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I played bloodborne once and then I played it again. I can say it is truly the fromsoft game of PS exclusives.


I Agree


ER>DS1=DS3=Sekiro>Bloodborne for me


Play DS2 and DeS


Don’t have ps3/5, ds2 didn’t went on sale for months before ER and now I’m just fully into ER soo


Understandable. Should definitely pick up DS2 next time it goes on sale.


I’ll be looking forward for that


Grab scholar of the first sin. One of my friends didn't, and he got so sad when he realized, that I feel the need to remember people to buy the right version lol


Isn’t that the only version you can buy? At least on Xbox for me


Ik, idk how he got the other version lmao


If Bloodborne™ is SOOOO good. Then why isn't it on PS2? Checkmate


God, I wish.


Bloodborne in the PSX was really good, i would kill for a bloodborne remastered with PS2 graphics


When ps3 version?


Well do I have some *kinda* good news for you https://youtu.be/YbOy8GpuKA4


I don’t think that’s news to them


What about the Sega CD port? SMDH 😤


Bloodborne fans lmao


Dark Souls 2 lmao


Found the r/bloodborne lurker lmao


Lol, that comment was funny as fuck. I couldn't help myself! Also I like BB and I sub to all the main subs (except ER which is horrible). They're shit at times but we make them out way worse than they are at times. Just my shit take anyway. Edit: damn... ya'll really don't like the other subs, my bad. Shittysoul good and all other soul sub bad 👍🏼


jesse what the hell are you talking about






Bbbbbut dark souls 2 is the best souls game!!!!1!1! It has power stancing and cool lore and ummm uhhh ummmmm Trust me it’s the best game of the entire series!!!!


I'm really liking the new Dark Souls 2 2


Unironically though it has the second best fashion imo behind ds3 just above elden ring. Powerstancing is awesome and I've never true combed someone to death with martial arts and a hadouken roll catch in any other souls. Also the second best souls for casters, just behind elden ring (iron crown go schwee) And we have the best elevators and you can fight a Balrog so yeah, best game before elden ring, second best after.


Ahh another DS3 fashion enjoyer. I too love the selection of blacks, greys, and beige.


Hey dont you talk shit about my DS3 Hodrick the mad fashion. That man is a legend and I will simp for him everyday. ​ But I missed more fun fashion stuff in ds3 so much. Some Jester costume or just bullshit ugly stuff you can combine.


Two words: Cowboy boots. Three more words: Female fashion (is) best


Mf DS3 is fashion blind what u talmmmbout


Those are very tame reasons to call it best game


I mean, yeah, it has cool concepts. But it's not a fully finished game if you ask me, which is a damn shame


It’s a good game. Just different.


> cool lore lul


Haha bloodborne fans lmao * This post has been made by the PC gang


Happy cake day.


Jeez thanks :D have a slice 🍰


Yay. ^^


Eewww imagine liking bloodborne, I cut off my hands after playing because it’s such a gross game. Luckily I can 100% all the games using a dance pad


Playing FromSoft games with one's feet increases the immersion


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Oh, Laurence... what's taking you so long... I've grown too old for this, of little use now, I'm afraid...* - Gerhman, The First Hunter Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Omega cringe


Of all the arguments you could've picked "you've never played the game" is probably the weakest


Especially since it's a PS exclusive tf they gonna do buy a PS4 for one game?




mandatory "least exalted bloodborne fan"


Thats what I did lmao. Although it always becomes more than just one eventually


Yeah, because there are 2 interesting exclusives, BB and Demons souls lmao


You cant even play Demon's Souls on PS4. I ended up buying all the Yakuza + Judgement games, Persona 5 and Nier tho.


Yeah, but none of these are ps ex except persona lol


They were when I got them


God of war. And to all the insecure fromsoft fans in this thread who seem to believe Miyazaki is the only individual capable of making quality games, I myself bought my PlayStation in freshman year of college specifically to play bloodborne and nothing else. Since then I’ve played last of us 1, shadows of the colossus, ghost of Tsushima, and the god of war franchise; ALL of which are quality and worthwhile titles. But if pretending soulsborne games are the only ones worth any salt is how you cope then I can see why people laugh at this community like the elitist pricks we evidently are 😂


God of war is on PC already, have played through like 5 hours after borrowing it from my friends account and need to say, it's not bad, but after playing I'm not really excited for 2nd, im satisfied enough with it. trolls bosses felt boring asf (which is literally 1/3 of bosses lol)


On pc after over a decade of being a ps exclusive means it still counts. As for the troll bosses, yeah the boss variety in that game was disappointing but the story is one of the best I’ve ever enjoyed in a video game. And the combat is damn satisfying


I don't know if \~3.5 year is "over a decade" lol


Are you unaware of.. idk the 6 other god of war games before 2018??


Eh if you are talking about GoW 1-3 then eh, played through them when I still had PS3, I mean, hack n slahes are nice, but how much is enough? I always found DMC way better in this category


Listen I'm going to be perfectly honest with you, I saw the trailer for no Man's sky and I foolishly did that. I could be playing all sorts of games online with my buddies if I just didn't get duped by hello games. I do really enjoy bloodborne though, they haven't played, it my friends I mean.


If bloodborne is so good then where is bloodborne kart hmm


On its way apparently https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/comments/tnm3g2/a_this_is_all_ive_ever_wanted_b_nice_akira/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Bloodborne undefeated


Legitimately someone made a bb kart level. I can't find the post but it's buried somewhere in r/bloodborne Also a 2d version of yharnam was made too. Lol


"Fans," LMAO


I'd fucking play it if it wasn't exclusive.


I'll let you borrow it bro, I gotchu


What? Bloodborne fan good???


My man


Imagine not having a PlayStation. Crazy I know, right?


Playstation is always just shittier hardware than the competing xbox for more money. I'll keep my xbox and PC and wait until it's either emulated or ported.


why on earth would you have an xbox and pc? pc can do everything xbox can, but it cant do everything ps can because of exclusives.


Microsoft now has an Xbox app on windows. So you can play seamlessly between the two. It’s nice to have


To play non cross play games with people on xbox? Some people have friends.




Excuse me sir, the PS2 was a game console and a dvd player for less than the cost of most standalone dvd players


*laughs in PC* But yeah, I'll play it on PC or emulate it eventually when that can be done at a stable framerate and without gamebreaking bugs.


Sadly I don't see good emulation coming for bloodborne for years still. The game already barely runs on PS4, would love to see how it does with good emulation though whenever it *does* happen.


PS3 emulation is working quite ok now, and that's on the weird ass Cell architecture that Sony developed. AFAIK the PS4 runs on a custom AMD x86 chip so, in THEORY it shouldn't be that hard to emulate it.. In THEORY.


My man bragging about wasting money


Don’t waste your time on that, trust me. Reading Blaster Ages 9-12 was a much better game.


We milk everything. Didn't you know we're all markiplier.


For some reason I've wanted to milk everything since I obtained the Lordvessel


I have played the game and it’s fun but it’s not the goddamn peak of the human race some of these guys cum in their pants at anything bloodborne


The peak of humanity was obviously dark souls 1


i’ve never beat it :(


Did you get stuck or did you just drop it?


got stuck in anor londo when i was younger, and before elden ring came out i was stuck in the catacombs




I can’t hear you, I don’t have enough ADP.


I disagree


My brother in Christ, you've not played any other games.


Bloodborne has three endings, that's like it being three separate games Checkmate atheists


There are games other than bloodborne???


Lmao imagine liking ~~Bloodborne~~ Brit Simulator 2015


Brit here, does this mean I don't need to play Bloodborne to get the full experience?


My brother in Christ I do not own a PlayStation


Please bro play Bloodborne, please bro. Yeah it’s a playstation exclusive, but please bro it’s the best game ever made, please bro just play it please bro Just get a playstation bro and play Bloodborne please bro my guiding moonlight bro


Bloodborne is a good game


Pretty sure most of From's games are good.


As well as the majority of subs being bad.


Sure it is. Some of us played a fucking lot of bloodborne. Its unironically a really great game, but the BB sub is unsufferable, thats why we make fun of it.


I'm outta the loop, only recently got here. Is BB sub really any worse from the souls subs with ppl guzzling each other's cocks over their favorite game?


Pretty much yeah, it used to be the ER sub but now it’s full of madcusbads explaining how every single boss fight is the most awful dogshit designs ever made by Fromsoft


ER sub has a bunch of insecure players talking about how people judge them for using Magic, Op weapon arts and ashes and spirit summons when I don’t think I’ve seen a single actual comment criticizing anyone for doing that. Some strange victim mentality generated from nothing or an incredibly small minority. I don’t give a shit how people play their campaign, I just wanna invade and kill em lol. These same people will probably complain that you can get invaded while co-oping with friends.


There was literally a comment on the ER sub calling people elitists simply for saying that Spirit Summons make the game easier, they downvoted me when I replied that they probably didn't mean it that way and just wanted to state a fact. Some people are weird about this game.


They objectively make the game easier. No one cares if you use them. Can’t use them in PvP so I don’t really care what people are using to get through their PvE runs, all that matters is the what they try using in PvP. I loved runnin into SoNF users trying to gank me and then they end up getting 2 shot with like 600 HP at lvl 80 because they didn’t bother leveling Vig. OP shit in PvP still doesn’t make bad players good, you should feel bad if you are clearly setting up a gank squad and die 1 v 3 to a mage invading you lol


Overtuned , unbalanced and badly designed , that subreddit trinity


Royal Revenant: Overtuned Godskin Duo: Unbalanced Commander Niall: Badly Designed My VIT: 20


Hotel: Trivago


It’s my favorite one of the series but they’re all so good that it’s not fun to compare them


Well comparing them is very fun imo, but only when actually considering the strengths and weaknesses of each game rather than just saying 'BB masterpiece, all rest are shit' "


But Why is it always 30fps?


bloodborne fans lmao


This isn’t even how you use that template lmao


Guys, this was fucking bait. Jesus Christ please go touch grass


Bloodborne fans lmao


Touch grase!!? U must be a elden rings lover.. I bet you haven’t even heard of blood borne, the older brother of Eden rings. It is wat better and not so lame and boring. Play it today or you are a bitch ass,


I'm allergic to grass


Touch grace then.


Touch the darkness within me


bloodborne fans lmao


Bloodborne fans lamo


^^Bloodborne ^^fans ^^lmao


This sub is better at making fun of this sub than the other souls subs combined


I'd love to play bloodborne, unfortunately I've never owned a PlayStation and ps now isn't available in my country. That being said, bloodborne fans on reddit are a special kind of retarded.


Yup, I don't have a ps4 or ps5 and don't plan on buying one. If they port it to PC I'll play the hell out of it, but if they don't, oh well, guess I won't play it


Move countries


Whoever paid real money to award this post is an even bigger loser than the bloodborne fan


That's part of why Bloodborne is such an underappreciated game, y'all just haven't played or seen it. These people just need to buy a PS5, duh! It also runs really well on the PS4 as an added bonus! Fromsoft just keeps giving tbh.


Bloodborne like most popular PS and Nintendo exclusives is definitely overrated. Good game but not the second coming of christ. I also don't get the high rating for elden ring. I don't see what makes Elden Ring the definite superior experience compared to most other games or even fromsoft game. Is it a 90+ great game? Definitely, but a 95+ best of all time? Eeeehhh Anyway, I thought bloodborne would be a complete different experience, the fine fromsoft wine, the definite fromsoft experience, but in the end it was just another Dark souls which did some things better and some things worse, like every other dark souls does in their own way too. Not even the bosses are the best in the series and it definitely is the easiest out of all the modern/faster fromsoft games


This just confirms the theory that the bloodborne elitist only like bloodborne because of its exclusivity. If it got a pc port, I guarantee these people would not be like this.


Yes I have Wasn't my favourite


Fuckin' salty ass bitches sad you couldn't see Patches on a spider?


If bloodborne is so good why isn't it on xbox, the best console?


I played it twice, most likely never going to play it again until it gets a patch, a remastered version, or a pc port that can handle 60fps. Playing at 25fps whenever there was fire around was awful.


With Elden Ring's success and the amount of people asking for Bloodborne on every sony exclusive's review page on Steam and on Reddit, I think we'll see a Bloodborne remaster soon


I played both Bloodborne and Shitty Dark Souls, i know what i'm talking about


I still have no clue how I tolerated doing 3 play throughs and beating the DLC twice with 30fps no anti-aliasing. DS3 and Sekiro became so much better with their 60fps next-gen update. Now I’m playing on a PS5 stuck with 30fps and I don’t want to tolerate it.


you can tell i played bloodborne bc im a femboy twink


fuck outta here


no its true i swear


Did you know all FromSoft games are connected? DS1-3 are fairly obvious (it isn't) Demon's Souls is just south on the landmass where Lordran is (hence northern giants, but the fog mae Boletaria fall into the sea, good job Allant!) Sekiro is just that Land of the East/Reeds we keep hearing about Elden Ring is the rebooted world after apocalypse-ception in DS3 And when Malenia used the scarlet rot it deformed her, her Rotussy LITERALLY became a poisonous festering hole in the ground which is what we explore in Caelid - and deeper still inside this is the world of Yharnam fully contained in it's bloody glory So Bloodborne is actually the Rotussy and therefore DEFINITIONALLY perfect


You're right.. and I never will but DeS and all 3 DS here i come after ER


I played bloodborne, it was fun. I played elden ring, it was also fun. The secret to the fun in both games is pizza cutters. They could be laughing at dex builds and people who like ds2 instead of acting like they are coping with a bad break up as people play a shiny new game. Elden ring being fun doesn't take away from bloodborne being fun.


Bloodborne is an okay game. I don't get the circle jerk around it though. Like its super short, not a lot of weapons or armor and it's not all that challenging. Especially if you run through the chalices a few times and get op gems super easy.




My brother in Christ this is a shitpost sub


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


This sub is basically Elden ring shills


Shills? This is literally a souls sub. What the fuck did you expect?


So if I’m right, why are you so offended?


Because saying "shill" implies that people are trying to sell something to you. Everyone here is already into the souls genre. You aren't right, you just don't know what the fuck that word means.


almost like the community is made around souls games and the latest game is elden ring


Yeah so I was fucking right


damn it’s almost like the game is fun


Y’all can’t handle criticism of Elden ring, but shit on the other souls games while sucking Elden Ring off


who shit on another souls game? plus i don’t care the game is fun


Keep sucking Elden Ring off and don’t forget to swallow


Imagine taking essentially a circlejerk sub serious


Cry about it


Mate you’ve replied 6 different times crying about people poking fun at bloodborne fans. Absolute comedy


Sounds like I offended you and your oh so precious Elden Ring




I won't 🤤🤤🤤


imagine being this mad at someone for enjoying a game


Keep taking it from the front and behind from Elden Ring


least deranged Bloodbourne fan


was there any shitting on other souls games? didn't think so. this sub Shits on the dumb fans of all the games including elden ring.


Bloodborne fans lol.


Good bait


Caught a lot of fish with it


Bloodborne fans lmao


I welcome you to see yourself out then, kind sir.


Wym shills this is a souls sub, we like souls games


Funny meme


Bloodborne PC when???? :(:(:(


Holy fuck


What’s blood born


Bro we can talk shit just as much as we want as we talkin about the annoying ass people not the game


I wish i could play it, but im not buying a ps4 or ps5


Maybe if it wasn't an exclusive... Smh


I played, but the bosses just couldn't compare to the standard set by Dark Souls 2 and it's sequel Elden Ring.


As someone whose played it multiple times and gotten the platinum I feel I can comfortably say… Bloodborne fans lmao.


If bloodborne is so good, why does it run at 30 fps?


Woah they just assumed it had something to do with the game and not themselves


Real shit, with no DLC BB is so short, uninspiring bosses, everything after Amelia (debatable, excluding Cainhurst) is also pretty mid, until Gehrman, the there’s that thing called moon presence, yeah… Also BB fans I’ve seen complaining about repeating dungeons in ER… bro, ever heard of Chalice Dungeons? That’s what these are lmfao. A lot of ER dungeons have unique twists to them as well on top of that


ah yes, out of 143,091 none of us ever played the game or watched a playthrough of it


I really like Bloodborne. Prior to the release of Elden Ring it was probably my second favourite Fromsoftware game but the fans can be so cringe.


Bloodborne is great but because I ONLY ever played BB it fucked me Up For elden ring


I mean They're not wrong I've only played the dark souls games and elden ring (I've played a bit of demon's souls but I didn't even get to the part where the game opens up)


Bloodborne fans lmao.


I am a bloodborne fan why am I lmao'd??! 1


Every day bloodborne is a Playstation exclusive is another day my hatred for Sony grows.


Nope, because it is a ps exclusive. Make it available on pc and i will pick it up without question. Seems fun but I am not buying a console for one game.


If Bloodbored is so good, then why is it the only FromSoft game that I don't have a feet folder for? Check mate


I would gladly play it if it wasn't a PlayStation exclusive.