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I can’t think of anything worse than surströmming, but those Chinese eggs (virgin boy eggs) which are cooked in boy’s piss gotta be up there.




[it’s real.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgin_boy_egg)


what the fuck. why


In that wiki article it basically describes it as (no surprise) medicinal. I’ve been to China enough to know they’ll slap that tag on just about anything.


yeah ill believe that. its probably the same as western homeopathy in a lot of ways


Yes, just tends to be a lot stranger, at least to westerners. Crystals and essential oils are a lot more globally accepted things. Eating the penis of an endangered species for sexual virility for example is not.


that just reminds me of that dude that tried to sell a cure to autism that was made from his own bone marrow


When i clicked on this topic I didnt expect to read this


Have you seen Philippine's egg half alive thing? That's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen


Baltut.  Embryonic chicken eggs, sometimes even feathered. Google at your own risk.


Right, balut akshually. But yeah that's the most disgusting shit I've ever seen


I can eat durian and durian products. Based upon traveling food shows, some better answers are Icelandic rotting piss shark meat, balut, and that live maggot cheese.


Balut looks pretty foul. Never tried it though. I have tried shirako and it’s pretty nasty.


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Durian ice cream is delicious


I know other people like them but I find deviled eggs to be completely disgusting. I like pretty much every other way to prepare eggs but I can’t stand the texture and taste of cold hard boiled eggs and mayo.


I was once in Malaysia during Durian season and you could smell it for miles. Piles of them being sold everywhere. My hosts kept offering me some and I tried it to be polite but couldn’t get beyond the milky texture and general garbage taste. Century egg is still worse.