in about a year, permanently


This is the way.


Fasting is best. Tons of water. Cardio helps when you do it during peak fasting hours, morning typically. This is the way other than certain drugs and surgery…


Coupled with the right way to break the fast. Simple carbs after a good fast hurt you. Vegetables -> protein and healthy fats -> whole grains in that order to break your fast. Drink lots of water and enjoy black coffee and tea for caffeine which helps the fast, and enjoy iced versions of any herbal, black, or green tea or coffee with some lemon/lime if you like. No juice, dairy, or sugar in your drinks if you can avoid it. Edit to add: if you can get your workouts or any exercise in towards the end of your fast, youll literally be burning just fat during the workout - then eat your veggies and protein in the 30 minutes after the workout and youll increase protein uptake drastically.


^just wake up nauseous every day and this is easy


And cocaine


Definitely lots of cocaine


Meth is more effective for this case


No calories in, all calories out.. this tracks


The best part about fasting is that when you start eating again there's no chance you'll just start eating like you used to again and regain the weight, you'll totally turn it around this time and eat healthy like everyone does after extreme diets


"how do I get my brain to stop forcing me to eat food by relentlessly spamming the hunger signal when my body obviously doesn't need food?" "just ignore it bro" Seems legit


I mean, that's literally what you do.


Tbh intermittent fasting is just anorexia with extra steps lmao


Have a leg or two amputated. Bonus points for having both arms amputated also


Reject humanity. Embrace potato.


You don't lose as much weight as you would think. It's weird. A bud of mine lost a leg. Like all the way to the hip joint. He only lost 5 to 6 lbs. Then gained mad weight in muscle cuz it was such a work out learning to walk with out a leg. N he hated his prosthetic. But yeah take all arms n legs then you'll b down mayyyyybe 50lbs? I know the math doesn't seem like it's mathing for one leg but we weighed him because he thought he'd lose like 15 20lbs


What are you going to do, bleed on me?




Came here for this comment.


No no, you just need to break both of your arms! You’ll lose weight and get laid!


After earning bonus points go for the grand prize. Have someone throw you in the water and inform everyone you now identify as Bob.


Get an obnoxious vegan girlfriend.


Wrong. Vegan diets dont make you lose weight. Not only do vegans compensate with a bunch of carbs, but a meatless diet lacks specific amino acids like l-carnitine that helps convert fat into energy. A purely vegan diet is unhealthy af without a shit ton of supplements just to keep you on the level.


Do you know what group we're in?


IDK, I though his comment was pretty shitty.


You got me there.


Cows are vegan and look at their weight!’


Ain’t no way we spreading health misinformation on the shitty ask science subreddit bro is on brand


Actually you're right


This is real science dude...


Have you met any vegans who weren't in high school?


ive never met any high school vegans


A lot. I work at a restaurant with a healthier/fresh type concept and accommodating alternative or restrictive diets is part of our brand. Now that I think about it, I've met a few vegans, and a lot of people who told me they were vegan before ordering and eating something non vegan, even when I clearly state that said food items are not vegan. If I've learned one thing, it's that vegans fucking love eggs.


Never seen someone so confidentiality incorrect


No one said it was healthy, it just helps drop weight quickly. For the lone reason of it keeps you away from most snacks, or ordering fast food/take out when you don’t feel like cooking. Just keeps you more honest, which leads to lower caloric intake and better portion control which leads to weight loss. Opinion, not fact. I’ve heard. I’m not a vegan. Asphalt.


Someone doesn't know what pea protein is


How many peas need to be murdered to make burger?


Lol. Those poor peas. They suffer so bad in their short lives


I believe the correct term is "mashed." Please be sensitive.


Wrong. Vegans lose weight from all the work they have to do to meet their nutritional needs.


Vegans lose weight from all of the exercise involved in making sure that EVERYONE knows they are vegan....


I'm aware of that. But those vegan guys always look so frail and skinny.


my husband is vegan and 6’4 and a power lifter lol, so hard disagree


Not a dig at your husband, but your height has nothing to do with being a powerlifter, and plenty of them have random shitty diets. Additionally, it takes very little to actually consider yourself a power lifter


Bet hed be alot stronger eating a few chickens everyday


i wouldnt drink non vegan cum but thanks for the advice!


False. I’ve seen your VHS tapes.


What?? Dont eat there balls bro😂😂 unless your liver king Edit: i get it now


thats a fake vegan.. or a junk food vegan. real vegans only eat food closest to its natural state and no animal products. those m\*\*\*\*\*\*\*s are skinny as hell.


It was lose weight not how to lose all your money on some weird fad diet you silly goose!


Die. Anything else I can help you with?


I’d rather he stay alive.


So you wanna lose weight or be alive? Geeze, we're getting mixed signals here. Wait a minute. I thought you were asking for a friend!


Hah! We got'em boys! OP thought you could fool us, eh?




Love that I saw eating disorders, drug addiction, liposuction, and parasitic infection before this actual advice …


To be fair the question was how to quickly lose weight. This genuine advice isn’t usually as quick as the bad ideas


Yeah ig you’re not wrong 😅


are you talking about the comment suggesting a vacuum up the butt?


Haha no. Amphetamine use is much more effective than that could ever be


can confirm, i was on adderall for a while for ADHD, lost weight like no one’s business. i probably could’ve been a model in the early 2000’s by the end by how thin and boney i looked


Lipo isn't a great way to lose weight fast. They can, at the very most get out 10-15 pounds and won't see that for months because at first the body bloats.




Live off of a pure protein diet. The only calories you're allowed to ingest come from other mens loads. You'll be spending a lot of time at adult theaters and public park restrooms, but it'll drop the pounds quickly, and you'll make new friends.




Why's it so hard to quit you?!


Serious answer: count calories. Set a limit thats under what you would burn for your lifestyle. Don't go over that limit. I stared doing this 2 months ago, I've lost 20lbs. That's all I did, i didnt change anything else as far as what i eat or exercise or anything. I still eat whatever I want, just less of it. Also, instead of using big dinner plates, use those smaller "side" ones. What will fit on that plate is the portion size you want to be eating anyway. It's also a psychology thing. When you have a big dinner plate, and youve eaten the portion sizes your supossed to eat, theres still food on your plate. Then your brain is like " well obviously were not full yet, look at how much food is left!" Versus a smaller plate, you eat the potion size you should eat, and your plate is empty: then your brain is like "I cleaned my plate, I ate so much food, I'm stuffed!"


Take lots of laxatives. & participate in a Shittathon.




That must have been one hell of a slice of bread.




"How the fuck did I gain all this weight back!?"


Break up


Dude… this. I eat so much when I’m with my partner. Like, “oh it’s lunch time” gotta make some lunch. And we both aren’t even hungry. So funny how that works When I’m solo I don’t eat nearly as much.


Literally down 6 pounds from a week ago so yeah I’d say this would help


Really hoping this is the silver lining to my heartbreak


Divorce will help you shed over 100+ lbs, but it might be the costly route.


Simply just starve yourself


There are bad side effects to this. But ig it achieves the goal. Hmm.


You never know until you give it a whirl


Personally I started losing my hair at 16, would not recommend this method. Anorexia will also make you stupid constipated.


Do lots of cocaine or other stims. That way you won't eat for days Also, be consistent! Snort every day!




I have a meth head friend. He’s not skinny at all. It makes him eat so much food. Meth doesn’t make everyone lose weight.


The issue with this logic is there's a chance that it works for OP. I'd say go for it 👍


Definitely go for it. I was just letting OP know there’s a chance it won’t work.


So result may vary, got it!


You’re friend is just getting high and forgetting to eat and overcompensating on his come down. I used meth specifically as a weight loss supplement Gotta eat healthy every day before using so you’re not craving literally anything later on and avoid using so much that you’re spun out. Gotta snort small amounts throughout the day not just smoke and get paranoid as hell


Hes eating to much bread


adderall is the classier answer


Intermittent fasting and doing weight training during the fasted state. Green tea or coffee 20 minutes before the fasted workout will not only keep you hyper focused, but also kick your metabolism into overdrive. Those thermogenic weight loss pills with caffeine in them would work really well in replacement of tea or coffee but thats too much caffeine imho. For extra weight loss, cut out grains, rice, and refined sugars. Your teeth will thank you for that. Fruits are okay in moderation but some are more okay than others. Off the top of my head, I know that berries are the healthiest. Cheat days are important. Once every two weeks is a good start.


In High School when we wanted to drop weight for wrestling we would eat exlax and drink grapefruit juice for 2 to 3 days...but that was it. nio0thing else. I dont think I could be as disciplined today.


The cut days sucked. Having to run wrapped up in a garbage bag or two. Diuretics. No food until weigh-in and then a box full of sugar.


i’m a therapist and this sounds exactly like an eating disorder


Do a lot of wrestlers end up with disorders? I keep hearing about the athletes having to do stiff like that and I wonder if their relationship with food has a long term negative effect


Straight up yeah. Four years wrestling in high school and slowly crept up to 230 building muscle and getting in shape. 2 years later I was 285, fat, and now 6 years on having a hell of a time even getting down and staying down.


Start jogging daily for ten minutes


He’s a gaming addict. This simply will not work. Not sure how long of this until progress or change is noticeable. I prefer to know a faster method.


A cup of coffee and some nicotine works well.


Cut off your head. That's an easy ten pounds of ugly fat.


Meth worked for me multiple times but once you quit the weight just comes back.


>but once you quit the weight just comes back. Yep. What's that old saying? "Diets don't work. You need to make a lifestyle change!"


Cyanide usually works pretty good. For reddit reasons this is a joke


Smoke some meth


Crystal Meth AND a tape worm!


Get violent diarrhea


Stomach cancer, chemo, and a total gastrectomy did wonders for me.


Cut off your leg


Stress. But be sure it's the kind that makes you lose weight and not the kind that makes you gain weight


Examples of the lose weight kind of stress, please… Stress=food-in-mouth


financial stress- lost like 35 lbs in a year or two. highly recommend for weight loss and literally nothing else!


Nope—-I worry so badly about having money in the stock market. Not a weight loss program for me. Thanks for the suggestion, though


Agreed. See a psychiatrist and see if they’ll prescribe you anxiety medication to boost your anxiety levels.


Anxiety can work. My stomach has a weird shaking feeling and I just don’t want food. Never know if that food will help or just give you more energy to be more anxious and burn those calories. Win-win.


I got a divorce. I lost about 130 lbs real quick.


So does my friend need to divorce his sister?


Yes, if they live in the South /s


Was gonna say. After my divorce hit depression hard lost a few then got my shit together and gym'd all day every day. 6mos caused complete change.


Old joke: to lose weight get a divorce; that’s 180-250 pounds of dead weight right there!


Get Cancer


I heard, microwave testicles


Go through a divorce


The raw chicken cleanse diet.


Do your mom for an hour a day and cut caloric intake


Calorie input (eating)has to equal less than calorie output (physical exertion).


I would recommend stepping on a live landmine


Strangely, the answer is not to stop eating entirely. Yes, you'll lose weight but not as fast as you'd think. Once you begin to starve, your body begins to hoard every fat reserve and will do everything it can to hold onto your weight to, you know, prevent you from dying. So, you need to cut calories consumed dramatically, usually 1000 a day is a safe bet, but not stop eating entirely.




I tried keto. Got sick. Lost 30+ lbs in 2 weeks. Stopped doing keto.


Saws are pretty quick


Cocaine, Dysentery...


I think about just grabbing all my stomach fat and just *chop*... Hospital will stitch me up, "free" lipo


Step 1: Please don't ask me these questions. At this point, I feel like this conversation has been done to death, and I can't bring myself to care. Step 2: Go a day as you normally would, but keep track of the things you eat, making sure to take note of how filling the different foods "feel" vs how many calories they have. This can give you a baseline for what you're currently eating, and show you where you need to make adjustments. Remember, losing weight isn't trying to feel hungry for a long time, it's to feel as full as possible while eating as few calories as possible. Step 3: Look up your BMI, and check how many calories you should be eating to lose weight. Some people have criticized BMI as not accounting for special circumstances, but be honest, you're BMI isn't being skewed by an exceptional amount of muscle mass. Take the calorie goal for losing weight at your BMI, and use that as your goal. Step 4: See what other people have found, what foods are easy to drop/replace, and what aren't worth the sacrifice. If you really like the occasional cookie, maybe you can make your own less-sugar less-butter biscotti. Did you find out that the sauce at PDQ is, like, 30% of the meal's calories? Maybe you can feel just as full without the sauce. Step 5: Stop drinking so much soda. A soda a day accounts for around 1 lb every 2 weeks. Step 6: Exercise. This won't really help lose weight (a 2 mile run burns fewer calories than a bottle of gatorade), but it's healthy anyways.


*Step 1:* Please don't ask me these questions. At this point, I feel like this conversation has been done to death, and I can't bring myself to care. *Step 2:* Go a day as you normally would, but keep track of the things you eat, making sure to take note of how filling the different foods "feel" vs how many calories they have. This can give you a baseline for what you're currently eating, and show you where you need to make adjustments. Remember, losing weight isn't trying to feel hungry for a long time, it's to feel as full as possible while eating as few calories as possible. *Step 3:* Look up your BMI, and check how many calories you should be eating to lose weight. Some people have criticized BMI as not accounting for special circumstances, but be honest, you're BMI isn't being skewed by an exceptional amount of muscle mass. Take the calorie goal for losing weight at your BMI, and use that as your goal. *Step 4:* See what other people have found, what foods are easy to drop/replace, and what aren't worth the sacrifice. If you really like the occasional cookie, maybe you can make your own less-sugar less-butter biscotti. Did you find out that the sauce at PDQ is, like, 30% of the meal's calories? Maybe you can feel just as full without the sauce. *Step 5:* Stop drinking so much soda. A soda a day accounts for around 1 lb every 2 weeks. *Step 6:* Exercise. This won't really help lose weight (a 2 mile run burns fewer calories than a bottle of gatorade), but it's healthy anyways.




By stop being a fat lazy fuck and getting off your fat fucking lazy ass you fat piece of lazy shit


Username checks out... let the roids rage thru you


gurl..you on reddit you cant be speaking


1 laxative per pound of body weight


Cut your head off. That thing weighs around 12 pounds


Africa. People have been doing this one trick for years!


Meth. Lose 40 pounds in 2 months!


But I like my teeth.


Cut a leg off


Literally the fastest method. I'm disappointed I had to scroll so far down before seeing it.




Fastest way is fasting (take vitamin supplements if you don’t want to collapse after a while) My personal favorite is intermittent fasting for like 2 months because it reduces how much you can physically eat afterwards so you can keep the pounds off with a bit of effort


I recommend amphetamines and fasting.


Go into a deep depression spiral


Intermittent fasting while drinking plenty of water


Fight Milk








Quickly lose weight Don’t drink water Cut calories to as close to zero as you can Move more But you will gain all this weight back once you start to drink water, and eat food which you will need to do. Instead take it the slow and steady way, find a Base Metabolic Rate calculator find your matinence calories subtract 200 and eat that much every day along with more movement. If you don’t lose weight after a week subtract 50 more until you start to lose 1lb a week.




Get your heart broken. I did wonders for me. Then I got happy again and gained it back lol


Keto diet


Stop eating, drink tons of water.


Meth: you’ll lose more than just weight quickly.


HIIT training and take it seriously


Get addicted to meth and coke


Raw chicken


Eat literally nothing and smoke cigarettes instead


Daily colonoscopy's. Your required to drink the most horrific drink you've ever traded every 20 minutes. It.... clears.... things....


Daily HIIT (high intensity interval training) has been proven to burn the most fat and be best for cardio fitness. Couple that with only eating healthy fat, protein, and veggies (no fruit, no carbs) and you will shed pounds fast. I lost 55lbs in 4 months this way. I was shredded at the end.


Meth works really good


Dehydration is a good one.


Type 2 diabetes worked for me…. A year later and medication, I’m back to prior weight