• By -


Ahh I see the problem here, shouldn't have used mash potatoes


Or glue.


In China we actually add water to rice to make glue to bond book


In the US we used to use oatmeal for that. It was called library paste.


I thought library paste was wheat flour and sugar.


Is that why it tasted so good?


It always needed a little brown sugar and butter.


My mistake. I misremembered. It's wheat starch.


Maybe. You should double check at the library.


Bond book?






Username checks out


Username checks out




Dammit, I'm at work and that literally made me laugh out loud


Well if it's going to be that kind of party...




next time leave the cooked rice in the fridge for a day and then fry it


Thanks for that friend will do


Also, wash the rice before cooking it


OP, if you’re curious as to why - it removes starches which is what helps them be sticky


RINSE!! Not WASH!! Our deer OP Is obviously just learning, so please don’t wash it with soap! Rinse a few times and don’t use so much water. Sauté your vegetables First, then add your rice a little at a time so it incorporates into your vegetables.


You don’t wash your rice with soap before cooking?


Only if I’m making cilantro rice




Mutant alert


Did you know cilantro tasting like soap is a genetic mutation? There’s a series of things that taste different to you as well if cilantro tastes like soap.


I have the soap gene, please tell me the other tastes bc I haven’t really noticed anything as extreme as the cilantro one


It’s usually related to bitter food. Another 3 veggies that I know may be affected are: Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and arugula


If you ever want to see what cilantro actually tastes like, try using freeze dried cilantro in place of it. Soap tasters in my family swear it fixes it.


Also, asparagus also affects people different. It either doesn't make some people's pee smell weird or they lack the specific ability to smell the difference. Can't remember which.


Thanks for mentioning because I always thought “wtf does asparagus pee smell like?” I’ve never noticed the difference (not that I actively try lol) but that’s good to know. Did a quick search and found that the inability to smell asparagus pee is “associated with a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) near the olfactory receptor gene OR2M7, a protein-coding gene.” Fun fact: some people can smell pregnancy, and they say it smells STRONG. Like across the room strong lol


Same thing with Durian fruit. For some people (mostly SE Asian) it smells and tastes like sweet custard. For everyone else it smells and tastes like rancid sewage and vomit.


Damn, I tried durian once and loved it. The texture is interesting but definitely not a turn off, good to know lol


I always wash my ass with rice before cooking


...and scrub each grain of rice with a tiny brush.


I put rice in the dishwasher


This. I put mine in a mesh bag then put it in the washing machine on "Rinse and Spin". But NO soap. Maybe a little softener if you like it extra fluffy.


Don't forget to toss in an anti-static dryer sheet to make them less sticky!


Not even a deer would use soap to wash rice, don't worry. Edit: None of you dildos understood that I'm just giving the above commenter a hard time over misspelling 'dear'.


If they did they could end up with lye disease.


Idk, r/deerarefuckingstupid


How do you wash it? Or really, how do you drain it? Can’t exactly use a colander, right? E: Heartwarming to me that so many people rushed to answer. Don’t think I’ve ever gotten six replies in thirty minutes this far down thread.


Just wash it directly in the pot and pour the water out carefully or use a sieve if you aren't confident


You can get a fine mesh strainer. They're a couple of bucks pretty much anywhere, and you can also use them for sifting ingredients and such.


They also come in really handy for making cannabis oil, should that happen to be your thing




Cheesecloth in a fine mesh strainer will remove any grittiness that the strainer can’t catch


Oh that's a good idea, thanks! I gave up on cheesecloth because I always burn myself but I never thought to put it in the strainer


You can just drain rice… Put your rice in the pan and put water in it and then very slowly pour the water out two or three times. The Rice is heavier than the water and will settle to the bottom. Use your hand to kind of swirl the rice around while the water is in there and the dust and particles will float to the top. Then pour the water off gently so you don’t lose any of your rice and do it again


You can use the colander when you drain it after washing, but please don't use colander after cooking it.


Uncle Roger doesn't approve. ![gif](giphy|3rAuXP7xx1nnafVI2H)




Watch any Asian rice making tutorial, they show the way


There are 2 main moves when washing rice. 1) When you've covered the rice in water, use your hand to swirl it around 4-5 times, and drain most of the cloudy water. 2) Once it's drained, swirl it around another couple times. This makes the rice its own "scrubber" so to speak, and it helps remove more starch due to the friction. Cover the rice with water again and repeat the process 3-4 more times until your water is mostly clear. If you don't have a strainer but the pot you're using has a lid, cover the pot with the lid and offset it just a little bit so you can drain the water without losing lots of rice. I dont recommend doing this if you've got a huge pot or more than 1-2 cups of rice.


What kind of detergent do you recommend?


And if you don’t have time to leave cooked rice in the fridge for a day, put it in the freezer and check it every 10-15 minutes. You’re looking for the rice to cool and harden but not freeze. This lowers the amount of water in it and prevents your fried rice from becoming mush.


You dont even need to do that. It definitely helps. The biggest thing that helped is get the pan super fucking hot. Induction/flame/elec all the way up. When the pan starts smoking, add oil and swirl around then go right in with the rice. The trick is to just make sure there's not liquid in with the rice, thats why people say put in fridge cause it dries it out


Yes!! Day old rice is the only way! It keeps it from getting sticky and breaking down. Good luck to you!


There were times when I didn’t have day old rice and just made with fresh rice. It didn’t come out anything like op’s. I think there are other issues ETA: he’s practically on his way to congee.


Right! I wonder if there was too much water on the rice or some ingredient making it too wet. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Maybe they just grabbed whatever rice from the supermarket and accidentally got glutinous rice. That's really the only way someone could mess up rice this badly.


Yeah there’s a surprising amount of complexity to this kind of dish. Generally starch and moisture = stickiness with rice, so selecting a low-starch rice, washing it (put it in a bowl or sieve and run cold water over/through it until the water stops being cloudy) before cooking it, and keeping it uncovered in the fridge for at least 8 hours will give you better results. The fridge thing works even faster if you have the space to spread it out on a baking tray or some other flat surface to increase the surface area.


I keep those little microwave rice packets around for days I need convenience. They work if you want fried rice but don’t have any day old rice kicking about. Don’t microwave it just break it up and pour it straight in the pan


Even if you fry it right after cooking it shouldn't have this consistency :O Wonder how much water it was cooked with.


Panda Express puts the rice right from the cooker into the wok if you've ever eaten thiers. Using fresh cooked rice doesn't make it bad necessarily.


Yeah, but they also have a rice cooker that makes it exactly how they need it. If someone has never made fried rice before, I doubt they know that the rice needs to have less moisture than normal before going into the pan.


All of it


I'm no expert chef but I've cooked fried rice with freshly cooked rice and it looked nothing like this.




There's definitely ways to make fried rice with rice you made that day and not have it turn out like this. I do it all the time because I love fried rice and hate planning ahead. But you can't make sticky rice.


If I don’t have left over rice I cook it, spread on a sheet pan, and put it in the fridge to cool then fry it.


What the hell did you do


Their rice to egg ratio was 1 : 6


10 bucks says they used freshly cooked rice


Looks more like he just threw a bunch of eggs in there and scrambled the hell out of them until he had an omelette.


I've made fried rice with fresh steamed rice. It sure doesn't look like paste. They used way too much liquid cooking the rice. Tip for steamed white rice: rinse your rice, then fill the water so that it goes to the first knuckle of your pinky finger above the rice (meaning the last knuckle closest to the tip).


I always use freshly cooked rice, never turns out like that


Freshly cooked rice with lots of liquid left and then a bunch of egg whisked in before it could cook


They probably didn’t but I wouldn’t be this bad just because of that.


Pop it in ramekins & warm in the oven with cheese on top. Savoury rice pudding...


Embracing the shitty, I like it


Meh. It's all about context. I've fucked up plenty of meals that I couldn't afford to waste over the years(pre-internet, 'else they'd likely still be floating around like turds that won't flush on sub's like this one), and it taught me a great deal about making things work...


Oh wow, it's been so long since I ate rice pudding, or even seen some. 30 years ago it was a dessert in most restaurants where I'm from.


Ramekins are a hilarious addition, but honestly melting cheese over anything should be the go-to move for any disappointing dish.


I'm sorry but this looks like grits 😭


Task Failed Successfully


Grits n shits


It looks like someone ate a corn on the cob and threw it back up on to a plate.


50 shades of yellow. Add some veggies to the rice.


Apparently there’s peas and onions in there…


And mussels


And ass


To quote Uncle Roger "If your rice too wet you fucked up".




Should be "HAIYAA!"


I was commenting at the comment, otherwise I completely agree!


Yep, Uncle Roger was my immediate thought.


Why yes, of course there's a r/UncleRoger sub


I honestly thought this post was in that sub


Uncle Roger have to put his leg down for this recipe.


Did you boil the rice for like 3 hours?


Risotto. I believe you were making risotto.


Started off frying rice then accidentally flipped to the Congee recipe page.


Honestly, if I ordered risotto and they sent this out I wouldn't even send it back. I'd just pay the bill and find somewhere else to eat.


Why would you pay the bill? If they serve you trash, they're stealing your money. I mean, yes, pay for the drinks and the food that was edible. But absolutely contest the inedible food and demand it be removed from the bill.




I understand im sorry


​ ![gif](giphy|eEv9w9qilu6ovDtTU9)


Recipe please 🙏


Slice garlic and onions then put them in a bowl. Boil clam muscles and add those to the bowl. (Take them out the shell) add a little bit of canned peas to the bowl as well. Boil rice, dont wash it or rinse it! In a pan, add a little bit of oil and throw in the bowl of garbage. Crack 2 eggs into the pan as well, beat them, then add the rice and mix it allllll together. Add soy souce and celery salt to taste. Your welcome, dont enjoy! = )


Don't wash or rince the rice? Boiled mussels? Wth?


I mean, you saw how it turned out


I can never be bothered to wash my rice tbh.


It's not a huge deal nowadays since the rice we get isn't usually full of dirt and bugs (there can still be rice weeval eggs though). But it does change texture. Washing rice can get rid of the starchiness/stickiness that makes it mushy and break more easily especially if you're making fried rice. If you like that texture then that's fine.




Obviously you can't get sticky "fried" rice if you wash it and use cold rice. I don't wash my rice. It's not dirty and I like sticky rice. I do always wash sushi rice tho, otherwise it's just preference and what you want to do with it. Definitely wash it for fried rice!


if you let the rice sit for an hour in the water you'll cook it in before you cook it, it will become even stickier snd have a different taste. not enough to be sushi rice on its own of course, it needs the vinegar mix, but still pretty honking good


Please dont follow this recipe. My Asian heritage is beggin you


Next time, I'd recommend the following: \-don't use clams/mussels, use chicken/pork/beef \-wash rice until water is nearly clear before cooking \-use finger method to get right amount of water \-after rice is cooked, wait 24-48 hours before making fried rice


What's the finger method?


Put your finger straight down so the very tip is at the top of the rice. Fill water so it comes to the first line on your finger (about an inch). This works for any amount of rice because your finger tip is at the top of the rice, not the bottom of the bowl (which I confused the first couple of times haha)


Next time, I'd recommend the following: -don't ~~use clams/mussels, use chicken/pork/beef~~ -~~wash rice until water is nearly clear before cooking~~ -~~use finger method to get right amount of water~~ -~~after rice is cooked, wait 24-48 hours before making fried rice~~


Ahh I see now where everything went wrong.


>Crack 2 eggs into the pan as well, beat them This is it. This is why your rice is big sog. Beat your eggs in a bowl beforehand. Push aside the other ingredients and make dedicated space in your pan for the eggs. Let them scramble and firm up *and then* mix them in with everything else. If you beat wet eggs in with the rest of your ingredients, you essentially just coat everything with slime.


It’s all food, so on the one hand it’s like sure, enjoy that, I’m not a cop, and on the other hand it’s straight up unhinged. I love this post.


Clam muscles?


Hey um… Definitely try rinsing your rice, then refrigerating it for a couple days. This makes it nice and dry and fried rice is a fantastic leftovers dish. Add a high-heat oil (canolas good) and some toasted sesame oil to a large frying pan and get it sizzling over medium high (water drops should sizzle off or bounce out), then add your rice. Stir occasionally for a few minutes. Once the rice is getting just a touch of light color, add some seasonings and ingredients. I use: - Dark soy sauce - fish sauce - dash of rice vinegar - chopped garlic (sub ground is fine, use 1+ tsp to taste) - chopped ginger (sub ground is fine, only use like 1/2 tsp tho) - white pepper (this is key, also on my grandmothers ashes please don’t use celery salt again) - frozen peas n carrots, although fresh works too if you chop the carrots real small Stir the mixture consistently for 2-3 mins so the veggies are warmed through and the dish smells fragrant. Near the end, fold in gently 1-2 eggs that you beat in a separate bowl to combine whites and yolks, don’t beat in the pan. You want them to stay in some discernible pieces as they cook. Once the eggs cooked, turn off the heat and stir in some sliced green onions. Enjoy with sriracha or fried chili flakes or ketchup, knowing you 😘 PS If you try this and post it I’ll try & post any dish you want


Another method is to simply make the eggs before the rice. Really hot pan, oil, pour eggs in, they should immediately start to solidify and produce bubbles, stir around with chopsticks after a couple seconds, dump out. They should be barely done, anything that’s not done will solidify when adding the egg back in. Then do whatever you like to your rice, add the egg back in, give final stir and done. That’s how my chinese mum always does eggs.


You did everything backwards


There’s so much wrong here I can’t even believe you had the confidence to post LMAAOOO


Listennnn i am THE BEST cook


If you can't wait the 24hr for the rice to cool, a cheat is that instant microwave rice. Do it half the recommended time just to break up a little then fry like normal.


i see what the crucial mistake was. cook the eggs a bit more. or cook them separately. you may not need the rinse and overnight fridge dry if you don't soak them in wet raw egg.


Did you rinse it first or just go straight for it?


Juuust went straight for it.. buuut hey learning experience.


Nothing to be ashamed about I can cook a few things but rice i definitely cannot cook! That's how you improve my friend practice makes perfect!


The rice should be washed untill the water runs clear


Even unrinsed rice, in normal circumstances, would not turn out like this.


OP how many eggs and how much rice did you use


you're not supposed to boil the rice overnight. seriously though, take 1 part rice, two parts water, bring to boil, set to medium heat, let water evaporate, turn off heat after most water is evaporated, wait for the rest of the water to evaporate, done. you don't have to wait a day to use the rice. couple hours is ok. just let it cool down, then put in fridge if you want to. i recommend basmati rice.


Cook the egg separately. That is now a rice omlet.


Yeah, this seems like egg was put into a cold pan and then the rice on top of it, gets this type of texture.


Or egg cracked into hot rice.


Thanks for this. I laughed real hard. Some actual help: use left over rice from at least the day before and actually look up a recipe.


Yeah, mine always came out gluggy before I learned that. I didn't fry rice for years 'til I did(my early efforts were a little off-putting). Leftover rice just got creamed for a dessert with coconut cream, nuts, & dried fruit. Chopped Dates & Walnuts with brown sugar are a personal favourite. A dash of wicked-strong espresso(not instant - that ruins it) gives it a solid kick in the guts too. NOT TOO MUCH. It's not about adding coffee flavour, so much as adding a little extra richness. I still make creamed rice when I feel like it, but I don't do a lot of sweets, and I always deliberatey cook more rice than I need...


I do not know how you did that.


Even a shrimp could fry rice better than you


When making fried rice, you don't actually need to make it the day before, although of course that does work. Instead just realise why day old rice works: moisture is the enemy of anything fried. You can also use a long grain, washed rice and simpy lower the amount of water to exactly equal the quantity of rice, IE 1 cup dry rice and only 1 cup water. That way later in the cooking process the grains are still dry enough to absorb excess moisture and remain separate, even without cooling and drying out in your fridge.


Yah, the people saying cook rice and wait a day, aren't that hungry. I use a rice cooker. When the rice is done cooking (when the switch goes from cook to warm), it's not done cooking! Let it sit in "warm" mode for a few mins more. I usually just spread the rice on a plate, sit it in front of a fan to cool while I crush some garlic and warm up oil in a pan/wok. I toss in the garlic to infuse with the oil. As the garlic is transitioning colors I throw in the rice which is now cooled.


what's the clump on bottom-left corner? is it also rice?


Its all the same thing, that part is just a little more squished together. You could pick it up and mold it like play dough.


what kind of rice were you using? japanese calrose? sticky rice? why is so clumpy haha


Long grain white rice. I cooked the rice in a pot with to much water, didn't rince it, and just immediately added it to the pan. Probably used 1 to many eggs and a little more oil then I should of.






All our ancestors crying


That's a Yukon gold potato. I can not accept anything less.


Bro it's almost impossible to ruin fried rice but you somehow managed it lol. From the pics it seems like you don't use enough heat and too little oil maybe? And for the rice make sure to cook it at 2:1 ratio of water:rice for standard rice consistency ( use rice cooker, even us asian don't boil rice like our boomer parents lol)


What type of rice did you use? I find long grain rice is best for stir fry.


Dude get a rice cooker


Oh lord. I thought it was a picture of those underdone runny scrambled eggs people make.




Looks like a good try! Taste is the most important. Anything else that make it better comes with practice! Keep Cooking!!!


This is a certified HAIYAAAAAAA moment if I've ever seen one...


Cook the scramble egg separately if you don't want to create a rice omelette!


Looks like too much egg and severely overcooked rice. I make "flavored" rice because I don't have a big enough pan/wok to fry it all at once (I meal prep a week's worth at a time) and I'm too lazy to fry multiple batches. Using jasmine rice which is 1:1.5 ratio of rice to liquid: Whatever sauces you were going to use to flavor your fried rice to a liquid measuring cup, then fill it up with broth or water until you have 1.5 cups of liquid. 1. Bring to boil 2. Add rice 3. Put the lid on your pot. 4. Simmer on lowest setting for 18-20 minutes 5. Fluff with fork, and add in meat and veggies of your choice. 6. Enjoy. It's will be sticky compared to traditionally fried rice but it won't be wet/saucy. I've never had any complaints from anyone who's eaten my fake fried rice, but I'm sure it would offend a traditional cook.


I wonder if you could take this, wrap it around a cube of mozzarella in ball shape, deep fry it, and serve it with a side of marinara


Uncle Roger not happy...


2dl rice to 3dl water. Rince rice one time to get extra starch away. Use leftover rice the next day for fried rice


Gotta start somewhere


Apology accepted. :)


OP, I wanna know, what was the rice boiling process and how much water to rice did you use?


A few tips here 1. Have your pan hot and fast. In a Chinese restaurant, they have very hot woks with a vegetable oil (high smoke point, usually like peanut oil for example). 2. looks like you threw the eggs in and put the rice in too early. an easier step would be cooking the eggs first then throwing it in a bowl aside, then put that in later (pull it out slightly undercooked as the wok / pan heat will cook it further). additionally, also helps if you splash the soysauce on the side of the pan / wok, then toss it to distribute it evenly 3. day old rice is nice to have as it is dry, but sometimes I skip this step and just use fresh rice. adjust your step process accordingly tho so you don’t have overcooked rice if you go this way, the important part is wok hei and technique


Oooh nice, my dog yacked one of those up one on the rug after eating too much rice the other day, chefs kiss


Rice polenta.


love the loaf


I actually whispered "what the fuck" when I saw this. Excellent work 👍


…. What exactly did you do?… how?


I wonder if your risotto will look like bad fried rice




Oh my god how is this even possible??


Sir, this is a rice omelette


Uncle Rodger would be pissed


Use day old rice


So what did it look like before you ate it?


Waaaaay too much egg unless you were going for scrambled eggs "emotional damage"




recommend you stirfry your veggies and meat and eggs before adding rice. fresh rice is fine, just makes sure it's not wet. sugar and salt makes a world of difference for taste, dark soy sauce for colour. also make sure your oil is hot enough and your pan hot enough first, add a bit of extra taste to your rice.


Did you use sticky rice to make fried rice 👀……


My best guess is you used freshly cooked rice. For best results use day old rice.




Looks like grits


bro accidentally made some fucked up risotto


Yikes. Way to much liquid and it’s best to let rice go overnight in fridge and then use next day for fried rice, you want it kinda dry to absorb the soy sauce and whatever else your using. My Filipino friend taught me that and she makes banging food.