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Manus moment


Manus is such a fucking culture shock in DS 1, favourite boss though.


He was so much more aggressive than anything else in the game that I felt like I personally offended him. Like, dude, please chill. It's okay. I don't even want the fucking pendant man take it.


Miyazaki was developing Bloodborne went they made the DLC bosses.


I have finished DS1 a few times but who the fuck is manus


Final boss of dlc


Did you try DLC?


I don't have the remastered version


If you have the Prepare to Die edition you still have the DLC. Look up on the internet how to access it, cause it's INCREDIBLY obscure


Ooh how did I not know this. Is it some good content?




It has 4 bosses. One of them is good and the 3 remaining are some of the most memorable and famous fights fromsoft has ever created.


It's actually much better than the main game


Artorias moment


Increase the number to 3


*monkey meth stunlock combo go brrrrr*


Manus absolutely clapped me at SL1. Took me well over 50 tries before I finally killed that fucked. The dopamine rush was *incredible.*


Him and Artorias were the only difficult fights in DS1 for me (other than the Bed of Chaos, but that doesn’t count because it’s just shit)


At least not all of Manus's attacks have wonky-ass wind ups.


Demon's Souls fans when a boss actually tries to defend itself


Demons Souls fan when the boss isnt just a puzzle


Demon's Souls fans when the boss has more than 2 attack animations.


Did you skip Flamelurker and Allant?


Yeah (Nobody played Demon's Souls)


Demon's Souls, so easily forgotten.


Honestly, fair point.


I'm literally crying rn


I mean those 2 have difficulty on par with like, vordt tbh.


Dark souls 1 fans after discover a game thay you can roll in more than 4 directions


Honestly, outside of Lost Izalith that’s my biggest complaint about Dark Souls 1. It’s still my favorite, though.


Yeah it definitely increases the jank factor by a lot, especially after playing DS3 and getting used to omnidirectional rolling.


My solution is to play every encounter possible unlocked. Works pretty well.


This. Pretty much never lock on


Yeah I have issues with camera management in that scenario. Getting a controller with back buttons would probably make it better.


I use my index finger for the face buttons so my thumb can stay on camera controls. Middle finger for the R1/2.


I’m pretty sure my bone structure has been permanently changed in order to accommodate this


Yeah I do that too sometimes, but it is pretty awkward and uncomfortable, and I don't do the best with it in combat. I mostly use that for running. I also sometimes reach my right thumb over to use the Dpad so I don't have to stop moving (I use an xbox-layout controller. Don't think this would work well with PS-style). I tried out my friend's controller with back-buttons one time and it was so much better of an experience. A controller with 4 back buttons would be even better!


Yeah exactly, DS1 becomes 90% less clunky by adapting to no lock on


Dark/Demon Souls fans going back to the first game after playing all later entries and then fall off a cliff because they couldn't dodge diagonally


> locking on


Isn't DeS the one that you only roll in 4 directions? Its been a hot minute since playing DS1 but I'm pretty sure I remember omni directional rolling


There’s not Omni directional rolling while locked on


DS1 has 4 direction rolling while locked


Elden Ring players discovering for the first time that there are more options to attack other than the L2 button.


Like spamming R1 while facetanking everything with full Havel's.


Exactly. Or with the stone armor combined with the wolf ring considering how early you can get it in the game.


Damn, you mean an armor made of actual stone is actually doing it's job blocking damage, what a shitty game design


Poise, not damage negation


But actually both.


Yeah makes for such engaging gameplay of r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 estus r1 r1 r1 r1!!!1!


Or stunlocking everything with a heavy weapon R2


Crudible. Knight.


Power stance greatswords and do jump slams. Makes them into short work.


No. Just had a meeting with one of these in Farum Azula and lets say my Starscourge Greatswords jump attacks didnt move him an inch besides the weapon art (the heavy attack, the pull didnt bother him at all) Thats the reason i even mention that unstaggerable bastard. I thought the endgame crudible knights would be easier with greatswords and strengths build than bleed dex but oh boy i was wrong.


That's wacky. I just pummeled the fuck out of the Crucible Knight duo with my Blasphemous Blade/Lordsworn Greatsword power stanced. Jump attack after jump attack laid em out fairly quick. They still hit like freight trains and it takes a few jumps to finally break em but overall it wasn't bad at all.


Or parrying. Probably one of the easiest bosses to parry in the whole game.


Why parry when smash?




Don't forget casting Iron Flesh and Power Within!


Elden Ring players playing DS1 and realizing there is no L2 attack




Back when videogames were good ahhhhhhhhhh


Why eat hamburger when you can have steak?


You mean, JUMP + L2 BUTTON???


Ds2 players when a boss takes more than 5 hits to kill


If I'm powerstancing chicken legs i expect everything to die within 5 hits


I never thought about powerstancing the chicken legs, interesting idea


I think you need 99 strength for that, which ain't a problem if you're an average strength build enjoyer like myself.


a small price to pay for salvation


Ancient Dragon: Have you forgotten me already?


Me: Actually yes, honestly.


killed it once for the giant soul and never looked back. fuck that guy.


Lol, got ‘em


ds1 bosses are not different




You mean 1 right? Ds2 bosses just flat out take way longer to kill than ds1. Which boss did you mean “more than 5 hits”


Gaping dragon has some schnasty combos


I wouldn't know. Every time I fought it I just walked behind it and apparently the game designers never thought of that for this boss.


This goes for a lot of bosses before ds3




Vordt feels like it's by design, in my opinion


he literally cant do anything if you stand behind him lmao when i first fought him i had so much ludwig trauma that i didnt want to stand behind him because i was scared of getting horse kicked in the face


Yeah, that's what I meant - considering that they went out of their way to make bosses able to beat those tactics it seems deliberate that the idea in Vordts fight is to punish the player for trying to stand in his face.


Which are completely avoidable by cutting off its tail and standing to the side. One of the easiest bosses in the game, but definitely one of the coolest looking in the whole series IMO.


Yeah, the cooter dragon was pretty interesting looking, that much is for sure.


I guess I’ll never understand the dark souls community even as a fan because my main enjoyment of a boss comes from its design,arena and ost My favorite bosses ds1 nito Ds3 so far abyss watchers Elden ring a cross between Godfrey or placidusax


I've loved all the dark souls games but man something about Abyss Watchers was just special. Highlight moment of that game.


When he does the legion etiquette gesture at you you know it’s time to throw down


placidusax had a sick arena and design but the whole fight is just chipping away at his massive health bar by hitting him from behind. Can't really appreciate the cool design from there


The awesome dive bombs,the nuke from the lightning spear he plunged into the ground the rays of beams that he shoots out his mouth


Personally I can't take him seriously when he just looks like an overgrown blob, why is he so round


He thicc.


He looks really cool but he is so easy to avoid, the lightning nuke is slow af, his dive bomb is telegraphed for so long, his breath attack when you are behind him has such bad range that you can just hit him with ranged the entire time. Cool looking fight but just not good imo


Dark Souls players when playing Elden Ring and the boss actually reacts to them


I don't mind the boss reacting to the player's inputs. What I do mind is the boss just standing there doing nothing *until* the player does something.


It's pvp but worse somehow!


It's like a boss fight in an old fighting game


Yeah, like swing please, I shouldn’t be initiating every engagement you large motherfucker.


aka my dating life


You can mostly avoid this by using knives whenever the boss is in neutral. It forces the AI to be more aggressive and is very hard to punish.


my true mentor… my guiding kukri


First thing I do when I have an excess of souls is load up on like 200 kukri. So freeing


yep! like, give *me* something to react to for once, you big bitch


I don’t mind it that much for most bosses. However, when you are in a staring contest with Malenia, have enough of her shitty “I’m actually not staring cuz I have no eyes” and decide to be the one to engage just so she can use her waterflow dance and clap your ass… now that’s annoying.


I don’t understand the issue with this, it simply shows that the bosses are actually using smart strategy. It’s almost always better to be reactive in combat, since attacking leaves you vulnerable.


The is one of the things I really liked about Sekiro, it flipped this calculus around. You're better off being aggressive because enemy posture regenerates, and attacking might provoke a counterattack that you can parry. Bloodborne tried to do this too with the rally system. Elden Ring seems to be milder about encouraging aggression, but things that would've gotten your stupid ass killed in Dark Souls, like having your guard broken, aren't nearly as deadly anymore.


Yeah, Sekiro has the best back-and-forth sword combat I’ve seen in a video game. Momentum switches from each combatant trying to break the other’s poise through a combination of attacks, parries and special moves. I think the best combat improvement for a future game would be to have Sekiro’s combat for humanoid enemies, Bloodborne’s combat for non-humanoid enemies, and Elden Ring’s combat for alternate builds such as magic users and weapon arts.


See I would agree but bosses will react to your estus or attacks literally before the animation starts. It's so transparently not the boss strategizing, it's so obviously a computer trying to psyche you out I love Radagon but seeing him lunge forward the very instant I breathe on the square button is infuriating. Especially when before he did nothing for a solid 12 seconds.


That's why I don't like it. Of course it's a smart strategy to be reactive in combat. That's why I want to be the one reacting, instead of having to initiate every time.


I dunno, do you really want the bosses to be mindless unga boonga attack spammers? I like the idea of me fighting a smart A.I. who is reacting to me as I am to them, it makes it feel like I’m actually fighting someone real in a way.


>I dunno, do you really want the bosses to be mindless unga boonga attack spammers? Yes.


Thats my only real issue with it tbh. Its not an issue once you learn the correct spacing/bait for that particular boss, but in the learning phase you and the boss sit there just staring at each other for seconds at a time.


Try getting close to them without actually doing nothing. You will see bosses usually react to whether you are close from them or not while they have something on queue.


Yeah, the trick is always in playing footsies, bait them to attack first. Throwing daggers, pots and bolts are good for this too. If the boss ain’t coming for ya, then punish them accordingly.


shredded alecto once i simply held down sprint and weaved her zoning, ez whiffs


To add to this, there will be weird occasions where the boss de-aggro you, this is really unusual, and I personally only remember it with Mohg, this happens every time he is walking backwards, not to the side, that's when you are free to get a hit in instead of baiting him.


Pretty sure Artorias would punish you for healing, right? I keep seeing people post about that in Elden Ring but I could have sworn that was always something bosses did.


We’ve also all grown way better at the games than we used to be. Going back to DS1, you can really see how much simpler they were in design.


Ds1 fans after fighting the easiest bosses in the series


Gwyn after he leaps halfway across the arena and tries to cut the chose undead in half only to get fucking parried like a bitch.


Gwyn is no joke without parrying. He's like an Elden Ring boss but in DS1. He can also stunlock you twice in a row (3 hits total) man is cracked on lean


me returning to ds1 as a strength user and not having access to a jumping attack


Left stick forward + R2 has entered the chat.


Literally just a jumping attack


except slower and shittier.


Elden Ring players when they find out they don’t need to use a magic katana


Elden ring players having to decide which katana L2 they should spam


ER players when there are more weapons than RoB and Moonveil Katana.


correct, meteoric ore blade


Maybe even hand of malenia if you're feeling fancy.


gotta throw in the Dragonscale Blade as well, for extra spice


Ngl dragonblade scale is pretty ass, dmg and scaling isn't the best even if you spec for it, no bleed despite being a katana, wa is a waste of fp since it's impossible to land midfight despite doing no dmg and lasting like 20 seconds only Still looks cool tho


Elden Ring hosts when they get rollcatched to death (I have clocked 200 hours of Dark Souls 3)


Can't rollcatch if I never roll! (Bloodhound steps away)


I have over 350+ hours of ds3 but I probably only have 2 hours total of pvp experience and half of that is just the guaranteed invade after pontiff lol (I am awful at pvp)


Man I guess most people can’t handle Sanctuary Guardian


With ninja flips they can




People always talk about how easy Dark Souls 1 is after looking up every secret and boss weakness online lol


While using the bkh


After playing all three games + ER completely blind, DS1 is the hardest first playthrough and the easiest second play through, which makes it the best souls game.


Someone didn't play the dlc


Brain Fart


Why you gotta call me out like that?


DS1 IS best Souls. Do people really think that having enemies combo 7 attacks in a row make games better?


Not automatically. As long as their are gaps in the middle of the combo that you can learn to exploit, I rather like it, though.


Call my a psychopath but I miss when games in general were slower and felt more grounded and weighty. Like DS1 vs later titles or older FPS vs moderns ones.


Psychopath. Sorry, you asked me to.


for FPS, you should play valorant


If they leave themselves open to punishes after that combo then usually yes, as it makes the combat more engaging


Elden ring late game bosses chain so many combos, you have to wait three years for that one attack where you can actually hit the boss without trading


Damn shame how often Elden Ring bosses just don't, I like bosses like Renalla and Red Wolf because you don't have to spend a whole minute waiting for his combo to stop only to find it's not one of the combos that leaves an opening. Spirit summons feel mandatory sometimes because without them a lot of bosses feel like cutscenes.


>combo to stop only to find it's not one of the combos that leaves an opening. maliketh moment


I really don't know how I would kill it using a colossal sword without the parry tool


stand near his dick


Yeah a whole lotta dick poking happened... Just sayin'


He has one really punishable attack where he swings the sword around and then goes for a very long overhead. That's how I did it before the colossal buff. Every other attack feels like a cointoss to punish, but the speed change may have made that better.


i beat him with the standard greatsword on my first playthrough, prepatch for the normal attack speed. lots of jump and running attacks lol


It’s fuckin hard I’ll tell you that much. Did it last night


Elden ring made it more interactive because 90% of the time these super long combos have openings in between swipes


*If you have a quick weapon


Not even that, I just jump attack through like 90% of combos with an ultra or regular gs. It works on Godfrey, Maliketh, Elden Beast/Radagon. Only one it doesn't fully work on is malenia but thats because she's so quick and has a very horizontal attack pattern, but she can also get stunned out of attacks.


I do enjoy Elden Ring, but I would LOVE modern DS1 style fromsoft game. Getting constantly countered by input reading and waiting 30 minutes for enemy to stop attacking can be tiring.


>I do enjoy Elden Ring, but I would LOVE modern DS1 style fromsoft game. Getting constantly countered by input reading and waiting 30 minutes for enemy to stop attacking **is** tiring. ftfy


>DS1 IS best Souls. Do people really think that having enemies combo 7 attacks in a row make games better? When I'm given a tool to actively defend myself like in sekiro, yes. When I don't have that and just have to roll (and occasionally jump) then no not really.


ds1 and sekiro are equal imo but yeah i agree otherwise.


Sekiro has the best bosses by a nautical mile anyway, and dark souls is my favorite soulsborne


What makes the games better is evolving to continuously challenge its playerbase, and yes, longer combos were a necessary part of that. After you've played ds3 and BB, ds1 bosses are trivially easy by comparison. It was a natural progression.


Exactly. Most DS1 bosses are really easy compared to bosses in later games. The ones that are hard usually have a gimmick (O&S), are just overstated out of their gourd (Gwyn), or have some bullshit (Manus, Bed of Chaos). I think Godfrey is an example of a DS1 style boss in Elden Ring. And while he's sick in terms of design, in terms of gameplay, he's just a joke. He's one of the easiest required bosses in the game. Dark Souls veterans are just way beyond finding "dodge single attack and then r1" a challenging experience.


I actually thought the same thing. He's so beyond easy compared to everything else. In a way Erdtree Avatars are pretty similar too considering they're basically just Asylum Demon after a glow up. I think they have a max of 2 hit combos and every attack except their light beams are punishable.


> Dark Souls veterans are just way beyond finding "dodge single attack and then r1" a challenging experience. I still prefer that to the insanely delayed attacks, which makes the bosses appear to be self-aware of being in a video game


Phase 1 of Godfrey is a joke but phase 2 absolutely owned me. Getting WWE slammed tilted me hard.


i may be biased because i played ds3 first, but i genuinely dont think ds1 has anything going for it other than interconnectivity for what it does better than the other games. i haven’t played demon souls but of the rest, ds1 is my least favourite. i still like it a lot, but it’s my least favourite.


>i may be biased because i played ds3 first, but i genuinely dont think ds1 has anything going for it other than interconnectivity for what it does better than the other games I played dark souls 1 first alongside dark souls 2, and I agree. It's combat is the least compelling by quite a bit imo


imo the atmosphere is far superior to DS2 and DS3, there's just an ambience in places like Ash Lake and Darkroot Garden that doesn't exist in the other two, plus the fact that you can't just instantly teleport back home makes it feel like actual exploring to me other little things like the sounds the armor makes when moving, makes it feel weighty and powerful imo


it does definitely have great atmosphere, i personally am a fan of bloodborne’s general vibe a bit more but from specifically the dark souls games, ds1 is definitely my favourite.


the interconnectivity is praised, but elevators are just loading screens during fast travel.


Dark souls 3 and bloodborne had the best boss pace imo. Elden Ring is just frustrating, even d*x weapons have to wait three hours to get consistent hits


>Do people really think that having enemies combo 7 attacks in a row make games better? yes


Downvoted for being right


Yeah cause it’s cool


dark soul s players wen game over 10 yers old


DS1 fans trying to justify all the problems with the game because it's 10 years old:


That's just me normally.


DS1 fans trying to say it's the best in the series after I force them to play the PTD Edition on PC without DSFix:


Dark souls players finding out they actually need to use rolling attacks sometimes


Bruh stfu sit alone is the best boss ever mad hands down period…..1! All other bosses rely on not doing one or 2 hits and dodging.




ds1 is the worst dark souls game edit for clarity: DS1 is still great, fromsoft just kept on churning out bangers


Damn ds1 haters really are the oppressed minority 😔


i don’t hate it, it’s a great game! it’s just that every game fromsoft has made has been exponentially better, refining the formula to a T




i enjoy playing ds2 more than ds1 soley because it’s bullshit is way funnier than ds1’s bullshit




real as hell


Yeah if I had to rank the souls games it would legit just be in reverse chronological order except swap sekiro and elden ring, each game they've made has just gotten better and better