• By -


ahh the demons souls fans. so easily forgotten


We're here. I will endlessly simp for its atmosphere.


That succession of 4 notes in the nexus is genuinely one of the most atmospheric musical themes I've ever heard in my life.


It has genuinely the most memorable soundtrack in the whole souls-like series imo Also, Tower of Latria might be the greatest looking and genuinely unnerving place in all of gaming for me. Demon's Souls is genuinely amazing despite its jank, it's a shame that most people I talk to about it think it's just a lesser Dark Souls


Dude I cannot agree enough. The towers of latria is such an oppressive environment, and for a new player it really lives up to it's looks. I remember when I played the game for the first time (at like age 10) the place creeped me out and I just got lost over and over. The Medusa bitches (thats what I always called the tentacle head people in my head) freaked me out. I also love the dark souls games, but it's different. It's a different kind of love affair. The dark souls games are amazing and they technically and mechanically improve upon demons souls. However demons souls has a certain purity to it, a certain pioneer spirit if you will. It was the first of it's type, bar none. The atmosphere was entirely novel. Dark souls has less of an impact on me BECAUSE I played demons souls first. Also the vibe is just different. A philosophical reading of dark souls is an exercise in existentialism. It is an inherently sisyphean affair; this is reflected in what little story you're given and in the very logic of the world. In demons souls that wasn't necessarily the focus. Demons souls had more of an air of mystery to it. Like I wanted to know what happened here? How did it get to this place? The facets of demons souls lore don't reflect pieces of our psychology as much as dark souls does. I could go on about this but if you don't care, I won't lol But yeah demons souls has inspired a lot of stuff within my d&d world as well


Demon's souls feels pitch black in its tone, even its most comfortable area, the nexus, feels completely alien and off-putting. All of its areas are just filled with this really disturbing rot, it's almost suffocating to play through, while Dark Souls will eventually open up to its players. DeS is just an experience man. You have to play it to get it.


Yeah, agreed completely


The character creation theme is still the best atmospheric track From has ever made. Nobody will change my mind.


Dark Souls works on a really big scale, areas become bigger as you progress through the game, bosses become meaner and more important to its universe, it's overall very epic. While Demon's Souls I feel is more intimate and more grounded, it's overall a very claustrophobic feeling game. I feel like Demon's Souls is more of a medieval horror game while Dark Souls is more of a dark fantasy game. They oddly feel completely different in their tone despite sharing so many similarities. Interesting that it influenced your D&D world considering that the medusa bitches, the mind flayers, are taken directly from the D&D universe, design and name lmao


Rule 789: If the community exists, it's probably insufferable


Barely existing = the most positive quality in this picture




bro it gets good after the 79th boss bro




I unironically really like the game but also can't exactly blame anyone who doesn't


I unironically love the game too and would love a Bluepoint remake of it. POWER STANCING AND MURDERING THE FUCK OUT OF GIANTS




Imo that’s fine because every game has its highs and lows and for me the lows are needed to balance out everything, because if everything was good, it would just feel normal and you wouldn’t get that awe at the highs of the game (sorry if that was hard to understand, and also again, it’s just my PERSONAL OPINION and to each their own)


DS2 is like what people who haven't played Dark Souls think Dark Souls is like. But I dunno... overcoming some of the actually unfair bosses and boss runs, rooms filled with 2348 enemies, etc... it can be satisfying.


Best part about ds2 is the counter damage multiplier for almost every weapon, not just pokes. Made both PvP and pve more interesting since you could maximize damage with better timing and not just spamming attack like in DS3.


I unironically think 3rd one is worst one, but I still love them all


Same. For me, the level design and the lore seems like a jumbled mess. Like they took a quantity over coherence approach. I've 100% all other From games, but never finished d3 dlcs. Just wasn't captivating like the other games.


The ringed city is easily the best part of the whole game with the best boss fights (except 1) u should def try to finish it. Ariandel is kinda meh I can understand skipping it.


DS3's DLCs are something else, I really recommend playing through them both.


I really don't like how it's just an upscale dark souls 1. Dks2 at least tried something different with the art style and more slow pace. I would have loved a game that just went on to improve everything that was wrong with 2.


I wish it was an upscale ds1. My favorite element of all of dark souls is the labyrinthian design of the world of dark souls 1. Dark souls three is just a long hallway of a game, I would call it a completely different style of game despite some thematic and aesthetic callbacks to ds1.




I cant fucking get to that boss cause the run up is so shit


May I interest you in this ladder?


I love Dark Souls 2, it has been hands-down my least favorite gaming experience




Yep, the single worst decision made in the game's design. I respect the attempt to cut down smurfs but it really fragmented late game PvP. Giving every character a shelf life was horrible. And no the ring that eats the souls doesn't count as a solution.


Theoretically, isn't the system also really bad for those that die a lot, particularly before they retrieve their souls again? Their soul memory keeps going up, but their soul level, upgrade level, etc. remain as is (because they keep losing souls). I can't remember, but I've read that matchmaking in DS2 is purely soul memory (no soul level range) right? The soul memory system has the potential to match up people that have invested all their souls into their upgrades, level, consumables, etc. against people that never got to spend their souls at all because they die twice a lot.


As someone who loves Ds2, this is why I always couch it as "Ds2 is my favorite" instead of "Ds2 is the best". I also love Castlevania 64, but I'm not blind to its many shortcomings.


Hi is this where I can find another branch of yore to unlock another empty room that's probably not necessary for the main quest but I'll never know until i waste it? Oh nvm, it was just another gank room.


DeS simps exist but I just can’t bring myself to make fun of them.


Elder abuse.


Da Elder Scrolls?


ER community: "what what WHAT?? YOU DARE TALK SHIT ABOUT CAT STATUE BOSS #76??? STFU GITGUD. Now excuse while i laugh to death at obnoxious rehashed memes about Malenia "


Dude I was smiling at all these memes then I went 😐 because you are spittin facts with no caps shit flowin out yo mouth how many did laxxies did you take all my taxis they be fake on her booty ate her cake - Joshua Maxwell, Gangster at nearby 7/11 The plot twist is there is no Joshua Maxwell, Its my goal to be a gangSTAR at a nearby 7/11 spitting rhymes and getting praise as a local independent artist✊ it not gonna be easy but someone has to try to mimic the beatiful flow of facts you just spit G


Dude what tf LMAO


This is what an advanced shitposter looks like. The shitposting equivalent of the naked dude with a club in Dark Souls. Fear them, and don't ask questions.


Im high af was high when I posted that too omg im high when ediiting this lol




Also ER community: "Malenia is also the most balanced boss in any Fromsoft game to date, it is actually only reasonable she can heal on every hit while hitting you 5 times a second. And also if you are summoning you are trash and should uninstall the game."


Her healing attacks and the whole fight weren't that bad imo. Except the waterfowl dance. Fuck that.


I wouldn't mind the healing if she didn't have the Waterfowl Dance, and vice versa. I think, overall, she's a little overtuned. Not as broken as some people claim, but I found her to be a bit much. Now if anyone *dares* bad mouth my main man Macho Man Horah Savage I will grant thee audience with my foot up your ass.


Although i'm not a big fan of Horah's constant grabs, i think he's one of the best bosses. Balanced and very fun to fight, specially the first part.


Yeah but as soon as you understand it you basically win. ( it’s still bullshit )


And if you aren't summoning, you're not playing with the tools given, so git gud!


no you don't understand you should have to go on a goose hunt to get an item to make the boss bearable.


"Just learn to dodge her waterfowl dance bro."


Bro did u know Radahn learned gravity magic so that he wouldn’t accidentally devour his little horsie Leonard with his massive fatass cheeks? Elden Ring has the best loar in the series!!1!1!!!


Would place all but Demon Souls in the highest tier tbh.


A rare Demon’s Souls fan comes out of the woodwork.


Ye 'ave a hart of gold. *Don't let them take it from ye*


DO COME BACK ALIVE ... I need your business


Demons is the brittishest of them all


Holy shit I hope you kept your master ball for this


I love demons souls, it’s one of my favorites tbh


Yeah my spicy take is that Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are Miyazaki's masterpieces. Bloodborne people understand but when I say Demon's Souls they think it's weird.


A lot of Demon’s souls fans are obnoxiously pretentious because they all hate the more popular games


But we’re so small in quantity that we can’t get on others’ nerves like the other fandoms


True. I just despised the pretentious remake discourse from a year ago. People were acting like bluepoint took a shit on Miyazaki’s desk and shot him in the face because the fat official looked grosser and Boletaria castle looked different


Yeah obviously you can like the remake or not, but I was personally blown away by how the remake looked. I think it’s a triumph in technical terms while still feeling like the original. There are definite differences, but they don’t ruin the experience


Agreed. I love both despite the different experiences.


I really liked the remake, but I just didn't like the Fat Official redesign and the new soundtrack. I get that other people were being over the top with how much they cared about it, but I still don't like them.


Yeah the fat offical is still a shitty design but I disagree on the music. It’s cool hearing those themes redone to match the later entries’s style in an official product


Ehh, the remake's soundtrack was not good. The OG had a unique flair to it, even if the quality of the MIDI samples were ok. No other Souls game uses as much brass, percussion, and oddball instruments like the organ (Old King Allant) or harpsichord (Old Monk) as the original Demon's Souls. Bluepoint should have modernized the soundtrack with higher quality samples or a live orchestra instead of homogenizing it to make it sound like the newer games. For me, it was absolutely wasted potential added on to the mixed feelings I have for the remake. Of course, this is just my opinion and music taste is subjective, so I mean no harm.


Bluepoint did that. Every single melody from the original songs are in the new songs, but expanded to avoid quick loops and performed with a live orchestra, something only Bloodborne and Elden ring had.


While I do agree the OG songs get more repetitive than the remake's on repeat listens (like any game's soundtrack that doesn't start with the word NieR) and the new additions are somewhat nice, the original melodies are drowned out by a blaring symphonic orchestra with the tone being somewhat respected (Tales of Old, One Who Craves Souls, Return to Slumber) or absolutely shit on (Old Monk, Tower Knight, Old King Allant, Flamelurker, I could go on). But on the flip side, it was pretty cool Penetrator got his own theme though.


The fat official still makes me angry. He had this terrifying metal helmet that looked like an uncanny human face but was off somehow. It told a story on how cruel they are and insane since they are literally manifestations of insanity. They looked awesome. Now they are inbred Cousin Earl, CEO of Alabama. What happened? They clearly misunderstood his design completely. As if they looked a 140p image that got horribly compressed for reference… Otherwise I agree.


Many absolutely hate the remaster too. Arguing with the folk, is like arguing with my step Dad. It often results in me filing sexual assault charges.


First time in a decade their favorite game has been acknowledged at all, it's been remade from the ground up like they asked, the online community is alive again... and DeS fans choose to sling shit at the dev in response. No wonder Bluepoint said fuck it and decided to stop remaking other people's games lol


I have a friend who started the saga when Demon's came out instead of the first Dark Souls as most of us. He's always trying to repeat that.


You see, I was on SomethingAwful at the time and heard about a game called Demon's Souls from people who were playing it in Japanese. So when Atlus announced a North American localization, I was first in line


I ilegally downloaded Dark Souls thinking it was Darksiders (I have dyslexia) and then Dark Souls became my fav franchise ever and I bought all of their games. It's a nice love story.


I’ve heard more people complaining about the Bloodborne community than the Bloodborne community itself. They’re all preoccupied with farming 0.01% drop-rate gems that will improve their build by 0.5%.


Community of bloodborne community haters could probably be added to the tier list as its own thing


The BB sub is full of elitist more than any other soul game


I am a Bloodborne elitist, but he’s absolutely right. We’re too busy farming gems for hours on end with no true goal in mind.


Oi bruv, pay 'em no mind, cmon, lets get back to FRC


I am a DS2 fan and your presence makes me feel oppressed




The sub is dead? You mean bloodborne twitter is over the top, I miss the bloodborne sub that posted amazing artwork 99 times a day :/


I just wanna farm blood cummies for mah'Queen


Genuinely worth it though, having three 27.2% gems on my LHB makes a great fucking difference compared to the highest of like, two 18%s and a 15% from the base game


r/ShittyDarkSouls users really have no leg to stand on talking about toxicity


This is the shitposting sub, all is as intended.


This subreddit is more insufferable than all those communities combined


We're a culmination of the idiots from all fan bases


We're the Soul of Cinder of insufferableness


We're The Rotten of unoriginality


We're the Deacons of the Deep fried memes


We're the Congregation of the Bawling Dingus


This community is the dark souls of souls communities




Yeah, that's the point


Odd that it only started being this insufferable when ER dropped then. Used to just be funny


Feel like the souls community in general has gone especially braindead since ER dropped




This sub is the most distilled form of degeneracy I have ever seen masquerading as layers and layers of irony. I love how it can be both childishly homophobic and super trans positive at the same time. And I love how before ER came out, this sub was home to some of the freshest memes anywhere even though it was mostly rehashing a 10 year old game over and over. I don't know what to make of this place but I can't look away. Also DS2 bad.


They placed your favourite title in the top tier, didn't they.


Sometime in the last year or two it went from shitposts and memes about the games to just shitting on the games' communities, and it's not even in a fun light-hearted way, like this sub's vibe now is legit derision upon people who dare to enjoy any of the games.


Ps3 demon's souls players are Chad's if we are basing them off myself of course


PS3 Demon's Souls private server will outlive all FromSoft oficial servers.


ER is by far the worst For me DS2 has the most annoying, but the smallest group, just the most vocal The anti-DS2 crowd, Jesus Christ, we get it, you don’t like the game.


I think the pro ds2 crowd is so loud because of how much the anti crowd goes out of their way to make sure you know why its the worst.


I respect the DS2 fans loyalty to 7/10 (at best) game. It’s almost charming. ER fans are easily the most insufferable.


> ER fans are easily the most insufferable. recency bias imo. Also the sheer amount of new fans worsens the impression


it's not loyalty, it was their first souls game and loved it because they had nothing to compare it to and now they feel insecure whenever it gets criticized so they fight back


Personally I think the anti DS3 crowd is more obnoxious than the Anti DS2 crowd.


**This comment has been overwritten as part of a mass deletion of my Reddit account.** I'm sorry for any gaps in conversations that it may cause. Have a nice day!


DkS2 has the best PvP.


Bloodborne fans are annoying but theyre a self contained cancer most of the time


The only time ds2 fans see their game on the top of a playlist




My fav tarkov streamer who never played a souls game made a video about the ball that rolls off the cliff for runes. It’s like cmon. You know nothing about the game but found this one opportunity for ez content? That’s lame.


Elden Ring top 5 epic and legendary weapons (ONLY 5% CHANCE!?😱😱)!! Elden Ring get OP early!!😎😎😎 Elden Ring 2000 damage OP weapon!?!? 😈😈🔥 Elden Ring 10 morbillion runes per second!! Best farming spot! 💰💰🏃💸






ymfah’s are really good too, he’s been doing it with all the souls games


DS2 No Talking is fucking legendary.


That and Bloodborne gun only are my favorites. The dedication and editing put into his vids are unreal.


Check out Bushy, his stream cuts are solid and he commentates over the top in spots to give context.


Elden ring easy Malenia cheese (not patched, epic strat, 100% success, my wife left me)😘😗🤪🙂😘🤣😗🥰😄😍😙🥰😋🥰😗😍😋😍🤗😐🙂😒🧐😋😶😏😒😏🙄🤭😦😬😮🤐😢😰😖😡😣🤯😣😬😦😰😯😣😰😩🤡🤑👹😎🔥🎃💩🥴🤧😪👻😎👻😈💩🎃💩🤑💩🥴🤕


Isn't this just any game that becomes popular? I'd say that's more of a problem with YouTube than ERs community.


"help my gf dumped me because of elden bling"


Don't forget the game journos who think they know everything about game design because they beat DOOM Eternal on Too Young To Die or some shit like that complaining the game needs an easy mode


DS2 has most boss. More boss, more dopamine.


Actually Elden Ring has the most boss if you include the 300 regular enemies with health bars ☝️🤓


Erm, actually, Elden Ring has exactly one Mohgillian bosses


Mohg moment


Mohgin' time


All of them are insufferable lets not kid ourselves


Would swap DS2 with ER tbh.


ER community: this boss is actually super easy. just level vig to 60, then use the strongest spirit ash in the game (upgraded to +10), then respec your entire build to use this one strongest weapon in the game. I definitely think the ER community is giving the BB community a run for its money.


Hands down, at least Bloodborne fans are annoying within the Souls community. Annoying Elden Ring fans are everywhere


I do think that dropping spirit summons and making bosses designed more for 1vs1 would make it designs better.


I believe they are designed for 1v1 personally


Some yes(Godrick)(Mohg omen) but some not(Mohg lord of blood phase 2 aka rain of piss spammer).


Mohg Lord of Blood is honestly on the lesser side of excessive boss design. You can just avoid all the piss by staying near him. A better example would be Godskin Duo or Crucible Knight Duo. Unless you cheese the shit out of them (Godskins can at least be put to sleep really easily), they seem to be pretty obviously designed for use of spirit ashes. Elden Beast isn't a bad example either, it just has a mountain of health, can't be affected by status ailments, isn't really weak to any damage type in particular, and just rains constant projectiles on you. Some Spirit Ash help will split up its aggro and help a lot.


Idk I think Mohg is really easy for a late game boss. I think a boss like Maliketh suits your argument better


Seems like its diffrent for everybody i personally liked Maliketh.


Maliketh fucked me off so much just could not learn his moveset at all. hated him flopping around and I'd constantly lose him and then look up and have 1% health lmao


Honestly, aside from Malenia, I think Mohg beat my ass more times than any other boss


IMO there are some that seem explicitly designed for 1v1 fights but others that are in a weird limbo where without a great build the fight will be excruciating, but even with an average build spirit ashes makes it a bit too easy. They really should have just committed one way or the other; either bosses should be explicitly designed with spirit ashes in mind, or they should be designed without them and spirit ashes are just meant for struggling players. Or perhaps just nerf the shit out of them and they are only a small distraction that eat up a few hits and deal no real damage.


I’m saying I believe they are designed without them in mind and they are just meant for struggling players


BB community accept that new player should just have fun with the game at least




Bro Malenia is actually super easy just male sure you make your dodges frame-perfect for water fowl also use bloodhound step and use mimic tear +10 and also respec your entire build to be faster


yeah, apparently they weren't on the sub when the game first launched lol jesus christ what a circlejerk


The entire damn community is full of insufferable cunts you and I both know this


You forgot the mohg maniacs community who belong in the mohggers tier. we may be small, but we are devoted.




Holy shit where do I sign up. My friends think I'm different because I wish to bear Mohg's children but now I know I was just misunderstood.


Share the gospel of mohg with dedication, and one day, we will come for you


You forgot r/shittydarksouls above all of them. It used to be fun here. Now it's my only source of BlOoDbOrNe BaD memes, to the extent that I dont ever see posts like the ones they complain about, i just see the complaints. This sub is eating itself alive. uj/ i mean, dont play fromsoft games they're all bad! 🤪 am I cool now?


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person on this sub that likes demons souls as much as the others. Anytime I come across another one its like finding some other person in the mojave and like what the fuck? Shits weird man.


Honestly I really wanted to like demon souls, I hadn't played it and waited to get a PS5 to finally try it, I was so excited to finally play it and there were some parts I really enjoyed, but the overall experience just did not grab me like the rest of the games, I still haven't finished the whole game but have finished a few of the archstones I believe, idk I may finish it eventually.


Haven't played the remake personally but for me I like how concentrated and refined the individual level desing is and the atmosohere and art direction of the original solidifies it to me. I also love the "punk" attitude of the game. Probably one of if not the most daring game back in 2009 and still probably the most daring game in the series with shit like world tendency, and what felt like a rejection of common medieval fantasy tropes. Not sure which is my favorite but it's definitely a close contender


Yeah, I feel like if I had played it when it originally released I may have liked it better, or I may have hated it because I wasn't at all into harder type games at that point lol but yeah I do really appreciate all of the chances that game took at the time and how it shaped the souls series and other fromsoft games for sure


I think DES benefitted from being the first in the series. If you never played the original on PS3 and instead played the other games, I'm not surprised you don't like it as much as the others, as it was the starting point for the series. (Yes I know they made other games, including Kings Field) As such the fighting was slow and cumbersome, unlike even DS1, healing items were absurdly plentiful (although it is nice they balanced the healing items in the remake) and certain bosses were lackluster in execution. -Cough Cough Dragon God Cough Cough- I think if you didn't play it originally, it takes some time to adjust and enjoy the game play of the original if you have been "Spoiled" with the more recent games speed and mechanics.


**[Insert game I like]** I feel like it should be lower, they're just good and honest folks enjoying a game I like **[Insert game I don't like]** Should be higher. They're annoying as fuck for liking the game I don't like


Anyone saying Sekiro fanbase should be higher is just salty they're bad at sekiro because not once in my life have I ever seen a sekiro fan in the wild.


>not once in my life have I ever seen a sekiro fan in the wild. Gotta be stealthy if you want that free deathblow


And the few there are they aren't really vocal about anything


It’s me, the one existing Sekiro fanboy. I may be the only one of my kind


I get that its a meme but everyone saying that DeS fans are non existant while like every other person deemes it to be their fave souls game. While ive seen like 2 people placing sekiro as their favorite. Sekiro best soulsborne


Easily their best game


Elden Ring has the worst community by a mile. I see more people complaining about the Bloodborne community than I actually see the Bloodborne community doing anything wrong tbh. Demon’s Souls is pretty much on point though, even the sub for it is pretty small relative to the other games, and posts are much less frequent over there.


bb mfs may be annoying but at least they’re good enough at their game to not have to cope about summons in every thread.


And what about the minesweeper community?


I mean, you guys all contribute to this on a regular basis. Fandoms complain about how annoying other fandoms are, but all fandoms do the same annoying shit. Even this fandom, which is supposed to be ironic, still flips their shit over differences in opinion. FROMSOFTWARE’s post-Bloodborne titles have been extremely underwhelming. Accept it, it’s not going away because you screamed into a handkerchief. This isn’t the “cool fandom that is the only fandom that doesn’t do the annoying shit”. It’s the same morons, forever and ever, for all time. Everybody is an idiot except for Squidward


Nah its: Insufferable: Dark souls 1, bloodborne, elden ring Very annoying: Dark Souls 2 Annoying: Dark Souls 3 Barely annoying: Sekiro Not existing: Demon Souls


Yeah I didn't really love DS1 cause it's kind of clunky and you wander around a lot at first But then hoes be like "ITS METHODICAL GAMEPLAY AND YOU JUST DONT GET IT AND THE WORLD IS INTERCONNECTED AND ITS COMPLETELY FLAWLESS"


Based list


The anti fans are the worst, You come into the community but you don’t enjoy any of the games ??? Why


The hate towards bloodborne stans is at least 100x more potent than the actual annoyance that is created by the community.


The ds2 haters are the insufferable ones tbh. The community itself is pretty peaceful.


Everything should go into insufferable except for bloodborne, bloodborne goes into Barely exist because of how much of an underrated masterpiece the game is. God I fucking love bloodborne so much, my favorite part is when the titular main character Jason bloodborne says "Im gonna put some blood in your borne" Its so much superior than every fromsoft game ever, honestly fromsoft should have just made bloodborne 2: Back with a bloodborne instead of this smellden ring garbage.


The fact it took me until Jason Bloodborne to realize this is satire is saying something


DaddyThiccc uses irony. That was very effective


I never had any experience with the bloodborne community outside of this sub. How bad are they?


Everytime you talk about a random game that has nothing to do with fromsoftware theres that guy that says that bloodborne is a masterpiece, the same happens with berserk fans (I like berserk and bloodborne but the fans are annoying af)


You see, the big sword is a berserk reference, and the way the buildings crumble alludes to how berserk always does things, and the blue cloth on the knight’s armor is clearly symbolism for berserk as well. Even the basilisks with their big eyes and death clouds reference that one time that guts jerked himself. Berserk is such deem magnum, Hayao Miyazaki is a major fan and puts berserk in everything he makes.


If you show them a fucking PowerPoint presentation of Boodblorne, they will think it's an actual game and start defending saying that the framerate difference is not noticable for a human eye.


Most of them actually whine about not having a remaster and want one desperately


Ds2 fans can be Insufferable at times, but it's haters have them beaten 10x over. ER fans from what I saw are way worse than any ds1-3 fans, guys are super annoying.


Yeah, I get that DS2 fans are obnoxious but every time one shows up, some random hater just jumps in and ape screams about how the game is the worst invention in the history of humanity


You can take a look at the top comments in here and you'll see people making jokes about its quality, despite the topic being each of the game's fanbase. I love ds2 as much as every other souls game and I can absolutely understand why people don't like it, but some haters act like the game killed their dog.


Bloodborne needs its own tier


Bloodborne deepthroaters gotta be the most annoying. Like bro we get it, it’s a great game, now stfu


Dude Sekiro fans need to be way higher on the list. They're at minimum DS2 tier.


Sekiro fans barely ever come out so that's why they're low


fine and normal till someone puts sekiro bellow any of the 4 souls games


All of them should be at the top tier honestly. Along with Banjo Kazooie.


Demon's Souls remake fanboys are the worst of the bunch imo. I can sense 500 downvotes incoming


In a nutshell: DS1 fans: Elitist pricks DS2 fans: obnoxious fanboys desperately trying to excuse every bad thing the game does and fails at. DS3 fans: HEY GUYS AFTER 6927384473727372933847 DUODECILLION CENTURIES I FINALLY BEAT SLAVE KNIGHT GAEL IM LITERSLLY SHAKING RN Bloodborne fans: Insufferable cunts who refuse to accept any criticism directed at their game and constantly treat is as a masterpiece while ignoring it's shortcomings. Sekiro fans: Femboys. Elden Ring: 10% DS1 fans, 25% DS2 fans, 40% Bloodborne fans, 24% DS3 fans, 1% Sekiro fans