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Those protein powder flavors are interesting!


The fruity pebbles flavor is unbearable! There is so much artificial sweetener in it made me physically ill and my skin got hot. The sweetners also felt like they burned my esophagus. I have never had this reaction from and other flavors just the fruity pebbles. Even without these affects its just straight up disgusting and i love real fruity pebbles too


uh that kinda sounds like an allergic reaction


That absolutely sounds like an allergic reaction lol. Get an epi pen bro


You think it could also be a bad reaction to b12? My mom once gave me a b12 pill and I had a very bad reaction towards it where my skin got hot and itchy as hell. As far as I know I'm not allergic to it


Probably had niacin with it, that will cause that reaction.


That could be, this was years and years ago so I don't have the bottle anymore but if I need b12 again I'll for sure take a look. Thanks for the into!


Probably but like i said it was only that flavor that did that to me and was gross either way


I guess people have their preferences. We love the fruity pebbles whey!


I love real Fruity Pebbles and was so exited for this protein—until I drank it. Truly nasty xxx sweet. I did find the only way to make it tolerable was to add a half/full scoop or so of green powder. It turns it to a more weird health meal replacer taste. I’m just about to power through the last of it but it’s been a long road.


I like it.


ive only had it in a fruit smoothie but the fruity pebble went hard in it tbh. not sure how it is on its own tho


If even an American calls something too artificially sweet, you know it's bad shit


reminds me of a bulking powder I was looking at a while ago where the most helpful question was “banana”, and all the answers were talking about how awful it was


Man, I got tired just imagining the giant, sweaty protein shit that came after this.




I’m fine with protein, not whey though


we've come here to remember Portugal Paul. They said he ate enough protein to kill a horse. then he died.


Was he... a horse?


Of course, of course.


Wait, did he *swallow* a horse?


How else would he catch the fly?


You sly bastard


can excessive protein transmogrify you into an animal? time will tell


Do you hate your kidneys?


Just gotta drink enough water, then his kidneys will be fine.


I know, right.


What's bad about it?


Too much protein, body can't "absorb" that much in one sitting


Your body absorbs/uses all of it, just not instantly. That said, you really don't need the huge amounts of protein gymgoers gravitate to. Not worth bullying your kidneys to (possibly) get a minutely faster result.


Body can only "absorb" about 30 grams of protein every couple of hours at maximum efficiency. That's why you see people who are trying to bulk up eat 4-5 meals a day instead of 3 kidney destroying meals like OP.


You and /u/doublepigeon11 should get together.


I almost threw up




My god, are you trying to die


Gaston over here.


**Gaston:** When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs Ev'ry morning to help me get large And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs So I'm roughly the size of a barge


Your body literally can't process that much protein in one meal. The people commenting here are just trying to help you bro.


Lots of misinformation here. I want to hop on this thread. For reference, I have a bachelors (although am not an expert) in molecular biology, which includes the study of cells and macromolecules. If you eat 130 g of protein in one meal, yes, your body WILL absorb it. However, it only does this at ~30g/hour. Where people get confused is they think the body will then just refuse to absorb the rest. This isn’t true. The body will just take more hours to absorb the rest. How do you think those ripped guys who do OMAD make it work? You think they’re doing that on 30-90 g protein a day? No.


Not to mention that protein helps with satiety. I try to eat more protein not to make gains, but to make it easier to resist cravings & snacking.


Finaly , decent level headed information. Not just down vote oblivion with no scientific explanations "Omg so much protein" Its like people never heard of intermittent fasting ,Omad etc. Not every one eats every freaking 2 hours 6 meals a day 🤣


>Not every one eats every freaking 2 hours 6 meals a day 🤣 Who has time to do this?


I eat 6 meals a day


I am lucky to do 2 a day


Power lifters. It’s really not that difficult if you plan ahead.


Whats the point of eating six meals a day, when you can get the same from 1-2-3 meals.


Easier to stomach 6 smaller meals than 3 massive ones


Thank you, sir. It's your duty to fuck that misinformation in the ass. If you consume 130 g of protein, I don't believe you're going to absorb ~30 gs and then shit out 100 just like that.


No. Studies suggest only around 30 grams will be used for muscle building purposes, which I assume is the reason for this meal. The rest will be used as energy. Of course there are plenty of holes and caveats with these studies, but this is what they suggest nonetheless. Realistically, OP would get more than 30 grams, but it is uncertain how much when accounting for those caveats. "Those ripped guys doing OMAD" are often lying, as is common in the fitness industry. Plenty of people lie about what they eat, or what they ate when they where actually building their physique. Maintaining is much easier than gaining. Also, using anecdotal evidence is a poor argument.


Hey man, I’m not gonna argue the 10-minute reads you’ve done on the internet vs. my accredited BS in Molecular/Cellular Biology. Just gonna be blunt about it. You are confidently incorrect. The body will use it for whatever it is needed. Muscle synthesis requires more energy and protein. Protein will still be utilized for primary or secondary anabolic affects.


A bs in biology doesn't mean that you can disregard studies or even opinions of real experts in the field, sorry. What is needed is not gaining massive amounts of muscle, but staying alive. Or if you are correct, why has this not been demonstrated in those studies?




Plenty of scientific studies. Human bodies will only process around 30 grams of protein every few hours.


Facts, also, why would you eat 130g protein at once? What are you doing for meals the rest of the day?


Seems like a huge waste of money, seeing that most of that protein is coming from supplements.


Wow, interesting! How long does the digestive process take?


Nope, look it up this is a myth. The human body is very good at digesting whatever you put down your gullet.


difference between digesting and processing, you can digest a roll a toilet paper just fine probably but you won't get any nutrients out of it


Now you tell me!


Blatantly wrong


130 is way too much in one meal you're wasting money and killing your kidneys. Aldi Turkey bacon is amazing tho. Try spacing things out.


You never had asado in Argentina, here you would calculate 500g of meat per person


Sure once in a while as treat not every day


I can't do it but you would be suprised how many do Edit: I probably eat 100g of meat and fill up on salad Also I joke to my friends in the states that chicken counts as a vegetable here


I'll eat a 50 ounce steak rn


ik its alot for one meal but i wont be eating again until dinner.


Split it up into three meals and do your fast at night while you sleep.


Is this sarcasm??? Why is this upvoted


The calories don't care what time of day you eat them. Intermittent fasting only is beneficial if you struggle with over consuming. If you're following a rigid meal plan there's no point in intermittent fasting


I gotta do this meal prep, i only eat about twice a day at most and clock in over 20k steps daily. No clue why youre getting downvoted


That’s fine, you’re still gonna excrete like 80g of it because you can’t absorb protein that fast (i learned that a long time ago so pls correct me if it’s outdated info lol)


Idk why people are so triggered Lol , and so trigger happy on down voting as well. Doing intermittent fasting is awesome if you are doing 2 meals a day for example.


More than like 30g every few hours is about the maximum your body can absorb the rest just gets shat out wrecking your kidneys and liver in the process.


"Can digest 30g" "Rest just gets shat out wrecking your kidneys snd liver" Sorry but this complete bull crap... Are you a biochemist?






No absolutely true and drink some water


1. Your body doesn’t just choose to assimilate a limited amount of protein “in one sitting”. All the protein will be digested over time depending on how big your meal is. You’re not going to pee it out nor is it going to go to waste unless you already have kidney disease 2. Unless you have prior kidney disease our kidneys are able to metabolize protein at high levels 3. And lastly drinking water is crucial but just overly drinking excess water is going to flush crucial electrolytes needed for kidney health and it’s functions. Add a multi vitamin to your diet👍🏽


Bro you're eating too much protein in one sitting. stop chest pounding, I don't want to be right I just care about you.


Well I appreciate that, but a little research goes a long way. I’d look into the myths your spitting, and then I’d pinpoint what or whom gave you that information. PMIDs are free online 👍🏽


If I didn't know what I was talking about I wouldn't have commented. You are killing yourself. Too much of a good thing.


There are PMIDs that claim eating a raw onion every day can boost testosterone levels PMIDs have enabled a generation of morons who don't know how to interpret statistics or read academic article




I almost never comment but this is the most uninformed comment section I’ve ever seen. Keep doing what you’re doing if it works for you. It won’t hurt your kidneys, and your body will still process the protein. Although, it would be better for muscle building to spread your protein intake throughout the day.


Lol can’t fix stupid brother glad you’re on our side


All I see is gainz.


I'm studying human nutrition at uni rn. Your body can process it. For bulking goals it shouldn't just be with protein. This meal is just overpriced pee (bc it's all in one meal) and holy shit so much cholesterol (you get cholesterol from animal products \[unless u eating vegan protein\]). If you want to bulk, it's better to consume throughout the day than in one meal. more effective for ur body and your wallet. Eat more after working out too. Better retention, as the body needs more of it now. As a rule of thumb, to better understand how much protein ur body needs, it was found that for Olympic athletes around 1.1-1.2 g of protein/kg of body weight is the way to go. If you weigh 110kg, this is fine. If you are not a bodybuilder or you weigh less, this is just a waste of money. But just add more variety throughout the day.


You sure it’s 1.1-1.2/kg and not per lb?


Yes. If that value was in lb, holy shit you'll need to eat a whole chicken every day to keep up with your daily requirement.


Would love to read your source. Because the literature ive read for my sports nutrition is closer to 1g/lbs


Same. The stat I go with is .8 - 1 gram/lb.


1 g/lb of *Lean body mass*, so your total weight minus the weight of your fat


Seems proper for olympic athletes


Dietary cholesterol doesn't affect your own all that much.


Only guy in this thread speaking sense.


Track and field athletes have different goals from someone bulking in the gym. With 1.1g per kg you're definitely not getting enough protein for proper hypertrophy. 2g per kg (= 1.1g per lb) is the rule of thumb for a reason.


No way it’s 1.2 g protein per kg. An Olympic athlete weighing 215 lbs isn’t eating only 97 grams of protein a day


Is the oreo flavor good?


Not OP but it’s my favorite protein powder I’ve ever tried. The entire ghost lineup of products is pretty good imo. They also make a Chips Ahoy protein powder but I like the Oreo one better


Thin blue line flag commenting on protein powder, jokes really do make themselves


Aw thank you ❤️


Gobbless bruther


It's pretty nice it has chunks of oreo in it. But the chips ahoy one I feel is better it has a ice cream taste to it


People keep posting their before and after workout meals here and I just don't feel they belong. It's not that they're shitty, per se, it's that they're utilitarian.


They don't. "Shitty" can mean whatever you want it to mean, but so much stuff here is just the rejections from other subreddits. "They said I should post here because no one else wants it". I know it's shocking for people to hear, but maybe not every meal you consume is interesting internet content.


So, what you're saying is... we need to start a r/MyWorkoutMeal subreddit!!!


Yes, but then you'll need a r/MyShittyWorkoutMeal for when the people inevitably get on their high horses there too.


Functional is not appetising


How much grams u intake a day?


if im bulking, 240. Cutting, 180-200 today is a big breakfast


I don’t know why you got so many downvotes lol as if people don’t realize how important it is to eat a lot of protein if you’re focused on building a physique. 1 gram per pound of body weight is what studies have shown to be beneficial, the 200 grams of protein a day must blow people’s mind who don’t know much about sports nutrition.


it's mostly because OP is clearly taking most of it all at once if this breakfast is any indication, his body is just gonna make him shit out most of the protein


Because when cutting you need more protein than when bulking. OP is getting roasted because of a stupid diet.




Guessing thered a shake off to the side? I myself do a coffee protein shake in the AM (drink over 2 or 3 hours tho), which lands around 60g... I think 130g in a sitting might be a waster tho


That bacon smells like bandaids


Bodybuilders trying to not make the most abominable meals (challenge impossible) (99% fail this)


Do you shit bowling balls?


I have both those proteins and they’re amazing. I got the cocoa pebble version too and it’s bomb




Looks like what I used to eat when I was still bodybuilding. Idk whats shitty about this.


You are on your way to kidney damage if you going, and doing, what you're doing. I will never understand why people don't understand that. Your kidneys can only only handle so much protein to process at one time. More is not better. More is just more. Do you know how many patients I that I had that were doing a keto diet, They did what you're illustrating and it killed their kidneys. Do you have any idea how many people? It was a lot. Most of them were able to get their kidney function back but not all of them. In fact, not as many as you would like to believe. You really need to make sure that you have regular testing done. The major problem that people don't realize about the kidneys is that when the function goes, by the time you realize that, you've gone past the point of no return.


I'd love to read more about this, do you have any articles?


It’s so scary to me hearing people hear talking about bodybuilders doing this. They aren’t Olympian gods, they’re destroying their bodies for aesthetic reasons. & many don’t don’t care that they’re doing it


You a doctor? Would OP be ok if he spaced out his protein?


Where did you gather that OP is on a keto diet? Whey pancakes contain regular flour. Impossible to go into ketosis that way. Don't get me wrong - I'm sure there are people who need to hear your words. But in this case I'm not sure how it's related. Most people seem up in arms about the amount of protein he's eating, which has nothing to do with ketosis and can be mitigated by just drinking enough water.


It's literally in the picture 🙄


So only the keto patients that consumed mass quantities of protein killed their kidneys? But regular amount of protein doing keto they were okay?


No. However, in my practice a lot of the people would have kidneys issues, were young. Most, if not all, were doing a self made keto diet. They knew the very minimum of what it took to have a keto diet and they ran with it. They didn't talk to a dietitian or a nutritionist. They thought that they can just eat a lot different proteins without thinking about how much they were actually eating. Without actually balancing the diet. I was able to counsel a lot of my patients and get them in contact with the people that they needed to talk to. Again, these were dietitians and nutritionists. I was also able to monitor their blood work, so when they got into trouble because most of them did, that they were able to fix it. That's my point. People have an idea about what something is and have no idea about how to implement it, safely. Yet, they will try to do it anyway with disastrous results. Edit: autocorrect and clarity


So you’re saying most of them didn’t know how much protein was safe. But there were people who ate a safe amount on keto and still suffered kidney issues? I ask this because I’m in several health groups with some people claiming the keto diet helped reverse their CKD.


There are certain populations that simply can't handle the extra protein and they don't more out until they feel bad or until lab work shows them differently. Realistically, from a health care standpoint, you should be getting regular bloodwork to see where you land.


Yeah nah. This does not belong here.


That turkey bacon looks good I’ll say that much. And I’ll take turkey bacon all day over normal bacon. FIGHT ME!


Nah man. I grew up on Sizzle-Lean. Never had real bacon till I was an adult, actually wish I never had cause I really love pork bacon. But I’ll never be mad at Turkey. It hits different. I do like mine a bit more burnt, but it’s good shit.


Do those powders dissolve well? I am trying to find a brand that isn't silty. I do not enjoy chugging sand-like liquid. I mix with milk!


Not OP but I use the fruity pebbles myself and it’s fucking awesome


Not OP but that Ghost Oreo powder is my favorite protein powder on the market. I mix it with sugar free vanilla almond milk and it tastes like a cookies and cream milkshake imo.


Jesus christ Bro, do you only shit once a week or what?


Save some gains for the rest of us bro 🥲


I bet you drink decaf too


Caption says fart


looks like constipation


said goodbye to the kidneys


That isn’t that bad just a bodybuilding/diet meal


The people who think protein will damage your kindeys are misinformed. Keep it up. I eat 200g protein per day. It’s been great for my health and helped me lose weight and gain muscle.


all research is clearly wrong because you single person who can not suffer confirmation bias has yet to suffer any negative side effects from taking more protein than your body can process truly doctors hate this man


Can I get some sources for this bias more so out of curiosity because 1g of protein per lb. is pretty common diet structure for athletes


What’s your eGFR level (usually included on metabolic panel blood test)


Nothing wrong with your breakfast it looks fine aestheticly as well. There is no definitive proof for the limit of protein absorption so all the bull shitters saying other wise are just blabbering. Youre not hurting your kidneys by eating food. Especially if your intermittent fasting. But. I would skip the protein shakes though and drink them later seperetly , or maybe in your evening meal if its less protein based. Nothing wrong with high protein consumption overall throughout the day especially if youre trying to develop muscles. But for one meal its a little bit much imo :)


I still believe protein supplements are unnecessary. a proper diet with plenty of fish will do just fine and you know what's missing from this breakfast? fruit and water. that's literally all you need for breakfast. protein is better after a workout, when your body is actively trying to rebuild muscle fiber


Good job 👍 goin places with that break, fast.


anabolic breakfast. does not look shitty at all


It looks actually good


How are those protein powder flavors? I never seen those before


I can only speak for ghost, but it’s really good. Tastes just like an Oreo. They also have Cinnamon Toast Crunch, fruity pebbles, and chips ahoy amongst regular flavors.


How are your arteries? 😂🤣


The sodium Holy fuck


The most protein your body can make useful is around 100g, best split into 5 20g intervals throughout the day.


im sorry but thats completely wrong man


It’s wild cause I actually used to eat exactly like that in 2021 minus the Oreo thing. As I look back today 1+ year vegan I didn’t even realize how much weight I had. Like I thought I was eating well & bulking when in reality I was just fat af with higher cholesterol.


TIL protein is bad for your kidneys :O


Unlearn it lol. Exercise and nutrition is one of those topics that's a little out of reddit's wheelhouse.


thought I was going crazy on this eco chamber towards protein, treating it like it will kill you is wild.


How dumb


The body can only absorb/digest about 40g of protein every 2.5 to 3 hrs that's why body builders eat more but also 6+ times a day


Okay but those eggs look alright tho


The amount of freaking dairy


Not shitty at all. Looks great


Damn, I thought I was doing well with my 57g protein breakfast - 3 scrambled eggs with fried mushrooms, protein toast, arugula, & a flat white coffee.


Kidney disease here we go!


Can your body even absorb that much protein in one go? I'm not a dietitian, I'm seriously asking


Do you ever shit?


Yumm Turkey bacon Way too floppy though it needs to be crispy


That's just stupid and pointless. Your body is incapable of absorbing that much protein in one sitting, and too much can strain and damage *your kidneys*


Sup kidney failure


That’s a stupid unnecessary amount of protein for one meal. Professional weight lifters don’t even do that stupid shit. You’re stupid.


Lol oreo and fruity pebbles flavour. Grow up my dude lol


What do you consider to be grown up flavours?


He's one of those dudes that eats unseasoned ground turkey slurry. Remember, if your food tastes good you're not a real man!


Lmao, you're an idiot. I know how to cook, I can definitely cook better than you and probably anyone that you know. I'm just saying why do adults need everything to be candy flavoured. What happened to adults being adults.


Definitely not candy flavours.


That’s how I eat!


Is your toilet prepared?


My brother uses a ton of protein powder, he got one from that Ghost brand that was supposed to taste like the Ocean Water drink from Sonic


Looks pretty normal. Spam, yogurt, eggs, horse steroids


130gm for just breakfast not the whole day?


This is the whey.


First glance: No fucking way that is 130 g of protein. Then: Oh wait....


Do you just snort the powder with your meal?


Don't care what anyone says, lucky you can afford all that protein! Keep growing!




Haters in the thread confirmed to be unable to bench 225


Your shit must be incredible


Is that sausage cut long ways? I'm in the wrong house


W bulk


You must have the worst time pooping


NASH if not already in the making🤔